
How To Use Clashing In A Sentence

  • She wears a thick flowery hairband, several clashing necklaces and a quite revolting hairy purple cardigan with batwing sleeves.
  • In the fields outside of Darik, the pure sound of two clashing swords rang out.
  • But round about the Iland, for the space of 7. or 8. moneths in a yere there floateth ise, making a miserable kind of mone, and not vnlike to mans voice, by reason of the clashing together. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The immense man, brandishing his recovered certificates, plunged forward to encounter them, shouting in Arabic, hustled them back, kicked them, struck at the camels with a stick till those in front receded upon those behind and the street was blocked by struggling beasts and resounded with roaring snarls, the thud of wooden bales clashing together, and the desperate protests of the camel-drivers, one of whom was sent rolling into a noisome dust heap with his turban torn from his head. The Garden of Allah
  • The design challenges come in giving these bold evergreens enough shoulder room and keeping their flower colors from clashing.
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  • Take for instance, his cantata: the use of pizzicato, or plucking strings, to express the clashing of swords.
  • Pair a tropical tee with this skirt and get clashing those prints. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's no excuse for wearing this many styles and clashing colours at once. The Sun
  • They watched as the two fighters kept moving, their swords clashing.
  • Bells you gave me, bells of victory, bells of merriment, yellow and green; cloches clashing, swaggering braggarts, helmets agleam coppery red.
  • She used to love being outdoors, and she used to always wear bright, if sometimes clashing, colours.
  • In our country and all over the world, we have a great confusion of various ideas and people clashing with each other.
  • The aggressive bleeps and bloops and the potent rhymes create cool juxtaposition, with past glories and modern technology not simply clashing but lending each other some legitimacy as well.
  • Fashion designs are full of romantic ideas such as fancy flowers, cozy colour prints, ethnic embroidery and clashing geometric patterns.
  • Blackmore performs in a sartorial nightmare of clashing colours and incongruous items of clothing.
  • This innocence clashing with the ugliness of life, was this good news for art?
  • Last week, a blitz to the glitz of Las Vegas resulted in clashing and trashing between Camille and Kyle. Tonight's TV Hot List: Thursday, Nov. 4, 2010
  • Two scarves in clashing prints or a printed T-shirt and skirt are modern ways to rock the look. The Sun
  • It drapes geometrically, clashing beautifully with the natural world.
  • The final duet of the ballet, with all its clashing emotions, was truly wrenching. Times, Sunday Times
  • But also according to the source Paramount doesn't think Franco is the kind of boffo box office they want, so the producer and the studio are clashing over the casting. Undefined
  • He was equipped in a wonderful solidity of armour, with a hard, carven helmet on his head, a splendid red-bossed shield swinging on his shoulder, a wide-grooved, straight sword clashing along his thigh. Irish Fairy Tales
  • He was very recognisable by the exotic and flamboyant clothing he wore - a deep red vest without sleeves with a clashing orange shirt underneath.
  • Then I entered into a contract of partnership with them and we chartered a ship and packing up all manner of precious stuffs and merchandise of every kind, freighted it therewith; after which we embarked in it all we needed and, setting sail from Bassorah, launched out into the dashing sea, swollen with clashing surge whereinto whoso entereth is lone and lorn and whence whoso cometh forth is as a babe new - born. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Police resorted to heavy lathi charge and fired rubber bullets to disperse the clashing groups.
  • The parade will kick off at its usual time of 1.15p.m. despite the fact it is clashing this year with the Waterford City Parade.
  • The next three days will judge their clashing methodologies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Following suit, the followers of Melhiril charged as well, swords swinging wildly, bows twanging, and the clashing of swords and shields.
  • Drums beating, cymbals clashing, the dragons blinked and leaped about athletically.
  • This intricate web of departments and agencies, massively staffed, is technically controlled by the president, but often seems to control him, whether through Cabinet brawls of clashing egos or interagency turf wars -- a specialty in the Bush years, particularly during the first-term prelude to Iraq, when ideological differences pitted Donald Rumsfeld and his hawks at Defense against Colin Powell's diplomats at State, with Condoleezza Rice, in her small redoubt at the National Security Council, squeezed out altogether. Powell's Books: Overview
  • In spring you see clematis montana rubens everywhere, sugary pink, scentless and often clashing with equally ubiquitous but bright chrome yellow Forsythia.
  • You have people with hope and people without, clashing together. Times, Sunday Times
  • After two full-fledged weeks of coins clashing and crashing into the jugs set up in Branksome's hallowed halls, an astonishing $9,000 worth of pennies had been collected. Marissa Bronfman: Greg Mortenson Inspires Branksome Hall to Raise $9,000 in Pennies for Peace Drive
  • A dioptre adjustment wheel is immediately adjacent, enabling the short sighted to use it without clashing spectacles. Photography Blog - News
  • My face turned an unattractive shade of tomato red, clashing with my hair.
  • In one school two bouncers were given permanent jobs as classroom supervisors but one was disciplined after clashing with staff. The Sun
  • It's worse," he repeated, his voice loud and harsh, like a discordant bell clashing in the sostenuto passage of a symphony; "but it's all one to me -- there's nothing else they can take; I'm free, free to sleep or wake, to be drunk when I like with no responsibility to Simmons or any one else -- Mountain Blood A Novel
  • This trend is all about conspicuous colour and clashing prints. Times, Sunday Times
  • She activates the luscious surfaces of her mostly poured and splashed oil-and-alkyd canvases by means of clashing colors and textures.
  • The scenes of fighting and horseplay among the Montagues and Capulets compelled the story forward, with swords clashing in time to the music.
  • From off to the right came the sound of clashing steel and the smell of bacon pervaded the area.
  • WERTHEIMER: Lots of clashing goes on in Pearson's Sun Valley - masters of the universe versus mountain ranges, haves and have-nots, old timers and outlanders. Sun Valley Sheriff Finds Murder On The Mountain
  • Blackmore performs in a sartorial nightmare of clashing colours and incongruous items of clothing.
  • Clashing cymbals punctuate her hips as they start and stop.
  • I believe that Dreamgirls simply doesn't suit the Academy's solemn, beard-stroking mood this year: Can't have any crazy plaids clashing with those modest stripes. GreenCine Daily: Oscars. Nominations.
  • My boots beat a tattoo against the flagstones on the bridge and the sounds of battle grew louder: the clashing of steel, the sound of battle cries and death screams.
  • The floor under Cecil's feet was tiled, colours merging and clashing in a dazzling display.
  • Begun as a soft, reverent chant, it was now a triumphal march, a celebratory paean accompanied by a tim - pani of sword clashing against shield, of stomping feet and clap - ping hands. Dragons of a Fallen Sun
  • On May 8 Chamlong led another large rally at Democracy Monument, where some demonstrators came close to clashing with riot police.
  • It's a higgledy-piggledy mess of badly-designed streets and clashing styles.
  • Then I entered into a contract of partnership with them and we chartered a ship and packing up all manner of precious stuffs and merchandise of every kind, freighted it therewith; after which we embarked in it all we needed and, setting sail from Bassorah, launched out into the dashing sea, swollen with clashing surge whereinto whoso entereth is lone and lorn and whence whoso cometh forth is as a babe new - born. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Vorspiel, the surcharged moment came when the violins, though pushed to their utmost, could go no further, and the clashing cymbals took up the bursting tale. Under the Skylights
  • The sound of there swords clashing together seemed to echo.
  • Drummer Wilson is astutely attune to the needs of the music as he seamlessly changes from brushes to sticks, from clashing hi hat to shimmering cymbal. Ralph A. Miriello: Denny Zeitlin With Buster Williams and Matt Wilson at the Kitano
  • Constitutional law is rife with clashing certitudes generated by too-clever theories purporting to illuminate the one valid approach to construing the Constitution.
  • He flings his sword clashing into one scale, and it weighs down all that is in the other. Expositions of Holy Scripture : St. Matthew Chaps. IX to XXVIII
  • He spent much, and had much use of his Subjects purses, which bred some clashings with them in Parliament, yet would alwayes come off, and end with a sweet and plausible close; and truly his bounty was not discommendable, for his raising Favourites was the worst: Rewarding old servants, and releiving his Native Country-men, was infinitely more to be commended in him, then condemned. Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles
  • The three girlfriends are chiefly excuses for Bobby's shilly-shallying, so we get glaring patches of clashing color revolving around a colorless blob.
  • Time and again when our two leads should be duetting it sounds more like their voices are clashing discordantly. Michael Giltz: Theater: NYMF #2 -- Friends, Hipsters & Pigeons
  • The messenger fared forth and presently returned and reported, “I saw an army like the dashing sea with its clashing surge: and their horses curvetting till earth trembleth with the tramp; and I know no more of them.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • With a bit of imagination you can visualise the soldiers clashing in gladiatorial combat. Times, Sunday Times
  • When it's bang on, you can't but get excited about the consistencies clashing in your mouth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Upon this the Badawi waxed wroth and they drove at each other, shouting aloud, whilst their horses pricked their ears and raised their tails. 103 And they ceased not clashing together with such a crash that it seemed to each as if the firmament were split in sunder, and they continued to strive like two rams which butt, smiting and exchanging with their spears thrust and cut. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He imagined luminous blends, created unexpected combinations and clashing patterns of plaids, paisley and florals.
  • We're loving block colours worn with clashing tights and simple accessories. The Sun
  • This will result in your clashing with him or mistiming your movement which will end up destroying the effectiveness of the technique.
  • Deirdre kept her ground and the clashing of metal against metal was heard as she blocked his attack.
  • I might wear it with a clashing check, or perhaps with an entirely different pattern. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had no time to reflect -- just enough to leap back a pace or two, so as to bring all three of them in front of me, when I found my sword clashing against their blades, and parrying their blows one after the other. The War Trail The Hunt of the Wild Horse
  • Set against the rectangular everyday norm, it is the zigzags and clashing diagonals of the interior that provide the most convincing symbols of conflict, giving real identity to the purpose of the building.
  • The bell was clanging and clashing passionately, as Cecil at last went down to the weights, all his friends of the Household about him, and all standing "crushers" on their champion, for their stringent esprit de corps was involved, and the Guards are never backward in putting their gold down, as all the world knows. Under Two Flags
  • On May 8 Chamlong led another large rally at Democracy Monument, where some demonstrators came close to clashing with riot police.
  • By this time the whole place was full of gunpowder smoke, and there was the sound of blows and oaths and outcrying and the clashing of knives. Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates : fiction, fact & fancy concerning the buccaneers & marooners of the Spanish Main
  • The only difference was the hair color; Jillian's was a fair, straw color, clashing with Aubrey's sandy locks.
  • Gill's pan-fried sea bass with tabbouleh, preserved lemon, bottarga and lemon oil was less successful, with the flavours clashing a little too violently.
  • Class sizes rose and clashing tests made drawing up an examination timetable a nightmare.
  • No, whether they're writing tremulous lo-fi acoustica or clashing pop symphonies, their lyrically exploratory heart of darkness is at least as important to the Delgados' ethic.
  • This trend is all about conspicuous colour and clashing prints. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rewards: the most stunning blue sea, clashing vividly against the yellow gorse. Times, Sunday Times
  • You have people with hope and people without, clashing together. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clashing with a rival release is to be avoided at all costs, and since the choice slots are staked out years in advance by the biggest of the big guns, April and May are a good time for smaller action movies to clean up.
  • Cantankerous, colorful, and roiled by clashing personalities, this eclectic confederacy of dirtbags, freebooters, and aristocrats represents the crowning ambition of working guides all across America.
  • This trend is all about conspicuous colour and clashing prints. Times, Sunday Times
  • Japan and China are also clashing over the route of a pipeline across the dark forests and frozen steppes of Siberia.
  • Team with wildly clashing prints or opt for sleek minimalism. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sound of cannons firing and bayonets clashing together is what I think of when I think of war.
  • Cantankerous, colorful, and roiled by clashing personalities, this eclectic confederacy of dirtbags, freebooters, and aristocrats represents the crowning ambition of working guides all across America.
  • They moved swiftly and surely, swords clashing in a continual struggle, but they seemed fairly evenly matched for neither seemed able to get the upper edge.
  • Indeed it is hard to see him clashing hot-headedly with anyone.
  • The final duet of the ballet, with all its clashing emotions, was truly wrenching. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rewards: the most stunning blue sea, clashing vividly against the yellow gorse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here all was noise and movement, the lofty, slender trunked trees swaying back and forth in the wind and clashing their branches together. Chapter XIX
  • There's no excuse for wearing this many styles and clashing colours at once. The Sun
  • I dressed differently: in clashing colours and sculptural shapes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ah, that we could all wear red so well and with no thought to clashing with our surroundings.
  • Her long hair was pulled back, and she wore a sloppy sweatshirt over clashing baggy sweatpants.
  • He gazed upon these pleasaunces and saw beyond a surging sea, dashing with clashing billows, and he ceased not to explore the palace right and left, till he ended at a pavilion builded with alternate courses, two bricks of gold and one of silver and jacinth and emerald and supported by four columns. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • But now, anything is possible: If there are people and parties arguing and clashing, that is because they are free to do so. Iraqi Election Day
  • The fields here were fringed with rowan trees, their bright red berries clashing horribly with the purple heather of late summer.
  • We Canadians think we can fight and you need not go out to Woodbridge Fair to know that when a man thinks he can fight he is not long in clashing. The Fatuous Insolence of the Canadians
  • Director Wolfgang Petersen recreates a long-ago world of bireme warships, clashing armies, the massive fortress city and the towering Trojan Horse. Geek Deal: Troy Blu-Ray for $9.99 | /Film
  • Despite the prime minister's refusal to engage in 'blue-on-blue' debates, cabinet ministers are clashing at every opportunity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Kulekhov, the journalist, calls its members troublemakers because many dub themselves "antifa" -- radical antifascists who have a history of clashing with racist skinheads at soccer matches. A Killing in Siberia Injures
  • One of the five officials who resigned at the cathedral after clashing with the dean was Robert Lambie, clerk of the chapter, the body that runs the ancient minster.
  • The team's hopes of turning around the final faded in the 83rd minute when the keeper was sent off for violent conduct after clashing with another player in a goalmouth tangle.
  • All the luxuriousness of his verse has gone, and the lines ring like sword clashing against sword. Figures of Several Centuries
  • The Neptunists and the Vulcanists held clashing theories of geological origins through flood or fire.
  • Every day there seem to be further clashing interpretations and contradictory claims about America's war talk.
  • This is causing the operators something of a headache as they try to keep their tournaments from clashing with each other.
  • The air was hazy violet with a clashing mélange of the incenses burned in the prayers and rites of cleansing. THE CURSE OF CHALION
  • If you split Saint Andrew's cross down the middle, you have a symbol of two great systems, clashing head-on.
  • The snit is getting increasingly personal, too, with the French and German officials clashing with their American counterparts.
  • But if ye shun the clashing rocks and come scatheless inside Pontus, straightway keep the land of the Bithynians on your right and sail on, and beware of the breakers, until ye round the swift river Rhebas and the black beach, and reach the harbour of the Isle of Thynias. The Argonautica
  • The announcement has been delayed to avoid clashing with the Prime Minister's speech.
  • You have people with hope and people without, clashing together. Times, Sunday Times
  • We're loving block colours worn with clashing tights and simple accessories. The Sun
  • We're loving block colours worn with clashing tights and simple accessories. The Sun
  • She blushed bright pink from her neck to her hairline, the color clashing horribly with her auburn hair.
  • So sone as the clashing armoure did sound at their first incountrie, and their glittering swordes did shine, an incredible horror and feare perced the beholders, and hope inclining to either partes, their voyce and myndes were whist and silent. The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • Two scarves in clashing prints or a printed T-shirt and skirt are modern ways to rock the look. The Sun
  • The rest of the year, when we're emailing and texting and Words-With-Friending, and we're befogged by clashing inputs, we don't have the attention span or patience to watch commercials unfold. Adam Hanft: Capitalist Porn - Behind the Fetishization of Super Bowl Commercials
  • Pair a tropical tee with this skirt and get clashing those prints. Times, Sunday Times
  • Colin and Miriam are dueling fiercely near the bar, their blades clashing against each other.
  • On May 8 Chamlong led another large rally at Democracy Monument, where some demonstrators came close to clashing with riot police.
  • In one school two bouncers were given permanent jobs as classroom supervisors but one was disciplined after clashing with staff. The Sun
  • Its builders incorporated the ruins of the 11th-century church into a new facade after it was damaged in 1192, clashing simple round arches with baffling runs of blind arcading. Gothic architecture in Britain: examples from the era
  • Thewierd hairstyles clashing with the mundane cloathing is just awful. First Look: Justin Chatwin as Goku in Dragonball «
  • Each works in their own way to fight the corporate media system and its government control, eventually clashing over their differing methods of protest.
  • Though feminism today is obviously a broad term that includes different and sometimes clashing ideas, many feminists reject the idea that motherhood or biological imperatives define a woman.
  • I must have looked odd, sitting there, the light from a street lamp illuminating my pale complexion, my black hair clashing meanly with my skin.
  • Her style is a rollercoaster mix of high-end glamour and clashing streetwear. The Sun
  • I knew from Carnot that this _must_ be true (and it _is_ true; only now I call it 'motivity,' to avoid clashing with Joule's 'mechanical value'). Scientific American Supplement, No. 363, December 16, 1882
  • The clashing of their snush-box lids, in opening and shutting, made more noise than their tongues. All About Coffee
  • She preferred ones with pompons or clashing colors, but lately she had been restricted to the same bland dress robe she always wore.
  • Well, i have no problem with immigrants or even unassimilated immigrants, i mean what harm is a little diversity as long as it does not cross the line with the hole barer clash but the problem with Illegal immigrants is simple, It's Illegal and for good reason and that is to provent barer clashing. And Bring on the Mexicans, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • For years before that, he struggled with drug and alcohol addictions while repeatedly clashing with the law.
  • clashing interests of loggers and conservationists
  • So many intricacies, so many labyrinths, are there in them, that the succours of reason fail, the very force and spirit of it being lost in an actual intention scattered upon several clashing objects at once; in which case, the interposal of a friend is like the supply of a fresh party to a besieged yielding city. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
  • I heard the sounds of their blades clashing repeatedly as I raised myself to a stand.
  • Everything above the ground seemed to be vibrating, shuddering, clashing, hissing and whistling.
  • Eastern religion and science can proceed side-by-side without dispute or clashing with each other.
  • Bewilderment and helplessness and dismay mingled strangely, played out in a clashing kaleidoscope, vivid against the colourlessness of everything else.
  • The only difference was the hair color; Jillian's was a fair, straw color, clashing with Aubrey's sandy locks.
  • Not far from where he sat with the down-dropping wilga leaves clashing restlessly in the rising wind was a small collection of dead stumps and logs surrounded by tall grass. The Thorn Birds
  • clashing colors
  • It seems to me that the two images here are kind of clashing with each other … spraying is obviously an intense flow of blood, but oozing strikes me as manageable. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Black Cat’s Second Review Forum
  • Her eyes became misty, her vision blurred and thoughts began clashing her mind, but she wouldn't cry.
  • From inside the gym, two swords were violently clashing against each other.
  • The clashing of music and visual senses in Inglorious Basterd bugged the hell out of me. dinomania Tarantino Will Make Another Film Before Kill Bill 3; Perhaps a Western or Gangster Picture | /Film
  • They bicker constantly, Clemen's Falstaffian appetites and uncontrollable bodily urges clashing with the priggishness and military discipline of Jimmy, a former air-force officer, and their ill-tempered dialogues are often hilarious. Adios, Warlock
  • Strikingly, however, mainstream political antagonists, and even some radical dissenters, embraced clashing versions of the egalitarian tradition.
  • The bell was clanging and clashing passionately, as Cecil at last went down to the weights, all his friends of the Household about him, and all standing "crushers" on their champion, for their stringent _esprit du corps_ was involved, and the Guards are never backward in putting their gold down, as all the world knows. Wisdom, Wit, and Pathos of Ouida Selected from the Works of Ouida
  • Military members are real people living at a particular time in history and experiencing the perplexities of changing, clashing values.
  • The clashing mix of styles works surprisingly well together to create an inspiring environment.
  • It's been not quite a week since the Sydney Olympics came to a clashing close with all the high jinks and foofaraw entailed in a closing ceremony.
  • The play has been described as a farrago of undercooked ideas and clashing styles by some critics, lauded as a brilliantly unorthodox play of daring imaginative scope by others. NYT > Home Page
  • Keep it cool by styling with chunky heels, layer up clashing patterns and wear with attitude. The Sun
  • There's no excuse for wearing this many styles and clashing colours at once. The Sun
  • For example, the controversial nature of inoculation at the time, not least the risk of contagion, ensured clashing attitudes and very different regulatory regimes.
  • He imagined luminous blends, created unexpected combinations and clashing patterns of plaids, paisley and florals.
  • The sound of metal clashing together alerted the group and the knights ran to her aid along with everybody else.
  • Drummer Wilson is astutely attune to the needs of the music as he seamlessly changes from brushes to sticks, from clashing hi hat to shimmering cymbal. Ralph A. Miriello: Denny Zeitlin With Buster Williams and Matt Wilson at the Kitano
  • Freud introduced free association in The Interpretation of Dreams as a method to trigger expansive clusters of signification, often polyvalent and clashing in character, in order to unravel the import of a dream.
  • His stance is a bit more stooped and his voice breathier than during the days he famously was clashing with Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and others in the Bush administration over launching military action and battling terrorism. Still packing a punch, Dick Cheney tells his story
  • Two superb stunt drivers, two aggressive cars, lots of clashing metal and a huge cinematic fireball at the end. Times, Sunday Times
  • I like experimenting with clashing prints, just like the stripy top and maxi skirt in this outfit. The Sun

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