
How To Use Clash In A Sentence

  • Suddenly I heard a clash of metal on metal which brought me out of my thoughts - I looked up and found I could see two people fencing ahead.
  • The result was something of a culture clash. Times, Sunday Times
  • She wears a thick flowery hairband, several clashing necklaces and a quite revolting hairy purple cardigan with batwing sleeves.
  • The three struggle to maintain a harmonious working relationship as brash youth clashes with age and experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eight people were wounded in a clash with border guards.
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  • More than a fight between armies, the Middle East conflict is a clash between two national stories.
  • The ideological clash between monotheism and polytheism furnishes the world with one of its first examples of asymmetrical warfare.
  • In the fields outside of Darik, the pure sound of two clashing swords rang out.
  • The fear is that these minor clashes may develop into all-out confrontation.
  • Music has always had a tendency to glance back over its shoulder at the past, but the last few years has seen an unabashed spate of revivalism, from 60s garage rock posturing to the soi-disant Electro Clash phenomenon.
  • The two often clash and he recently called her a brat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Great Britain finalised their preparations at Salford and will have today off in readiness for tomorrow's sell-out clash.
  • Luke is placed in an isolated environment with strict rules, guards, and regimentation and his fiercely individualistic spirit immediately clashes.
  • Bucks redeemed themselves against opponents who humiliated them 5-1 in a Rothmans Cup clash earlier in the season.
  • Discussion covered procedures for avoiding accidental clashes, disclosing the location of mines, and exchanging information about those missing in action.
  • But round about the Iland, for the space of 7. or 8. moneths in a yere there floateth ise, making a miserable kind of mone, and not vnlike to mans voice, by reason of the clashing together. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Ammu, did you really have many clashes with father?
  • The clash of idealism and realism. Christianity Today
  • This was caused by clashes between partners with varying standards of cleanliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • He used his knife to deflect her sword and they clashed with a loud clang.
  • Lara will be keen to cap his last international match with a win against England when the two under-performing teams clash on Saturday.
  • If this is a clash of civilizations, then one of our soldiers has just been murdered by our barbarian enemies.
  • This week's game is a clash from Moscow between two former world champions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The immense man, brandishing his recovered certificates, plunged forward to encounter them, shouting in Arabic, hustled them back, kicked them, struck at the camels with a stick till those in front receded upon those behind and the street was blocked by struggling beasts and resounded with roaring snarls, the thud of wooden bales clashing together, and the desperate protests of the camel-drivers, one of whom was sent rolling into a noisome dust heap with his turban torn from his head. The Garden of Allah
  • The violence, the conflict, the clashes have become worse and worse. The Sun
  • He's also landed in the middle of a clash of Aesir and Jotun, and either side might kill him. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: The Monsters Of Jotunheim - Edmond Hamilton
  • This was the last great clash between rival surface fleets. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • That scarf clashes terribly with her green coat.
  • Torres who has reportedly amassed 53 career wins with 16 losses is said to be arriving for the clash next Saturday.
  • The design challenges come in giving these bold evergreens enough shoulder room and keeping their flower colors from clashing.
  • The convoy itself encountered numerous difficulties; mechanical and logistical problems were compounded by stormy clashes of personality.
  • The derby clash clash came on a stunningly hot day and six goals were scored in a frenetic first 45 minutes. The Sun
  • Louisa Gouliamaki/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images Greek riot police clashed with hundreds of people protesting austerity measures who tried to break a cordon outside Parliament. Anger in Athens
  • Presumably preliminary consultation by conservation agencies and institutional involvement of local people in plan formulation and implementation would avoid these clashes.
  • Other Palestinian groups such as the Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mediate between the two sides to stop the clashes.
  • Clashes between police and opposition protesters in Zanzibar over disputed elections have led to an unconfirmed death toll of 37.
  • Police are making great savings by no longer having to send officers and helicopters out to deal with clashes between hunts and saboteurs on almost every Saturday during the winter.
  • The storms are being driven by a clash of hot, humid air hitting much colder air aloft. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rule of the quick buck often clashes with the law of human dignity.
  • Stripped of any political content, today's conflicts in Northern Ireland are now what many wrongly assumed them to be during the Troubles: base, atavistic, sectarian clashes.
  • Without that, there is no such thing as society, merely the clamour of competing voices and the clash of conflicting wills. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bar staff were today taking more cash than ever with fans crowding bars for the crunch clash between England and Argentina.
  • The report tells midwives and doctors to end the culture clashes and turf wars that put safety at risk. Times, Sunday Times
  • So it may have been a matter of a personality clash.
  • The power struggle at centres around a personality clash between him and the man who has become the most important figure behind the scenes.
  • He said the club had considered the York City Knights when planning the event to avoid a clash with the rugby league club's big home game with Keighley.
  • The election was marred by violence following a clash between demonstrators and police officers.
  • When another timetable clash meant she had to choose between football trials for the national team and the national cross-country championships, she opted for athletics. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it is the story of a culture clash, and a textbook example for why mergers so often go so horribly wrong.
  • Take for instance, his cantata: the use of pizzicato, or plucking strings, to express the clashing of swords.
  • The EU referendum will clash with the Glastonbury festival. Times, Sunday Times
  • What would be the point of Blackburn fans rejoicing in the victory over the ‘old enemy’ if many can't be bothered to cheer the side on to a potential semi-final clash at the Millennium Stadium?
  • As a young nun in 1871, MacKillop and 47 other nuns from her order were briefly dismissed from the Roman Catholic Church in a clash with high clergy. Mary MacKillop, First Australian Saint, Canonized
  • The townspeople are hoping the fair will quietly fade away and die because of the usual clashes between the locals and the travellers.
  • Radio 4 is rooted in British post - punk tradition, and take a lot of their sound from the Clash, Mission of Burma, and Gang of Four.
  • Earlier high scores in the final clash came from 'phenolic', 'zonular' and 'maledict'. Times, Sunday Times
  • This would set the scene for an intriguing clash of philosophies in the back row. Times, Sunday Times
  • The yatras have in the past sparked clashes in Ahmedabad as Hindu devotees - armed with swords, tridents and spears - hurled anti-Muslim insults from atop chariots and trucks.
  • The soul of a playlet is the clash of the wills of the characters, from which fly the revealing flashes; Writing for Vaudeville
  • Border clashes have led to increased friction between the two countries.
  • Clashes between conformists and Puritans resulted in the suppression of the organized Presbyterian wing of Puritanism by 1591, but the impact of Puritans on the Church at a local level remained enormous.
  • Putting it in motion takes time and attention; do it right, and you get all kinds of clash and clangor and pretty sparks ‘His voice trails off, and his gaze is suddenly hard and keen.’
  • Pair a tropical tee with this skirt and get clashing those prints. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cymbals clash, and a drum-roll indicates that the main event is merely warming up. 2010 May « The Graveyard
  • It was a scorching day and there was a light south-west wind when the select group, including two direct descendants of the islanders, disembarked on the rocks at Clashymore natural harbour.
  • The clash ensues, with casualties on both sides, as people fall having been speared and hit by poison arrows.
  • US planes clashed with enemy fighter aircraft again today.
  • They will clash on the track because they are such fierce competitors and both fighting hard for World Championship glory. The Sun
  • But the militias have also clashed with the government. Times, Sunday Times
  • The United States and Israel clashed over demands for a UN investigation into the killings.
  • The gig clashes with the England-France match.
  • Separate communal clashes on Friday and Saturday in the towns left several people injured and dozens of houses and ships damaged.
  • He said he left the company because of a personality clash with the director .
  • It was a shame that it clashed with the Wales - Ireland Six Nations rugby match, but looking back, people may have been better off watching the volleyball instead.
  • Last night about 150 anarchists burst into a hospital treating a protester who had suffered a brain injury in the clashes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Violence erupted on Tuesday when militants clashed with a bandit gang and 15 people were killed.
  • This local derby clash drew a fair-sized crowd and they weren't disappointed as both sides went all-out for the win.
  • Clashes between riot police and demonstrators had broken out during a student demonstration outside the Education Ministry on Oct. 24.
  • Classic drama about a young mod whose life is changed by a clash between his friends and rockers on the beaches of Brighton. The Sun
  • Both football semi-finals are fixed for February 24, but Nemo have been approached about playing the following week to avoid a clash with the Sigerson Cup.
  • Although Damascus insists that its forces are conducting an antismuggling operation, the Lebanese government is eyeing the moves with unease, believing that the unusual scale of the deployment has more to do with tensions between the two countries over recent sectarian clashes in northern Lebanon. Political Resonance
  • Thousands of anti-government demonstrators clashed with supporters of the president in the capital yesterday.
  • There's no excuse for wearing this many styles and clashing colours at once. The Sun
  • Demonstrators clashed with riot police in an explosion of anger at live animal exports.
  • But the clashes between mutants of varying capabilities make for excellent fight scenes, the climactic one occurring, both photogenically and symbolically, atop the Statue of Liberty.
  • His shirt clashed with his coat.
  • Hundreds of dock workers clashed with police early Thursday morning in Charleston, South Carolina during a protest against the use of nonunion longshoremen to load a cargo ship.
  • I grunted angrily as we clashed swords, sparks flying off in every direction.
  • It seems that what lay behind the clashes was disagreement over the list of candidates.
  • A Euro title cruiserweight clash took on gladiatorial overtones as it was staged on Piazza del Colosseo where the fourth-century Arch of Constantine served as a backdrop. 2007 June 23 archive at
  • They watched as the two fighters kept moving, their swords clashing.
  • And when she was talking about the clash between her feelings and her principles, she had been desperately serious.
  • But clashes erupted between rebels and government troops. Times, Sunday Times
  • All had clashed with their civilian superiors, and their campaigns imploded for the same reasons that led to those clashes: assertions of intellectual superiority, moral certitude and the lack of a common touch.
  • Riot police were involved last night in violent clashes with hundreds of youths in Leeds.
  • Parades run over several weekends, so as not to clash with other parades in neighbouring areas.
  • In the Middle East right now, violent clashes are morphing into a war of words.
  • Last month Bhupathi and Mirnyi had lost the title clash of the Miami event to Leander Paes and Lukas Dlouhy. The Times of India
  • Many likened the incident to the "Day of Camels" clashes in Tahrir Square on Feb. 2, when allegedly paid "baltagiya," or thugs—some of whom rode horses and camels—marauded through an antiregime rally in a last-ditch effort to violently break up demonstrations without using official force. Cairo Clashes Show Backlash
  • The pair clashed - Vea blocking an embittered stab with his own weapon and almost dropping to a knee in the thickening mud.
  • When the two sides clashed, riot police tried to disperse them with teargas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rodolfo Borrell's men followed up their triumph in a prestigious tournament in Tenerife with another success in Villarreal and will now head into next Saturday's clash at Fulham in confident mood.
  • As the summer-long clash over the U.S. debt ceiling dragged on, Mr. Trennert, 43 years old, became persuaded that the process for setting budget policy in Washington had broken at a crucial moment for the economy. Pivot Point: Investors Lose Faith in Stocks
  • While attending the lectures, the din of clashes outside the campus was audible.
  • Her wedding clashed with my examination, so I couldn't go.
  • Bells you gave me, bells of victory, bells of merriment, yellow and green; cloches clashing, swaggering braggarts, helmets agleam coppery red.
  • City's new targetman is excited by the prospect of making his debut in tomorrow's top-six clash at Brentford.
  • She used to love being outdoors, and she used to always wear bright, if sometimes clashing, colours.
  • In our country and all over the world, we have a great confusion of various ideas and people clashing with each other.
  • A charming effect was produced by a guard of honour, composed of members of the golf club, holding aloft crossed brassies, beneath which the happy pair passed into the church, while the caddies clashed niblicks and other iron clubs. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, February 25, 1914
  • Be open-minded about new people you meet because what seems like a personality clash can become a very rewarding friendship. The Sun
  • The President is eager to avoid a head-on clash with Congress over his health policies.
  • Besides its spot-on timeliness, "Outsourced" is a delightful comedy for how it deftly harvests laughs from the inevitable culture clash, from Todd's overeagerness to bridge the gap, and from the innate silliness of the company's product line (whoopee cushions, foam fingers and the like). 2010 Fall TV Lineup: 10 New Shows Worth Checking Out
  • The Blues have dropped from first to third after a dip in form but McCracken insists the mailaise isn't terminal and is backing the team to muscle their way back into the title reckoning starting with tonight's home clash against Chester City. Undefined
  • If the news conference to announce the clash was anything to go by, it could be a low-key affair.
  • Two friends clash over what to do with their latest invention - a device which allows time travel over short periods.
  • Despite the potential colour clash of purple with red or orange, the flowering times rarely overlap. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three protesters were arrested after clashes with police left cops injured. The Sun
  • Dynamite By Louis Adamic (1931) Louis Adamic 's "Dynamite" was — and remains — the only popular overview of the violent clashes that accompanied the flourishing of American industry from the Gilded Age through the New Deal. Terror in America From Another Era
  • It was a scorching day and there was a light south-west wind when the select group, including two direct descendants of the islanders, disembarked on the rocks at Clashymore natural harbour.
  • The aggressive bleeps and bloops and the potent rhymes create cool juxtaposition, with past glories and modern technology not simply clashing but lending each other some legitimacy as well.
  • Fashion designs are full of romantic ideas such as fancy flowers, cozy colour prints, ethnic embroidery and clashing geometric patterns.
  • Captain Cleaver aka Daniel James elaborates a terse warcry in this Red Herring piece: game developers clash in a ruthless and bloody 10-year battle for control of the online game industry. The flogging will continue
  • The layered databus and split SRAM architecture allows the system designer to easily avoid clashes on high-speed communications that could result in package loss or decreased system performance. Atmel Introduces First 32-bit AVR Microcontroller Featuring Floating Point Unit - Yahoo! Finance
  • Blackmore performs in a sartorial nightmare of clashing colours and incongruous items of clothing.
  • But screen tests clashed with his wedding and honeymoon and he turned down the job. The Sun
  • Contestants slug it out to be the best news reader on TV and the winner goes into a head to head clash with Ms Bailey, as the viewer decides who gets the $800,000-a-year job.
  • This is Jacobean comedy at its documentary best: a salty, vivid report on the eternal clash between the puritan ethic and spendthrift snobbery.
  • It might also start by attempts to prevent the transportation of strikebreakers or goods, and a clash would follow police intervention.
  • The chants are conducted with drum beats and interspersed with resonating long horns and the clash of cymbals.
  • This innocence clashing with the ugliness of life, was this good news for art?
  • Though widely acknowledged as a dazzling strategist, his impolitic, in-your-face bravado clashed with the staid Air Force culture.
  • Newspapers reported a fierce clash between troops and a group of hundreds of students armed with swords and wooden clubs.
  • This elimination of individuals gave the Dewan a fine opportunity; promises made without witnesses were sure to be of a richer texture; also surely the word of a Dewan was of higher value than the word of a decoit if, at a future time, their evidences clashed. Caste
  • Rioters hurled rocks and petrol bombs in clashes with police at the weekend.
  • There were clashes between rival fans after the match.
  • Last week, a blitz to the glitz of Las Vegas resulted in clashing and trashing between Camille and Kyle. Tonight's TV Hot List: Thursday, Nov. 4, 2010
  • His band, The Clash - with their electric combination of punk, reggae, hard rock blues and jazz were just brilliant.
  • Two scarves in clashing prints or a printed T-shirt and skirt are modern ways to rock the look. The Sun
  • The clash of metal resonated over the desert lands.
  • The name of Adel Bundouq, who leads a militia that is allied with the National Transitional Council in Zuwara, Libya, was incorrectly given as Abdel Bundoud in a photo caption accompanying a World News article on Wednesday about Berber-Arab clashes in Western Libya. Corrections & Amplifications
  • The shopping centre was burned down, riot police were brought in and about 30 people were injured in clashes.
  • The wallpaper clashes with the carpet.
  • Clashes between the rebels and government forces have broken out in the north.
  • Some 18,000 armed police and soldiers on duty but few clashes were reported. Times, Sunday Times
  • That would pretty much set the stage for a generations-long clash of civilizations, with my beloved, sometimes benighted country as the aggressor.
  • Some of the culture clash between care and custody can be dealt with.
  • This week's game is a clash from Moscow between two former world champions. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the public momentum on their side, protesters held what they called a memorial ceremony Sunday night, parading around Democracy Monument, at the scene of some of the clashes, holding up photographs of the dead. NYT > Home Page
  • We do not find that any other authority clashes with our present judgement, which must be in favour of the defendant.
  • The day even saw minor clashes among female supporters of the three camps.
  • It drapes geometrically, clashing beautifully with the natural world.
  • The final duet of the ballet, with all its clashing emotions, was truly wrenching. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a clash between barbarism and civilization.
  • Democrats clashed with Republicans in a heated debate.
  • Islamic World vs the Western World: A Clash of Civilizations?
  • I was rather annoyed to realise that the London To Brighton Bike Ride this year clashes with one of the big staging rehearsals for the Chorus' Summer Show.
  • A clash of diametrically opposed philosophies is never settled rapidly nor, necessarily, rationally.
  • But on the whole it could have been much worse and thankfully there weren't any clashes between the fans.
  • Woodhouse Grange gained partial revenge for their premier division mauling when they had the better of a draw with Heworth when the clubs' second elevens clashed at Sutton-on-Derwent.
  • The next day clashes broke out in the occupied territories and Arab workers were prevented from entering Jerusalem.
  • It could reawaken the bitter legal battles of more than 10 years ago, when the council and stallholders clashed over plans to regulate the market.
  • But also according to the source Paramount doesn't think Franco is the kind of boffo box office they want, so the producer and the studio are clashing over the casting. Undefined
  • Brunel University claim their dressing room looked like a casualty unit after the clash with Hayes.
  • The clashes are largely fuelled by tribal enmity as well as competition for land and pastures. Times, Sunday Times
  • If Congress and the administration are to avoid a head-on clash, and a presidential veto, a compromise must be struck.
  • He was equipped in a wonderful solidity of armour, with a hard, carven helmet on his head, a splendid red-bossed shield swinging on his shoulder, a wide-grooved, straight sword clashing along his thigh. Irish Fairy Tales
  • Now he cannot wait for his first clash with his old gaffer as a coach. The Sun
  • And Siobhan and Samantha have a series of clashes over how Siobhan should plead.
  • This rough, urban setting clashes with our preconceived notions about her adorable subject matter.
  • But the clash goes beyond professional jealousies and crony networking.
  • He was very recognisable by the exotic and flamboyant clothing he wore - a deep red vest without sleeves with a clashing orange shirt underneath.
  • Then I entered into a contract of partnership with them and we chartered a ship and packing up all manner of precious stuffs and merchandise of every kind, freighted it therewith; after which we embarked in it all we needed and, setting sail from Bassorah, launched out into the dashing sea, swollen with clashing surge whereinto whoso entereth is lone and lorn and whence whoso cometh forth is as a babe new - born. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The clash of civilizations sought by the Bush administration's neoconservatives appears to be nearly at hand.
  • True, Wallace and Palin clashed on the campaign trail, and Palin's book last year singled out Wallace for criticism. Inside-the-beltway guessing game: who inspired the characters in Nicolle Wallace's novel?
  • Police resorted to heavy lathi charge and fired rubber bullets to disperse the clashing groups.
  • But they will head into that crunch clash having taken only a solitary point from their last three games. The Sun
  • The parade will kick off at its usual time of 1.15p.m. despite the fact it is clashing this year with the Waterford City Parade.
  • The two sets of supporters clashed outside the stadium.
  • Will it result in brainier pupils or a culture clash? The Sun
  • Violent protests and clashes with armed riot police have continued every night since and have spread to other working class suburbs.
  • With this their swords clashed with a loud clang of metal.
  • City went into the Carrow Road clash having lost six of their last seven games.
  • Relations soured after border disputes and clashes between troops followed by a war of words in which each accused the other of threatening security.
  • The next three days will judge their clashing methodologies. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has clashed repeatedly with the team coach over training schedules.
  • Up ahead were screaming clashes of thunder, and bright flashes of lightning.
  • Nadal and Djokovic set up their expected semifinal clash at the French Open on Tuesday with straight-sets quarterfinal wins in cloudy, rainy weather. Djokovic likes his chances against Nadal
  • John Wayne plays Captain Kirby York, an experienced frontier officer who clashes with Fonda over the treatment of the Apaches.
  • The two opposing armies clashed in battle.
  • There are likely to be tensions and personality clashes in any social group.
  • A poll conducted by one of the Games sponsors found that almost 70 percent of city-bred Indians will closely follow the action in Beijing despite a clash with India's cricket tour of Sri Lanka.
  • I have been thinking a lot about sectional interests and the way they mesh and clash within our society.
  • Colour clash your sweat with a contrasting skirt. The Sun
  • Now they have decided to end their romance a second time following a series of clashes in the last few weeks. The Sun
  • The interests of the major powers are bound to clash head-on over Iraqi oil.
  • The orange curtains clash against the red furniture.
  • Framers may do their best to harmonize new and existing legislation, but there will inevitably be clashes.
  • But screen tests clashed with his wedding and honeymoon and he turned down the job. The Sun
  • With a green carpet, pink and green swirly wallpaper and pink and green check curtains, everything clashed.

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