
How To Use Citizenship In A Sentence

  • Accompanying the exclusion from the labour market has been a policy of disenfranchising the underclass from full welfare citizenship.
  • Citizenship status would have insulated her from deportation even after her drug conviction.
  • This has been done on numerous occasions in the past by the Senate with regard to appointments by governors, and does NOT involve judging "qualifications" (age, citizenship, and inhabitancy) which was limited in Powell v. McCormack. Blago Does All Us A Favor
  • Einstein gave up his German citizenship in 1932 and became a naturalised American citizen in 1940.
  • Only people who can trace their family history in Kuwait back before 1920 are entitled to citizenship.
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  • The electronic republic, therefore, has already started to redefine the traditional roles of citizenship and political leadership.
  • It is not a mere matter of citizenship; it is a birthright and a shared inheritance.
  • Some of them married Indonesian women, converted to Islam or other faiths and applied for Indonesian citizenship.
  • Citizenship of the Union was to be established and close co-operation on justice and home affairs was to be developed.
  • He is in no different position from anyone else who obtains citizenship by false means.
  • As New Labour has proven, these are not the types of politicians who are natural pluralists ready to reinforce democratic citizenship.
  • The electronic republic, therefore, has already started to redefine the traditional roles of citizenship and political leadership.
  • It is the responsibility of the state to maintain the supremacy of citizenship.
  • Citizenship rights were developed along with liberal government due to modernisation and protest in order to obtain a greater degree of participation.
  • The citizens of Athens recognized that responsible citizenship would not come about automatically; it had to be carefully cultivated.
  • He died just before the arrival of the news that he'd been granted British citizenship. The Times Literary Supplement
  • And don't get me started on the frowzy little strips of bunting that many business houses feel so fully demonstrates good corporate citizenship, or the contrived costuming of employees in the same pursuit.
  • The existing oath of allegiance for people seeking British nationality is to be changed to a citizenship pledge.
  • This understanding is as yet embryonic, unformed, nowhere near as solidly defined as citizenship was in the very recent past.
  • The widespread ambivalence over whether the sons and daughters of Egyptian women married to foreign men should be allowed Egyptian citizenship assumed many dimensions.
  • It was - and is - a compelling testament to the power of citizenship, otherwise known as strength in numbers.
  • Despite sometimes being quite sensible (as Mr. Kenney is trying to be on citizenship, refugees and immigration), it's members of the Frat Pack who are immediately off the mark with the kind of perfervid rhetoric that goes with the Conservative communications strategy: unrelenting partisanship and obsessive control of information. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Besides, do these illegals really want guest worker programs, or just to get all the benefits of citizenship without going through the legal process like the *legal* immigrants? Immigration: Spelling Things Out
  • This expansive alteration of the Federal System was to have been achieved by converting the rights of the citizens of each State as of the date of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment into privileges and immunities of United States citizenship and thereafter perpetuating this newly defined _status quo_ through judicial condemnation of any State law challenged as "abridging" any one of the latter privileges. The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 30, 1952
  • And a fourth explanation is that voting is primarily an expression of citizenship, social solidarity,[sentence dictionary] and political communication.
  • The award is given annually to a deaf person of outstanding merit in leadership, citizenship and general achievement.
  • In that work, Smith analyzes more than 1000 judicial opinions on citizenship, exploring the liberal, republican, and racist/ascriptive strands in American constitutionalism. Empirical Studies in Law
  • And maybe this is an error of bias on my behalf, but when I hear the term citizenship, "nation-state" citizenship is the last thing on my mind. Digital Citizenship – Criticisms & Conversations « open thinking
  • He has German citizenship.
  • In Japan, he has also expressed a wish to renounce his U.S. citizenship.
  • After 15 years in the USA, he has finally decided to apply for American citizenship.
  • The electronic republic, therefore, has already started to redefine the traditional roles of citizenship and political leadership.
  • Most of the population of two million people were not granted citizenship.
  • United States Citizenship and Immigration Services announced the new civics questions and answers last week.
  • Now if you wish to annex, and make the Palestinians citizens, this would cease to be a Jewish nation-state and you’d be offering Israel’s enemies the hallowed “one-state-of-Palestine-secular-and-democratic” that is: another Arab state like many others; if you wish to annex but to withhold citizenship from the Palestinians, you’d be making true the antisemitic lie of “zionist apartheid”; either way annexion is *not-gonna-happen*. Jewish Voice for Peace calls on Michael Moore to make his next film about US/Israel relationship | Jewschool
  • Who would have suggested that in tine of peace we can sing "God Save the King" and boast of our British citizenship and send our trade across the seas under the protection of the British navy and do nothing in time of war? Imperial Reorganization
  • Their manner was to grant naturalization (which they called jus civitatis [the right of citizenship]), and to grant it in the highest degree; that is, not only jus commercii [the right to commercial trade], jus connubii [the right to intermarry], jus hæreditatis [the right of inheritance]; but also jus suffragii [the right of suffrage], and jus honorum [the right of holding office]. XXIX. Of the True Greatness of Kingdoms and Estates
  • I have applied for French citizenship.
  • Since we are far from a global citizenship, we are aware of the fact that a status grounded on denizenship will also exclude some residents in Europe.
  • In 2003, the Group President Saree Tangsirisaree had this photo taken with Canada's Minister of Citizenship and Imigration, the Honourable Judy Sgro at a dinner party.
  • The U.N. refugee chief has called on countries to end the plight of some 12 million stateless people caught in what he described as "limbo," denied basic human rights because no country will grant them citizenship. The Seattle Times
  • Socrates'is a philosophical citizenship, relying on one's own powers of independent reason and judgment.
  • This will apply to all, that is, for citizenship by descent, by conferral and for resumption.
  • I received death threats, there were protests and there were calls for my citizenship to be revoked. Times, Sunday Times
  • Certain disabling restrictions disqualified him for citizenship.
  • The manuscript so abridged, is submitted to you, with the earnest prayer, that if published, it may subserve the cause of truth and good citizenship. The Conflict of Truth
  • Active citizenship, in the form of participatory democracy, is only possible in small communities where there is no organisational complexity.
  • McCain sponsored a bill in the Senate last year to grant citizenship to people who met conditions such as paying back taxes and speaking English with proficiency. Immigration issues divide GOP candidates
  • Citizenship was granted to all allottees and to others who adopted the ‘habits of civilized life.’
  • Citizenship status would have insulated her from deportation even after her drug conviction.
  • Daily life is an ongoing process of internalized discipline: parents teach their children to act as though the child next to them but in a different city isn't there; adults become hyperconscious of how long they look in a particular direction, or in what direction they step; and eventually, residents of each city come to embody their citizenship in particular ways of movement. The Little Professor:
  • Citizenship is automatic for children born in this country.
  • The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service is doubling, and in some cases tripling its fees.
  • Such exclusion from citizenship is again the mark of the underclass.
  • After being dishonourably discharged from the US Marines in 1959, he moved to Russia, only to be refused citizenship and sent back to the US.
  • Paul also realizes that his Roman citizenship may offer him some protection, because Romans are protected by their legal system from false imprisonment and illegal whippings .
  • A maths 'citizenship test' may sound eccentric, but the margin between duncery and genius can be a mere decimal place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Present immigrants would stay and gradually acquire citizenship once fully integrated.
  • For Marshall, citizenship expresses full membership in the national political community.
  • The role of A Vijayaraghavan, MP, was significant in securing Indian citizenship for these wretched people.
  • December 5th, 2009 1: 27 pm ET it is odd that the "certifcation of birth" that Obama produced would not be acceptable as proof of birth or citizenship to pass a high-level security clearance with a defense contractor, yet somehow the American public has given him a "pass" on this to be commander-in-chief. Palin defends Obama birth certificate inquiries
  • The effect of this order was to confer second-class citizenship on the proud Washington.
  • Israel offers automatic citizenship to all Jews who want it, whatever colour they are and whichever language they speak.
  • The kids are sometimes called anchored babies because they can petition the government to make their parents citizens once they reach an age of 21, and that has led a lot of people to suspect that their parents conceived them just to get themselves citizenship. CNN Transcript Sep 27, 2006
  • You would think the miserable little people who foist this politically correct left wing stupidity upon us would considering applying for citizenship elsewhere. The Volokh Conspiracy » Quite a Warning Label
  • Many bureaucrats have not been welcoming, illegally charging for forms that the newcomers have to complete to obtain citizenship.
  • This essay asks how the political identity and domain of civic practice we refer to by the term citizenship is transformed, eroded, or, perhaps, disappeared in the contexts of neoliberal governance. James Warren: This Week in Magazines: If Your Yoga Class Mandates Bowing 3,000 Times During the Night, Consider Tennis or Golf
  • But, again, the argument is sliding between considerations of a statutory concept, citizenship, and considerations of a constitutional concept, alienage.
  • After applying for U. S. citizenship in the 1950s, however, he became an innocent target of the Red Scare and was deported.
  • Of course, New Zealand citizenship's a must, but I seem to have misplaced my passport…
  • Children of foreign nationals born prior to this date automatically received Irish citizenship.
  • Active citizenship is still an ideal, but we must not lose the vision of the classical theorists, regarding participatory democracy.
  • It is my pleasure to welcome you into full Met citizenship, with all the privileges thereto attached. METAPLANETARY
  • I also worry about extending the rights of citizenship - and voting is the biggie - to people who haven't made that commitment.
  • A change of citizenship did not of course imply a divorce from the old country.
  • I didn't use the word renounce because it has a specific, legal meaning when talking about citizenship. Page 2
  • Emphasis is on civics and citizenship elements, although the kit also supports activities in science, art and English.
  • Less than 3% of Oklahoma highschoolers wouldn't pass citizenship test - o rly? Less than 3% of Oklahoma highschoolers wouldn't pass citizenship test - o rly?3
  • In 1986, they got the right to reclaim South African citizenship.
  • It is also an invaluable act of citizenship and is as diverse as society itself.
  • Citizenship should be available after five years and be irrevocable.
  • Research indicates transformational leadership can improve employees'job satisfaction, increase employee's trust to the leader, and show more organizational citizenship behavior.
  • Two further measures are worthy of mention: EU citizenship and the principle of subsidiarity.
  • It is the loss of a comprehensive approach to citizenship that makes it appropriate to talk in terms of an emerging underclass.
  • Perhaps it means that low-key, sporadic participation, which is the norm for most displays of citizenship, is not enough?
  • Pupils will also be able to discuss touchy issues during citizenship lessons and assemblies. The Sun
  • Perhaps it means that low-key, sporadic participation, which is the norm for most displays of citizenship, is not enough?
  • I too believe that digital literacy is part of literacy -- however I categorize digital citizenship to include more than literacy, online safety, privacy protection, civility, and what I call techno-personal skills. Digital Literacy Comes Home
  • Husbands and wives of British nationals do not automatically gain citizenship.
  • A change of citizenship did not of course imply a divorce from the old country.
  • Let's propagate the idea that citizenship is a responsibility rather than a right.
  • Their analysis traces the political origins and impact of social movement activity in terms of the protection of individual rights of citizenship.
  • The strength of citizenship is manifested through a sense of social belonging and civic responsibility.
  • Discussion of less traditional approaches and concerns continues with reference to social work and citizens' charters, citizenship and participation.
  • World Studies - a grant of £5,355 was approved for developing new modules and courses in global citizenship.
  • United States Citizenship and Immigration Services announced the new civics questions and answers last week. The reading and writing parts of the naturalization test have also been redone.
  • Under the right conditions, youth sport can help children develop transferrable personal and social skills — citizenship qualities that they'll retain throughout their lives.
  • Methods To investigate the party and governmental cadres by questionnaire of job burnout and organizational citizenship behavior, t-test, ANOVA, correlation, regression were used to compute data.
  • Moreover, the fact that he wears a toga, another sign of Roman citizenship, confirms this reading of his legal status.
  • The law explicitly states that any federal, state, or local ID which requires proof of citizenship for issuance is acceptable. The Volokh Conspiracy » Libertarian Critiques of AZ Immigration Law
  • It is conceivable that we will find ourselves going to the polls again to redefine our citizenship.
  • The college is providing legal advice to people who want to change their citizenship status and also provides interest-free loans to help them through that process. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has dual British-New Zealand citizenship and was commissioned as an officer in 2000.
  • An additional two acts involve a citizen's formal and explicit renunciation of citizenship.
  • Students can take citizenship, ethics or enterprise alongside their subject. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, Ms Hood ruled that voter registrations would be deemed incomplete if registrants forgot to check off the box affirming their citizenship, even though they affirm their citizenship elsewhere on the form.
  • The closest thing Latinos have is El Guapo's arch enemy - Edward James Olmos - who, at worst, may simply shake his head disapprovingly from his Beverly Hills rumpus room and brandish a microwave chimichanga at the television screen at news of a proposed Congressional Bill aimed at mandating that landscapers work while wearing proof of citizenship like a Flava-Flav clock. El Guapo: WANTED: Latino Al Sharpton
  • With the calls of moderate Republican senators Lindsay Graham and John McCain to change the law to end what is known as "birthright citizenship," the issue is no longer relegated to the fringe. The Full Feed from
  • He previously had dual citizenship and has now been given lottery funding after switching athletic allegiances. Times, Sunday Times
  • No zealous advocate of good citizenship would argue that political participation ought to be pursued to the neglect of all other obligations.
  • Some aliens may qualify for citizenship under the new law.
  • It is viewed as tantamount to a durable solution - settlement in the country of first asylum in practice without necessarily providing the protection of citizenship. Refugees in the Age of Total War
  • If there are codes of citizenship and a belief in Britain's virtues, acts of domestic terrorism are unlikely to happen.
  • In 1986, they got the right to reclaim South African citizenship.
  • The denial of a recognized nationality, just as the denial of a recognized citizenship, constitutes a legally cognizable injury-in-fact for the purpose of standing.
  • It is not a mere matter of citizenship; it is a birthright and a shared inheritance.
  • I have applied for French citizenship.
  • The Panama hat came to signify secular Turkish citizenship and functions as a metonym for the transformation of the Oriental Ottoman to the Western Turk.
  • First, liberty is the prerogative of citizens, and a large majority of the population will not possess citizenship.
  • This organization feels that at a time when all countries are tightening their citizenship laws after the Sept 11 attack, India is thinking in the reverse direction.
  • Citizenship based on where a person is born, is called jus soli, which is Latin for "right of the soil. Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian
  • The Group President Tangsirisaree had a photo taken with Canadian immigration and Citizenship Judge Louis Sekora and RCMP Officer in Vancouver.
  • I've always seen my right to vote as an obligation - a duty of citizenship; the ‘right thing’ to do.
  • Every man and woman, who is entitled to Canadian citizenship, whether by birth or naturalization, is interested in ascertaining what hereafter will be his rights, privileges, obligations and duties, when he passes beyond the frontiers of Canada. Pending Developments in the Constitution of the British Empire
  • He was stripped of his citizenship when he criticized the government.
  • A shortage of teachers trained in social sciences could undermine attempts to introduce compulsory citizenship lessons into schools, campaigners warn.
  • Every society must figure out ways to bring them into the disciplines and duties of citizenship.
  • Women were granted the vote and given equal citizenship for the first time in the 1950 Constitution.
  • If he doesn't, we should revoke his citizenship. Times, Sunday Times
  • We now turn to consider why a counter-strategy should be mounted against this loss of a universal citizenship. Why Bother?
  • But during the political upheavals she found herself a stateless person and was granted British citizenship, though she still returns to Malawi from time to time to visit her family.
  • Mr Kohl himself has floated the idea of offering dual citizenship on a trial basis.
  • Last year he was given British citizenship. Times, Sunday Times
  • For more information on citizenship and naturalization, contact an attorney who specializes in immigration law.
  • People who do not have their citizenship documents must not be allowed to register to vote.
  • It generally demoralizes and always impoverishes the Kanaka, deprives him of his citizenship, and depopulates the islands fitted to his home. Following the Equator
  • In fact, if you are a "birther" - a term coined by the mainstream press to disparage those who doubt Obama's eligibility to hold office based on his citizenship - even so-called conservative icons like Ann Coulter and Glenn Beck consider you a nut. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • On June 5, 1950, the U.S. Supreme Court struck what was called the mightiest blow for freedom and full citizenship for African-Americans since the Civil War. THE REAL PEPSI CHALLENGE
  • Many feel political participation must be made worthwhile before active citizenship can occur.
  • After five years in the US, foreign nationals can apply for full US citizenship.
  • Many bureaucrats have not been welcoming, illegally charging for forms that the newcomers have to complete to obtain citizenship.
  • She had gotten involved in the paper chase to obtain U.S. citizenship.
  • It was later discovered he had moved to Russia, where he had been granted citizenship.
  • Beginning Oct.1, 2004, the new law allows for U.S. citizenship applications to be finalized at U.S. embassies, consulates and selected military bases overseas.
  • It is not a mere matter of citizenship; it is a birthright and a shared inheritance.
  • DEAL: Well, the United States is in a small minority of countries in the world that continue to grant what we call birthright citizenship, and that is, to grant citizenship to a child regardless of the legal status of the parents. CNN Transcript Apr 5, 2005
  • And a fourth explanation is that voting is primarily an expression of citizenship, social solidarity, and political communication.
  • Earlier this month, your administration spent Rs.11 crore on a tamasha called the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, tempting the diaspora home by offering dual citizenship to non-resident Indians and people of Indian origin.
  • His appeal to citizenship rights would be subjected to the jurisdiction of the national laws in whatever state he was residing.
  • Israel offers automatic citizenship to all Jews who want it, whatever colour they are and whichever language they speak.
  • Rudolph voluntarily renounced his U.S. citizenship.
  • Broadly speaking, in Greek thought the word connoted good citizenship and democratic, humanitarian in - clinations. PHILANTHROPY
  • Also the material benefits of Prussian citizenship had begun to show in improved living standards and educational opportunities.
  • The child must learn how to learn, for learning is the defining pre-requisite of modern citizenship.
  • Marriage and domiciliation confers citizenship via registration or naturalization.
  • Virtually announcing their indifference toward citizenship, tens of thousands of black and Mexican American youths adopted the zoot suit style, which many whites considered to be outrageous and lacking proper respectability. A Renegade History of the United States
  • But if the second marriage was bigamous and therefore invalid, then FPJ would be illegitimate and should follow his mother's, not his father's, citizenship.
  • Most of those countries would grant citizenship to anyone who could produce a grandparent who was a citizen.
  • I received death threats, there were protests and there were calls for my citizenship to be revoked. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government's reasons for proposing the citizenship referendum have shifted repeatedly since it was first announced.
  • The Fourteenth Amendment gave citizenship to anyone born in the United States and guaranteed equal protection to all people.
  • CROWLEY: And it is about those who think pathway to citizenship is code for amnesty. CNN Transcript Jun 5, 2007
  • Our current citizenship laws are problematical but why go the sledgehammer route which will just whip up racism?
  • The welfare cutoff is prompting record numbers of people to apply for citizenship.
  • Political disobedience is sanctioned as a possible expression of active citizenship on which a self-managing democracy is based.
  • Self-assertion and a desire for autonomy are important components of genuine citizenship, as is a distrust of bossy authority.
  • The Kingdom not only assimilated persons of all races, but actively promoted bringing them to Hawaii, giving them citizenship or denizenship and integrating them into the racial fabric of this land. Hawaii Reporter
  • The award is given annually to a deaf person of outstanding merit in leadership, citizenship and general achievement.
  • About the same time his family disowned him and he was stripped of his Saudi citizenship.
  • The country on Thursday celebrated Citizenship Day and to mark the occasion 4, 000 people were sworn in as new Australians.
  • It is for this reason that citizenship in the polis could be attained by birth only.
  • No one seriously doubts that the citizenship provision adopted in 1998 has been roundly abused and should be changed.
  • Granted refugee status, he was able to seek citizenship in a European country.
  • Because of their status they were allowed to apply for Irish citizenship after three-year residence.
  • No zealous advocate of good citizenship would argue that political participation ought to be pursued to the neglect of all other obligations.
  • It is right to assert an idea of common citizenship and to be hopeful that the public might find it uplifting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, the idea of citizenship, once introduced, raised many troubling questions.
  • Participatory democracy does need to be strengthened to promote active citizenship at local and national levels.
  • Put another way, that means lower salaries for members a proposal more redolent of second-class citizenship than a classless society.
  • Widespread racial prejudice inhibited their opportunities, and institutional discrimination such as black codes and Jim Crow laws denied them full citizenship rights.
  • It is the loss of a comprehensive approach to citizenship that makes it appropriate to talk in terms of an emerging underclass.
  • Manapat said Poe was born as the illegitimate child of an already married Spanish father and an American mother, and thus should have acquired the citizenship of his mother under Philippine law.
  • Means-tested assistance is equated by the customer with second-class citizenship.
  • Public institutions need to be democratised and decentralisation is necessary in the public domain in order to achieve active citizenship.
  • No one expects the Baltic states to naturalise young Russian soldiers, but army pensioners can be given citizenship.
  • This centre will examine the non-economic benefits of learning such as social cohesion, active citizenship and improved health.
  • The citizens of Athens recognized that responsible citizenship would not come about automatically; it had to be carefully cultivated.
  • He was granted asylum, grew up in Brighton and applied for British citizenship.
  • General will should ensure the equality and liberty necessary for active citizenship -; taking collective decisions.
  • Scottish citizenship would be of largely symbolic value for celebrities. Times, Sunday Times
  • He holds joint citizenship in Sweden and Peru.
  • On immigration, he favored a plan to tighten border security, create a temporary worker program, and allow illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship.
  • Arts and culture can help to build citizenship and a democratic plural society. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the schools we are observing such a transition to active citizenship is facilitated in a number of ways.
  • It means hatred against any group of persons defined by reference to colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins.
  • Beveridge provided a rationale based on concepts of national efficiency, rationality and the rights of citizenship.
  • Citizenship, school councils, and the like are all nonsense, brought about by well meaning but naive people who hoped to "enlighten" the next generation to think like them, without realising that they didn't think very much at all and now implemented by people who don't even believe in it. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Two-thirds of American voters say they support bills that include a temporary worker program or path to citizenship, rather than one that focuses solely on border security," he said.
  • Citizenship has often been counterposed with consumership. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Like Hamdi, he's relenquished his U.S. citizenship by implication, and by his admissions while in the brig, he's established the "unlawfulness" and the "enemy combatant" status. Balkinization

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