How To Use City editor In A Sentence
In the city editor's cubby-hole, Bill Rankin was talking exultantly to his chief.
Dear Carl
And, that is how I was contacted by the city editor and hired.
He rose to city editor, and survived the Gannett takeover, remaining until 1985.
She started at the Guardian in 1993 as city editor.
Or as city editor of a national newspaper?

Joined the Guardian in 1963, and served successively as deputy editor, managing editor and City editor until 1974.
It would seem to leave the Star city editor with absolutely nothing to do, an empty suit with an empty schedule.
Maggie: I mean I must know what I'm doing. I mean why else would a New York City editor want to hire me?
On page 12, our City editor comments on the takeover bid.
He shoved his completed narrative back under the roll-top of Devore's desk, where the city editor would see it the very first thing when he came to work; and as he straightened up with a little grunt of satisfaction and stretched his arms out the last of his fine-linen shirts, with a rending sound, ripped down the plaited front, from collarband almost to waistline.
The Escape of Mr. Trimm His Plight and other Plights
It would seem to leave the Star city editor with absolutely nothing to do, an empty suit with an empty schedule.
By sophomore year I was city editor of the Crimson, a big honor for one so young.
I was one of those city editors, and I well recall his great earnestness, amounting almost to moral indignation.
In his cubby-hole at the rear sat the Globe's city editor, the only other human thing in sight.
Dear Carl
On page 12, our City editor comments on the takeover bid.
By sophomore year I was city editor of the Crimson, a big honor for one so young.
Joined the Guardian in 1963, and served successively as deputy editor, managing editor and City editor until 1974.
That job is often referred to colloquially as "city editor. Front Page
Newsroom and management hopes have settled on Ann-Eve Pedersen, currently an assistant city editor.