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How To Use Clamber In A Sentence

  • And the 21m he banked off the course is certain to rocket as new sponsors clamber on board the gravy train. The Sun
  • Last week, exultant rebels in Tripoli clambered on Gaddafi's vainglorious statue of an American warplane in the grip of a mighty Libyan fist.
  • These little people, quite recovered from their fatigue, had set about gathering checkerberries, and now came clambering to meet their play-fellows.
  • The attempt was well intended, but before he could clamber on board he was wet to the waist. THE MEAT
  • I clamber in the car and he, now used to doing so, puts the wheelchair in the back before plopping into the driver's seat.
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  • He clambered over a wall in pitch dark last Sunday night. Times, Sunday Times
  • They clamber about the branches like parrots to get at them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yelling at him to be patient, she clambered into a pair of brigga, pulled on a shirt, and ran barefooted to unbar the door and let him in. A TIME OF WAR
  • Must we really clamber up every alluvial fan, map every desert canyon, and slap a name on every dry lake and rocky outcropping?
  • Somehow he endured it, but he felt light-headed and his legs were rubbery when he clambered up the conning tower ladder onto the bridge. LOHENGRIN
  • Aye, aye, sir," the boy answered readily, for he enjoyed being aloft, and he clambered up the shrouds to the fore-topgallant yard and furled the sail, taking a pride in having it lie smooth and round on the top of the yard. The Boy With the U. S. Fisheries
  • I clambered over to him and rested my head on his chest, silently listening to the soft rhythmic beating of his heart as he absently ran his hand through my hair.
  • We are the reluctant inheritors of a tradition that once corralled hundreds of thousands of young men into a place so that they might selflessly clamber out of trench lines to certain death. Michael Vlahos: Chilean Transcendence
  • He clambers confidently ahead of me, keeping the rope between us tight, stopping at each awkward step to see me safely over.
  • Clambering aboard, top-heavy with a pack full of gear for all weathers, the pre-requisite for any decent holiday in Scotland, I am genuinely surprised at how comfortable and spacious the accommodation is.
  • And then suddenly I pop back to life, clamber across Jenny's lap and open the window.
  • Having instructed Thomas Mugridge as to what he was to do, I clambered into the fore-rigging a few feet. Chapter 17
  • It starts exhilaratingly, as you clamber up rockfaces and glide through a rainforest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Boarding the luxury yacht was strange - walk along a gangway, but then pull yourself up on a rope that enabled you to clamber aboard.
  • We clambered over the stile and onto a well-worn path fringed by dry rotting undergrowth.
  • On the return ride we clambered up the sandhills from where the view and sounds from the sea became more impressive.
  • It starts exhilaratingly, as you clamber up rockfaces and glide through a rainforest. Times, Sunday Times
  • The metallic clang of the fire escape being clambered on was getting louder by the second.
  • On other islands there are ruins and old forts to clamber over and all manner of cruises and ferries to get you there. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just then the white-domed heads of two men in coveralls appeared over the rim of the hollow, and the others stepped back to let them clamber out. The Priest
  • They suffered nasty cuts as they clambered over rock faces and waded through undergrowth. The Sun
  • I travelled by foot, by hitch-hiking and by clambering onto the wagons of freight trains.
  • Well then he struts, stands on tiptoes, bustles, and bestirs his stumps, shoves and makes way, and with much ado clambers up a sycamore. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The giant, tusked mammals typically clamber onto the sea ice to rest, or haul themselves onto land for just a few weeks at a time.
  • We hiked up steep switchbacks between ancient samaan and banyan trees and clambered down gullies where razor grass spikes up high along the trail and mango and cashew trees form a fruitful canopy.
  • Ten minutes later I was finished, rather pleased with the walk, though note this is obviously a rarely done circuit; one can tell by the paucity of waymarks and the gates that have to be clambered over.
  • They suffered nasty cuts as they clambered over rock faces and waded through undergrowth. The Sun
  • You were clambering about in the spaces that lay inside your own head. Times, Sunday Times
  • When you're young and a ladder is thrust in front of you, you don't wonder how high it is or think about the strength of its rungs; you clamber on up.
  • They clambered into the little wooden boat and she instructed her to carefully begin untying the knot that secured her side of the boat.
  • He clambered over a wall in pitch dark last Sunday night. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oddie spotted a wheelie-bin at the back of some buildings, falling into it head first after clambering up the outside like a monkey. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • I clamber into the one-man hull, perch on the edge, and the instructor hands me the main sheet and the tiller extension.
  • I've clambered up rocks in the tropical heat in the vain hope that there might be grasswren on top of the escarpment.
  • It is a relentless satire on the town's citizens, who are depicted as upstarts clambering up the social ladder despite their patent inadequacy.
  • We clamber up over rocks onto a barren, boulder-strewn moonscape where we pick up speed.
  • I know a number of women who would like to clamber naked up a mulberry tree and eat his fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clamber over this, and follow the passage through a short canal to a rope climb up a rift.
  • After they had descended the main craig, they clambered over the top of this cave, and, entering upon another sweep of rugged hills, commenced a rapid march. The Scottish Chiefs
  • Sometimes we walk along the towpath or, if the lock is a bit far, we clamber back on board. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nature notes The small birds that clamber about on tree trunks and large branches now have their offspring following them around. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anyone who uses the word "clamber," and correctly no less, in a cycling blog has earned the right to call himself a snob. Prize Fighting: Knuckle Down to Win
  • They clambered up the rickety wooden outside staircase to Louis's workshop in what had been the grooms' quarters.
  • Clambering over the precious pile in the middle, they crouched low on the foreside of the mast and groped under the half-deck. Nostromo: a Tale of the Seaboard
  • He swam directly to the beach and clambered out into a small opening between two harems, the masters of which made warning noises but did not attack him. Chapter 30
  • But he insisted on clambering down to each one in person, and as he decided that one of my granaries was a prison, and another a pot-making factory, and another a schoolroom for young priests, he naturally said he hadn't much reliance on my judgment, and would have to go through the whole lot himself. The Lost Continent
  • Instead, she clambers up a ladder onto her sleeping platform - and shimmies down the rungs again each morning. Times, Sunday Times
  • She worked her way round the obstruction, clambering over general debris as she went.
  • I sighed, then clambered to my feet at a more sedate pace and gathered up my stuff.
  • He then clambered on to a box to reach the door latch and let the paramedics in to revive her. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seemed awkward and unnatural to stand and walk, but I did it; I clambered out of the cave, into the harsh sunlight.
  • The lawn leads to the sea wall; clamber down there and you're on the beach. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was incredibly short, fat and stocky, with a tuft of balding, wiry hair sticking straight up as if he'd just clambered out of bed.
  • The lawn leads to the sea wall; clamber down there and you're on the beach. Times, Sunday Times
  • With rain pattering gently off the window of her small bedroom, the fourteen year-old girl clambered out of bed to face the first day of term.
  • His irritation quickly faded into pleasure at the spruce and pine darkly clambering up the slablike mountainside. THE LAST RAVEN
  • The lower we clambered, the lower my jaw dropped; the vast ridgetop stronghold is truly gobsmacking. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pilot clambered out of the plane and was walking around a bit dazed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Additionally, they both use the "orthograde clamber" when moving through trees. Going Bipedal
  • Many walls, fences and gates have to be clambered over.
  • Youths were clambering over barbed wire fences, climbing through skylight windows and running amok in the dark.
  • At last we saw the two girls clambering down the slope to safety.
  • By slow, painful steps I clambered to my feet, wobbling uncertainly on the rough wooden floor.
  • The pilot clambered out of the plane and was walking around a bit dazed. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the robber clambered over railings his trousers snagged and Mr Ceesay grabbed hold of the hood of his top.
  • They moved about a three hundred feet past the deer before they clambered down again.
  • Even after clambering on the table, he could not get a good enough shot at the three reds clustered near the cushion.
  • We were leaving the small lakeside town of Copacabana and as we clambered into the minibus the sun was setting. Times, Sunday Times
  • One dragged a huge chain wherever he went, another an ouranoutang, whilst a third was furnished with scourges, and all performed to a charm; some clambered up trees, holding one foot in the air; others poised themselves over a fire, and without mercy filliped their noses. The History of the Caliph Vathek
  • One managed to clamber back home in a very distressed state, suffering a fractured pelvis, cuts and severe shock.
  • Sometimes we walk along the towpath or, if the lock is a bit far, we clamber back on board. Times, Sunday Times
  • People clambered on to tables to escape being bitten while others shook pieces of cloth at the snakes to scare them off. Times, Sunday Times
  • The outer suit opened at the front and I clambered awkwardly into it. Anti-Ice
  • The Hoatzin chick features a rare anatomical feature — two claws on each budding wing which help it grip branches and clamber about awkwardly.
  • Doctors all will go to clamber up in pyramid from enter to cure porch.
  • He then clambered on to a box to reach the door latch and let the paramedics in to revive her. Times, Sunday Times
  • And access via the side door means an undignified clamber over the back.
  • A policeman, under orders from his captain, clambered to the lofty seat of the coal wagon to arrest the driver. SOUTH OF THE SLOT
  • We clambered out of the water after some serious underwater rock climbing.
  • The van lurched to a stop in a gravel parking lot of Wilkin's lake, the girls clambered out into the coolish air and grabbed their bags.
  • I clambered into the straw tick ungracefully and flopped down, clothes and all.
  • We finally reached the edge of the deck, where other women and children were clambering aboard the small, slightly rickety looking lifeboat.
  • The children clambered up the steep bank.
  • One sniff of victory and they clamber all over you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Exploring side canyons and clambering up to the surrounding tablelands for an overlook will form part of our journey.
  • And may clamber aboard a vehicle offers them a say for once. The Sun
  • Hey, Wyatt, I look just like Spider-Man," he called out to his 3 1/2-year-old son as he clambered along the station's latticelike framework. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Thinking they were just showing their age - most tourists here are 50-plus - my companion and I clambered in.
  • And by the looks of that wall of water coming down on us just now, the sooner we climb, the better for us! "cried Jerry, suiting his actions to his words, and seizing the lower limb of a friendly oak, into which he clambered hastily, followed by his three chums, just as a five-foot wave swept under them, for all the world resembling a" curler "rolling in from the ocean and up the beach. The Outdoor Chums After Big Game Or, Perilous Adventures in the Wilderness
  • As our conductor hollered we ran and clambered on the bus back home.
  • He had clambered in beside his wife, and was holding one of her hands in his. The Banks of the Sacramento
  • Sailor as he was, it was easy enough for him to clamber up the gnarled trunk.
  • As he came near the rear end he saw a slender figure just clambering over the highboard fence of the field in the rear of the hangar. Around the World in Ten Days
  • I travelled by foot, by hitch-hiking and by clambering onto the wagons of freight trains.
  • I clambered on to the wheelbarrow, to pray for a healing miracle, laying aside my glasses and hat.
  • The ageing gang had to clamber down a lift shaft to access the vault while Basil disabled the alarm and other electrics. Times, Sunday Times
  • And may clamber aboard a vehicle offers them a say for once. The Sun
  • We hiked up steep switchbacks between ancient samaan and banyan trees and clambered down gullies where razor grass spikes up high along the trail and mango and cashew trees form a fruitful canopy.
  • Molly clambers up onto the wall and struts up and down for a moment whilst she gets her balance on the wall.
  • He’s just about to say something in reply when his name is bellowed from a carload of guests pulling up into the space next to us and a small army of women in pastel suits clamber out and start mobbing him. Confetti Confidential
  • Hearing clambering and the rustling of people around him, Ikeda remained angrily at his spot even as a woman's voice rang out, clear and strong.
  • At the end of the trail, after a tedious gravelly slope, where I remember a close bed of the pretty mountain phlox, with thin remnants of a snowdrift no more than a rod or two above it, there remained a brief clamber over huge boulders, with tufts of gorgeous pink pentstemon growing in such scanty deposits of coarse soil as the desolate, unpromising situation afforded; the scantier the better, as it seemed; for this clever economist is a lover of rocks, if there ever was one. On Foot in the Yosemite
  • After the prison finally closed, I got the chance to visit and was especially moved by dark smudges on the walls beneath the high, barred windows - the footprints of the prisoners who had clambered up to glimpse the world outside.
  • She clambers into the fork of a crippled tree, leaving me below.
  • Without another thought Royce clambered out the window, keeping a tight hold on the makeshift rope.
  • But many of those eager to clamber on to or ascend the ladder are unable to proceed as a result of the continuing shortage of mortgage funds. Times, Sunday Times
  • We clambered up the hillside to the ridge above.
  • With some hesitation, but gamely enough, he clambered aboard the swaying ladder and hauled his spherical bulk into the air. ANTI-ICE
  • She managed to struggle free from the car and the suspect clambered into the driver's seat and drove off.
  • he clambered up onto the stage and got the actors to help him into the box
  • We clambered into the oxcart, and Xenophon drove away with us, chatting subvocally the while. In the Garden of Iden
  • As soon as her eyes met mine she looked away, then after that we all clambered out of the car.
  • After some furious backpedalling from the Germans in recent days, bond and markets higher Wednesday and the euro clambered back above $1.40 (R10. 40) after the European Union gave its backing to the Greek Balkans, there beckons a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to - Articles related to Euro Area Headed for Break-Up, SocGen's Edwards Says
  • She clambered onto her feet, tidying up the bathroom as fast as she could.
  • The dog clambered up onto the counter and stood there with a paw on each side of my bag and had a good old nose around.
  • The challenging assault course will see the squad scaling 12 ft high walls, balancing on beams and clambering up and over rope cargo nets.
  • Last year they started using the Grade II listed toll house, as a platform, clambering on the roof for a good diving spot.
  • We skied over the sea ice, bridged the leads and clambered over the sastrugi, and my arrogance and incompetence lost me a finger-end to frostbite.
  • A steady stream of miners also clambered over the narrow pass and up this gorgeous valley to the mining camps near Cooke City and Silver Gate, and self-sufficient homesteaders called the compositionally perfect basin with its steep ridges and fins and buttes, home. Canada Free Press
  • Suddenly he skinned his knee and found he was clambering across an underwater islet. SHADOW OF A DARK QUEEN: BOOK ONE OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • Some clambered through ventilation shafts to escape. Times, Sunday Times
  • The team included Stockton vet Jackie Paterson, who clambered into the drain and injected the foal with sedatives.
  • Gently she released the metal bolt, eased up the lower light and clambered through.
  • The attendant clambered out from behind the counter, one of his colleagues taking his place.
  • One sniff of victory and they clamber all over you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mel was clambering down a gentle slope, loosening bits of rocks and soil, towards what he supposed was the Cobalt River.
  • Slithering, clambering, and clawing through bush - literally bushwhacking - is unique to Blue Mountain canyoning.
  • The pretty _désas_ of plaited palm and bamboo, hiding in depths of tropical woodland, with blue thunbergia clambering over every verandah, and the Through the Malay Archipelago
  • They clambered in, and the doors closed with satisfying thunks.
  • He balked the invitation and clambered in with me.
  • He clambered laboriously from the shallows, the water draining from the bottom of his "stagged" trousers. The Rules of the Game
  • Its two back seat occupants clambered out through the car's shattered rear window and ran off.
  • With sports becoming big time entertainment, models and veejays are now clambering onto the bandwagon.
  • Missiles launched from catapults in the hills above, javelins thrown by Persian soldiers, and arrows from thousands of archers fell like rain on the Macedonians as they tried to clamber up the snow-covered cliffs to get at the defenders. Alexander the Great
  • The man trembled as with a chill as he started to his feet, clambered over the fence, and mounted his wheel. When the World Was Young
  • But he stopped grinning before the afternoon wore out, for I set him climbing and clambering for little pieces of mundic and tiny patches of garnets in all the toughest places I could find in that mine, and went into ecstasies over each individual piece, until I had quite Campaign Pictures of the War in South Africa (1899-1900) Letters from the Front
  • reaching the crest was a real clamber
  • The other attempt which must have been dreadful, he and a friend, escaped from the compound and waited near a train siding, clambered under the train and suspended themselves under the carriage/truck between the wheels, clinging on for a long time the train finally stopped at where they believed should have been Switzerland, to find it had shunted onto another line and had rerouted back into Austria. Ron Cridge
  • But many of those eager to clamber on to or ascend the ladder are unable to proceed as a result of the continuing shortage of mortgage funds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everything is in an awful mess. You shouldn't have allowed the children to clamber about in the room.
  • If it was a boxing match then Scarborough would not be allowed to don a towelling robe, never mind clamber through the ropes.
  • Nature notes The small birds that clamber about on tree trunks and large branches now have their offspring following them around. Times, Sunday Times
  • They heard Marvel squeal like a caught leveret, and forthwith they were clambering over the bar to his rescue. The Invisible Man
  • Any remnant of infant energy can be exhausted on a clamber over rustic playground structures.
  • They no more got a bush rabbit than Tom and Adrian had got a stag, but the clambering and clamor of the beagles was a joy. Masters of the Hunt
  • The hens clambered in, cackling with delight and greed.
  • A plant that is now clambering up walls and fences everywhere is pellitory-of-the-wall. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dorcas clambered down awkwardly on to Jekub's oily deck.
  • They managed to get the ride working and clambered aboard. The Sun
  • Clambering up the west ridge, I got knocked flat a dozen times.
  • Keep to the middle path between extremes - it's easy going overboard and much harder clambering back.
  • Instead, a frenziedly spirited troupe of backing dancers is left to pick up the slack, while Britney clambers aboard various moving parts of machinery and is wheeled around like an ancient maiden aunt being taken for her morning perambulation in a bath chair. Britney Spears review
  • The garden became like an ants' nest as snaking rows of people clambered up our hillside.
  • The stream fell away beneath me, and I clambered and groped my way down a wet and slippery rock face, nearly falling.
  • Look out for the playground where little people clamber over a giant outstretched Gulliver. Times, Sunday Times
  • I clamber onto the roof, helping to strap bags down with small bits of rope and bandanas.
  • In the corner between them, a great coiling growth, blackened now in its winter hibernation, stripped of leaves, clambered as high as the battlements where the brattice began. A River So Long
  • To hear some of my friends in politics and political journalism talk, you would think that democracy is a kind of jolly charabanc on to which all reasonable citizens have clambered, even if we may argue about the route. Archive 2004-06-06
  • Then we clambered up the square tower's dark staircase and two ladders to reach the top, catch our breath and gasp at the splendid view. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fortified by some lunch we clambered up a final range of large boulders and emerged onto the windswept summit.
  • Cupid clambers over the roots of a dead tree and the unroused putti, towards the two lovers.
  • But why should the descendants of Eusthenopteron have troubled to clamber about laboriously on the land?
  • They clamber about the branches like parrots to get at them. Times, Sunday Times
  • We all clambered aboard and the boat pulled out.
  • The sound of ragged, empty breathing passed by her door and Chandra sleepily threw back her covers and clambered out of bed.
  • Continue over the slippery rocks round to the other side, and clamber up a steep, grassy slope.
  • Its two back seat occupants clambered out through the car's shattered rear window and ran off.
  • I shouted back, clambering to my feet and tying my hair with the first hair band I could find.
  • Planted to clamber up bamboo wigwams or trained up and over an arch, runner beans are pretty enough to grow in the flower garden and yellow, carmine splashed shelling beans are highly decorative.
  • As they are clambering up the ropes hanging from the gondola, the balloon abruptly takes off again, leaving the men dangling.
  • Up that gravelly and gliddery ascent, which changes every groove and run at every sudden shower, but never grows any the softer — up that the heavy boats must make clamber somehow, or not a single timber of their precious frames is safe. Mary Anerley
  • A final clamber led to cliff where we could look out to the open sea.
  • We had been painfully clambering over interminable hills and rocks for days together, and when we suddenly came upon this astonishing piece of rockless plain, every man drove the spurs into his horse and sped away with a velocity he could surely enjoy to the utmost, but could never hope to comprehend in Syria. The Innocents Abroad
  • The man clambering after her (he did "hirple" with the right foot, Kirsteen observed with pleasure) suddenly slipped down with an oath, for he too had seen the newcomer, and presently she heard his footsteps on the road hurrying away. Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
  • The frail craft rocked as he clambered in.
  • Pinsent clambered over Foster to embrace Redgrave, and then fell in the water.
  • He then clambered on to a box to reach the door latch and let the paramedics in to revive her. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gradually, the adoration turns into unabashed devotion, as people try to clamber onto the stage.
  • The nettled banks rose vertically and the barbed branches made it impossible to clamber up short of a mile or so downriver. Polly Samson | The Man Who Fell
  • I clambered on to the wheelbarrow, to pray for a healing miracle, laying aside my glasses and hat.
  • The girls clamber from their seats, toward the open windows, as Seena tries unsuccessfully to open the window nearest her. Amaryllis in Blueberry
  • In fact, the chain shackle and wire rope clambered, as it were, up out of the groove on the right-hand side of the V of the wheel, got on the top of the rim of the V-wheel, and rushed down with a crash on the smaller wheel, giving, no doubt, a severe shock to the cable to which it was attached. The Breaking of the Atlantic Telegraph Cable on Board the Great Eastern
  • This was entered by clambering into the dark beneath the slabbed floor of the modern church.
  • We clambered over mossy boulders beneath a canopy of big-leaf maple, bay, and fir, and covered six-tenths of a mile of sparkling riffles and cascades.
  • So is clambering about on your own roof. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can clamber out onto the gently-pitched roof for dizzying views across the lush valley.
  • Both had to clamber over a fence to escape a mob, angry over a planned 2,900 job losses. The Sun
  • The senior comrades were certainly keen, clambering about the pleasure boats at a rate that put me to shame, and endlessly asking the tour guide to take their picture in front of some scenic view.
  • They managed to get the ride working and clambered aboard. The Sun
  • Librarians from around the city gamely clamber up on the loading dock and spin tales.
  • Orr simply walked across the sand, clambered on to one of the tanks, ‘popped’ the pins on his hand grenades and moved over the edge of the hatch.
  • The leaves, like small ferns, clamber over the tufts of bluebell leaves that are also coming up. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the foot of the falls, we clambered out and up, past cascades and pools to the top.
  • The ageing gang had to clamber down a lift shaft to access the vault while Basil disabled the alarm and other electrics. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is worth making a short detour to the shore where, after a tricky clamber, you can explore natural arches.

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