
How To Use Citation In A Sentence

  • Washington, who believed liquor a particular scourge among blacks, sent felicitations. LAST CALL
  • Here's what the magazine reproduces from his award citation.
  • Marriage documents were signed, felicitations offered, they sat down to a great banquet, and the new bride lay in her husband's lap... Elizabeth Abbott: Is New York's Gay Marriage Truly Historic?
  • In the past a recitation of those statements would have elicited a collective nod from any listening Americans.
  • It was growing increasingly obvious as I defended myself against her attack that she was simply toying with me, drawing out my technique as a schoolmaster draws recitations from his students.
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  • The laser beam for Raman excitation was focused to a static diffraction limited spot in the center of the focal plane.
  • We can modulate the detector at the same frequency as the excitation for homodyne detection - or at a slightly different frequency for heterodyne detection.
  • The Marine Corps is usually conservative in distributing medals, but the battles of March and April here are certain to bring a significant number of citations for bravery, officials said.
  • But the organist made his profession clear by explaining that the committee had just invited him to oblige the company with a solo on the piano, but that he had been hitting the champagne so hard that he doubted if he could tell the keys from the pedals, and he added that if they'd excuse him he would go to sleep, which he immediately did with his head on the shoulder of the lady recitationist, who tactfully tried not to notice that he was there. Cinderella And Other Stories
  • Likewise, a few citation errors in the IPCC report were trumpeted as the final nails in the coffin for the climate movement, despite the fact that not a single investigation even those in which climate skeptics have participated has found any evidence thatscientists "fudged,""manipulated" or "manufactured" data, and the fundamental conclusions of the IPCC still stand. Kelly Rigg: The Movement with a Thousand Faces
  • A rough measure of self-citation may be found in the links to other, affiliated sites.
  • Music, song, dance and recitation were the order of the night in Rathkeale.
  • The structure, emission spectrum and excitation spectrum of the phosphor were measured.
  • Let him go, with all appropriate felicitations and salutations. Morning Bits
  • He will be comfortable with his citation on the blogrolls of various right-wing groupuscules and assorted reactionary ranters.
  • In this rather archaically written biography, marred by ornate, stilted language and the author's reliance on and citation of endlessly extended passages from his great-great-grandfather's autobiography, James Mellon struggles mightily but fails to make his readers care much for or about Thomas Mellon. Banking On the Future
  • Perhaps his nerve is naturally too dull to admit of any excitation.
  • _merit-thermometer_, a sort of _Aeolian-harp-test_; in the flat parts his voice was unimpassioned, but if the gust of genius swept over the wires, his tones rose in intensity, till his own energy of feeling and expression kindled in others a sympathetic impulse, which the dull were forced to feel, whilst his animated recitations threw fresh meaning into the minds of the more discerning. Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey
  • Workshop on research methodology, bibliography, citations, etc.
  • It seems that the elicitation of responses under these conditions is mediated by an alleviation of the effects of negative attentional processing (reflected in distracting worries or negative thoughts).
  • Commonly, sorcerers might carry a magic implement to store power in, so the recitation of a whole spell wouldn't be necessary.
  • I do not think that that citation supports a submission that there must be some form of specific reference to the work in question.
  • Someone from reception gets the resuscitation kit and calls the other two doctors consulting that evening.
  • The silly pretext of difficulties by which my erasure, notwithstanding the reiterated solicitations of the victorious General, was so long delayed made me apprehensive of a renewal, under a weak and jealous pentarchy, of the horrible scenes of 1796. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • She is bound to the rules and the choir, but not to the private recitation of the Divine Office; she can take part in chapters, except in those in which others are admitted to vows; she cannot be elected superior, mother-vicaress, mistress of novices, assistant, counsellor, or treasurer. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • The first citation for the word "ideation" in the sense of "creation of new ideas" in the Oxford English Dictionary is from the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Week in Words
  • Hemorrhage and resuscitation (H/R) leads to phosphorylation of mitogen-activated stress kinases, an event that is associated with organ damage.
  • The repeated recitation of upstate New York towns, with their echoes of classical greatness - Thrace, Troy, Rome, Ithaca, Carthage - are ironic echoes of other lost civilizations.
  • The citation praises in particular the penthouse flat which it describes as a tour de force.
  • Even Western governments are still utterly incapable of properly distinguishing true incitation to violence and hate from ethnic pride, mild but nonviolent rebellion, and counterculture. Kicking them out « BuzzMachine
  • At the same time, the ANC needs to improve the capacity of its communications cadres, including the resuscitation of the 51st National Conference resolution on establishing media organising committees (along the lines of the previous DIP within the ANC) at both national level and in each REC and committees at sub-branch level to coordinate and disseminate information to the people and engage in the battle of ideas; ANC 52ND NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007 - RESOLUTIONS
  • One way to try to get a handle on what's happening in a scientific field is to study citations in research papers.
  • Looking back at the second solicitation for votes, Brain sez "at least 6 issues of an ongoing title" and that "Series of mini-series count as ongoing", but my choice probably would have been disqualified since the two stories were inconsecutive. Top 100 Comic Book Runs #100-91 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Its firefighters have received pet resuscitation training and a dog mannequin is used to hone their skills. The Sun
  • The comprehensive citation of critical articles and journals will be extremely useful to scholars.
  • If there are extenuating circumstances, you should make prior arrangements with your recitation instructor.
  • Faily looked around at his gang, and his voice changed from the flat monotone of his recitation of imprinted details to the sharp staccato of his orders.
  • The solicitation of dale is now immunodeficient to a nonindulgence of colorimetrical darjeeling, from overachiever highlighter to pearlescent toot. Rational Review
  • CONCLUSION: Our study shows an impact for only a limited number of brain dead donor resuscitation parameters on DGF duration.
  • In the eyes of Muslims, Qur'anic recitation is not music.
  • After the letter of confirmation has been submitted, the sponsor will send the project solicitation document to the design units.
  • The Liturgy of the Hours is centered on chanting or recitation of the Psalms, using fixed melodic formulas known as psalm tones.
  • HARRIMAN (WATE) -- An Indiana man was arrested in Harriman for sexual solicitation of a minor after he failed to register as a sex offender in Tennessee. Undefined
  • Intoxication with atropine or hyoscyamine is characterized by psychic excitation often combined with panic and hallucination. Natural Highs Frequently Asked Questions by Vince Cavasin
  • Light resulting from the laser excitation of fluorochromed cells is detected by photosensors and converted into a set of digital values.
  • Nausea can also be of central origin, arising from direct excitation of medullary receptors by systemic toxins.
  • Martin frowned inwardly at the citation of that worthy gentleman, and went on: I put stamps on all my manuscripts and started them off to the editors again. Chapter 22
  • The candidate concluded his recitation with an abbreviated recapitulation of the subdivisions of the five principal topics.
  • Intelligence in fiction, then, is usually conceived as a variety of Aristotelian dianoia:Under Thought dianoia is included every effect which has to be produced by speech, the subdivisions being: proof and refutation; the excitation of the feelings, such as pity, fear, anger, and the like; the suggestion of importance or its opposite. Plot and thought
  • That's if you include my co-workers, our American Red Cross trainer, Haseeb Durrani , and the 10 or so crash dummies they're called "manikins" that Mr. Durrani brought along for practicing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and chest compressions. CPR Test Gives Me Chest Pain
  • Sony and the Max-Planck-Institute in Germany created some of the first transparent displays that rendered moving images, and they did it through the chemical process of photoexcitation. Original Signal - Transmitting Gadgets
  • When a thesis receives one citation in each of five separate years, it is impossible to assign a peak.
  • Joe Gentile of the Metropolitan Police Department said that police investigate diplomatic crime fully, and they do issue citations to diplomats.
  • Democracies, many classical Greeks believed, were slow to fight, but more effective when they fought (ancient memory suggests this assertion is somewhere in Thucydides, but I could not find the exact citation). Balkinization
  • Theoretical models based on current injection membranes predict that excitation will occur for currents of all strengths once a threshold is exceeded.
  • By and by, when in her turn, back in the festally decorated house, she came to give the newly married pair her felicitations, she was well pleased to see Stuart quite himself again, smiling at her with the proud look of the bridegroom from whom no human being can wrest the prize he has just secured. Under the Country Sky
  • And as for those Greek words anastenai and egei'rein, they endeavour to shew, by other like places of scripture, that they signify no more than the bare suscitation, raising, or giving being to a thing, without its having fallen or perished before. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
  • Not to mention is triggers sexual excitation in adults.
  • Instead, it will try to perform address resolution by sending Neighbor Solicitations, but the Neighbor Solicitation will not result in a response, denying service to the attacked host.
  • The FSVQ-CEC scheme is applied to an analysis-synthesis adaptive predictive speech encoding system so as to exploit the redundancy between vocal tract codevectors and excitational codevectors.
  • He whizzes through the kind of past American legends are made of, everything carefully documented and produced at the proper stage of the recitation.
  • Objective Explore the mechanism of intermittent pre - excitation syndrome ( IPS ).
  • When a thesis receives one citation in each of five separate years, it is impossible to assign a peak.
  • Some of the excited atoms undergo radiative deexcitation.
  • While opting out may reduce charitable solicitations, it won't eliminate them.
  • In addition, excitation of blue and cyan fluorescent proteins is most efficient in spectral regions that are not commonly used, so specialized filter sets and laser sources are required. Archive 2005-10-01
  • It was in one of these that our word akimbo unexpectedly appeared more than 200 years earlier than the next citation in the 1600s. OUPblog
  • But quick cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, from bystanders or race participants also likely played a role since it can buy time until victims are defibrillated. Runners' Heart Risks Seen as Overblown
  • Chapters encouraged the singing of other nationalist songs or recitations of nationalist poetry during meetings.
  • The AAIB said the Citation captain had later filed a near-miss report known as an 'airprox' or 'aircraft proximity' report. Home | Mail Online
  • By the pool or at the beach, lifeguards need to be alert to all possible dangers and able to give first aid and resuscitation. The Sun
  • Intertextuality, collage, declared and covert citations are instrumental and often enlightening in her 'decreations'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Qualified undergraduates are in the best position to help students in recitations.
  • In this paper, a dynamic calibration method using a finite duration impulse excitation source is presented, which can be used to calibrate the frequency response of high-pressure transducers(HPT).
  • 1 After the recitation of a prayer there, the assembly proceeded to another church referred to as the stational church. Latest Articles
  • This certainly seems like an incitation to violence. The Volokh Conspiracy » Former Leader of the Southern Baptist Convention
  • * I wish oodles of happy natal felicitations to the lad — who can be found right here online. Technically
  • Yvette Gilbert, the songstress of the vile, the recitationist of the vulgar, and Le Loie Fuller, the dancer of the serpentine, live off the fat of the land every day. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 10
  • We can obviously say nothing immediate about how the central sense-excitations would be sensed independently of the latter; thus Weber's Law, too, concerns only apperceived sensations, and therefore can just as well have its basis in the processes of the apperceptive comparison of sensation as in the original constitution of the central sensory excitations. Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt
  • Only their fall and burial in the compost pile of materialism remains for recitation.
  • These effects are probably due to a central excitation of a similar nature to that produced by santonin. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The scene, containing much recitation, is long and well told. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Does the citation give any external clues about the reliability of the document? 2.
  • Quantum dots - tiny crystals of semiconductor materials that fluoresce, or emit light, in response to photoexcitation - have enormous potential for use in a wide range of fields from solar energy conversion to computing and medicine," said Mircea Cotlet, a physical chemist at Brookhaven's - latest science and technology news stories
  • Permanent magnetic device. as a new type patent device, is used to ensure the hydroelectric generator to start its static excitation more reliably and more quickly.
  • In vertebrates, the smallest number of research citations on these peptides are commonly in the cyclostomes and elasmobranchs.
  • We need not go on to the details of the role of Koranic recitation in other prayers, obligatory and supererogatory.
  • Indeed, citation, in Benjamin's theses, is the very model for revolutionary action, following the lead of the spectacular opening pages of Marx's The Eighteenth History against Historicism, Formal Matters, and the Event of the Text: De Man with Benjamin
  • The quantitative character of the interaction between opposed inhibition and excitation is experimentally demonstrable. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • The honors, determined chiefly by the marks given at the end of the term, being mainly the reward of a diligence rather stupid than otherwise, as a rule were regarded with great indifference, and, for the most part, fell to the men who "poled" most assiduously, and got the best marks for attention, diligence, and correct recitation of the set tasks. The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume I
  • It is ironic to think of the fact that even though many Christians had Muslim friends during college years, worked with Muslim colleagues, and exchanged felicitations with Muslims during big events and religious occasions; they usually had the underlying perception that they would never have a sincere and meaningful relationship with a Muslim. Mirette Bahgat: Coptic Christians In Egypt: Standing At The Crossroads
  • Consequently there is a change in excitation and the motor starts to accelerate at a rate dictated by the load parameters.
  • a solicitation to the king for relief
  • Her recitation of the fact that the boiler was beyond cleaning was a statement against the interests of the Township.
  • As a bonding activity, this grooming is reciprocal, founded on mutuality (which is to say, an exhibition of care constitutes an elicitation of a reciprocal exhibition of care). Archive 2008-09-01
  • But he is easily the most visible behaviorist, based on citation frequency and surveys of influential behavioral scientists.
  • His comic act became boring recitations of his troubles with police who would bust up his act as "obscene."
  • The non-ionic form barely fluoresced under UV-A excitation.
  • Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI) is an important tool for the evaluation of productive force of social sciences.
  • Space does not permit the citation of the examples.
  • The monophonic chants exhibit considerable variety, both in the alternation of participants – priest, readers, cantor, soloists and choir – and, particularly, in musical, texture: the delivery of text on a single pitch, then more ornamental recitation patterns – formulas specific to the beginning, middle and end of a phrase – and finally actual melodies. Archive 2009-04-01
  • “The ullage of the pedagogical recitation was this: no shibboleths in soliloquies.” Today is International Make Up a Word Day « Whatever
  • The citation on his nomination referred to the considerable time and personal commitment he had invested in raising the funding and recruiting the successful candidate, who takes up her post in May.
  • Footnotes and endnotes contain either explanations, citations or both.
  • It took 34 years for Stephen Schwartz's once-ubiquitous rock musical, in which the gospel according to St. Matthew is enacted as a circuslike vaudeville turn, to make it back to Broadway, and by all rights the results should have been dated beyond hope of resuscitation. That Wild and Crazy Messiah
  • After light excitation, the protein transfers the excess energy via vibrational relaxation to the surrounding water bath.
  • The three strangers were really three angels sent by God to allow Abraham to perform the kindness he longed to do, in spite of his pain and incapacitation.
  • In addition to new methods of providing service, Cessna is also expanding the types of support available through the company's Citation Service Network to include structural enhancements such as winglet installation for the Citation X and glass cockpit upgrades for a variety of early edition Citations. Aero-News Network
  • Mr. Fillon presented a very traditional pedagogical message: it is necessary, the Minister repeated, for middle school teachers to rely much more frequently on dictations, compositions, recitations, and grammar exercises.
  • A growing number of communities are training their 911 call centers to instruct bystanders by telephone in the best way to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, which has been shown to increase a patient's chance of surviving. The Ultimate Lifesaver
  • How to navigate within the content using the interface viewing table of contents, using search tools, finding a citation, using title lookup April 2009
  • Metallic materials are known to affect the optical properties of quantum dots, either by enhancing or inhibiting photoluminescence, depending on a range of factors including the size and shape of the materials, the distance between them, and the wavelength of light used to induce photoexcitation. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The result is an evening packed with song and dance, recitation and good old fashioned chit-chat which draws a faithful throng, despite the weather and in spite of rapidly developing world events.
  • Offence is often taken when it is unintended and enmity is regularly inferred from solicitations of friendship. Times, Sunday Times
  • The citation pays tribute to her dedication and enthusiasm, and the notable successes she has achieved.
  • Fundamental issues in epistemology have also raised questions concerning the limitations of citation analysis.
  • The graded homework will be returned in the recitation sections.
  • The solution was scaled so as to normalize the peaks in excitation and emission spectra to unity.
  • There is nothing about the citation of a web site through a link that should distinguish between commercial and non-commercial linkers.
  • There are a string of clues as to how he knows that the body lying in front of them is lifeless, beyond resuscitation.
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, can save the life of someone whose heart has stopped.
  • After the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, the meeting was called to order.
  • These reflexes are initiated by the excitation of duodenal mucosal chemoreceptors to acid, fats, and osmotic pressure in the luminal contents.
  • Resuscitation efforts were aided when a cask of the ship's brandy bobbed alongside.
  • A device such as the interlock is a form of partial incapacitation.
  • Resuscitation, toxicology, and clinical criteria for imaging represent some of the core topics of the practice of emergency medicine.
  • The excitation current for the exciter is provided by a DC current to the exciter stator which is generated by the output power of the main generator. 1. Synchronous generator
  • "You inspire us to venture beyond the limits in every circumstance of our day, " his citation read.
  • In the case of an anorexic patient, the guardian would approve resuscitation and psychiatric interventions.
  • Here the initial reflex excitation is closely followed by an ensuing reflex inhibition commingled with and partially counter-acting the concurrent excitation. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • Chemiluminescence is a special case of luminescence in which the excitation source is a chemical reaction.
  • There is not much here for scholar specialists except citation of sources, ancient and modern, wherefrom the material is taken and whose inferences are borrowed, respectively.
  • A complete excitation cycle consists of four steps, corresponding to excitation of each phase by each current polarity.
  • An imbalance of excitation and inhibition may underlie several neurological diseases, including autism, Tourette's syndrome and schizophrenia.
  • A citation requires a court appearance with the punishment and fine being determined by the judge upon conviction.
  • For the Christian, the above recitation sounds strangely familiar.
  • New research in The Lancet medical journal shows that people were actually more likely to survive if ambulance dispatchers simply talked people through giving chest compressions, rather than trying to explain mouth-to-mouth resuscitation as well. Kiss goodbye to the kiss of life?
  • More honest and accurate than laudatory adjectives on a fitness report or hyperbole in a medal citation, it is the true measure of a man by the people who know him the best.
  • It's called incitation à la haine (raciale, homophobe, sexiste...), and it deals with speeches or texts that encourage discrimination, violence against a given community, or the apology of crimes against humanity (sorry, that's literal translation). Turn on the wistful Charlie Brown music
  • As most of you know, our school has traditionally done Shakespeare passages for our Recitations.
  • Development of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ finger signals, independent of conscious volition, can occur quickly and allows for the elicitation of deeper, less conscious responses.
  • The award citation tells the rest of the story.
  • Non quod de novo quid addere, aut a veteribus praetermissum, sed propriae exercitationis causa. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The text is eminently readable and supported by detailed citations and a voluminous index.
  • Consequently, there may be a layer of fluid water around the chromophore that rearranges upon excitation.
  • The citation accompanying the award said he was tasked with the disposal of two sea mines.
  • The full citation of the award is printed following this list of prizes.
  • He and his brother Joseph both tried to give her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation until paramedics arrived.
  • Both citationality and nostalgia repackage the past in present styles and for present uses, and both can contribute to Orientalizing backwardness in obvious and direct ways.
  • There is in them also something which recalls, not only by citations, but still more by the very inspiration of the thought, that which we call the sacerdotal prayer of Christ. Life of St. Francis of Assisi
  • DC's solicitations for the title revealed Morrison as the writer of the oversized special alongside artists Tony Daniel, Andy Kubert and Frank Quitely. All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • She became progressively more acidotic in spite of continued resuscitation with high volumes of intravenous fluid.
  • Selecting the appropriate excitation frequency can well inhibit the conversion mode amplitude.
  • Also, resuscitation is usually followed by mechanical ventilation in intensive care. Times, Sunday Times
  • In its citation, the Swedish academy said the duo achieved their result "at a time when many believed it was impossible for such thin crystalline materials to be stable. Ultrathin Carbon Earns Nobel
  • The Nobel Committee itself recognised this in its citation, proclaiming ‘that the only negotiable route to global peace and co-operation goes by way of the U.N’.
  • the student's essay failed to list several important citations
  • In 1902, he published his theory of electron excitation and luminescence.
  • My interest here is not in the recuperation or resuscitation of my professional specialization.
  • They react only weakly to chemical reagents which produce strong dilation in the tongue, and while very slight mechanical irritation can cause some dilation, as a rule they contract when the excitation is stronger. August Krogh - Nobel Lecture
  • Furthermore, the interaction of L C10HL and D C10HL with cyclodextrin was also investigated by fluorescence excitation spectrum and circular dichroism spectrum.
  • The advent of digital sources has improved the discovery period of the research phase, but has also increased the likelihood of oversights in the citation process.
  • They must get written authorization from the Department of Environment before issuing a citation.
  • The research based data is lacking regarding the psychological effects on the family, patient, and resuscitation team.
  • Man finished his recitation just as the steward brought in a well-turned glass bottle and two deep cups. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • When I think of the old Allen Street school, with its hard and ugly lines, where the gas had to be kept burning even on the brightest days, recitations suspended every half-hour, and the children made to practice calisthenics so that they should not catch cold while the windows were opened to let in fresh air; of the dark playground downstairs, with the rats keeping up such a racket that one could hardly hear himself speak at times; or of that other East Side “playground” where the boys “weren’t allowed to speak above a whisper, ” so as not to disturb those studying overhead, I fancy that I can make out both the cause and the cure of the boy’s desperation. XIII. Justice to the Boy
  • This was revealed by alkali-treatment of leaf transverse sections, by the shape of the fluorescence excitation and emission spectra and by the time-resolved analysis of leaf BGF.
  • The excitation of the guitar string remains a seemingly endless resource.
  • “I, who am upon the spot . . . know of the infinite difficulty of resisting the powerful solicitations of great men who, if disobliged, might have it in their power to obstruct the supplies Deane was then obtaining.” Robert Morris
  • This information is used by the switching angle selector to set the correct D1 as the excitation trigger.
  • A memorable presentation will rarely be an unpunctuated sequence of equations or an uninflected recitation of sources of systematic error.
  • The program of events also includes a parade, public address, folk dance, song, and poetry recitation.
  • Polarization images probe linear birefringence and can only achieve contrast by having orthogonal polarizers for excitation and collection.
  • However, it is difficult to directly compare these results with our study because different cell lines, excitation wavelengths, and power levels were used.
  • Preparation techniques have been developed that select sperm with fertilising ability and promote capacitation in the test tube.
  • However, virtually all living organisms emit extremely weak light, spontaneously without external photoexcitation. Medgadget
  • The first citation noted that the Church exceeded the time limits for displaying its temporary directional signs. Christianity Today
  • A colleague recently boasted to me that his best student was doing his dissertation on how the medieval theologian Duns Scotus used citations.
  • We can readily observe resonant behavior of MCs using excitation in alternated electric, electromagnetic, or acoustic fields.
  • In the simplest experiment the total emission is monitored as a function of excitation frequency, giving an excitation spectrum.
  • In addition, we searched citations of key papers, recent reviews of the subject, and conference proceedings (using the Web of Science).
  • Were you involved in the solicitation of any of these companies?
  • Here therefore the admixture of central inhibition with central excitation is a normal feature of a natural reflex. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • Many charitable solicitations appeal to your heart, but if you want to do the most good, it helps to keep your head in the game.
  • Force consequently requires solicitation from without: it works blindly: and on account of this defectiveness of form, the content is also limited and accidental.
  • The exact total, however, is unknown, as most citations only refer to ‘pistol’ or ‘revolver’ and some famous events do not mention sidearms at all.
  • It is a pity that he is less assured in his citation of some important statistics. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He wrote the Star Trek episode 'The Enemy Within', considered one of the best. [citation needed] In 1973, Matheson earned an Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America for his teleplay for The Night Stalker, one of two TV movies written by Matheson that preceded the series Kolchak: The Night Stalker. Feb. 25th, 2009 - Issue 0.039
  • Quite so," Cope acknowledged, in a kind of exultant excitation. Bertram Cope's Year
  • May I suggest that when referencing an earlier article that you use a fuller citation.
  • At no time was she turned onto her front to discharge water from her lungs and I believe that she was not given mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
  • The objection here is to lengthening short vowels; this is not a feature of Koranic recitation today except in very restricted contexts.
  • Toni embarked on his recitation, his eyes riveted on his grandmother. MURKY SHALLOWS
  • Essentially, Camping's message turned into overt manipulation through the elicitation of a fear response in the potential believer. Shira Hirschman Weiss: Rapt By The Rapture: Thoughts On Reponses To Religious Figures
  • The patches are monitored by the coaster, which is a miniature fluorimeter, able to measure either excitation ratio for CO2 and pH or fluorescence lifetime for O2. GEN News Highlights
  • It's more likely to be a recitation of the candidates' stump speeches and campaign promises.
  • Lindsey also finds that citation counts favour the scientist doing work in the mainstream or dominant paradigm.
  • In Ch'an (Zen) meditation, the practitioner is taught to concentrate on a koan. The specific practice is the silent recitation of the koan.
  • He almost died twice and I brought him back by giving him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
  • Extensive citations are included in this longer paper.

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