How To Use Circaetus In A Sentence
- The region was famed in the 1970s for its raptor population, with four vulture species, lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus, black Aegypius monachus, Griffon Gyps fulvus and Egyptian Neophron peranopterus; four eagle species, golden Aquila chrysaetos, short-toed Circaetus gallicus, booted Hieraeetus pennatus and Bonelli's Hieraeetus fasciatus and breeding lanner falcons Falco biarmicus. Meteora Group of Monasteries, Greece
- The region was famed in the 1970s for its raptor population, with four vulture species, lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus, black Aegypius monachus, Griffon Gyps fulvus and Egyptian Neophron peranopterus; four eagle species, golden Aquila chrysaetos, short-toed Circaetus gallicus, booted Hieraeetus pennatus and Bonelli's Hieraeetus fasciatus and breeding lanner falcons Falco biarmicus. Meteora Group of Monasteries, Greece
- Raptors amongst the stabilised sands include 15 breeding pairs (about a tenth of the world's population) of the Spanish imperial eagle Aquila heliaca adalberti (VU), black vulture Aegypius monachus, short-toed eagle Circaetus gallicus, booted eagle Hieraaetus pennatus, buzzard Buteo buteo, black kite Milvus migrans, black-shouldered kite Elanus caeruleus, red kite M. milvus, and hobby Falco subbuteo. Doñana National Park, Spain
- Birdlife on the river and in the bush is prolific with over 380 species recorded including Nyasa lovebird Agapornis lilianae, yellow-spotted nicator Nicator chloris, rock pratincole Glareola nuchalis, banded snake-eagle Circaetus cinerascens, and Livingstone's flycatcher Erythrocercus livingstonei. Mana Pools National Park, Sapi and Chewore Safari Areas, Zimbabwe