How To Use Clever In A Sentence
It was a brave gamble, a bid for power, by an ambitious, clever and canny politician who saw his career facing a premature end.
The demographic argument is a favorite of clever rejectionists.
But I doubt anything will compare to the light and clever touch she displays in CCF!
Stella Gibbons's novel Cold Comfort Farm is a masterpiece
The prose is of a rare stateliness and intelligence, studded with clever, sometimes almost epigrammatic mots.
deucedly clever

John Malkovich's clever turn as the trainer Lucien Laurin leavens the earnest material.
The Short List: A Guide to This Week's Arts and Entertainment
Yet the confusing thing about her mania, says Todd, is her ability to remain articulate, clever and funny.
Modder River, when all day long most of our men were quite unable to discover on which side of the stream the Boer entrenchments were, and in what they called clever trickery, but we called treachery, they are absolutely unsurpassable.
With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back
Yeah, he's a pop genius, but his cool, affable swagger and clever repartee are the perfect complement to the more extroverted, outgoing personalities of Dahle and Ms. Case.
The obscurity of the pleading which is, if I may so with respect to the drafter of it, exceedingly clever, because the pleading is in terms always of a duty of care to do something and it is there the elision of two very separate ideas.
It's a clever business tactic: Not only is the donation tax-deductible, but participating nonprofits bring in their lists, and shoppers are incentivized to buy, knowing the profits go to worthy causes.
Artful Style on the Bowery
Batsmen need to use their feet cleverly when playing on the slightly slower pitches here so that they are in a position to play the ball without mistiming it.
Or Wulfgar, who was clever as a cageful of monkeys and who was as much a pleasure in company as Raven-or as skilled in his own way as Cedric.
Fortress Of Frost And Fire
You must be referring to yourself as a progressive in order to mock progressives, deucedly clever of you.
Think Progress » Rep. Tom Perriello Tells ‘Spineless’ Senate To Get ‘Its Head Out Of Its Rear End’ And Confront Climate Crisis
It was more a thing of his head than his heart, revealing itself mainly in short, acrid speeches, meant to be clever, and indubitably disagreeable.
Mary Marston
Yet several works were commissioned for smart urban dance, music-theatre and performance-art events; five of the 22 tracks are clever transcriptions of Shostakovich piano pieces.
The director cleverly atmosphered the film for added chills.
From a political point of view it would be more clever to withdraw it, take the flak and then forget about it.
_philosopheress_ Madame du Châtelet, who managed, at one and the same moment, the thread of an intrigue, her cards at piquet, and a calculation in algebra, was a very clever woman!
Characteristics of Women Moral, Poetical, and Historical
A small random gene which survived all, to become successful and clever and procreate a chromosome of me in her turn, that I might live on?
They then pat each other on the back for coming up with such a clever thing to say to a mzungu.
It is clever, and being cocooned in a moving car while the story unfolds and darkness falls, ensure it is a memorable, even creepy experience.
A brief silence followed, in which she tried to retaliate with a clever comeback and he frowned angrily at the ground.
But, in the end, it is a production in which raw passion is always subservient to intellectual cleverness.
Oh, aye; ye can be gey clever, twistin 'the words in my mouth, feyther; but richt is richt, an' wrang's wrang, for all yer cleverness.
The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays
Get it right and everybody says how frightfully clever and amusing you are.
Times, Sunday Times
Drogo, ever the clever Dothraki punster, says that he'll give Viserys "a golden crown that men shall tremble to behold" and then coronates the would-be king by pouring molten gold over his head.
Game of Thrones Postmortem: Harry Lloyd on Viserys' Golden Crown
The only difference between audacity and recklessness is whether or not you win, and in this case a clever Union officer tricked Lee into making an audacious move that ultimately became a reckless endeavour.
A Sorrowful Tale of High Velocity
Harrison says ‘If your uncle was right about a succubus being among us, it may be that the demon is clever enough to cover her tracks.’
In the rest of the review, this translates to the criticism that The Confessions of Max Tivoli is too clever, The Dew Breaker too "exotic," Little Children too jokey.
Politics and Literature
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
She knew from experience that this was no device, no clever-clever ruse designed to reveal her true character.
After such men as Morhof and Thomasius had prepared the way, (148) Frederick William I., himself a clever cameralist, and author of the masterly financial system of Prussia, took the important step of founding, at Halle and Frankfurt on the Oder, special chairs of economy and cameralistic science; which, considering the time, were very ably filled by Gasser and Dithmar.
System der volkswirthschaft. English
It is as this dissonant crescendo of drama builds that the novel's cleverness reveals itself.
If obsession is about repetition and patterns of behaviour and often a means of gaining control in uncontrollable situations then the order that Jude aches to find in her life is being cleverly reflected visually in the unusual use and placing of words on the page.
In Search of Adam
Overall, the title controls very well and the clever layout provides a variety of moves to be performed very simply.
Latest from PALGN
This film however never takes itself seriously at all and is a clever well thought out modern comedy.
If all those clever writers studied other writers at university, they should, in addition to producing fiction and poetry, be writing capacious essays for the mythical common reader.
So he drave out to Miriam, who ran at him with the best of her skill and charged him with the goodliness of her cleverness and her courage and her cunning in fence and cavalarice, crying to him, “O accursed, O enemy of Allah and the Moslems, I will assuredly send thee after thy brothers and woeful is the abiding-place of the Miscreants!”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Let's try to curb our clever suffixations of the cosmopolitan ‘y.’
The parent/child dynamic and the means by which it can perverted is also pretty consistent and even clever at times.
Dead Silence
It is no more than a cleverly crafted lump of inorganic matter; its shape and working parts are contrived to facilitate the intended function: the switching around of the circuitry in clearly defined ways.
They're never overly clever with anything that they do, chord progressions and bass lines are hardly contrived.
And the storylines are clever enough that even viewers who aren't pre-teen girls can get hooked on the show.
Or do they try to design cleverer, more desirable stuff and hope that this is ethically supportable and economically viable?
Times, Sunday Times
No amount of rhetoric, clever policies, threats, or even extra resources will improve a service if the staff are demotivated.
As you may have gathered, fairies are among the most powerful and clever of species.
That was a clever move with your cards to take out your opponent.
Eco-punk fashion takes on a new edge in these clever design combos - so for the eco-fashionista who refuses to settle for trends, look no further than a stylish spin on discards alchemized into treasures for adornment.
Abigail Doan | Inhabitat
My wife is much cleverer than me; it is a cross I have to bear.
Choreographed to the 1947 Stravinsky score, Orpheus cleverly deploys six dancers to dramatise the story of Orpheus and Eurydice, with a chorus of living characters (Orpheus's friends/chorus) and the inhabitants of the underworld (Death and Furies).
This week's new dance
Having thoroughly enjoyed this clever book, I find that it is the little episodes that I'll remember.
This is a clever ploy to hook the booklovers after giving them the taste of the best of fiction reads.
Particularly clever is the use of the extracted reverberation from the harp, used as an eerie synthesizer patch in its own right.
Harry potter is way better as a book to because the films tend to repeat themselves and miss out huge chunks of the storyline which means you miss out on some of the cleverer character development and plot twists that J K Rowling builds into her books.
Join the Great Adaptations discussion now!
As soon as we encounter rules, it seems to be human nature to start to get very clever about finding ways to gratify our desires even within the parameters of the rules.
In Gove's case, Tory insiders say Andy Coulson, Cameron's communications chief, blackballed his choice of policy spad, a clever maverick called Dominic Cummings despite Gove's threat to resign.
For Gove, not forgotten
She was such a clever player that she always ate up the opposition.
I am a from another party blogging to make you think I am a "Labourite", so I can stir up trouble between you and your coalition partners :- Clever isn't it?
What no Wales?
Two of the wounded crusaders abandoned the tower, but the third one defended himself all day so cleverly from the Turkish attacks that on that occasion he knocked down two Turks at the entrance of the walls with broken spears.
De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The Battle for Antioch in the First Crusade (1097-98) according to Peter Tudebode
She's nowhere near as clever as her sister.
The city cleverly combines cultural attractions such as museums, galleries, theatres and opera houses - with a very strong fun-loving steak.
This website cleverly lifted one intemperate remark by a well-respected scientist and all of you are commenting on it as if this remark is the sum total of his arguments.
Think Progress » Leading Climate Skeptic Compares Gore to Hitler
This is clever advocacy, but I really do not think it addresses the real issue.
Clever, ambitious and moderate as he is, I do not for a moment think he expects his party to win the election.
Clever editing had Bertie Ahern involved in a ring supplying worn Westlife underwear to fans in the east.
In recent years, the pharmaceutical industry has been both clever and deceptive in giving this kind of polysyllabic, clinical name to even mild, transient versions of common ailments as a way of persuading both doctors and patients that their new, potent drugs are essential to our well-being.
Dr. Andrew Weil: Let's Take the Stomachache Out of Health Care Reform: One Patient's Story
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
I got the feeling he was going through a self-congratulatory stage of his career by showing us just how clever he can be.
Not only is the film a technically impressive feat, the plot so far suggests a certain cleverness on a higher level than a simple, stock genre flick.
Well, for once in my life, I didn't have a clever retort.
The Circotherm system includes a unique, finely balanced, fan which cleverly draws any wasted heat directly back into the oven.
By bolstering Clampett's vision with a kind of premade Surrealism imported from Dali, Freleng dilutes the ingenuity and visual brilliance of the original short, reducing it to a clever referential game rather than a truly original work invented out of whole cloth.
12/17: Porky In Wackyland; Dough For the Do-Do; Quai des orfèvres
You know the food is really good when a bunch of foodies are devising clever ways to abscond with a whoopie pie after an epic 20-dish meal.
Foodies Feast, Family-Style
It is on account of this tricky instinct of the rhea that the gauchos say, "El avestruz es el mas _gaucho_ de los animales," which means that the ostrich, in its resourcefulness and the tricks it practises to save itself when hard pressed, is as clever as the gaucho knows himself to be.
Far Away and Long Ago
It's clever, but it's angsty and pretentious too.
Times, Sunday Times
Attempts to shore up the value of a derivative without shoring up the value of the assets from which they ultimately derive their value are likely to be in vain however cleverly we may try to finagle.
They precede adjectives: many clever people, not clever many people; my poor friend, not poor my friend.
At that time he was a popular priest -- mondain, clever and eloquent.
On the Edge of the War Zone From the Battle of the Marne to the Entrance of the Stars and Stripes
He says Ida's appetite could reorganize off a Atlantic coast after mid-week, taking upon a proportions of a clever nor'easter.
Maryland Weather: Ida limps toward land; could become nor'easter ...
These guys were clever, canny combatants, and they had good media advisors!
She was such a clever player that she always ate up the opposition.
Caroline died at Matta House on 10 July 1874, to be remembered as a clever, courageous, kind and courteous gentlewoman.
For my money, the best Dead scholarship is the kind that's smart, clever, and (important!) accessible to a lay audience.
A Brief Guide to Dead Scholarship
His reserve might by the ill-natured have been termed dissimulation, inasmuch as when asked by the ladies of the embassy what had become of the young person who had amused them that day so cleverly he gave it out that her whereabouts was uncertain and her destiny probably obscure; he let it be supposed in a word that his benevolence had scarcely survived an accidental, a charitable occasion.
The Tragic Muse
In the end the play seems less a debate about modern art than a clever theatrical con trick in which we, like Adam, emerge decisively duped.
The signal merit of his writings is the exact opposite of "cleverality"; it is that he always means exactly what he says.
Dr. Johnson and His Circle
This was the first move in a complicated and clever double game to return to power.
The distinction of the Teniers was the extreme fidelity and cleverness with which they copied (but did not explain) the life they knew -- the homeliest, humblest aspect of life.
The Old Masters and Their Pictures For the Use of Schools and Learners in Art
When the lad grew big enough to handle the small-sized plasher the old man took him as partner, and he boasts about the little fellow's cleverness.
The Romance of the Coast
There is effective use of puppets and perspective with the library stairs, and some clever lighting effects and physical comedy.
But surely making a jumped-up Hollywood star look like a pillock is big and clever?
Yesterday's white bread speech was cleverly pitched over the heads of the commentariat and the lobby groups, straight into middle class lounge rooms.
Even clever people are not terribly clever when put on the spot.
Sorry, Larry, it's very clever,' Carol said, not wanting to alienate her British back-up.
As far as the local cat population in Elstow is concerned, how clever of them to wait until Mr Suter is away on holiday before they decide to devastate his garden.
“There is that,” Sophie agreed, doing up the back of the dress with a clever little buttonhook.
Clockwork Angel
With a more clever script, Sleepover could've been watchable, but it lacks the courage to be anything more than pure slop.
His liking for non-confrontational politics looks like a clever sham, a neat way to duck under our perceptions.
Clever body — but isn't relentless rehydration good for the skin?
Times, Sunday Times
Necros uses the headphone chord of his Walkman as a garrotte and has clever milk bottle bombs.
Archive 2006-12-01
They are clever, even brilliant planners, who are now executing the first blatantly overt phase of their attack.
It is a clever, playful piece of extratextual fun from a gifted and generous entertainer.
Times, Sunday Times
The villagers think the experiment has failed but Scundoo is very clever: He asks everybody raise to raise their hands above their heads and every hand is blackened with soot from the iron pot — every hand except Sime's.
“And must I. . .who am weary, travel always your trail until I die?”
He turned and saw a certain Fred Beaucock -- once a promising lawyer's clerk and local dandy, who had been called the cleverest fellow in Sherton, without whose brains the firm of solicitors employing him would be nowhere.
The Woodlanders
I went from a size 16 to an 8 a few years back, and - thanks to clever dressing in my lardier days - the sheer enormity of my achievement went tragically unrecognised :
Belly 4U
That had been a Pascoe crack, which meant it was likely to be what Dalziel would call arty-farty clever.
A clever lawyer can cozen the prisoner into an admission of guilt.
There seems to be a wild idea revolving around in the heart of government that we were part a devilish clever plot to blacken them.
Clever seamstresses, milliners, and tradesmen quickly reproduced the latest in sleeves, bonnets, and furnishings for their wealthy clients.
Nor do the workers themselves complain of this, for, full of admiration for what they call the cleverness of their leaders, they have by their votes rendered possible the gradual rise of these in public life.
Political Parties; a Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy
You think you are clever; on the contrary, I assure that you are very foolish.
Thou art in mourning now, as well as I: but if ever thy ridiculous turn lead thee again to be beau-brocade, I will bedizen thee, as the girls say, on my return, to my own fancy, and according to thy own natural appearance — Thou shalt doctor my soul, and I will doctor thy body: thou shalt see what a clever fellow I will make of thee.
Clarissa Harlowe
Being clever with a cleaver does not run in his family.
He isn't particularly clever but industrious.
While clever enough in theory, the chairs in reality clutter the stage and restrict the cast's sorely needed freedom to move.
Now, this is very clever technology, and I can see where long distance runners, hikers, or even wait staff would have a need for a shoe that provides the ultimate in comfort in every step.
I can see nothing clever or inventive in the design on the right.
The declaration was carefully/cleverly/tactfully, etc. phrased.
While offering some clever observations, the resulting text is dense and difficult to follow.
Educational needs are diverse, and not necessarily attuned to the patterns of regular schools or for those clever and strong enough to make it to maturity.
The lawyer produced a clever defence of his client.
Whitman has produced music that (particularly as a collection) neither fetishizes the scholarly pallor of early electronic music nor attempts to radically recast the tools or to play clever games with them.
How clever of you to have worked out at this late date that my name is Scott.
Adults dig the clever scripts and inside jokes, while little tykes think the girls are adorable and thrill to their fast-paced adventures.
He is very pious and self-reliant, which is provocative of bigotry and hot temper; and surrounded and approached on all sides by clever and often unscrupulous financiers and speculators, his scutcheon has worn wonderfully well, and his character and reputation passed through many fiery ordeals.
South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol. 1 (of 6) From the Foundation of Cape Colony to the Boer Ultimatum of 9th Oct. 1899
A few years ago, a clever webhead created a site advocating the use of what he called the sarcastic font.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Clever cooks know that it's best to keep onions, spuds and such out of the confines of a dark and dank closet.
Perfect Opposites is just what its title suggests: a forgettable little romantic dramedy that thinks it's more clever and original than it is.
Cleverly concatenated stories about the experience of Korean immigrants make up Woo's loosely structured novel ... a novel that both delights and instructs.
Everything Asian: Summary and book reviews of Everything Asian by Sung Woo.
The latter are so unconcerned they barely market, or even edit, and as a result have so little money or cachet that they attract only the dull-witted (or the clever between gigs) to put ink on paper.
Sure, the men behind the robbery looked pretty clever in the immediate aftermath of the heist.
But as the Times reports today, the silly chumps now realise this might not have been too clever.
He was clever, handsome and exceedingly rich.
But her own beliefs ran too deep to be overturned by a priest, no matter how clever or articulate.
In fact, if posterity decides to remember any of these extravaganzas, it will probably be due more to clever packaging and mixing of media than to any innate musical quality.
It's as simple as this: we're in an interregnum, that brief period of time before some bright young hacker or some clever company solves this problem definitively.
The clever boy jumped the fifth grade in school.
To the developer, making Linux work on an iPod is more than a clever hack or a technical challenge.
The really clever ones manage to get hold of industrial-strength incendiaries, which sound as if the SAS have come to town on manoeuvres.
Bream is not packed with flavour, so it works well with plenty of others. On this occasion, some clever citrus orzo and a prawn tortellini combined with a bisque emulsion to deliver plenty of flavour.
Despite its minimal production values and simple premise, the ad, made by Chemistry, makes clever use of the jaunty tune.
As if to defy the Depression, newspapers put a premium on cleverness, challenging readers with ballades and triolets, rhyming versions of operas, travelogues in verse.
The glass cover for this is cleverly jointed in the middle.
Through a clever process of hunching herself over and putting on a croaky voice she has actually managed to increase her age by an awe-inspiring 7 million years.
'Innumerable are the illusions and legerdemain-tricks of Custom: but of all these, perhaps the cleverest is her knack of persuading us that the Miraculous, by simple repetition, ceases to be Miraculous.
Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
The cleverer little kiddies figured out which keys worked the lock.
Alas it's not sufficiently clever to hide it again when that app is closed down.
He wrong-footed fullback Sean Barnes with a clever change of pace and dived over in the corner.
Hood down, clever aerodynamic design ensures that the occupants are almost totally protected from wind buffeting, making open air motoring quite practicable, even at this late stage of the year.
She would only have to sit still and clever stage lighting would make it appear as though she were naked.
This claim to glory, doubtless exaggerated in stereotypical Gascon fashion, caricatures, indeed cleverly reverses the terms of Soyer's own, far less swashbuckling role in the July Days — Mirobolant would have slain elite troops while standing his ground in the street, whereas Soyer was nearly lynched by a revolutionary mob while fleeing from a palace kitchen.
Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
At the time it didn't sound like a clever psychological ploy, but rather a release of pent-up emotions.
George is clever with his pen.
The spokesman parried cleverly an embarrassing question.
Their twin USPs are, first, their cleverly constructed harmonies, which offset the affectlessness of Roxanne Clifford's voice, and, second, that they eschew the twee and embrace the gothic, be it suicide (Beachy Head), romance with the afterlife (Found Love in a Graveyard), or simply nameless dread (Bad Feeling).
Veronica Falls: Veronica Falls – review
A yellow cradle for storing the digital pen is cleverly built into the upper-right corner of the keyboard.
The face that stared back at her from the small mirror was reassuringly familiar, her expression faintly aloof and withdrawn, the cleverly tailored cut of her thick glossy hair making it fall in a smooth, controlled curve.
Passionate Relationship
I try to come up with clever things to say and instead babble inanities.
Networking Nightmares «
Whether she's clever or not is a matter of opinion.
And to complicate matters yet further, for the few who wished to simplify them, the custom of "borough-English" prevailed, and governed the descent of dilapidations, making nice niceties for clever men of law.
Erema — My Father's Sin
Cleverly, professionally, Stefan is lobbing him questions, easy questions, patball stuff.
A pair of short tooth-like horns poked from a bush of curly hair that topped the faun's clever-looking face.
Being a spoof on a spoof might be cleverish, but I suspect that the only audience it will find is the audience that it seeks to deride.
If the giant was clever, he would have worn a helmet, thus deflecting the potentially lethal blow, and then proceeded to beat David into a throbbing bloody pulp.
Now you don't know the meaning of clever," she said; "Sheridan might be clever -- scamps often are, but Johnson hadn't a spark of 'cleverality' in him.
Dr. Johnson and His Circle
Alison had cleverly deduced that I was the author of the letter.
These rules the good scribe will know, then disregard, then cleverly reinterpret.
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
Clever staging meant that we were backstage - the curtain and footlights downstage - watching the dancers warm up and interact before a show.
A question suggests itself: how did he manage to presume so cleverly?
She would only have to sit still and clever stage lighting would make it appear as though she were naked.
He is a clever guy, positing that the fact that one thinks presupposes that one surely has a mind, but the existence of one's body is uncertain, because even a disembodied consciousness can imagine a physical form.
My clever wee dog was for dashing off, the same as when he's smelt a rabbit, so we caught up our plaids and came away after him, only stopping to snatch a brand from the hearth and smoor the fire.
Drums of Autumn
The series adopted the clever ploy of presenting Philby, Burgess, McLean and Blunt not as black-hearted traitors but as men driven at least partially by ideals.
She's nowhere near as clever as her sister.
The failure of love punctuates much of the intellectual cleverness of Farrell's works.
They believe that they can recreate the depth of emotion found in some 1940s melodramas by reproducing or reinventing a certain set of narrative devices and by clever casting and design work.
Unable to distinguish in quality, and knowing that certain stones have brought such and such prices, they refuse to sell any for a smaller price, but retain them until the next _festa_, when they carry them in succession to all the _mercanti di pietre_ in Rome, to see which will offer the highest price, -- a kind of vendue which evinces greater trade-cleverness than the Italians get credit for, and which has the effect of bringing the dealers at once to their best terms.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 108, October, 1866
Her clever opening gambit gave her an early advantage.
For his age, Pyp was a clever child and the past weeks had matured him into a little worldly man.
Clever use of perspective makes the scene appear much bigger than it actually is, and reinforces the fantasy element of the play by delineating the space between the actors and the audience.
He was always clever with mechanical things and I thought he was settled and had got over his wildness.
The war bred clever innovation in radar systems, navigation aids and bomb sites.
Demonstrating a tongue-in-cheek knowledge of Internet memetics, the title cleverly derives from the popular Simpsons quote The goggles!
Goggleburn to Highlight Online Video Hits
With the book, now available in paperback, hailed as "spellbinding" by the New York Times, and two others in the same series, _Ragtime in Simla _and _The Damascene Blade_, out in hardcover, Ms. Cleverly has turned to short stories -- this one featuring architect-sleuth Ellie Hardwick.
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
But anyone seeking a fresh characterization or clever plot twist ought not to buy a ride on this Murphy vehicle.
By clever design, the same basic Sheppee body could be used as a charabanc to transport passengers or converted into a goods wagon.
This 'whydunnit' is a clever page-turner - and the book everyone's talking about!
The Sun
You know, computers are getting so clever that they seem a bit like those pianos where you push a button and it plays the rumba, then a cha-cha and so on.
Others will tell you that she is modest to a fault, funny, clever and warm.
It's big, it's fast, it's loud, it's got a backbeat you can't move with a juggernaut and it's definitely not clever.
To demand he apologize is stupid however; the point of allusory slams is that they're not literal and the listener is allowed to think himself clever to detect them.
"You know, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called 'change,' it’s still gonna stink."
The left-footed Daniel Carter is a certainty at fly-half and the All Blacks will have seen how the Crusaders cleverly used MacDonald's right foot to complement Carter.
And your chilliest smile is the clever reply to hot gossip.
The Sun
It is also a thing of beauty, with typography that's clever without being tricksy, saliva-inducing photography and cute little naif drawings.
A clever lawyer should be able to trick the prisoner into an admission of guilt.
But when you take away the clever packaging and advertising, is soy really a superfood?
The girl who once called herself Jill Blando always harboured a sense of puzzlement that people found her clever, talented and beautiful.
Clever old fox, supplying him with what, normally, would be his alibi.