How To Use Circus In A Sentence

  • We must remember that the prime motive for Housmann's boulevards and circuses was to ensure that a strategically placed cannon could fire down many streets, quelling the citizens who were periodically disposed to revolution.
  • One for the latex lovers in your life, this anniversary alternative event is circus-themed, but remember to peel off your strongman's handlebar 'tache if you want to tuck into the birthday cake in the chillout room. Clubs picks of the week
  • Once the war began, uniformed Americans participated in an inter-service contest for buckjumping and bareback riding at Wirth's Circus, Melbourne, in early 1943.
  • When standing on the dancefloor, I could have been in any typical club around Leicester Square or Piccadilly Circus… plenty of drunks, try-hards, sleazes, idiots, and easy girls all packed in.
  • English Roma, Irish travellers, new travellers, showmen and circus people were all consulted.
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  • We are not here to act like the clowns of a circus.
  • Taking her cue from some of MADONNA's more risque antics, it was pure raunch from the outset, which saw the star sporting a sexy circus mistress's uniform.
  • Many Roman traditions and institutions also disappeared or simply became redundant in the process, not least the arenas and amphitheatres for the circuses and games once supported by the state and municipal authorities.
  • This is one of those historic moments for the circus.
  • In addition to the expected terms, keywords targeted to the TV ads like "shoe circus," "conquistador" and SearchViews
  • For he really did believe capitalism controls the proles not by physical oppression but by bread and circuses, by cultural debasement - or ‘dumbing down’ as we now nervously say.
  • Flyheel Flo is her name hereabouts; alluding to her former profession of circus-rider. Wandering Heath
  • It would be ridiculous to expect such a circus to settle major public issues.
  • In recent years legal battles with animal welfare groups have plagued the circus. Times, Sunday Times
  • The woman must work in a circus. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, and a trip to the Moscow state circus is not an adequate substitute for the opera or ballet visit also promised in the tour literature - but we shall draw a veil over some of the turns there, which if nothing else provided the UK visitors with a culture shock. Current Affairs
  • From elegant trapeze artists to humorous anecdotal scenes of circus life on a shoestring budget, you can see why Camille is tempted to join Petra and run away with the circus.
  • The frontage was our Southsea museum, the yards around the back housed our wintering circus troupe, and inside the dining hall the art department had erected a fairground marquee for interior cover. Archive 2007-08-01
  • Surely they're not sick of the media circus already?
  • The media was pleased to receive the calendar for next year's F1 circus nice and early.
  • It's as marvellous as a church spire running off down a country lane to join the circus. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • United are a circus troupe where performers take turns to do their bit. Times, Sunday Times
  • He worked in burlesque and vaudeville theaters and then on Broadway in such plays as The Night Circus (1958), One More River (1960), and Do Re Mi (1962). Five People Born at the End of April | myFiveBest
  • Bread and the circus are freely given to the deserving, and as for the undeserving, they are merely reaping the rewards of their contumacy and pride. A REVIEW
  • An abandoned circus wagon with peeling paint is in the background, in it a hopeless dark woman imprisoned behind bars.
  • The circus acrobats perform amazing feats on the trapeze.
  • The stables turned out to be remarkably solid structures for a travelling circus, made mostly of wood with canvas roofs.
  • The circus arts, like any form of folk art, are sets of skills passed down through generations. Smithsonian Mag
  • Soon, the Christmas season for the Griswold family starts to look like a three ring circus.
  • So it is back to Italy for the F1 circus this weekend.
  • There's no story; no soppy lyrics; it's not exploitative or nasty; it's closer to circus, but with simpler tricks and better music.
  • At one time, however, about the only way most people could see real animal predators was in zoos and circuses.
  • Although "cirque" is literally translated from the French as "circus," Streltsov makes a distinction. -- Front
  • Improvised circus sounds like a bit of a contradiction in terms, since circus by its very nature requires precision, planning and exactness.
  • Moreover, the circus promises the appearance of a mysterious Prince, a demagogue who is plotting untold evil.
  • it was so funny it was a circus
  • As a result, Truzzi was intrigued by magic, juggling, sideshows, carnivals, and circuses.
  • The gallery is off Oxford Circus, next door to a haberdasher's, established back in 1902.
  • Tansy didn't approve of me one little bit, what with being from the circus and not paying for it.
  • Pupils from Werneth School, in Oldham, met the professionals from the Moscow State Circus as the 200-year-old band of Russian showmen rolled into town during their UK tour.
  • A circus clown received stitches to the head after he was thrown through a glass door.
  • Be dazzled by the physical bravura of the stunts from this Argentinian theatrical circus troupe. Times, Sunday Times
  • The traveling circus known as pro tennis arrived on the outskirts of London on June 23.
  • He also said something about a stilt walker on loan from the Big Apple Circus, two beggars at a butcher shop, even a bear. Suiting Up for the Met
  • I've been an itinerant singer , a circus rider, when I used to vault like Leotard, and dance on a rope like Blondin.
  • Other attractions at the circus include clowns, acrobats, wire-walkers, trapeze artists, an equestrian display and jugglers.
  • “The birth of the quads was a controlled circus,” one nurse remembered. Every Breath You Take
  • Quidam features a variety of incredible circus acts, including the German wheel, banquine, Spanish webs, diabolos, aerial contortion in silk and, of course, a trio of crazy clowns.
  • In 1927, Marc Chagall undertook a series of paintings concerning the theme of 'circus' requested by Ambroise Vollard, the painting selling businessman.
  • While Newcastle's manager cherishes Barton's ability he fears the circus surrounding him has taken a toll on his 50-year-old face. Arsenal show need for reinforcements after failure to outwit Newcastle
  • There I spent some comfortable days, sleeping much, having myself read to, mostly from the private letters of the Emperors, and from the Anticatones of the Divine Julius; and, from the balcony of the ante-room enjoying the splendid view southwestwards, over the Circus Maximus, the lower reaches of the Tiber and the Campagna, for my apartment was on that side of the Palace and high up. Andivius Hedulio Adventures of a Roman Nobleman in the Days of the Empire
  • The six-strong troupe entertained children and parents alike with circus acts, such as the trapeze, acrobatics, juggling and plate spinning.
  • The lads would sneak away from school to get a lift on the circus vehicles as they approached the town.
  • Last year Toti and the chef traced the route Giffords planned to take and visited local farmers' markets to talk directly to farmers in order to ensure the circus kitchen was fully stocked.
  • A loose travelling circus built around a nine-piece band, the Rolling Thunder Revue sucked any number of guests into its orbit as it worked its way around the American north-east.
  • By the time the circus packs ups its tent and moves on, patrons will have consumed about three tons of popcorn and 7 000 bags of candyfloss.
  • The ecoregion also represent an important refuge for certain mammals, such as otter (Lutra lutra), and for an important number of reptiles (i.e. Emys orbicularis, Mauremis caspica, Chamaelo chamaelon), as well as wintering (i.e. Anas strepera, Netta rufina) and nesting (Ardea purpurea, Nycticorax nycticorax, Circus aeruginosus) bird species. Southwest Iberian Mediterranean sclerophyllous and mixed forests
  • In his past work, David Lynch has often presented seniors as if they were circus freaks, but here his approach is reverent and respectful.
  • On the gallops, the horses loop and turn like a circus troupe. Times, Sunday Times
  • `I want to work in a circus with trained animals and a high trapeze, where I can swing upside down and show the whole world my britches. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • A circus strongman who specialised in bending steel bars, he found a lucrative alternative career digging out Egyptian antiquities for wealthy patrons. Times, Sunday Times
  • It took 34 years for Stephen Schwartz's once-ubiquitous rock musical, in which the gospel according to St. Matthew is enacted as a circuslike vaudeville turn, to make it back to Broadway, and by all rights the results should have been dated beyond hope of resuscitation. That Wild and Crazy Messiah
  • What did disappear for good were those public spaces that had played such an important role in the civic life of a Roman city: forum, baths, circus, theatres, amphitheatres, and, above all, places of pagan cult.
  • Having led the Arches Circus Summer School for the past two years and with international performance experience, Seed is on a mission to subvert the public's preconception of big top buffoonery.
  • What did disappear for good were those public spaces that had played such an important role in the civic life of a Roman city: forum, baths, circus, theatres, amphitheatres, and, above all, places of pagan cult.
  • Luckily enough, a circus happens to be passing by, and one dwarf leads his elephant over to the car, where the elephant plucks the woman out with his trunk.
  • The couple married in the Caribbean to avoid a media circus.
  • I need the outdoors or the excitement of the circus, which is even a freer life. WEB OF DREAMS
  • We don't want them showing up at the theater at the wrong time, or coming in anticipation of a circus when the symphony is playing.
  • Even then the gloom was such that the scoreboard shone like Piccadilly Circus on a wet night while both batsmen and fielders needed radar to sight the ball.
  • If he had used real swordsmanship on Claymore instead of circus tricks, he would have lost easily.
  • I am angered and appalled at the way the news media has made a circus of their portrayal of this case.
  • Roll up! Roll up! Come and see the amazing bearded lady!" shouted the circus man.
  • Once the main parts of the figure were completed in felt, an assortment of ribbons, lace trim, rickrack, buttons, sequins and feathers were added to decorate the circus performers.
  • The other circus performers are like family to us, but we all live in self-contained worlds. Times, Sunday Times
  • And she thought it was kind of gross the way they still played Circus, and once she heard them talking in a made-up language. So Much Pretty
  • If you abuse a circus elephant, if you run a pet shop that sells a calico cat without a license or if you're a farmer who markets a potato that's too small, the US Department of Agriculture can fine you.
  • Circus Bed Quilt was reproduced in the Ladies, Home Journal with instructions for reproducing the design as a cloth quilt.
  • The food is top-notch, and the decor—billowing silk in shades of burned yellow and red—is circusy and elegant. TAKE ME TO THE RIVER
  • Goodwick DJ, Eugene French, spun discs between bands, but most of the spinning came from Circus Malarky, who cartwheeled, juggled and unicycled their way through the night.
  • Here endeth the circus metaphor: The trapeze I wanted got taken out of the ring today.
  • This reality series captures the exploits and escapades of life on the road with the world's most unusual troupe of performers, The Jim Rose Circus.
  • The fascinations of the circus are endless.
  • Right now, the animal keepers from the circus stay at the zoo, attending to all the needs of the chimps.
  • He is an animal trainer for the circus.
  • It's perhaps like comparing a daredevil circus event to a staged ballet.
  • PESCA: Well, their keyboard player, Franz, is in a sideband that plays, like, circus music. Hold Steady Stays 'Positive'
  • The Leaky Heaven Circus will be premiering their biggest endeavor thus far, Ziggurat!
  • Instead, I took one look at your stricken face and ran all the way to Piccadilly Circus.
  • Somewhere between circus and living sculpture, it has the thrills and spills of the big top, the aesthetic sensibility of ballet and a hint of louche cabaret.
  • The film is about a clown who leaves his circus and lives in a building near a railway station.
  • The couple married in the Caribbean to avoid a media circus.
  • If the Formula One circus is so bothered about avoiding accidents, why not run the entire race behind the safety car?
  • This was the time also when the circus clowns, saltimbanques and harlequins began to appear on his canvases, with their own smiling kinds of loneliness.
  • The couple married in the Caribbean to avoid a media circus.
  • There were thousands of these people queuing for auditions - it was a real circus. The Sun
  • HANOVER (AP) - After 27 years of performing in Hanover, the Big Apple Circus says it's not coming this summer, and not for the forseeable future. local, state, business and sports news
  • She manages to prize herself away from the clutches of the circus to be reunited with her friends and family. The Sun
  • Set aside the usual circus ring tricks of political chicanery.
  • His new application will present a dilemma for the government because last year's Conservative manifesto pledged to ban wild animals in circuses. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new work is a wild athletic circus of music scored for a large orchestra together with a smaller ensemble.
  • The circus, the nomadic tent show of breathtaking performances, is on.
  • Action peaks during the visit of a circus - complete with elephants, tigers, and light-fingered pickpockets.
  • AHURA, the Humanitarian Association for Animal Rescue, peacefully protested last Monday in Bucaramanga against the Mexican Circus, part of the Hermanos Gasca circus company who uses animals as part of their act. Colombia: Humane Group Protests Circus Animal Cruelty
  • G was a three-ring circus on Super Bowl Sunday.
  • Circuses have come a long way, since they gained popularity during the ancient Roman Empire, when amphitheatres were the only source of entertainment to citizens.
  • In order to avoid military duty, he had joined a circus and stayed on for two years.
  • | Reply print has some great strips like dilbert, zits, and far side; and then there are the ones that are not funny and have never been funny like family circus and blondie and dagwood. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Web or Print?
  • The lifeless form was hastily conveyed under ground where had been the circus ring and where the chances of discovery and disinterment were remote. Archive 2010-01-24
  • He said PAWS objects to circuses keeping wild and exotic animals captive for entertainment.
  • Circus, there is a graphic description of what happens. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a result the circus withdrew Annie for a day while an investigation was carried out.
  • A few years later, she was experimenting on a low-flying circus trapeze when the ropes became tangled.
  • With a new book by Hugh Wheeler, added lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and arena-style staging by Hal Prince, "Candide" finally gained popular success-though lost in the circuslike goings-on were the glitter of the music and almost any shred of seriousness. The Garden Grows
  • She added: 'It is disappointing that some people are trying to turn the appointment into a political circus. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'll watch something else next time this circus of bad sportsmanship arrives. Times, Sunday Times
  • circusy" manner in which he had entered the room. Tom Swift in Captivity, or a Daring Escape By Airship
  • The horses pranced in the circus ring.
  • Indeed, in the flesh he has more than a passing resemblance to a slightly moth-eaten circus lion.
  • The Chinese State Circus presents gymnasts, contortionists, acrobats and pole-jumpers on February 23-25.
  • She added: 'It is disappointing that some people are trying to turn the appointment into a political circus. Times, Sunday Times
  • The word hippopotamus is familiar to you -- and even to small children -- because it has often been used, and because you have seen circus pictures of it. The Boy Ranchers at Spur Creek or Fighting the Sheep Herders
  • hit-the-grit" circus, and were writing to the big shows for prices on superannuated or "shopworn" animals. Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 5, June 1905
  • Philip Franks's production is set on a deserted seaside pier haunted by the ghosts of circus clowns.
  • His first day at the circus Red takes him around to meet all of the other side show attractions: midget couple Tom and Thelma Tiny, world's tallest woman Goliatha, sword swallower Excalibur, tattooed lady Paula Picasso, the Man Without a Face, and a few others like the woman with no limbs and some really fat lady. Movie: Side Show (1981) (TV)
  • Then that blends with what I call circus, which a modern critic would call an amusement-park ride, which is, you know, the gladiators, or horse races, or football teams, or things like that, which are exciting and are emotional. Q&A: George Lucas on Indiana Jones
  • 'Never mind,' H.O. said, 'they'll be sorry enough afterwards, nasty, unobliging things, because now they won't see the circus. The Wouldbegoods
  • The clowns are delivering their aid in the most personal way, with not just a joke and a smile, but hugs and tears and the pell-mell of circus-like performances.
  • The top of the circus tent was ripped off and sent flying, letting in a deluge of rain that caused thousands of pounds of damage. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's been a media fuss over the use of animals in this circus, but it seems misplaced.
  • A surefire sign that the circus is almost over: they send in the clowns, and McConnell is a clown extraordinaire. McConnell: Reid bill 'the wrong direction to go' on reform
  • Many other specialties, such as glassblowing, candy making, circus performing, and fireworks, are passed down through families. In Praise of Nepotism
  • In this case the people are circus performers, not very good ones, and the system is the Communist bureaucracy of Czechoslovakia.
  • Of course I've got all the trappings of success, but it hurts when friends treat me like some circus freak.
  • The top of the circus tent was ripped off and sent flying, letting in a deluge of rain that caused thousands of pounds of damage. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, unlike the old circus shows with their clowns and candyfloss, this performance is governed by a sophisticated theatrical sensibility.
  • They resemble circus clowns more than footballers. The Sun
  • What was the media circus like at the scene in Colorado?
  • The celebrity reality TV circus is a curious thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • She simply agonises over how to describe what she does when a camera is pointed at her, saying that she feels more like a performer or a circus turn than an actress.
  • At Central Park, visitors chose from a slide, Ferris wheel, tombola, a circus, and also a record-breaking team of daredevil motorcyclists called the Motorcycle Madmen.
  • Whenever an election turns into a three-ring circus, I cast my baleful eye upon the proceedings and wonder what's really going on in the heart that beats beneath the fright wig.
  • They resemble circus clowns more than footballers. The Sun
  • had never seen a circus
  • His ticket to Urumchi did not, as he thought, guarantee a journey, but was, more aptly, an invitation to join in the melee, a circus of inseverable wrangling in which the strong, the wily and dogged, prevailed. Heaven Lake
  • Mecca Bingo in Regent Circus is angry that it will not be able to increase stakes and prize money when new legislation comes into force.
  • She mingled with the crowds of young, untidy foreigners who lounged around the base of the statue in Piccadilly Circus.
  • Often, I feel a bit like a high-wire circus performer working without a net.
  • Many had evidently made up their minds that it would be more amusing to see the cowhiding than the circus. The Underground Railroad A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, &c., Narrating the Hardships, Hair-Breadth Escapes and Death Struggles of the Slaves in Their Efforts for Freedom, As Related by Themselves and Others, or Witnessed by the Auth
  • There is, after all, the idea of running away with the circus, just as there was a time when people ran away with the fairies, or the raggle-taggle gypsies. Making Light: Maybe next year
  • A poor circus performer, Heikishi Endo, is framed by K-20 and has to resort to daring thievery of his own to reclaim his good name and thwart the fiend, who is trying to get a big Tesla coil to use as a weapon. Fantastic Fest – K-20: The Fiend With Twenty Faces « Geek Related
  • (Soundbite of applause) SAGAL: Proud holder of the congressional seat from Sao Paulo is Francisco Everardo Oiliveira Silva, the first circus clown to serve in Brazil's government. Limericks
  • But this kooky flea circus is still worth a visit. The Sun
  • Officers dropped by restaurants, pubs and other licensed premises in areas such as Regent Circus, Fleet Street and John Street in the hope of picking up vital clues about the killer's identity.
  • If the Venice boardwalk is a human circus, as many observers have described it, then the long, keyhole-shaped pier that abuts it is an angling circus, a narrow strip of concrete where the exotic and unpredictable denizens of the Pacific Ocean-needlefish have been reeled up onto the pier; occasionally someone hooks a sea lion-meet the exotic and unpredictable anglers of Los Angeles. Fishing the Venice Beach Pier
  • It seems a perverse choice of circus skill to impart. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sheltered from reality in the public circus, these people seriously believed that their complicated jargon would be understood by the average shmuck on the street.
  • All the rest is a soap opera dreamed up by politicians and their lickspittles in the London media, just as mad Roman emperors gave their citizens bread and circuses to keep them from revolting.
  • Or is her life turning into a circus? Times, Sunday Times
  • Such amusements belong to the city, where a lady, her face a glory of powder, Sidonian lips, a tower of hair woven with pearls, earrings like stars, can shake her litter with a fit of laughter at the sight of a humpback swinging along on crutches, where mothers, barristers, doctors gasp with pleasure as two dwarves hack themselves to a butchered ruin in the Circus. A favorite quote | clusterflock
  • The story begins with Bruno the Bear, the proud owner of a sweet shop, serving Olga, the Russian owner of an animal circus.
  • Circus tricks performed in exact time to Tchaikovsky's music are treat enough, but more mind-boggling still are the acrobatic extremes to which the ballet vocabulary is pushed, including the section now immortalised on YouTube in which Odette dances en pointe, while balanced on Siegfried's head. This week's new dance
  • Birds of prey include kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus), and steppe eagle (Aquila rapax). Alai-Western Tian Shan steppe
  • Some live out their circus fantasies by taming lions or elephants, but aerial acts combine macho cool and athletic grace.
  • Zippos Circus, which has horses, budgies and a sheepdog among its performers, opened at the Westcott Recreation Ground yesterday.
  • Which means they're in just as much of a bind as we are, which means Kim has all kinds of cards to play, which means these talks will be a six-ring circus featuring nuclear weapons on the flying trapeze.
  • Some of the duets are simply sensational but circussy, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • An ingenious circus promoter named P.T. Barnum found a way to make people laugh and make pots of moolah from the likes of a great gallumping galoot named ‘Jumbo’.
  • This year a travelling circus put up its tent and offered the public a horse-riding show.
  • Smaller edifices, like temples and mausoleums, were adapted bodily to their new office, while the larger ones, such as thermæ, theatres, circuses, and barracks were occupied in parts only. Pagan and Christian Rome
  • To avoid this, the crew works in predawn darkness, hoping their work survives until the "circus" arrives. - Tour cast moves its town along in stages
  • Attractions at the fair include a mini - circus, clowns, dancers and a jazz band.
  • There will be another war somewhere else and the whole international media circus will move on.
  • The streets erupt in a saturnalia of lawlessness, to which the director adds an inspired touch: an escaped elephant from Barnum's circus trumpeting down the rubble-strewn streets.
  • The overhead shots of the circus ring seem at first sight to be POV yet in the shots of Lola her eyes alternate between moving in panic and being actually shut.
  • The circus is planning to pull out of the suburb park tomorrow morning.
  • I buy an awful 10p postcard, showing a big red bus driving through Piccadilly Circus.
  • And a circus happens where and whenever some tatterdemalion body discards itself in leaps and somersaults.
  • Nevertheless, you can understand why the Justices (again excepting Kirby) didn't want Eastman turning the High Court into a three ring circus.
  • Besides the amusing circus and aquatic performances, visitors can have their pictures taken with a well-dressed bear or a large, semi-comatose tiger.
  • He witnessed Saturday's manifestation and calls it a ‘circus’.
  • Most circus skills are very simple in technique but just need a lot of practice to get them right and looking good. Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
  • This is the ultimate sustainable city in terms of jokes and governmental circus acts.
  • Beautiful equines gaily festooned in spotless harness and working in perfect rhythm, will always be the centerpiece of my circus memories.
  • You remember Kenneth Grahame's account of how Harold went to the circus and sang the great spheral song of the circus? Peter Rabbit's Funeral
  • Tolmachyov originally had been called Karavannaya back when Leningrad was called St. Petersburg, and then, briefly, Petrograd for its historic role as the final leg in the route of caravans of elephants and camels traveling from exotic lands to the imperial circus, which presides over the street to this day like a giant pink-and-white cream pie. Peace Meals
  • The Royal Exchange Theatre was a cross between a three-tiered cake plate and a circus ring.
  • On the contrary, all the cast in this circus troupe are likeable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where are the serious people who can displace this flea-bitten ragtag circus of charlatans, illiterates, hucksters, kooks, and dumbells?
  • His new application will present a dilemma for the government because last year's Conservative manifesto pledged to ban wild animals in circuses. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Quebec circus troupe's touring Alegría, which has come to play in Calgary this month, is guaranteed to put you in a child-like state of awe and wonder at its physical feats and illusive imagery.
  • The council plans to ban circuses with performing animals.
  • Pillars of society abounded at these latter-day Roman Circuses.
  • He first entered the spotlight as a circus clown aged five and later trained exotic cats and became the show's wild animal trainer.
  • (_Linota flavirostris_), hen harrier (_Circus cyaneus_), buzzard (_Buteo vulgaris_), redshank (_Totanus calidris_), greenshank (_Totanus cunescens_) and the little auk (_Mergulus alle_). Hertfordshire
  • We're a circus troupe, aren't we?
  • ‘I also want to have a few trick ponies, for a circus exhibition,’ she said then allowed her maid to button her into a sleeveless gown of rich, iridescent black with falls of midnight lace and rows of glittering, jet beads.
  • These rode their mothers 'backs, clinging desperately while they leaped along, for all the world like the pathetic monkey "jockeys" one sees strapped to the backs of big dogs in circuses. The Land of Footprints
  • My real ambition was to work in a circus.
  • Farage in media flea circus? Times, Sunday Times

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