- a center where the members of a community can gather for social or cultural activities
- the center of a city
How To Use civic center In A Sentence
- Although, the Civic Center is a public building, built at taxpayers expense, its plaza is not public.
- Trains stopped at the Civic Center station, where the dim lighting created an eerie scene.
- It's almost ten miles from here to the civic center.
- It's almost ten miles from here to the civic center.
- Two downtown blocks were cleared for the new civic center.
- No. 67 passes by the civic center.
- civic center
- Mayor Art Agnos invited the homeless to bivouac in Civic Center for more than a year while he chewed on the problem.
- As a civic center, he chose to utilize a courtyard plan taken from the former tradition.
- Just before I entered the Civic Center, two busloads of students from the Crow Creek Sioux Reservation pulled up in front of the arena, and healthy and clean youngsters streamed from the bus carrying their backpacks and luggage ready to change into their dancing outfits and become a part of the Unity Celebration. Tim Giago: Reconciling By Dancing to the Beat of Many Drums