How To Use Circumstantiate In A Sentence
We would have our eyes upon that too, so to circumstantiate all our duties, as they may have least offence in them, and be exposed to least obloquy of men, 1 Pet. ii.
The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
Further studies are needed to better circumstantiate these conditions.
In many cases, to which, from their circumstantiate nature, neither the written nor the consuetudinary law is directly appli - cable, these are the Responsa Prudentum which supply that un - avoidable deficiency.
Peerage of England, genealogical, biographical, and historical
It must have been an entrance into an important place but we have to find something in ancient sources if we are to make any circumstantiated hypothesis," he said.
Discoveries from Ancient Rome
Offenses against the sixth commandment were the exclusive domain of his congregation, but in a number of cases, even very circumstantiated denunciations were never pursued.
Sandro Magister: Assessment of the “Purification” Underway
For this case, thus circumstantiated, as before declared, is no act of any private person, of his own head, as that statute intends; nor in relation to the king there meant, that is presumed to be in the exercise of his royal authority, in conjunction with the law and the two houses of Parliament, if they be sitting, as the fundamental constitutions of the government do require.
II. At His Trial for High Treason
Some one may have asked what I had seen; at all events I was full of the idea, and, indicating the open door, I began to tell what I had seen, when -- exactly as though the thing were done deliberately to circumstantiate my story -- with the slow, steady movement of a heavy door pushed by a feeble hand, the other portal of the huge cabinet swung open.
American Adventures A Second Trip 'Abroad at home'
It may easily be imagined how the poor woman felt at this unexpected summons, and at the announcement, necessarily defective and confused, of an escaped but fearful danger, an obscure event, which the messenger could neither circumstantiate nor explain, and of which she had not the slightest ground of explanation in her own previous thoughts.
Chapter XXIV
The traffic offence can be circumstantiated by a photocamera with high resolution.
In step four indicators are going to be determined in order to support and circumstantiate the evaluation.
Is there no other place of Scripture whence it may be evinced that eternal death is the wages of sin? or is every place thereof where death is threatened to sin so circumstantiated as this place is? is the threatening everywhere given out upon the like occasion, and to be accommodated to the like state of things?
The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
These things being premised, I shall now set down and make public that proposal which heretofore I have tendered, as a means to give some light into a way for the profitable and comfortable practice of church government; drawing out of general notions what is practically applicable, so circumstantiated as of necessity it must be.
The Sermons of John Owen
Nor is he more just, I think, against Tasso's Episodes, which he blames as not proper to circumstantiate his principal Action, not entring into the Causes and Effects thereof, but seeking too much to please, tho '
Epistle to a Friend Concerning Poetry (1700) and the Essay on Heroic Poetry (second edition, 1697)
Upon reasoning with myself, I should hope they are gone too far to discard you quite, and that they will give you something; which, although much less than they ought, will be (as far as it is worth) better circumstantiated; and since you already just live, a middling help will make you just tolerable.
Life And Letters Of John Gay (1685-1732)
Ibn Kafka [Fr] prolifically circumstantiates the creation of the - now almost certainly - victorious P.A.M. party.
Global Voices in English » Moroccan Elections: The King’s Party Triumphs
Men often hate sin, only as it is circumstantiate, but Christian hatred is a hatred of the nature, like the deadly feuds, which are enmities against the kind and name.
The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
In many cases, to which, from their circumstantiate nature, neither the written nor the consuetudinary law is directly appli - cable, these are the Responsa Prudentum which supply that un - avoidable deficiency.
Peerage of England, genealogical, biographical, and historical
Besides, a phrase may be so circumstantiated as to be in one only place restrained to a sense which it doth not elsewhere necessarily import.
The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
Real-life examples will be provided to circumstantiate the discussion.
For some reason, people sometimes have an circumstantiated fear that crepes are too difficult to make at home after marvelling at professionals wielding enormous pans and spatulas to fry crêpes as large as a Metro hubcap.
Archive 2006-07-01
The reviewers must provide a circumstantiated opinion on a standardized form in the maximum period of 30 days.