How To Use Clad In A Sentence
Jeff, clad in board trunks and a T-shirt, leans back in his chair with the lappie on his, uhhh, lap, and his bare feet up on the desk.
They are essential atmospheric cladding which prevents the earth from becoming a frozen planet.
For a great deal on cladded cookware, I'd recommend this Cuisinart set.
"All of us are routing 'American Idol.' It’s so great. The No. 1 show in television and it's getting ruined."
Each flat-roofed block is planted with sedum grass (that can absorb 70% of water run-off) and clad in slatted larch wood.
The lower blocks are in concrete clad in gabions filled with site granite; roofs are planted with indigenous flora.

Success in that final exam ensures that their parents' dream, which by now should also be their own, of a cap and gown clad university graduate is within grasp.
Furthermore, outgroup comparison (with macaques, for example) indicates that some of these characters are primitive for the cercopithecid clade that includes these species (Papionina).
Archive 2006-06-01
Kislev is a land of dark pine forests, snow-clad wilderness and wind-swept steppes.
For that reason its exterior façade is made of limestone on the ground floor and an innovative terra-cotta cladding on the upper floors.
The Seigle House by Lohan Anderson
Hiroshima -- As a mountain range rises angularly in the background, two Japanese misses, one in modern dress, the other clad in a traditional Japanese kimono, pose beside the Peace Bridge in Hiroshima during a day of remembrance, the ninth anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima with atomic bombs.
Archive 2009-01-01
Grimm leveled his confiscated weapon at the blue-clad human, sighting down its length.
Scantily clad go-go girls give the crowd something to look at.
Clad in steel, the GigaMatrix looks like a copier from the late 1980s, with two flat TV monitors on top and a door on the side.
Gut Reactions
The crowd filled, the floor became packed, as a new group of yellow-clad musicians came out---high in an alcove---bearing enormous drums.
The Full Feed from
Modestly clad women appear as newsreaders on TV, while sexually suggestive Hindi film posters adorn shopfronts about town.
The eccentricity, bleeding, wire breaking, low mechanic property in the production of aluminium - clad steel wire are analyzed, the prevention and the resolution method put forword.
On a highboy in the corner of the dining room rests a handsome, black-and-white portrait of Jean, then a stunner in her early 20s, and James, clad in his Army uniform.
Jean Stevens, Wyalusing Widow, Lived With Corpses Of Husband And Twin Sister, Say Police
The company will also incorporate two species on one window and offers extruded solid bronze or aluminum cladding.
Stone walls are left exposed or clad with broad wooden planks and painted white.
Times, Sunday Times
The houses are clad in tin sheets, like beached gunboats.
Tuxedo-clad waiters brought champagne and frou-frou hors d' oeuvres to the thousand guests sprawled throughout the grounds.
At the bar a leather-clad schoolboy was buying a pint of lager, served in a plastic beaker.
Both Isidore and Feodor were clad in simple chitons that showed off their large, muscular arms.
Here, Monostatos is a guy clad in a green spandex bodysuit (that is, he’s green-skinned), and when the same scene occurs, Papageno’s musing as translated in the supertitles is about green birds and green men.
Zauberflöte 2005
Therefore, they had shallow drafts and rode low in the water; while they were more seaworthy than many of the northern ironclads, their weatherly qualities were dubious.
However, even the wisdom of a political boss is not infallible, and despite the succulent graces of the barbecue numbers of the ascetic and jeans-clad elder worthies, though fed to repletion, collogued unhappily together among the ox-teams and canvas-hooded wagons on the slope, commenting sourly on the frivolity of the dance.
Una Of The Hill Country 1911
Clad in a nightdress, boots (no socks) and a mackintosh, I am swept along by the crowd running before the speeding police jeeps until we are surrounded on all sides by heavily armed police.
The figure enters the building and the several scientists are clad in Hawaiian luau apparel, getting ready for the end of the season party.
The Movie Spoiler
Students decked up as traditional warriors, zulu tribals and khakhi-clad men ready to go into the bush, welcomed the guests.
Clad in a rollneck and forever gently clasping a glass of red wine, Lucont represents all the jokes and illusions we have about the French taken to an exaggerated and absurd level.
This week's new comedy
Water - and temperature-dependence of DNA damage and repair in the fruticose lichen Cladonia arbuscula ssp. mitis exposed to UV-B radiation.
General characteristics of arctic species and their adaptations in the context of changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation levels
They discover some pirate treasure at the bottom of the ocean, while looking ripped, tanned and clad in the skimpiest of skimpy clothes.
Say the word geisha and images of beautiful kimono-clad women serving green tea, reciting poetry and playing classical instruments may spring to mind.
News On Japan
They offer an up-close view of a life-size, red-blue-and-white clad young woman in an overgrown ravine before a chain-link fence.
Bikini-clad dancers writhe onstage at a swinger's club in their best '80s music-video impersonation.
Even in midwinter, in the icy church, the blushing bride would throw aside her broadcloth cape or camblet roquelo and stand up clad in a sprigged India muslin gown with only a thin lace tucker over her neck, warm with pride in her pretty gown, her white bonnet with ostrich feathers and embroidered veil, and in her new husband.
Sabbath in Puritan New England
They had been down to the Balesuna making an alligator trap, and, instead of trousers, were clad in lava-lavas that flapped gracefully about their stalwart limbs.
Chapter 8
• Le Trianon, avenue des Bains, Parc des Thermes, Allevard, +33 4 7671 9617, letrianon-allevard.frAlsace surprises the visitor, not just with the strange Germanic dialect and its colourful half-timbered gingerbread houses clustered in tiny villages surrounded by rolling vine-clad hills, but also with some of the country's finest cuisine.
Budget bourguignon: cheap eats in France
A clade is a group, consisting of a single organism and all of its descendants.
A Disclaimer for Behe?
Peter, however, reassured them somewhat, for, although he was not clad in buckskin and feathers, he wore exquisitely beaded moccasins, a scarlet sash about his waist, a small owl feather sticking in his hat band, and his ears were pierced, displaying huge earrings of hammered silver.
The Shagganappi
In addition, the ironclad had little freeboard, so it was susceptible to being swamped.
Behind him hurried a younger, comelier man, carefully clad in motor costume, who bent above the girl with passionate solicitude and gazed into her staring eyes until they narrowed and dropped and her face flushed deeper and deeper crimson.
To screen reception from the adjoining conference room, a cabinetmaker clad rigid-foam bifold doors with randomly flitched oak-veneered MDF panels.
Interior Design Industry News
You can tell this isn't going to be a winter of picturesque snowscapes and mitten-clad children scampering around with their hoods up - it's one of the bleak, sub-zero temperatures variety.
They solved some crimes and bedded a lot of bikini-clad women.
The spiny, reddish-brown stems are clad with oval-shaped, glossy green leaves with notched margins.
The Sun
Clad in red shirts and bandannas, both defendants looked calm upon hearing the verdict.
This analysis is a first step in reconstructing the details of possible evolutionary relationships among primitive cladid crinoids.
Aluminium cleaners: There is a wide range of products formulated specifically for cleaning aluminium cladding and vehicle bodies.
She blushed at the thoughts running through her mind after surveying him fully still clad in his charcoal grey dress pants that accented his derrière perfectly.
The garnet and blue clad hoopsters competed in four exhibition contests that season, winning each by a comfortable margin.
Some time about the year 1827, two sturdy lads, tall and well proportioned but clad in homespun and barefooted, came to "Dryden Corners" from the South Hill neighborhood, driving an ox team and bringing to market a wagon load of pine shingles which they had shaved by hand.
Living in Dryden: June 2004 Archives
By the way, nothing cladistically out-of-line with the term reptile, so long as we agree that Reptilia is a clade in which case it includes Aves and excludes Synapsida of which mammals are part.
Around the Web
The former were drabby-looking creatures, stained in face with oil and dust, clad in thin, shapeless, cotton dresses and shod with more or less worn shoes.
Sister Carrie
The intense painting shows three old women with shrunken faces and clad in white.
'Several people then suggested the idea of cladding the fibre.
The steel frame is wrapped in thin sheets of translucent polycarbonate cladding that gently diffuses light like a fragile membrane of rice paper.
The existence of a rhinolophoid-megabat clade has also been supported by other research teams (e.g.,
We flightless primates
A fifty-pound chunk of steel was missing from the reactor, and the only thing holding the coolant in was the stainless cladding, which is paperthin, and which bulged out the hole like bubblegum.
Think Progress » Jonah Goldberg: Concerns About Climate Change Are ‘Millenarian Battiness’
Workers clad in protective yellow suits tend the patients in what is known as the'red zone '.
Times, Sunday Times
In the light of cladism in biology, one may regard biological taxa as having historical essences also, and this is consistent with the general picture given to us by Kripke and Putnam, even if they themselves once thought that biological kinds had microstructural essences (LaPorte 2004, 64; Kornblith 1993, 111).
Natural Kinds
Its rise to popularity has been attributed to a marketing strategy that included the use of scantily clad spokesmodels.
The concrete walls are largely unadorned, but in places are tinted dull pink or blue and clad in horizontal slats of dark tropical hardwood.
He snapped his fingers and he was suddenly clad in a sapphire tux with top hat to match her dress.
The force-feed lubrication method is used for drawing aluminum - clad steel fabricated by continuos extrusion process.
The glass shard of a building makes the dingy three-and five-story buildings next door seem dingier, and the seamy building boasting adult videos and scantily-clad mannequins even seamier.
A Sliver Shines Above Midtown
The building is made of precast concrete elements with aluminium cladding on the roof and rounded facades.
Cabel Headquarters by Massimo Mariani
I couldn't win at a game of wallyball even if my competition consisted entirely of mannequins clad in movement restricting plate mail armor.
A clade is an ancestor species and all of its descendants
A Disclaimer for Behe?
The U.S. Supreme Court refused the City of New York's final attempt to prevent artist Spencer Tunick from moving ahead with a photo shoot to produce one of his panoramic cityscapes containing numerous unclad individuals.
As early as 9am, the streets of East London were alive with people - clad in the black and gold colours of both teams - blowing their noisy vuvuzelas.
In the distance the pine-clad hills were bathed in a pale wash of greenish-purple light.
Along with Sinatra, an entire generation of tuxedo-clad, slow-moving Italian American crooners followed Crosby to stardom.
A Renegade History of the United States
No matter how hard I try, I simply cannot keep up with my guide, Alistair, who scampers over the screes like some tweed-clad mountain goat.
A cop killer bullet used tobe defined as any armor piercing bullet and especially any of the Nyclad (teflon coated hardened core) bullets available only to law enforcement.
Obama Administration Looks To Reinstate Assault-Weapons Ban
Several workers have suggested that the entire alveolate clade is derived from a photosynthetic ancestor.
Cindy's partly unclad body was found on her mother's bed.
The ride was long, but, with my saddle-bags and Lucy, a new mare my aunt had raised and given me, and clad in overalls, which we called tongs, I cared little for the mud, and often enough stopped to assist a chaise out of the deep holes, which made the roads dangerous for vehicles.
Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker
I have just shattered the widely-shared romantic vision of HBM seated, with her laptop, at a tidy secretaire in an oak-panelled library, clad in stylish loungewear and sipping tea from a china cup.
How To Lose a Friend in 10 Months
Men strolled on the sidewalks, clad in long billowing cloaks, with openly displayed swords.
One by one ten guards clad in dull armor emerged from the entrance and stomped heavily towards the waiting Rathgal Tayotos and Shase.
Khaki clad, bloused boots, burnooses obscuring their features, bearded men with necks wrapped in shemaghs in the green-black pattern so beloved by many.
Dead Zero
They're not "ironclad," warns Morningstar mutual fund analyst Michael Herbst.
Retirees Need A Cash Bundle
The shaded and unshaded rectangles indicate the two inferred recombination blocks in each clade, designated numerically as blocks 1 and 2.
However, the Las Vegas Four Seasons is right there on The Strip, right next to the Luxor, which kind of implicates it as one of those Vegas hotels - lobbies clanging with slot machines and crowded with wandering tourists clad in Reeboks, Dockers shorts, hooded sweatshirts tied around their waists and clear plastic visors embellished with flamingoes.
Elvis Didn't Sing at the Wedding - Four Seasons Hotel, Las Vegas
David is shown as a young, beardless figure with short, dark hair, clad in a purple chlamys, fastened at the shoulder (though no fibula is represented), beneath which a white and golden yellow garment can be seen.
Of all the sea-robbers who sailed from their rocky dwelling-places by the fiords of Norway, none enjoyed higher renown than Rolf, called the ganger, or walker, as tradition relates, because his stature was so gigantic that, when clad in full armor, no horse could support his weight, and he therefore always fought on foot.
Cameos from English History, from Rollo to Edward II
Because, contrary to what's been said about us in the past, New Zealanders are not a passionless people, and the brightest gems will sometimes be found lurking in a hole in the ground, clad in blue overalls.
The procession passed ranks of red-clad guards, their gold badges shining brightly in the sunlight, and turned into the sanded courtyard outside the hall.
Small fish begin by feeding upon zooplankton, mainly cladocera, such as daphnia, before moving onto bloodworm and larger invertebrates as they grow.
They contain lithium-aluminate pellets lined with zirconium, and are clad into long pencil-shaped, stainless steel rods.
Robert Alvarez: Future Supply of New Tritium Explosive for U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Doubt
One Hickling nest was built on the top of an abandoned coot's nest and in water so deep that the keeper had difficulty in reaching it clad in thigh waders.
It's a fight they probably would lose, but it's time for a team to take a stand and challenge the ironclad nature of contract guarantees.
The Confederates were fully aware of this, and as soon as they could, placed on the waters of their rivers and harbors vessels new to naval warfare, called ironclad rams.
A School History of the United States
The Vegas audience of polyester-clad gamblers and middle-aged couples contrast starkly with the fag-puffing, beer-swilling crowds at home.
A figure clad in a black leather jacket called out from the next table chuckled and turned towards the two girls, revealing an devilish, cheeky grin.
Beautiful materials are used: in the podium the concrete beams are clad in mullions of black Argentine granite enclosing fillets of white Sicilian marble.
Both entrance wall and the one that faces it are clad in a form of black, slightly textured wood particle board; the floor is of dark timber, and counters are made of solid native Brazilian hardwood.
One evening while Fahrquhar and his wife were sitting on a rustic bench near the entrance to his grounds, a gray-clad soldier rode up to the gate and asked for a drink of water.
The colour of the cladding was stipulated as grey but what was provided was yellow.
We've stripped wallpaper, painted, put up skirting boards, hung blinds, panelled ceilings and clad walls.
He disliked the timber cladding element of the design and said the finish needed to respect the quality of the improvements to the rest of the estate.
A landlord who was tied up and threatened at knifepoint while balaclava-clad raiders ransacked his Brentwood pub has told of his horrific ordeal.
Office cladding is designed as a vented, triple-glazed flush facade.
Materials are excellent, ply and cedar cladding, with mahogany sunshades protecting south openings.
A middle-aged lady appeared, clad in tweeds, more like a squiress than a Valleys housewife.
The £13 million ship, which has been named Research Vessel Triton, is said to represent the most radical step forward in warship design since the introduction of the ironclads.
Clad in my nightgown and untied work boots, I must have been a sight.
“Oh, I dunno,” says our informant, another sprightly juvenile, modishly clad in jellaba, brass-buttoned jacket, and pirate head-scarf.
Flashman on the March
The berries in the most derived clade (Olmstead et al.'s subfamily ‘Solanoideae’) are all morphologically similar, with two carpels, axile placentation and mostly lenticular seeds.
Materials are simple: plastered concrete block walls which anchor the house into the sandhills, are combined with timber-framed walls, cedar cladding and cedar framed windows.
In the second act, Colker's sleek, scantily-clad dancers writhe seductively in and out of a clear plastic tank.
The minstrels, bedecked in red doublets and white hose, played upbeat tunes to which gardens of brightly clad nobles danced merrily.
She liked to shop, casually wandering throughout the market, occasionally listening to the white clad merchants hawk their wares.
The peoples of the Cyclades and Crete were seagoing folk, and their first trading voyages to the islands of the Aegean seem to have been for obsidian.
Clad in alder wood, the sauna is available in three sizes, starting at around $30,000 for the 200 sq-ft model plus shipping and assembly.
PREFAB FRIDAY: The SeaSauna | Inhabitat
The FROW were all dutifully clad in Burberry Prorsum.
He was clad in mail and leather, and from his lance fluttered the bannerol bearing the Borgia arms, which had announced his quality to
The Shame of Motley: being the memoir of certain transactions in the life of Lazzaro Biancomonte, of Biancomonte, sometime fool of the court of Pesaro
The children were poorly clad; one wrapped in a rag of some kind and his only other clothing a very dirty loin cloth.
Much fair was this lady, and much she loved God and Holy Church, and therewith was so good almsgiver and so charitable that she fed and clad poor people and kissed their feet.
Old French Romances
It was a regular antheap all the way in, with the miners crawling over the tree-clad slopes, and the ceaseless thump of picks and scrape of shovels and ring of axes, and ramshackle huts and shanties and sluice-boxes everywhere, with dirty bearded fellows in slouch hats and galluses cussing and burrowing, and claim signs all along Sweetheart Mine, Crossbone Diggings, Damyereyes Gulch, and the like.
I live in a timber-framed house, the top half of which is covered in metal cladding that has a white treatment.
Times, Sunday Times
This means that there is a higher concentration of phosphorus close to shore where Cladophora algae grows.
The optical fiber cladding serves as an important part of the fiber connector, an optical passive component of the greatest demand in optical communications field.
In cladistics, the clade is a hypothetical construct based on experimental data.
About 'What Darwin Got Wrong'
The basic idea behind cladistics is that members of a group share a common evolutionary history, and are "closely related," more so to members of the same group than to other organisms.
About 'What Darwin Got Wrong'
The rectory was a dour red brick house with ivy-clad walls where birds would soon be nesting.
An intricate support structure of stainless-steel wires, bamboo poles and fishing nets provides anchorage for the fabric cladding.
It was My Lady -- formerly My Lady -- clad in embroidered short Spanish jacket, tightish velvet pantaloons, booted to the knees, pulled down upon her yellow hair a black soft hat, and hanging from the just-revealed belt around her slender waist, a revolver trifle.
Desert Dust
In the middle of town was a tavern, where a merry troupe of Spandex-clad cyclists quaffed golden pilsners around a long picnic table.
Bohemian Rhapsody on Two Wheels
Clad in red, yellow, and green motley, he smirks at us through his fingers in the traditional gesture of one who ‘looks the other way’ in the face of wrongdoing.
The interiors contain no drywall or plaster, and exterior cladding comprises cedar shingles and plywood.
Then ships bearing news might reach Alexandria by the dozen -- that is, the greybeard added with a defiant glance at the daintily clad city gentleman -- if they were allowed to pass the Pharos or go through the Poseidon basin into the Eunostus.
Complete Project Gutenberg Georg Ebers Works
Alethinophidians and scolecophidians form a monophyletic ophidian clade that is also unresolved within scleroglossans.
An example association includes Phyllocladus, Agathis dammara, and Eugenia dominated by Castanopsis.
Sulawesi montane rain forests
The United States is seeking an ironclad guarantee that no US national will ever be investigated or prosecuted by the International Criminal Court.
One of the unfortunate effects of the process is that the person's clothing rarely shrinks with them, thus leaving them to brave a changed world unclad.
His eyes flew back to Roxie, briefly roaming her slim body that was clad in a black tank top and gray sweat capris.
The council meeting takes off as the Mayor clad in ceremonial attire takes the high backed chair on the dais at the stroke of the bell.
Other authors have used morphological evidence in support of a relationship of snakes to a clade comprising amphisbaenians and dibamids.
There is no extraneous body cladding, in keeping with the Swedish design ethos of simplicity.
Tile cladding is also used in bathrooms and toilets.
The building will be clad in tinted mirrored glass, so the exterior will reflect the landscape around it.
Times, Sunday Times
CYTHNUS, one of the islands called the Cyclades, in the Ægean Sea.
A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence The Works Of Cornelius Tacitus, Volume 8 (of 8); With An Essay On His Life And Genius, Notes, Supplements
A tall, lithe, rather rakishly clad coatimundi stood nearest the wagon, gesturing animatedly in the merchant's direction with a thin rapier.
The Lives of Felix Gunderson
Johnson onstage was somewhat less ridiculously clad, but his musical taste is as questionable as his fashion sense.
Natural basalt also clads a stair tower and service rooms.
Perched on a stool by the door, clad in tasteless leisure-wear… [he] would trade coarse badinage with his regulars.
She was clad in brocades befitting Kings; her breasts were like twin pomegranates, a woven zone set with all kinds of jewels tightly clasped her waist which expanded below into jutting hips; and her hinder cheeks stood out as a mound of crystal185 supporting a silvern shaft.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
I would be clad in denim and black and chains and I would rock your face.
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Clad in thermal underwear, a drysuit, flippers and gloves, and wearing weights on her legs and belt, she set off at midnight.
A large, disapproving looking woman of mature years accompanied by a lugubrious Schnauzer - both clad in sleeveless knitted jerkins - had materialised on the lawn.
This boy, clad in a disheveled sailor's tunic and winter coat fit for a bear, stood no more than shoulder-high to me.
Natural and artificial light is reflected from the polished and honed surfaces of the stone-clad interior.
Among these clades are such diverse forms as arawanas, knifefishes, mormyrids, eels, tarpon, and herring.
Their formidable presence, clad in gray uniforms with epaulettes and badges, and the silence pervading their stares, shattered a comfort barrier that held my mind in check and kept others from noticing a sign of personal distress.
Experiments reported herein focused on cladodes of O. ficusindica and stem segments of O. parryi var. parryi (cylindropuntia).
Both clades show some overlap in their geographic distribution around the equator.
-- Pale sandy red, darker on the top of the head, the shoulders and fore part of back; two large patches behind the ears; the feet and the under-parts are pale buff yellow; ears moderately large, subovate and well clad, rusty yellow, paler on the under part; whiskers very long, brown, a few brownish white; toe-pads blackish.
Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
The whole of this side is clad in larch laths, penetrated by entrance doors and strips of windows that reflect the arrangements of the individual families.
If so-called compsognathids – all of them relatively small, ecologically and morphologically generalized, long-limbed, long-tailed theropods that hunt small vertebrate prey – are not a clade but are actually scattered about the base of the coelurosaur family tree, this likely indicates that this ecotype was the ancestral one for coelurosaurs.
Archive 2006-06-01
Along the brink of the bog, picking their road among crumbling rocks and green spongy springs, a company of English soldiers are pushing fast, clad cap-a-pie in helmet and quilted jerkin, with arquebus on shoulder, and pikes trailing behind them; stern steadfast men, who, two years since, were working the guns at
Westward Ho!
He sat at the breakfast bar clad in a pair of jeans that hid his business-like personality and a shirt showing off his muscles.
Just like phenetic systematics, cladistics takes advantage of the availability of computer software to analyze large data sets.
He had clad himself from basnet to shoes in steel, and mounted on a strong destrier, went his road to essay the Passage of the Thorn.
French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France
The auction of the card got over last week only. The T206 baseball card features Wagner in his teens clad in Pittsburgh Pirates uniform.
There is no trend from dextrality to sinistrality, but rather large clades characterized by one form or the other, sometimes with large-ish subclades of the complementary type.
The whole long range of hills was clad in beech woods, and beautiful, turreted castles peeped out here and there.
Further Adventures of Nils
Colonel Lin Foh stepped from the bathroom, clad only in a towel around his waist.
His videos invariably feature a harem of voluptuous, bikini-clad lovelies positively gagging to get down with the self-styled Mr Lover Lover.
Platnick and Nelson, who introduced the concepts of cladistic biogeography, required that all taxa used must occur in three or more similar areas.
Zirconium-base alloys are used primarily as fuel cladding material and other core structure material in water cooled nuclear power reactors.
Even the use of stone cladding is another area where the machine-sawn masonry seldom lives up to expectations and slabs of stone can often look like concrete.
A typical King press conference finds the tuxedo-clad promoter clutching an American flag in a hand graced by a nine-carat solitaire set in a white gold ring.
Under the cloaks the priests were clad in heavy battle armor.
They shared the ensuing silence amicably, until the heavy tread of boot-clad feet rumbled on the narrow wooden porch of the inn's street frontage.
Today his tall frame is clad in a shirt with notably large blue checks; his jet black hair is immaculately cut, setting off a strong, aquiline nose.
Despite several attempts, no ParaHox genes have so far been found in triclads.
This pattern, in the style of a Japanese leather paper was produced to match a clado paper of similar design that was among the first Lincrusta papers Walton launched in England in l878.
He prances through the casinos with scantily clad showgirls draped on each arm (although he is happily married).
First clad with the softe barcke of trees, or the faire broade leaues, and in processe with rawe felle and hide full vnworkemanly patched together.
The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
The presence of a commensal parasite that can display mutualism within a clade of known pathogens suggests dynamic evolutionary interactions.
The two little girls began at once to inquire into how he came to be where he was, and how he came to be so unroyally clad.
Divergence times among clades in the ochrocephala complex were estimated using two different molecular clock calibrations (no specific calibration exists for the Psittaciformes).
A numerous escort, superbly clad, surrounded his ambassador; in attendance were packs of enormous hounds; and in front; went a bard, or poet, who sang, with rotte or harp in hand, the glory of Bituitus and of the Arvernian people.
A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 1
There are two steel-clad series-wound motors of 36 B.H.P. For a test load of 120 tons the tractive force is 70 lb per ton, which is sufficient for acceleration, and maintaining speed against wind pressure.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
With SM-28 single mode fiber as the leading fibers, depth of modulation (DM) and coupling efficiency (CE) are calculated with relation to core radius and refractive index of core and inner cladding.
The drivers of these carriages wore the royal feather shoulder-capes, and the footmen were also clad in like royal fashion.
Hawaii's Story, by Hawaii's Queen
He found himself on a wild and sparsely inhabited coastline of pristine turquoise coves and macchia-clad headlands.
Times, Sunday Times
And as Evelyn Van Wyck fled through the sombre forest aisles before the too arduous advances of her slant-browed, skin-clad wooer, the door of the cabin opened, without the courtesy of a knock, and a skin-clad woman, savage and primitive, came in.
Meanwhile, Lincoln conducted the bloodiest war in U.S. history to preserve the Union, authorized the deployment of deadly new weaponry such as mines, ironclad warships and niter a 19th-century version of napalm, and accepted huge casualties for his chosen cause.
Five myths about Abraham Lincoln
Three times a year, UCLA's unofficial Undie Run brings out thousands of skivvy-clad students looking to unwind -- and then some -- from finals week by meeting at midnight to run.
The Kept-Up Academic Librarian:
Whether Euchoreutes is actually a member of either of the two dipodid clades that have been recognised in phylogenetic studies of this group - Dipodinae and Allactaginae (Shenbrot 1992) - remains uncertain.
Archive 2006-03-01
The steering wheel has been clad in grippy nubuck.
Times, Sunday Times
And they saw lying at full length upon the throne our lord Solomon, clad in robes of green silk inwoven with gold and broidered with jewels and precious minerals: his right hand was passed over his breast and on the middle finger was the seal ring whose lustre outshone that of all other gems in the place.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Thecodontia therefore is an evolutionary grade of animals, rather than a clade.
Stylishly clad in a pair of fashionably cut blue jeans and a close-fitting black top fringed with tassels along the lower edge, she was all smiles as she waved and acknowledged the cheers of the crowd.
His efficient two-bedroom row house was somebody's idea of a New England design, clad in white clapboard and black trim.
On the following morning I accompanied Admiral Porter in the ram Price, several iron-clads preceding us, up through Steele's Bayou to near Black Bayou.
The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876
In the cladding while counting in the phase change, using the transverse shift and the phase change of the total reflected light, we derive the beat length formula of the isotrope fiber.