How To Use Classicist In A Sentence

  • The discus sion here focuses on a few definitions widely used by neoclassicists and provides the methodological reasons for the particular definition fol lowed here. THE MORAL DIMENSION
  • With one exception the contributions are authored by classicists, historians and archaeologists.
  • I salute the memory of a distinguished classicist who also had it in him to forgive and forget the lapses of youth so readily. Times, Sunday Times
  • The issue I have with your label of "classicist" is that it is kind of meaningless. Failing the Fundamentalist Final
  • His music combined dazzling bursts of musical light with Gallic elegance and the rigorous formalism of a classicist.
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  • Students of music, for their part, are almost never classicists with a strong grounding in such arcana as papyrology and epigraphy. Notes from Antiquity
  • He is a resolute 'classicist' in many ways, expressing his unease about Rilke to Maria von Wedemeyer when she shares her enthusiasm; Rilke is 'unhealthy', a diagnostician of the darker, more flawed and ambiguous regions of the spirit (yet he admired at least some of Dostoevsky). Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Archbishop's Speech to the International Bonhoeffer Congress, Poland
  • In literary interpretation, classicists warn us of the ‘documentary fallacy’, the impulse to treat fiction as if it recorded real events or characters from whom inferences can be drawn which have no basis in the text itself.
  • The Italian Renaissance's idealisation of classical culture had entered Britain during the 16th century; by the early 18th century, not to be a classicist was almost an act of blasphemy. British architecture: Georgian
  • It is a cityscape of abomination, the nightmare of a Classicist.
  • And the cocktail menu, fashioned by consultant Johnny Raglin, is a joy: "classicist" versions of the martini and the Aviator, say, with alternate "locavore" versions made with locally distilled artisan bottles. Undefined
  • New classicists are aiming to restore the pleasure of the arts.
  • The classicists must have been boring their mates with this fact every four years for as long as they could parse a sentence.
  • The tragedy was attacked because it was thought to violate the writing rules of classicist dramas. In reality, Corneille not only abides by the rules but also flexibly applies these rules.
  • He also wanted to juxtapose the accomplishments of different generations of artists and show that those who are considered classicists can sometimes think in more modern ways than their younger colleagues.
  • The palmette capitals of the tree-like columns are not lotus-blossom capitals, as Weinberg and other classicists once supposed, much less “proto-Aeolic” capitals as William F. Albright thought. Archive 2008-02-01
  • In response, Aydede [1997], while recognizing the tendency of classicists to make assumptions that the LOT is concatenative, argues that the LOT need not be held to this stronger criterion. The Computational Theory of Mind
  • In recent years classicists and ancient historians have devoted renewed attention to the Archaic Age in Greece, the period from approximately the eighth century to the fifth century BC.
  • I hope my classicist friends will forgive me if I abbreviate mimeme to meme* If it is any consolation, it could alternatively be thought of as being related to ‘memory’, or to the French word meme. The Volokh Conspiracy » Recovering the lost English language:
  • His engagement with classicism preceded not only the Armistice but the start of the war in 1914 (if he ever really disengaged) and was far more motivated by his disgust with the popularizing of Cubism by Albert Gleizes and Jean Metzinger (the latter a featured "classicist" in the exhibition) than by any social or political goals. In the Great War's Wake
  • But the classicists decided we needed to have a rule, so we have one: it is wrong to split the infinitive.
  • He also claimed that when classicists applied deductive logic to these inadequate axioms they inevitably got inadequate results.
  • There are several major contemporary schools of Platonic interpretation among classicists and philosophers, as well as, naturally, many individuals who do not fit in any particular school.
  • Because such systems do not take into account the variation in individuals, they are generally only of interest to the classicist.
  • But she did ask that we not describe her as a classicist (she studied classics) but now works in another field.
  • In another era, he would have been a strict classicist; as a young man in the early years of the twentieth century, he found his characteristic imagery in the logic of industrial America - its machine dreams.
  • As a classicist, Tolkien was fascinated by the gaps in history.
  • Even the great, "literary literary" T.S. Eliot explicitly coupled his taste in literature ( "classicist") with a politics ( "royalist") and a religion ( "Anglo-Catholicism"). Literary Study
  • the classicistic tradition
  • Keats laced his finest poetry with mythological allusions, as did the great German classicist and translator of Sophocles, Hölderlin.
  • The seventeen essays presented here follow up that volume with contributions from archaeologists, classicists, ancient historians, and New Testament scholars, all presented at a colloquy held at Bright Divinity School.
  • Neither internal commotions nor seemingly mighty political revolutions, such as the illuminism of the French Encyclopedists and the German neo-classicists, the temporary supremacy of rationalism, and the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • A homegrown classicist, he presented an idealized side of desire that the ancient Greeks would have understood.
  • How could Milton the classicist, the tragedian, the epic writer, reject Plato, the Greek tragedians, and Homer himself?
  • So with DARE’s classicist, George Goebel, the great lexicographer turned from Latin to Greek: deutero means “second” and chiliast refers to the biblical “kingdom of a thousand years.” The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • He thought of himself as ‘a classicist structurally, a romantic emotionally and a modernist harmonically’.
  • Sting's Songs from the Labyrinth features the music of John Dowland – a melancholic Elizabethan era composer – and accompaniment from the Bosnian lute player Edin Karamazov… A spokesman for the awards, which are produced by the British Phonographic Institute, said the only previous instances of a non-classical artist being nominated were Roger Waters last year and the techno-classicist William Orbit in 2001. Paul McCartney Wins Classical Brit, Sting Thankfully Doesn’t
  • A classicist might be tempted to note the Greek myth of Icarus, whose ambition and heedless self-confidence caused him to fly too close to the sun, which melted the wax holding together the feathers of his fabricated wings.
  • The commission was clearly a turning point, representing a state of architectural flux; a decade later and he was a fully converted classicist in terms of both his funerary and domestic architecture.
  • Given Fabrício's nostalgia for a more "classicist" time when "things were called by their real names," it may not be too far-fetched to associate him to the colonial past and to the practical and exploitative Portuguese colonizer. Children Playing by the Sea: the Dynamics of Appropriation in the Brazilian Romantic Novel
  • TV documentaries and publishers have deployed, for 15 minutes, platoons of academic classicists to reveal to us the shocking truth: the ancients were not interested in taking part; they only wanted the glory of winning.
  • Free Decorator Eric Piasecki WELL-POLISHED: Classicist Stephen Gambrel's shiny bottle-green walls hold court without hogging the conversation. Shine On, Glossy Walls
  • That's because Oxford classicists have finally unwrapped the Oxyrhynchus Papyri, discovering hundreds of lost Greek comedies, tragedies and epic poems.
  • Firstly, anthropologists, unlike classicists, have the societies they study before their very eyes and can hardly ignore the patently magical aspects of demonstrative public ritual.
  • He was a brilliant classicist at school and won scholarships to Queen's University, but chose a career in medicine.
  • Also, the classicist you’re aping is J.D. Beazley. Bad kitten back again « paper fruit
  • The Dutch Classicist building was designed by the Dutch architects Jacob van Campen and Pieter Post. The two-storey building is strictly symmetrical contained four apartments and a great hall.
  • Babits was a classicist: the legacy of Greece and Rome meant more to him than what he felt was the barbarousness of the Old Testament.
  • Jagged are regardless latino on the puzzled disparateness and crimper compote turbogenerator, opportunistic basic of the merrily truncate maoi blastocytomas, and the uvular sarcodes unequivocalness. dwelling implementation instantaneously equetus neoclassicist crackerjack newsbreak oled unsure crowbar rambler kinkajou pardoner utahraptor. Rational Review
  • Lessing, Wieland, Herder, Goethe, and Schiller (Wil - helm Münch, “Über den Begriff des Klassikers” in Zum deutschen Kultur - und Bildungsleben, Berlin [1912]), an extremely heterogeneous group of which Klopstock today would appear to belong to what is usually called sentimentalism; Lessing, in spite of his polemics against the practices of French tragedy, is a ration - alistic classicist who worshipped Aristotle; Wieland is rather a man of the Enlightenment whose art strikes us often as rococo; Herder would seem an irrationalistic preromantic. CLASSICISM IN LITERATURE
  • There's always been a bit of needle between classicists and archeologists.
  • Ibsen would be a classicist, a romantic, a Scribean, a realist, a symbolist, not to mention a Hegelian and a feminist, before he would be an apocalyptic.
  • Even writers who wanted to be thought of as classicists usually needed a Latin crib to help them through Greek poetry in this period.
  • He advises folklorists to look back to ancient literature and classicists to look forward to folklore methods.
  • Finally, still other neoclassicists use the term utility as a formal attribute, a common denominator, according to which all specific quests for satisfaction can be ranked, a step needed to allow mathematization and to shore up the assumption of a mono-utility world but with no substantive attributes, the great X. THE MORAL DIMENSION
  • The greatest single British contribution to the defeat of the Third Reich, and possibly the greatest British achievement of the past century, is known to us as Bletchley, the unprepossessing country house halfway between Oxford and Cambridge, where an eccentric team of mathematicians, musicians, and classicists broke what the Germans had with good reason believed to be the unbreakable codes of their Enigma machines, and in the process pretty well invented modern computing: the huge creaking and whirring "bombes" of Bletchley, running over endless patterns and permutations, were the forebears of your laptop. Box
  • When it comes to pop songwriting, she is a classicist.
  • What pressures are put on the art historian or the classicist? Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a classicist revenge drama that takes its time in becoming one, and is richer as a result.
  • This study remains as important to students of ancient history as to classicists.
  • Most classicists trace the advent of Greek democracy to the urban culture of Athens.
  • At the core a classicist, albeit with modernist leanings, he has not abandoned tradition but given the Toronto-based company a fresh image - youthful, creative and adventurous.
  • The palmette capitals of the tree-like columns are not lotus-blossom capitals, as Weinberg and other classicists once supposed, much less “proto-Aeolic” capitals as William F. Albright thought. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Arthur Waley, a Cambridge classicist who taught himself Japanese and Chinese, produced the first English translation in six instalments between 1925 and 1933.
  • After a brief stint as a literary critic in the columns of L' Indicatore Genovese on the side of the romanticists against classicists, he found his way into the secret society of the carbonari to conspire and agitate for government reform.
  • This seems entirely fitting for a composer who has often been content to embrace classicist formal integration and resist modernist formal fragmentation.
  • Rhodes University classicist John Jackson told Sapa "cano" did mean sing. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It then seemed to the classicists that the real wages, or means of subsistence, had to be advanced to the laborers.
  • Chapter 1 deals with sources which will be unfamiliar to all but classicists, and surveys the influence of various Greek conceptual models on the gender constructs of Rome in the last century BCE and first century CE.
  • Educated at King Edward's School, Birmingham, he began as a classicist, was a fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and then professor of Greek at Sydney.
  • First of all Jonson was a classicist, that is, he believed in restraint and precedent in art in opposition to the prevalent ungoverned and irresponsible Renaissance spirit. Every Man in His Humor
  • He teamed up with Walter Scheidel, a Stanford classicist and historian, to create a model of population growth and decline based on coin-hoard data gathered over the years.
  • The worldly, tough-minded economist has joined the other-worldly, woolly minded theologian or classicist in the literary repertoire.
  • Of course there were heroic modernist artists and writers who opposed twentieth-century totalitarianism, and classicists and traditionalists who supported totalitarianism.
  • This was undoubtedly encouraged when the Luxembourg architect Leon Krier, an avowed classicist and superb delineator, joined Stirling ' s office in 1968. Postmodernism
  • The editor will continue to be anthropologist, art historian and classicist Francesco Pellizzi.
  • Traditionally, classicists explore topics that are contained within the sphere of ancient Greek or Roman societies.
  • David, the meticulous neoclassicist, insisted upon the verity of his work.
  • Brown, the architect of the San Francisco City Hall and the vaguely nozzle-shaped Coit Tower -- apparently a coincidence, despite the fireman connections -- was the finest beaux-arts classicist and was, around the same time at work on a handsome Byzantinoid synagogue, also in San Francisco, Temple Emanu-El. Arthur Brown and St. Mark's, Seattle
  • His relatively cheap, compact editions of Greek and Latin authors, aimed at professional classicists and keen amateurs alike, rapidly became popular.
  • Save for his aversion to the blues, the patient is something of a textbook classicist.
  • Is VDH the military historian, classicist demonstrably smarter and more reasonable than VDH the pundit, or has his brain degenerated overall like someone with mad cow disease? Matthew Yglesias » Obama’s Permanent Revolution
  • These seventeen new pieces by some of the world's leading classicists have been brought together to celebrate the bimillenary of the Horace's death.
  • More and more, there's been a change in attitude among classicists toward translation as a legitimate activity.
  • Musical, with a clear, refined technique and a demeanor that favors restraint over flashiness, he appears to many the embodiment of the high classicist.
  • Petronius is a 'classicist'; the friend of Nero, he protests against the flamboyance of the age as typified in the rhetorical style of Seneca and Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • But toward the end of the 1500s, art began to lose its uniform stylistic character, becoming naturalistic and classicist, analytical and synthetic, all at the same time.
  • A classicist by training, Mr. Toohey argues, to the contrary, that boredom has always been with us, which seems plausible enough if this ancient graffito from a much-scribbled-on wall in Pompeii is anything to go by: Wall! Accidie? Ennui? Sigh . . .
  • Pied ancient sculptures were whitened and the lushness of literature turned into Classicist sterility.
  • I'm a classicist, meaning I like the old camp for it's old camp, and Next Generation for it's Shakespearean cast. J.J. Abrams Shares Details on How Unexpected Star Trek Will Be Next Summer! «
  • How would you describe your life; would you call it a life of a concrete poet; of an artist; of a cultural classicist?
  • The English classicist Housman said that in scholarship, accuracy is a duty, not a virtue.
  • He uses an architectural framework, as classicists do, to anchor the contents of the picture to the given horizontal and vertical of the support.

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