How To Use City-state In A Sentence

  • There was no reason that Athens at 338 B.C. needed to lose to Philip of Macedon at the battle of Chaironeia, or even that the loss there meant the end of the freedom of the Greek city-states.
  • Singapore's air quality has reached "unhealthy" levels Thursday, as the city-state continued to be enveloped in haze from fires in neighboring Indonesia's Sumatra island. Haze Blankets Singapore
  • Haval were as most Shemite city-states, a walled city. Archive 2009-12-01
  • The Empire, a loose alliance of city-states and provinces owing allegiance to its Emperor, and the kingdom of Bretonnia.
  • And so Cesare's campaign continued... His first objective was the small city-state Camerino. THE FAMILY
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  • He said the U.S. is considering a range of actions to strengthen military ties to Australia and the city-state of Singapore. Gates pledges wider U.S. military presence in Asia
  • Or, as John Perry Barlow of the Electronic Frontier Foundation predicted last year: "We're going back to the city-state.
  • This mediaeval movement of expansion, which is commonly called the Crusades, but which made itself felt in Spain and Sicily and the Aegean as well as in the 'Holy Land', is a remarkable parallel to the propagation of Ancient Greek city-states round the same shores between about 750 and 600 B. C. The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
  • A CIVILIZATION B SCIENCE/TECH C GOVERNMENT D RELIGION E SOCIOECONOMICS A Akkad B metallurgy walled cities irrigation C strong centraL authority controlled several city-states and kept peace (for a while) quelled dissent with violence D polytheistic tradition centered on city gods, fertility goddess and harvest deities hepatoscopy (examining sheep livers for omens) When The Comet Flew Through Ancient Evenings
  • Most gate guards in Shemite cities were usually not quite prepared for trouble as ruffians of all kinds routinely traveled between the various city-states. Conan Fan Fiction!
  • Considered the first work of history in Western literature, the Histories tells the story of the Greco-Persian Wars between the Achaemenid Empire and the Greek city-states in the 5th century BC. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The Spartans were the Dorian inhabitants of a Greek city-state in the Peloponnese that for many centuries was one of the greatest of Greek powers.
  • The Athenian polis, buttressed by the strength of its Council of Five Hundred and Assembly of citizens, managed to gain control of a confederation of city-states which gradually became the Athenian Empire.
  • And it was particularly odd when that role was assumed by the leaders of Singapore, a microdot of a city-state with a population of just five million. Zero-Sum Future
  • His father, Philip of Macedon, was the first to unite Greece's fiercely independent city-states after a century of bitter in-fighting.
  • Al-Rassan was the stronghold of the western Asharite faith until Ammar ibn Khairan killed the last khalif, splintering the land into feuding city-states. Wertzone Classics: The Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay
  • Prior to this, the peninsula consisted of often mutually antagonistic kingdoms, duchies, city-states, and principalities.
  • In the south, the Asharites, who worship the stars, whose territory, Al-Rassan, used to be united under a khalif but is now fragmented into many independent city-states. The Lions of Al-Rassan
  • I tried to recall if the city-state had ever sent us ambassadors when Shrewd was king, then gave it up. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • The Empire, a loose alliance of city-states and provinces owing allegiance to its Emperor, and the kingdom of Bretonnia.
  • Every city-state had temples to its patron deity and shrines and altars to many others.
  • Socrates died when Golden Age Athens – an ambitious, radical, visionary city-state – had triumphed as a leader of the world, and then over-reached herself and begun to crumble.
  • The Maya used these pathways to transport precious goods - such as jade, obsidian, pyrite, and quetzal feathers - from highland to lowland city-states.
  • The exhibition organisers have preferred to explore the social, political and religious mechanisms of the Etruscan confederation of city-states.
  • Hellenization Alexander the Great's father was Philip II, King of Macedonia, King of Macedon, and he conquered different Greek city-states by defeating Athens and its allies at Chaeronea in 338 BC.
  • The old realm of Caledor was eclipsed by other realms including the fast-rising mercantile city-state of Lothern.
  • It still reflects a growing awareness in the city-state that something more is needed.
  • Nussbaum offers as a heroic exemplar the figure of Diogenes the Cynic, who was said to have answered anyone who asked what city-state he came from by declaring, ‘I am a citizen of the world.’
  • The Italian city-states kept squadrons of galleys and adapted carracks (merchant ships) to defend their ports against the Ottoman Turks.
  • In a move bound to boost the city-state's share of the yuan-trading market, Beijing is preparing to name a central clearing bank for yuan funds in Singapore, Goh Chok Tong , chairman of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, said recently. Singapore Has a Leg Up In Trading-Hub Race
  • He says we are by nature political beings, whose capacities are fully realized in a specific kind of political community (a polis or city-state).
  • In late January, the lower house of Nigeria's parliament called on President Olusegun Obasanjo to request repatriation of objects taken during British colonial rule, especially the "bronzes," sixteenth-century cast brass sculptures and plaques, of which the museum has 50, that were taken by a 1897 British military expedition that deposed the ruler of Benin, a city-state in what is now southeastern Nigeria. Many Happy Returns?
  • Singapore's air quality has reached "unhealthy" levels, the government said, as the city-state continued to be enveloped in haze from fires in neighboring Indonesia's Sumatra island. World Watch
  • The greatest ruler of this city-state was Pacal, who took power in 603 A.D. and commenced a construction boom of architecturally innovative buildings that lasted through and beyond his 68-year reign.
  • Singapore's prime minister warned Sunday in his National Day speech that "aggressive preaching" by religious groups and attempts to convert others threaten the tiny city-state's stability.
  • To sum up, the city-state is a hylomorphic compound of a particular population in a given territory (material cause) and a constitution (formal cause).
  • Died: Kwa Geok Choo, the wife of Singapore's founding father, Lee Kuan Yew, who described her as his "tower of strength," and mother of the city-state's current prime minister, in Singapore on Saturday at age 89. What's News
  • Aristotle lived at the virtual cusp of the world of the autonomous city-state of the Greek polis.
  • His wife, Kwa Geok Choo, died last year, and Mr. Lee has taken pains recently to focus Singaporeans on challenges he says they may face once he isn't around, including the potential for complacency among younger citizens who don't fully appreciate the work that went into building the city-state in previous decades. Singapore's 'Mentor' Seeks a Sturdy U.S.
  • The Empire, a loose alliance of city-states and provinces owing allegiance to its Emperor, and the kingdom of Bretonnia.
  • The Sophists were a motley bunch - some hailed from the Athenian polis or other city-states, but the majority came from Ionia, in Asia Minor.
  • Hell, I can call the city-state governor’s office for that matter. Amaryllis
  • SINGAPORE—Singapore's gambling watchdog has fined the city-state's two licensed casino operators a total 385,000 Singapore dollars US$308,000 for breaches relating to the admission of unauthorized locals and minors into the two gambling facilities in 2010 and 2011. Singapore Fines Casinos for Admission Breaches
  • It all started in the ancient Greek city-states, in the slave-owning aristocratic or democratic poleis (πüλεις). Greek Student Revolts and Brutal Capital Accumulation
  • By the eighth century BC, the Greek city-state, or polis, had taken shape.
  • As cities and their monetary systems organized further into city-states and then into nations, an economic system called mercantilism developed.
  • This is called the rapids city-states became the arathi people -- capital of arathor. Korean-Mexican Fusion: Korean BBQ Kalbi Tacos?
  • With the addition of the trireme from Tenos, they represented twenty-three city-states, from Athens, which had 180 triremes at Salamis, to Seriphos, which provided a penteconter. The Battle of Salamis
  • Stone, terra cotta and metal images of royal figures—and some misshapen commoners—populate "Dynasty and Divinity: Ife Art in Ancient Nigeria," a look at the Yoruba city-state of Ife from the 12th to 15th centuries. Don't Miss
  • Several of the 20 readers who had e-mailed the newspaper expressed shock that oral sex remained an offence under the penal code in the modern city-state.
  • Aeginetan ambush inArtemisia’s ruse inassessment ofbattle cries inbrutality toward enemy swimmers incasualties inchaos ofCorinth’s role indivine apparition inelement of surprise inethnic groups infall of Psyttaleia infirst kill inGreek backward movement inGreek city-states inGreek fleet launched inGreek fleet strength inislet-reef inlegacy ofline abreast tactic inliterature ofnoise ofnumbers engaged inonset of combat inPersian commanders inPersian command style andPersian fatigue inPersian fleet strength inPersian flight inPhoenicians routed insuccessful commanders inwind inSalamis, battle of, aftermath of: The Battle of Salamis
  • Later these communities were organized into poleis or city-states.
  • This was a complicated procedure because there were so many separate political entities, from city-states to empires, each having its own coinage with different weights and different contents of precious metal.
  • The city-stateof Argos, ringing a mountainous cove, is a breathtaking bit of CGI imagery, while the gorgon and its lair are chillinglyatmospheric. Review: Clash of the Titans « Screaming Blue Reviews
  • The Empire, a loose alliance of city-states and provinces owing allegiance to its Emperor, and the kingdom of Bretonnia.
  • Sometimes they flourished as city-state systems, as in early Sumeria, classical Greece, the Maya civilization, and medieval Europe.
  • The Persian wars? in which a tiny, fragmented and often argumentative coalition of between 30 and 40 Greek city-states, or poleis, fought off invasion by a mighty empire stretching from Turkey to Iran and from Egypt to the Aral Sea? remains one of the most sensational events in world history. The National Theatre of Wales does battle with Aeschylus's The Persians
  • The heroic Greece of the Homeric poems is already a Greece fragmented into independent city-states.
  • Before then its appearance is, on ‎ the whole, limited to the Greek poleis, the Roman Republic, and the mediaeval European ‎ city-states. The Seven Dimensions
  • I had to check the dictionary to discover that Boeotians were inhabitants of a city-state northwest of Attica, reputed to be dull and stupid.
  • In Singapore this month, supermarket chains FairPrice and Carrefour said they would halt the sale of shark fin in outlets in the city-state, which has a majority-Chinese population. Ban on Shark Fin Soup Advances Through Asia
  • Aristotle lived at the virtual cusp of the world of the autonomous city-state of the Greek polis.
  • They established a chain of city-states and safe anchorages along the coast and became the first great commercial mariners, trading in spices, grains, dried and preserved foodstuffs, and wines.
  • Their profits, partly from spices, sufficed to make Venice, Genoa, Florence, and other city-states almost as rich and powerful as the caliphate of Egypt.
  • Founded in the 12th century, the city exudes an independent air, likely a product of its maritime heritage as a major Baltic port and its centuries-long status as a free city-state governed not by royalty but by wealthy merchants who helped found the powerful economic alliance known as the Hanseatic League. - Home Page
  • When the Athenian city-state called its constitution an isonomy or the Romans spoke of the civitas as their form of government, they had in mind another concept of power, which did not rely upon the command-obedience relationship. A Special Supplement: Reflections on Violence
  • What we call the ancient Greek world was really hundreds of independent city-states or poleis.
  • Some civilizations, most notably the ancient Greeks and the Maya, firmly resisted empire, finding their main expression as systems of warring city-states.
  • Four children in Singapore are believed to have died from the disease which has infected about 1150 people there, prompting the city-state to close all kindergartens and childcare centres.
  • Greek city-states were fiercely independent and often profoundly antagonistic to their immediate Greek neighbours.
  • Investors and economists alike are taking this as a sign that the once-booming city-state is in deep financial trouble – hence yesterday's plunge on the FTSE.
  • Hannibal (in profile) as a youth © Clipart. comAt first, Rome was just one small city-state in the area of Latin-speaking people known as Latium, on the west side of the peninsula of Italy. Ancient / Classical History
  • Machiavelli laments the decline of the Italian city-states and attributes it to the use of mercenary and auxiliary armies instead of native forces.
  • A report in Corriere della Sera on Wednesday said Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano used the term "corruption" in a letter to Pope Benedict XVI to explain the difficulties he faced in his position as secretary-general of the Vatican city-state.
  • The city-state took in S$22.2 billion in tourism receipts in 2011, up 17% from 2010 while total international visitor arrivals climbed 13% to 13.2 million. Singapore Fines Casinos for Admission Breaches
  • In Renaissance Diplomacy Garrett Mattingly traces the development of the residential form of diplomacy among the five Italian city-states that eventually made its way into transalpine Europe.
  • Events in Greece during Alexander's Asian expedition show how closely the history of the Greek city-state under Macedonian overlordship related to the history of the classical city-state.
  • The investment also highlights the city-state's efforts to expand in specialized financial services; it has attracted aircraft lessors and financiers with supportive tax and legal moves. Singapore Wealth Fund Gets Into Aircraft
  • We don't live in a Renaissance city-state, or a monarchy where the royals and the aristocrats order up lots of art, portraits, and public buildings, and are patrons of writers.
  • When class conflicts arose in the Greek city-states and philosophical reflec - tion grew on the cultural variety of moral codes, the notion of nomos became interpreted as merely cus - tomary in the sense of conventional. RIGHT AND GOOD

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