How To Use Clapboard In A Sentence
The Mission-house, which occupied the centre of the three buildings, was constructed of logs clapboarded over and whitewashed.
Missionary Work Among the Ojebway Indians
A retired farmwife emerged from her white clapboard house with a hearty midwestern hello.
There are no green-covered trees to shelter us from the icy north blasts, just the weathered clapboard of this rickety house.
During Shiloh they were either in butternut there dying in the orchard, dying without water or thin-lipped still in Purdy, where cannon boom and rifle shot came clear even on a breezeless day, sliding through the clapboard walls, clotting milk and setting loose that first wall-eyed notion of leaving the South behind.
HAROLD DERWIN BARNETT, 22 May 1925 - 16 October 2006
Clapboard, chipboard, plywood, drywall — every third-line material you could use for building a home (as opposed to their intended use of merely finishing a solid home's interior) was found more than wanting in the wake of the earth's vigorously shaking its head “No ... this will not stand.”
Like Hell Needs A Heat Wave...

The new Cooke house will also be built earthfast, with timber-frame, post-and-beam construction, thatch roof, clapboards on the outside, and daub on the interior like its predecessor. Top Stories
Bushes weigh their meted dollops, and the boxy clapboard churches are drenched and cleansed by a piquant light from the east.
I step over the yard toys and around the cross-country skis to reach the front door of the clapboard house on the shore of Lake Champlain.
This courthouse consisted of a two-story woodframe building covered with clapboards, resting on a foundation of stone blocks.
According to the Reverend Rose's only child, Helen Cromwell Rose, he was drawn to the old clapboarded and shingled farmhouse that stood on the property ‘Its wealth of tradition was deeply welded into my father's heart,’ she wrote.
And today, in Provincetown, three hours away by car from Boston, these dollhouses, these inexpensive art galleries, these fishing shacks with painted clapboard façades gnawed by salt and snow — this typically middle-class seaside resort whose other peculiarity is to have become, over time, a gay town.
In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part V)
Their domicile was a very simple affair, a clapboard saltbox with a ‘parlor’ and kitchen on the left side and two bedrooms on the right, built ‘in the round’, with no hallway.
James pointed to a white clapboard building around the corner.
The chunk of metope of upper part of the head of a bed, computer is blank, if mount connects mural clapboard, immediateness became a concise and beautiful small bookshelf.
During Shiloh they were either in butternut there dying in the orchard, dying without water or thin-lipped still in Purdy, where cannon boom and rifle shot came clear even on a breezeless day, sliding through the clapboard walls, clotting milk and setting loose that first wall-eyed notion of leaving the South behind.
HAROLD DERWIN BARNETT, 22 May 1925 - 16 October 2006
As a result, the cottages echo the hotel's classical Georgian architecture, but vernacular details such as clapboard siding and wood porches are also evident.
His efficient two-bedroom row house was somebody's idea of a New England design, clad in white clapboard and black trim.
Buying furniture previously, can check the doorcase of chest, horizontal stroke board, clapboard and drawer, see the brim whether pass processing, have sealing side.
The front door to a columned and clapboarded executive home in Eugene, Oregon opens ... and out walk the family children in traditional Mexican dresses and charro suits.
Rick Smolan: Why Are Many Americans Looking for Change?
I used thirty-second of an inch balsa for a lot of applications, especially as it could be scribed into weatherboards (clapboard siding?) and with care into corrugated iron and provided it was painted with an oil based paint the scribed indentations became permanent.
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Then I saw a clapboard shack in the gloom, banana fronds bending over the tin roof, a bright red Coca-Cola machine sweating under the porte cochere, a deck built on pilings over the water, a small barbecue pit smoking greasily in the breeze.
The Glass Rainbow
The clapboard house had caved in and surrendered to saplings and vines.
Eventually, we're directed to a clapboard hut on the edge of town where a pair of women in bright turbans stir two large cauldrons with paddles.
Adam had gone into the small apartment at the back of the white clapboard house, which was pretty quiet, but up front, the sound of a honky-tonk piano tried to rise above talk and laughter.
The sidewalls were first clapboarded, because we were afraid the roof would not hold us until the framing had been strengthened by nailing on the siding.
The Scientific American Boy The Camp at Willow Clump Island
A lot of the clapboard on the north end of the house should be replaced.
The ferryman was watching from the stoop of a nearby clapboard house as we rolled up.
I should write about what I've seen: expensive women in summer pearls, their blonde faces tanned the shade of their husbands' Church-brand shoes; lacquered restaurants where men, even in this torpid weather, wear black tie and prissily fold their hands so they won't spill their drinks; and in the neatly gardened streets of quiet clapboard houses, rabbits nibbling by moonlight, their usual terror muted by the town's mock-innocence.
New Jersey Moon
Five or six buildings, a white house, a church with a crooked steeple, a slide of clapboard, old stages and tilts.
On our plantation they were, for the most part, covered with a weather-boarding of clapboards, split along the grain with what was called a frow, and from short cuts of cypress logs, and not admitting of a very close fitting.
Plantation life before emancipation,
It was "clapboarded" and two stories in height, the upper floor being used by Sol Jerrems, the storekeeper, as a residence, except for two little front rooms which he rented, one to Miss Huckins, the dressmaker and milliner, who slept and ate in her shop, and the other to Mr. Cragg.
Mary Louise in the Country
Within ten minutes the stagecoach rocked back into motion and sent a cloud of dust and dirt and grit billowing skywards across the yard towards the gray clapboard building.
My earliest memories are simple still pictures—a glimpse of the back of a white clapboard garage, for example, half obscured by a holly bush.
The priest was taken to interrupting wedding or funeral services by nipping out the side of the clapboarded church and accepting the home-brewed beer offered by peasants seeking the latitudes of grace they thought the priest could lead them to.
Excerpt from Pompeii ii
There are no green-covered trees to shelter us from the icy north blasts, just the weathered clapboard of this rickety house.
The guerrilla athenaeum, which appeared this spring at the intersection of Leonard and Withers streets in Williamsburg, has clapboard siding and sits on a hand truck chained to a one-way street sign—a clever skirting of city regulation by its founder, 31-year-old artist Colin McMullan .
Guerrilla Librarians Making Noise
Last week, just before the Triduum began, I was running a few last errands around my new hometown, Milwaukee, when I ran across St. Monica's, a very finely-designed little parish campus and school down in Whitefish Bay, a little town of quiet, treelined grid-streets and clapboard, just north of Milwaukee proper.
St. Monica's, Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin
On March 20, 1854, the Republican Party formally came into being in this white clapboard building.
In the clapboard houses on the tree-lined sidewalks of this cosmopolitan borough, known for its rich culture and vibrant ethnic mix, many would still have been in bed when the peace was shattered forever.
Behind the clapboard doors he could hear the surge buffeting the boat against the rubber tyres that protected the surrounding boardwalk.
The town of Hancock is especially distinguished for its beautiful Federal style houses, some of them brick and some clapboarded.
Tombstone, an easy day trip from Tucson, does however offer one vision of Arizona's pioneer days: clapboard and adobe buildings, and, of course, re-enacted gunfights.
The American flag outside the white clapboard town hall was lowered to half-staff.
During the holiday we visited many coves and bays with traditional clapboard houses, some abandoned.
The classical material of American building is wood and the characteristic structure is clapboard, frame surfaces of overlapping strips.
At a time when most tract houses were traditionally styled in clapboard or stucco - and not designed by architects - the Eichler stood out.
Striding a few more yards, he went around the clapboarded side of the Red Bird Saloon.
There it is-an old clapboard farmhouse against a gray sky.
The little log house, with its chimney of sticks, its roof of warping clapboards weighted with traversing poles and its "chinking" of clay, had a single door and, directly opposite, a window.
The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce — Volume 2: In the Midst of Life: Tales of Soldiers and Civilians
It's white clapboard, surrounded by oak trees with a flagpole in the yard erected by Bob.
He had no mind to pay out money for what he could do himself; and many a wet afternoon did he and his hired man devote to the replacing of shingles, the nailing on of clapboards, to puttying, painting, and other matters of the same kind.
Janet's Love and Service
The buildings are unexceptional, save that they differ considerably from the typical brick or clapboard row houses in the area.
The two-and-one half story, five-bay, clapboarded house has been considerably altered since its completion in 1794, and now has a mid-nineteenth-century recessed main entrance and a late nineteenth-century porch on the east end.
He understood wood completely: sheathing, siding, clapboard, cord; walnut, ebony, hickory, beam.
Houses come with a genuine corrugated metal roof, clapboard siding and an outhouse (with modern plumbing, of course).
In little villages it is often a white clapboard building with a hip roof and a bell tower.
White-painted cedar clapboards cover its gabled forms, which are topped by classic standing-seam metal roofs.
Nailed over the doorway of the ramshackle clapboard frontage of the building was a large rectangular sign.
His efficient two-bedroom row house was somebody's idea of a New England design, clad in white clapboard and black trim.
Tombstone, an easy day trip from Tucson, does however offer one vision of Arizona's pioneer days: clapboard and adobe buildings, and, of course, re-enacted gunfights.
They were replaced by shanties and shacks built of nothing more than clapboard or wattle and daub with dark and threatening alleyways between.
a summer resort...encumbered with great clapboard-and-stucco hotels
A white clapboarded house with moss-green shutters and a dark oak
Rainbow Hill
Behind the clapboard doors he could hear the surge buffeting the boat against the rubber tyres that protected the surrounding boardwalk.
And the Finns' log cabins, erected on barely cleared cutover lands, were covered with white clapboard siding as soon as finances permitted.
Behind the clapboard doors he could hear the surge buffeting the boat against the rubber tyres that protected the surrounding boardwalk.
instead these clapboard houses made me think of the slave quarters of 19th century cotton plantations across America's southern states.
Within three days Reverend Thorn approached one of the most gracious villages ever to have developed in America: the tree-lined, white-clapboarded, well-gabled village of Walpole, near the Connecticut River in southwestern New Hampshire.
In little villages it is often a white clapboard building with a hip roof and a bell tower.
A bracket included with every piece is designed to allow the artwork to hang level on walls made of stone, stucco, clapboard, siding and brick.
THE SUN'S SUNK behind the row of trees and clapboard cottages on the shore, past the reef and its traffic — fishermen and jetskiers heading back to houses and bars — past where the Connecticut River dumps its brackish load into Long Island Sound.
Monkeytown prologue/chapter first
They were replaced by shanties and shacks built of nothing more than clapboard or wattle and daub with dark and threatening alleyways between.
I wonder whether any of the clapboard houses I wander past is the house where it happened, where All killed herself.
The neat frame building bore a skin of immaculate white clapboard, the tall, pyramidal steeple above the front door shingled with new cedar shakes.
Five or six buildings, a white house, a church with a crooked steeple, a slide of clapboard, old stages and tilts.
We could tell when spring came because then he wore sandals, instead of galoshes, on his daily walk from the small, clapboard, green-shuttered house to the Institute.
In little villages it is often a white clapboard building with a hip roof and a bell tower.
Liquid crystal display: Clapboard temperature curve, cry trapping temperature curve, sample temperature curve.
The neat frame building bore a skin of immaculate white clapboard, the tall, pyramidal steeple above the front door shingled with new cedar shakes.
He understood wood completely: sheathing, siding, clapboard, cord; walnut, ebony, hickory, beam.
Avant took Chandler through the white side of Crenshaw, with its neat clapboard homes and tidy front porches.
First impressions are that I've found the quintessential Western town, with clapboard houses and little red brick shops lining a tree-shaded square.
The 41-year-old film maker had his own confusing memories of his father's infrequent visits, mostly nocturnal, to his mother's clapboard flat in Philadelphia.
As we drove north, we passed villages of broken clapboard shacks, mud-caked barefoot children and the occasional stray chicken.
In the clapboard houses radiating out from the youth center in San Jose, multiple families wedge themselves into cramped rooms and small garages.
Perhaps inspired by the elegant Georgian style houses he recalled from his boyhood in Haverhill, Massachusetts, he trimmed his two-story clapboarded house with quoins and a cornice with dentils.
Both buildings are square, clapboarded, five-bay structures with hipped roofs and molded cornices in the early Federal style.
She reminded me of one of those beauties who sometimes emerge from hard country clapboards or trash-strewn double-wides.
With its gray clapboard siding, its forthright Colonial architecture, and its serene oceanside setting, the unpretentious two-story house immediately appealed to the couple's relaxed sense of tradition.
Other places were smaller and looked like they were made of unpainted wooden clapboard.
Perhaps inspired by the elegant Georgian style houses he recalled from his boyhood in Haverhill, Massachusetts, he trimmed his two-story clapboarded house with quoins and a cornice with dentils.
He understood wood completely: sheathing, siding, clapboard, cord; walnut, ebony, hickory, beam.
Italianates are tall, but usually with flat roofs, tall windows, and are usually clapboarded, painted white and multiple stories tall.
Happy Halloween
Could he really have been on his way to join Nathaniel's mother in her clapboard house outside Philadelphia?
Huddled clapboard houses substitute for the raw-plank architecture of the frontier town; an industrial bridge provides background sublimity in the absence of mountains.
The old districts with their brick sidewalks are full of lovely clapboard houses built by sea captains.
We passed one simple building after another, made of teak or covered with clapboards painted in pastel blue, yellow, peach or mint green.