
How To Use Circular In A Sentence

  • Perpendicular window, to support which the low circular arch in the centre had been constructed; on either side of this window were now to be seen the mouldings and featherings of the original early decorated lights, on a level with the lateral clerestory range; below these the Norman arcade, based upon a string course of nebule ornaments. Bell’s Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Hereford, A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
  • In the event, only a few of these reports were completed and circularized to the committee.
  • Architecturally they incorporate the low roofs, polygonal towers and shallow, semicircular domes of the Byzantine mode.
  • Left of center a circular form hovers between the foreground and back-ground: both cell-like and lunar, it is concealed and revealed by waves of golden brown toner.
  • Their green rings, circular or ovoidal in form, abounded in all parts of the country, and it was in these circles they were said to dance through the livelong night. Welsh Folk-Lore a Collection of the Folk-Tales and Legends of North Wales
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  • His narrative has a circularity that makes the reader's head spin.
  • Converted into a home in the 1940s, it has a semicircular sitting room. Times, Sunday Times
  • He sent a circular letter to numerous legal practices in Scotland, asking various questions about the firms' knowledge of him.
  • In this paper, the design of curve of grooved drum is researched, which deduced two types of circular cone curves analytic formula of grooved drum.
  • He had witnessed diminutive bison with semicircular horns; animals "of a bluish lead color, about the size of a goat, with a head and beard like him, and a single horn, slightly inclined forward from the perpendicular"; and "a strange amphibious creature, of a spherical form, which rolled with great velocity across the pebbly beach" of a lunar island. Kim Kardashian Fails the P.T. Barnum Test
  • What if it was expressive of the redundancy of these men's thoughts, their emptiness and circularity?
  • Escape Velocities - Bound and Unbound Orbits - Circular Orbits - Various Forms of Energy - Power.
  • This is circular logic and results in what I call circular injustice. latest blog entries
  • They have been circularized with regard to the new design.
  • The buzz phrase in sustainable fashion is'the circular economy '. Times, Sunday Times
  • The island is roughly circular in shape.
  • Of course it is circular in the sense that, based on my proffered definition, since intelligence ultimately permeates all aspects of being, what we call sentient beings (life forms) are simply different manifestations of intelligence playing with itself, or as one old text puts it in the title: 'You are the Eyes of the Universe.' Telic Thoughts
  • Two circulars of our state council about bankruptcy penetrate the precedency of legal effect, come into conflict with several upper laws, and violate the fair compensable principle of bankrupt system.
  • The word "carol" comes from the Greek "choros," which is a circular dance accompanied by singing, usually to celebrate fertility. Apartment Therapy Main
  • They are part of a circular series of trades populated by sellers, buyers, buffers and ringmasters.
  • The formerly semicircular forestage that connected the audience to the actors became a straight and narrow apron that divided the two groups.
  • Subsequent timing observations have shown the pulsar to be in a 5.74-day circular orbit with a low-mass companion.
  • The teammate then moves to the top of the circular banked track and coasts while he recovers for his next stint.
  • At night, massage on a light oil or balm using gentle upward circular motion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Romance is the key with quirky touches including circular beds and exotic chandeliers. The Sun
  • By law, all franchisors must provide you with the Uniform Franchise Offering Circular (UFOC), a routine disclosure document.
  • Here the author proceeds tondo by tondo, providing extended readings of each work, into which she integrates observations about the setting, function, and circular significance of the tondo made in earlier chapters.
  • Behind West, the retractable path that led to the elevator retracted, leaving them stranded on the circular platform.
  • Similarly, radial burns can be used to convert circular orbits into elliptical ones.
  • Any such definitive analysis, however, would need to respond, at the very least, both to his at once ‘avant- garde’ and hard-headedly commercial use of abstracted, deliberately over-stylised backgrounds and movements, and to the logical circularity which repeatedly dictates the emotional lives of his characters.
  • A glass trap door looks through in to the cellar from the kitchen, and a circular staircase winds its way up to the tower. Times, Sunday Times
  • The size and shape of pinfolds varies, some are four sided: rectangular, square and irregular, others are circular.
  • A narrow gorge opens upon a semicircular hollow lined with ochraceous or ferruginous matter; in fact, part of the filon, which sends off fibrils in all directions. The Land of Midian
  • He uses tracking shots to physically connect his characters to one another and circular pans to visually illustrate his thesis.
  • The result is a pixilated bubble, a circular space for both transit and fantasy.
  • These may not address their Majesties, but they may stare; nor will it be contested that the attentive circular eyes of the humble domestic creatures are an embellishment to Royal pomp and grandeur, such truly as should one day gain for them an inweaving and figurement -- in the place of bees, ermine tufts, and their various present decorations -- upon the august great robes back-flowing and foaming over the gaspy page-boys. The Egoist
  • This circular-shaped piece comprises a wooden base and a chunky glass top with a rotating centrepiece that can be reversed to an aluminium heat-resistant serving centre or left as is in a fashionable wood veneer.
  • She followed the perpetually circular movement of the revolving doors, stepping out onto Kyanka Street.
  • The pattern is similar to that produced by the flow of electrical current around a circular defect in a plate.
  • By means of his sharp hunting-knife he "girdled" this tree near the ground, and then higher up, so that the length between the two "girdlings," or circular cuttings, was about four feet. Popular Adventure Tales
  • Consequently the force of gravity at perigee is not enough to hold it in a circular orbit.
  • A built-up circular piston sound source is established in this paper. The directivity formula of its far field is obtained, and its validity is simulated.
  • What is taking semicircular pieces out of my rose leaves? Times, Sunday Times
  • Circular of the State Council Concerning the Pilot Project for National Tourist Vacation Areas.
  • Circular face suits to exceed short or orderly bang to adjust facial form quite, it is particularly good that such bang is used in the effect in bingle .
  • Like your triceps, you usually work your biceps through a semicircular plane, so training them on a straight plane can be a welcome change.
  • I tend to like circuits, a circular walk that ends up back at the car, but the principles are the same if you like a series that starts at A and finishes at B, intend to geocache by car or by foot.
  • Would Hoover circularise his description and offer a reward? The Man Who Lost Himself
  • Jung issued a circular letter to all members firmly stating the principle that The International Society is neutral as to politics and creed.
  • This work contains fundamental ideas of projective geometry such as the cross-ratio, perspective, involution and the circular points at infinity.
  • The aerial photographs suggest at least one Romano-Celtic temple alongside other circular or rectangular structures.
  • I felt Luca's hand rub in a circular motion on my back and the sobs suddenly evanesced.
  • Apart from the interior triumphal arch, which is pointed, the other arches are semi-circular.
  • Shell orbicular, nearly eqilateral, smooth and radiately striated; hinge with a semi-circular row of transverse teeth. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • His model was the epicycle-deferent model where the motion of the heavenly bodies was circular, but based on a number of circles whose centres travelled around circles.
  • They both gasp at the sight of the great circular cloud of blue, white and gold lying under the spindly saplings and old sycamore trees. SEA MUSIC
  • I bought this kit last week at Lettuce Knit and I started making it with 6.5mm circular needles.
  • The irony in all this is the circular logic of what appears to be the new strategic competition.
  • It is semi-circular in form and bestudded with islands; while on its western shore rise mountains of no ordinary attractions, among them Owl's Canadian Wild Flowers
  • The crosspieces were circular and made of black stone, shot through with veins of grey.
  • Outside, you can explore a fragrant herb garden, orchards and lawns or take a circular walk through the parkland. The Sun
  • With the looping left-right into the semicircular end-turn coming up fast, go hard on the brakes, and turn in firmly before pushing up the power again to aim for the exit.
  • Stir the softened, slow-cooked onions into the egg mixture and then pour the whole caboodle into an oiled non-stick circular 9 " cake tin.
  • Around the circular pit were crowded all the races of Garden, or rather, all those races which had not been ex­terminated resisting the evil Wizards: the hooded Druids, brachiate tree dwellers from the Great Forest, a band of fuzzies in their bright orange robes, many lizard soldiers hissing and laughing and shouting, stubby little Marsh Folk, and hundreds of mutants. Prayers To Broken Stones
  • Not only did he fail to alert the board but he signed off the circular. Times, Sunday Times
  • Circular bezel divided saltirewise into four triangular spaces filled alternately with red and yellow enamel Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity [microform]
  • The landscape which preoccupies me happens to be in its nature fairly geometric, like the triangular gable of a roof, the crossed bars of a gate or the circular shape of an oil drum head on.
  • It also points out the acquisition methods of radar signals in time domain of circular scan and the spectrum properties, and introduces the collecting-processing procedure for radar signals of mo...
  • Redlands Here you can relax in a pine lodge overlooking a lovely garden, or sun yourself on the semi-circular sun terrace.
  • Publishers often distribute, in addition to catalogues, circulars about individual books or series.
  • Himself of the whole; and the curvative — the steady progression and the productive condition; and the circular the same, and the holding together the middle and extremities, which encompass and are encompassed, — and the turning to Him of the things which proceeded from Him. Dionysius the Areopagite, Works (1897)
  • Have you seen that circular from the new furniture centre?
  • He needs a variety of power tools, drills, routers, circular saws, jigsaws and packets of blades.
  • The circular, hypaethral shrine stands surrounded by paddy fields with a big tank for ritual bathing near it.
  • Glass has historic value, too: keep crown glass panes with wavy or circular patterns. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Edwardian circular sunken garden survives with the original topiary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Outside, you can explore a fragrant herb garden, orchards and lawns or take a circular walk through the parkland. The Sun
  • A large convex molding, semicircular in cross section, located at the base of a classical column.
  • Beneath the cliffs a flock of birds were diving, their hurtling bodies dotting the pale green shallows with circular patches of white foam. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • Massage with small circular movements for two to three minutes. The Natural Beauty Book - cruelty-free cosmetics to make at home
  • At the far end was a kind of semicircular nave with built-in benches, which reminded me of a sauna. Archive 2006-08-01
  • Radial burns can also be used to circularize an elliptical orbit.
  • Circularly polarized x rays preferentially eject electrons from atoms magnetically aligned with the polarization axis.
  • Congress referred this alarum to a committee, and in conference with the Financier decided that still another circular would be pointless. Robert Morris
  • The door is made with simple but strong half-lap joints, using just a few basic hand tools and a circular saw.
  • Have you seen that circular from the new disco center?
  • The head of an adult male is often heavily marked with circular scars from encounters with squid suckers.
  • The gardens, with a semi-circular water-theatre and nymphaeum are fed by an axial sequence of waterfalls, and are one of the best and most famous examples of early Italian Baroque landscape.
  • His strategy was to mobilize church members by distributing circulars at mass.
  • Weather satellite images of the area taken from synchronous orbit show an immense circular area of dense clouds above the impact site.
  • She peered out at the world from beneath a yellow straw hat - a "boater," with circular crown and flat brim - wore a green wool muffler looped around her neck, and was lost in the immensity of Khristo's sheepskin jacket while he made do with a heavy sweater. NPR Topics: News
  • Among the common shapes are triangular, circular, rhomboidal, quadrate, trapezoidal, and elliptical.
  • Move the brush in a circular motion around your teeth rather than scrubbing them, which can damage your gums. The Sun
  • The Lincoln Boyhood Nature Trail is a circular trail, approximately one mile in length, which winds through a natural reforested area.
  • I left them hastily somewhere in the area of the mucous membrane of the small intestine ( "including that of the plicae circulares") and reverting to my rapidly proliferating list, journeyed back more than 1,360 tempting pages to chorion, only to find myself and it deeply involved with the fetus of mammals. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIV No 3
  • He sat within a circular grove of slender trees, whose interlapping branches cast The Coming of Conan The Cimmerian
  • The vignette that shows no walls around the city, is characterized by a semicircular road that goes round a church very similar to a colonnaded exedra.
  • Besides being segmented, the body wall of annelids is characterized by being made up of both circular and longitudinal muscle fibers surrounded by a moist, acellular cuticle that is secreted by an epidermal epithelium.
  • It is a circular topic for the socially inept. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead they found a circular patch of badly charred and flattened trees 60 kilometres across, formed by the airburst as the rock disintegrated explosively due to the huge stresses caused by entry into the atmosphere.
  • In the Milky Way, near the Southern Cross, occurs a terrible circular abyss, the Coal Sack. The Blue Lagoon: a romance
  • The first thing is to buy the right spade, a trenching spade or spit, with a long, slightly semicircular blade and a narrow end.
  • This is a document which we sent to the Court after the draft was circularised.
  • There are three circular walks to choose from, all suitable for a range of abilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tent was made of reinforced cambric, fawn coloured, with sewn - in groundsheet, and at each end a circular sleeve-door and ventilator.
  • Here we examine this in detail, first looking at the case of a circular toroid deformed into an ellipse.
  • The digested DNA was circularized by self-ligation.
  • Whilst trying to get home yesterday we managed to miss the turn for the North Circular due to lack of clear signage.
  • The lamp stands on a circular base.
  • The island was originally circular in shape.
  • Using small circular movements, massage the muscles on either side of the spine.
  • A circular whirlpool tub takes spotlight in the splendid master bathroom, facing the huge walk-in shower.
  • A circular has been distributed to all homes in the town offering various novel ideas on how to support the project.
  • Apart from patriotic music, all bands played both English and Indian music with two circular bass, two euphoniums, eight trumpets, two bass drums, four kettle drums and a cymbal.
  • He said there should also be a circular walk giving greater access to the riverside.
  • A septum of connective tissue separates the circular muscle layers of the pylorus and duodenum.
  • The number of eggs depredated by ghost crabs was estimated by counting those eggs that had a small circular section of the eggshell removed.
  • At the west end of the courtyard, a semicircular base may mark the location of a semantron, a resonant plank struck to call the monks to prayer. A Sacred Congregation
  • I'm seated in the third row, just forward of the semicircular bleachers that surround the stage and the rear band area.
  • The crater was two miles across and roughly circular.
  • They led her through a short passage and finally she arrived in what appeared to be a big semi circular hall.
  • For military purposes, this and the contrabass -- the helicon -- are circular. Scientific American Supplement No. 819, September 12, 1891
  • The factors highlighted in this paper which influence local inflation will be fully circularised over the next few months.
  • Usually, to make the problem tractable, the molecules are assumed to be spherical and the reactive patches are assumed to be circular.
  • About the tropics of the large septarium above mentioned, are circular eminent lines, such as might have been left if it had been coarsely turned in a lathe. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • Through the analysis of the stress characteristics of the circular pipe cavity mushroom floor, this paper analyzes the calculating model and method of the floor slab.
  • Mooncakes are customarily circular in shape, but rectangular cakes are gaining in popularity.
  • My post was on a circular prefecture, in some degree detached from the body of the hill, the brow of which continued in a straight line, uninterrupted by this projecture, which was somewhat higher than the continued summit of the ridge. Edgar Huntly or, Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker
  • The utility model is composed of an annular permanent magnet (1), a magnetic conductive gasket (2), and a cooling tube, which are arranged in a circular column target pipe.
  • During my working life at Atkins I was responsible for knitting many items of fully fashioned goods… men's half-hose (Col. Clive would never wear circular knit half hose), stockings in worsted, cotton, artificial and pure silk, ladies briefs and outerwear.
  • The duduk is a simple instrument; but deceptively so, in that it requires an embouchure and diaphragm of steel plus circular breathing to elicit its haunting, cool sound. Michal Shapiro: Grandfather, Grandson, Grandmasters (Video)
  • The receptor organ of posture and equilibrium is a composite one located in the semicircular canals, the utricle, and the saccule of the inner ear.
  • Yet the circular as published is a considerably milder version of one which was circulated among local authority associations in July 1980.
  • There is plenty of room for parking along a semi-circular gravel driveway, as well as in an integrated single garage with an up-and-over door.
  • Public are also the key to develop Circular Economy and the basis of developing circular economy and building resource-saving society and the methods of implement sustainable development strategy.
  • At that instant he took a step back and threw her with a simple circular motion of his arm, and a twist of his hip.
  • Everything about New York's Madison Square Garden is unique, from the design of its circular ceiling to the fact that three railroad and seven subway lines converge beneath it.
  • The Ankh cross is designed to be shaped like a ‘T’ with the circular symbol of the sun resting on top of it.
  • Massage with small circular movements for two to three minutes. The Natural Beauty Book - cruelty-free cosmetics to make at home
  • For less than $100 you can buy a circular aluminum antenna that can be hoisted in the rigging when needed, provided you have rigging.
  • “Adam Beckerman,” Lord Havelock called, and a fair amount of boys nudged one another and whispered as Adam stepped forward with his chin held high and his small circular hat he’d told Henry on the train that this was called a yarmulke clearly visible. KNIGHTLEY ACADEMY
  • The ring's low height and shiny blackness suggest an experimental apparatus, but also evoke old-style fireplace fenders or circular railings in museums.
  • The inner ear and the semicircular canal and utricle balance function main balloon.
  • The crater was about two miles across, almost perfectly circular, with several steep-sided peaks evenly placed around the rim.
  • (Sometimes circularity is called or confused with ellipticity, but I prefer the former.) What is Your Equation?
  • A circular wall surrounding the terraced parking area may feature the municipal emblems of Baffin communities.
  • Sit in one of the circular chairs, at a circular table, in the circular lobby.
  • They learned fairly to live in the perfunctory; they remained in it as many hours of the day as might be; it took on finally the likeness of some spacious central chamber in a haunted house, a great overarched and overglazed rotunda, where gaiety might reign, but the doors of which opened into sinister circular passages. The Golden Bowl — Complete
  • Massage the feet, each toe, the ankles, the heels and the soles in turn with the warm oil, gently stretching the feet and toes as you massage them and using circular motions around your ankles and heels.
  • Distant creaks and groans echoed eerily along dark corridors and seemed to expand into the circular chamber.
  • Directly above his head and within reach was a circular manhole, counterweighted and operated by a handwheel set in its center. The Past Through Tomorrow
  • The log was rent to pieces by a circular sawing machine.
  • Toughness is often measured with a penetrometer, a device which forces a circular flattened rod through leaf lamina.
  • A circular sent to members of the exclusive club said the newer building was ‘a useful annexe’.
  • An obvious example is the almost semicircular boundary between North America and West Africa along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between the Azores and the Equator.
  • The protoplasm is more or less extensively excavated by fluid spaces, vacuoles; one clearer circular space or vacuole, which is invariably present, appears at intervals, enlarges gradually, and then vanishes abruptly, to reappear after a brief interval; this is called the contractile vacuole (c.v.). Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Like HSV-1, VZV DNA exists as an endless (either circular or concatameric) episome. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The vision was made concrete in a circular letter, addressed to EU partners.
  • A circular church was consecrated on the site in 1694, but the present church was built in 1818, possibly around the original inner maqdas.
  • The reconstruction included the massive ornamental pylons with round balconies, classical columns, and a semicircular colonnade set on piers along the north and south sides
  • You can follow one of the mostly flat and circular cycling routes provided in pouches that clip on the handlebars. Times, Sunday Times
  • In its new position, it has stunning views and four circular rooms stacked one on top of the other. Times, Sunday Times
  • As you have noticed from the arguably strange format of this writing, there is a certain kind of circularity to it: I tell you something, I get your mind-flow going making new associations between familiar words that, hopefully, lead to, not exactly epiphanies, but minor yet possibly useful insights. Pavel Somov, Ph.D.: Pavlovian Sleight-of-Words
  • Albinos regularly turn their heads to the side and roll their eyes in a circular motion in an attempt to find a favourable axis of sight; they suffer from rapid nystagmus, and blink constantly.
  • These planets have circular orbits similar to the orbits of planets in our solar system.
  • He sat with half a dozen pals around a circular table on the upper floor. The Sun
  • Another shows how the grebes' lobed feet travel in a nearly circular pattern when they dive underwater, with the toes folded and rotated to decrease water resistance on the backstroke.
  • But what's even better is Pikachu's tough side, which his animators represent simply by transforming the pocket monster's normally circular mouth into a caret (the ^ symbol) to illustrate his competitiveness.
  • The restaurant's gimmick is a circular aquarium, behind 10 ft-high glass surrounding diners.
  • Work the product in using circular motions. The Sun
  • If the elliptical arch be equally strong with the semicircular; that is, if an arch, by approaching to a straight line, loses none of its stability, it will follow, that all arcuation is useless, and that the bridge may at last, without any inconvenience, consist of stone laid in straight lines from pillar to pillar. The Works of Samuel Johnson, Volume 05 Miscellaneous Pieces
  • The future of Circular Quay will probably continue to be a future of regular upgrade works spaced approximately 10 to 15 years apart.
  • Apply thinly, in a circular motion, and polish dry at once with a clean cloth.
  • The kiva was a large circular pit three manheights deep. Burning Tower
  • Bentwood chairs, small circular tables and wall-mounted globe cafe lights are the key.
  • These are all in circular prograde orbits near Neptune's equatorial plane, and they probably formed in place.
  • Patients often initially present with the classic erythema migrans rash, a macular, erythematous, circular area with central clearing that expands around the site of the tick bite.
  • Anyone who knows me well will know how much I loathe email circulars and chain letters.
  • Below one side of the caldron was a circular stone basin from which ran a polished stone trough. The Spellsong War
  • A two-storey semi-circular arc of accommodation embraces a green public space which looks south-eastwards over the river to the endless landscape.
  • The saddle is fastened by pliant ropes, or broad belts of leather, called in the West "cinches," to fasten which securely requires some skill, as they pass through a circular ring and are secured by a hitch or peculiar knot that holds well and can be unfastened with a quick jerk. Healthful Sports for Boys
  • Iranian leaders wear black or white turbans wrapped in a flat, circular style.
  • The most common semiclassical explanations of decoherence leave a lot to be desired, though, as they are inaccurate, and often somewhat circular. How to Teach Physics to Your Dog
  • The spinning reels of the tapes, so carefully observed, are further spinning wheels in Harry's circular downfall.
  • Closed circular DNA usually exists in a supercoiled, plectonemic configuration, in which the DNA duplex is wound around another part of the same molecule to form a higher order helix.
  • The center of Schinkel's building also contained a large rotunda, modeled on the Pantheon in Rome, where statues of the ancient gods inhabited niches recessed in the circular floor.
  • Those photons are said to be circularly polarized, and their precise path is dictated by the molecule that sets them spinning.
  • He regarded the man again; it was very strange, as if a circular stage, the buskined world's tragic-comic wheel of fortune, had turned, and a person whom he had seen in one character had reappeared in another. Half A Chance
  • There are following ways for modification of the EM character : structural arrangement , noncircular section, surface adulteration , micro - coiled stucture.
  • In his responses to the family relations circular, George made no mention of the marriage to Lena.
  • The consistency of responses can be measured by the number of circular triads in the individual's dominant preference order of the choice set elements.
  • The diamond-bearing lamprophyre breccia is coincident with a crudely circular magnetic low as defined by an airborne magnetic survey. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • With shared relief they edged their way back and then at last down the circular stair.
  • While flails can cut strong stems, a circular saw is recommended for stems over two centimetres.
  • Violet-blue primroses and gardenias skirt a fountain in a smaller circular garden near the front door.
  • Suddenly there was a flash of light on his far right, deep inside the grounds at the end of a straight gravelled road that branched off from a circular drive behind the bathhouse.
  • Pre-war poster for Circular bus route 22, which replaced the Layton and Central Drive trams in 1936.
  • It was nothing extraordinary; only a knee-high circular table with four surrounding stools occupied the dusty, cramped space.
  • Specifically, the pressure-induced growth of the circular insulin amyloid suggests anisotropic packing within an ambient protofilament.
  • A corrugated steel roof supported on circular timber columns provides shade.

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