
How To Use Cipro In A Sentence

  • Hospitals were told to charge patients who were found not to be resident in Britain or from countries with reciprocal arrangements. Times, Sunday Times
  • With reciprocal verbs, there are two or more subjects which are acting on each other.
  • They are now convinced that the pure jet transport can not only be favourably compared with the latest conventional reciprocating and propjet types, but actually make them look almost obsolete. The Aircraft Industry in Canada and the Future Development of Jet Engines
  • It also developed a new ideology of team and reciprocal protection of air combat formations, and cruise missile salvos by naval ships.
  • We believe that reciprocity is not an appropriate basis for trade between countries and regions at such different levels of development.
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  • But when restraints to which he had long been accustomed and to which he yielded passive obedience were removed, and he was left in a condition of license, all the abeyant passions of his undisciplined nature were brought into prominence and antagonism with an environment where reciprocal obligations have not always found their highest expression. The American Negro: What He Was, What He Is, and What He May Become: A Critical and Practical Discussion
  • Reciprocation of self - inflation of governmental organization and officer's standard value orientation.
  • Each of the elements he names demands a communicative, rhetorically performed reciprocity that today's electronic media make almost unthinkable.
  • A reciprocating saw, as the name implies, utilizes interchangeable blades that move out and back in a reciprocating motion, in much the same action as using a handsaw.
  • Reciprocity, the favorite word of Netanyahu, requires consultation and compromise on both sides, not unilateral moves by either.
  • Date: May 8, 2007 2: 03 PM doctor which florida lottery amitriptyline flowers Nexium or la weight loss events associated with ciprofloxacin Until you are cingular ringtones UK abn amro mortgage can cause your jobs in the casino industry clinical trials calculate my mortgage payment the debt help their scientific expertise alprazolam CONTINUE TO side effects of flovent taking medical questions your citibank online services terminology allstate insurance tried texas holdem poker patients var r = document. referrer; document. write ( '') Horses Mouth February 22, 2007 4:57 PM
  • There have been various studies that show that doctors prescribe Cipro, which is one of the newer, better of what they call a broader antibiotic, even when they could prescribe an older one. CNN Transcript Feb 19, 2003
  • The cactus is a metaphor for Saul as a person and his reciprocal relationship with Jesse. Breaking Bad Recap: Episode 3 “I.F.T.” is a Slow Burn and a Saucy Acronym | /Film
  • True Christianity is about judgment, atonement and forgiveness and NOT unreciprocated outreach contrary to what the beardie-weirdie and his acolytes might say. How Do Y0u Solve A Problem Like Sharia
  • Patrons remained in the superior social position, even if they failed to reciprocate their clients' public bestowals of loyalty and honor.
  • Finish the cutout with a sharp handsaw, jigsaw or reciprocating saw.
  • The main banks have reciprocal agreements that allow each other's customers to use cash machines free of charge.
  • Present-value calculations provide a simple means of quantifying this time value of money by using the reciprocal of the compound interest formula.
  • Casey blushed, her hands full, not being able to reciprocate, but grinning as much as her anyway.
  • The cause of the separation is thought to be his unreciprocated desire to have children.
  • But the reciprocal is true as well: The host language can simultaneously extend Lua.
  • Antisera against KLH induced positive CHR but not positive COP. The results of reciprocal inhibition experiment indicated that there is a partial cross antigenicity between KLH and SEA.
  • Throughout, the metaphor of brother against brother is a kind of metonymy for civil butchery in which family members slaughter one another in a grim contest of reciprocity. Shakespeare
  • In return for such a privilege we implicitly acknowledge that there are reciprocal obligations incumbent upon us.
  • the reciprocal of safety is risk
  • But it is ordinary reciprocity that good psychoanalytic practice must, axiomatically, bar from the relationship of analyst and patient.
  • What other human behaviour has its origins in reciprocal altruism? Times, Sunday Times
  • The parties involved may be firms or governments, and the reciprocal agreements can take a number of forms. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • In a town that is repeatedly transformed by professional churn and the fight of the week, day or hour, Aly harked back to an era when loyalty was inspired and reciprocated, and institutional memory - even in the green room - was prized. The man who would greet 'The Press'
  • Finally, Russian contains a set of reciprocal pronouns corresponding to English ‘each other’.
  • He reciprocated the embrace, rocking her gently as he pressed kisses into her hair.
  • Within Littoralist art practice, donative art strategies extend the language of the altruistic gift into a more politically efficacious education about the nature of gift giving and reciprocity.
  • This is because many clubs have reciprocal agreements with other clubs: You let me play your course and I'll let you play mine.
  • Meggie saw it as a chance to reciprocate for those lonely Queensland years, and Anne saw it as salvation. THE THORN BIRDS
  • The two colleges have a reciprocal arrangement whereby students from one college can attend classes at the other.
  • There were calls among Unionists and Nationalists for the Loyalist groups to follow suit, but Ervine said they did not feel under pressure to make a reciprocal gesture.
  • Punishment by reciprocity is guided by principles of cooperation and equality rather than adult authority and constraint.
  • [3] If the periodic times are in the sesquiplicate ratio of the radii, and therefore the velocities reciprocally in the subduplicate ratio of the radii, the centripetal forces will be in the duplicate ratio of the radii inversely; and the converse. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science
  • If we’re dropped on by, like, a crop duster, Cipro is what you’ll need. Excerpt: Love Stories in This Town by Amanda Eyre Ward
  • Once the eyes are better cleared, give her a drop of Pred Forte to stop the inflammation and a drop of Cipro for infection. DO NO HARM
  • Cut lath and plaster with a reciprocating saw fitted with a coarse, wood-cutting blade.
  • As this description points out, Rubin suggests that in a hunter-gatherer tribe, goods are exchanged mostly through sharing and reciprocal altruism.
  • We understand that there are limits to the degree to which the wealthy and the propertied can declare independence from the society of which they are part; that they have reciprocal obligations to the society of which they are part.
  • Ciprofloxacin treatment is considered as a safe and effective method for elimination of cell culture mycoplasmas.
  • The core idea is present in what he refers to as the criterion of reciprocity and the duty of civility. Publicity
  • We should never lose sight of the fact that it is engagement in a real economy that underpins reciprocity in society.
  • Diffuse reciprocity can take many forms, including concessions and derogations, or going out on a limb to persuade the capital for changes or a compromise.
  • Simmel in his interesting discussion of the subject points out the fact that the relations of subordination and superordination are reciprocal. Introduction to the Science of Sociology
  • In order to prove that it is not only a matter of reciprocally fruitful economic co-operation, we have decided to emphasise the cultural sector.
  • Human co-operation is reciprocal altruism. Times, Sunday Times
  • British galleries and museums are not used to coughing up for loans, most of which are free or on a reciprocal arrangement. Times, Sunday Times
  • He spoke of the necessity for a reciprocal relationship that would be useful for all sides.
  • So alongside reciprocal altruism there evolved ways of identifying people who would - if you did a favour for them - do a favour back. Times, Sunday Times
  • These two polymorphic processes function as a complex relation of reciprocal transference.
  • In 2008, President Lee Myung-bak insisted on reciprocity and refused to give aid unless the North denuclearized. Kim's Hungry Regime
  • The reciprocal relationship between the law and morality determines the inevitable outcome of the elementary legal courses to function for the purpose of moral education.
  • The federal government likes to talk about reciprocal obligation and mutualism.
  • ` ` Moreover, since the satellites of Jupiter perform their revolutions in times which observe the sesquiplicate proportion of their distances from Jupiter's centre, their accelerative gravities towards Jupiter will be reciprocally as the square of their distances from Jupiter's centre -- that is, equal, at equal distances. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume II: The Beginnings of Modern Science
  • However, by corollary, the husband had a reciprocal duty to provide a home for the wife to live in with him, so long as she did not commit a matrimonial offence (such as adultery).
  • As a bonding activity, this grooming is reciprocal, founded on mutuality (which is to say, an exhibition of care constitutes an elicitation of a reciprocal exhibition of care). Archive 2008-09-01
  • Trust becomes increasingly anchored in reciprocal self-interest rather than culture as countries modernise. Times, Sunday Times
  • The story line is fast-paced from the moment Ian knows who Chantal is, but though she reciprocates struggles to persuade her they belong together. Mystic Rider-Patricia Rice « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • The reciprocating movement of the tool on the oilstone or vice versa is continued until the burr is removed and the cutting edge has a bright appearance. 2. Splitting and Carving Tools
  • We want to enjoy a reciprocal co-operation when we need to call on players to face France.
  • It turns out that in some pulmonates mating is anatomically reciprocal, while in others unilateral (for example, see Davison & Mordan, 2007). Archive 2009-05-01
  • The sentence `They cared for each other' contains a reciprocal pronoun
  • Antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin is normally used by doctors to prevent the disease.
  • And in this line, as they reciprocally meet, they appear to explode and give out light and heat, and a new combination of the two ethers is produced, as Note XII
  • Ontario's minister of health acknowledged the heroic work of healthcare workers, and this was an important act of reciprocity.
  • She couldn't possibly struggle, she knew, or she'd jeopardize her intent there, and her passiveness was mistaken by Alex to be reciprocated passion.
  • Mutual obligation is therefore seen as a social or political value that can be enforced without reference to whether it involves engagement in a reciprocal economy.
  • For example, the best of the reciprocating steam locomotives never delivered in the form of tractive effort at the draw-bar as much as 10 percent of the heat energy that was contained in the coal and placed in the firebox. Energy and Society~ Chapter 5~ Steam~ Key to the Industrial Revolution
  • Although people typically disdain thinking about close relationships in exchange terms, partners often do reciprocate favors and kindnesses toward each other.
  • A side view of a normal spinal column demonstrates reciprocal curves, beginning with cervical lordosis and then lumbar lordosis.
  • Although she did not reciprocate his feelings, she did not discourage him.
  • QT-prolonging agents (eg, quinidine, sotalol, thioridazine), quinolones (eg, ciprofloxacin), or streptogramins (eg, mikamycin) because serious, possibly life-threatening side effects on the heart or irregular heartbeat may occur MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Huic seculo parum aptus es, aut potius omnium nostrorum conditionem ignoras, quibus reciproco quodam nexu, &c. Lorchanus Gollobelgicus, lib. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • While some of this reflects a suspicion of the motives of foreign firms, there may also be an awareness of the lack of reciprocity.
  • I look forward to seeing the president reciprocating the gesture.
  • WOERTH: Right now, the new security directives has additional limitations on what we call reciprocal jump seating. CNN Transcript Sep 25, 2001
  • Lamb (who drank only water) retired almost with the dinner itself, nothing remained for men of our principles, the rigor of which we had illustrated by taking rather too much of old port before the cloth was drawn, except talking; amoebaean colloquy, or, in Dr. Johnson's phrase, a dialogue of "brisk reciprocation. Biographical Essays
  • It was a hopeless love that could not possibly be reciprocated.
  • The two colleges have a reciprocal arrangement whereby students from one college can attend classes at the other.
  • The criteria for reciprocal altruism seem fulfilled as the interactions seem based upon expectations of reciprocation.
  • Hey! cordura calzatura antinfortunistica Tutori reciprocanti atto convegno traduzione filmica Auto emissioni co2 basse citta dei ragazzo brescia biochemical composition effects lindane tissue bowling for soup concert ticket consorzio immobiliare divieto circolare euro zero equipe giorgio via assarotti Midterm Roundup
  • It stands as a living entity in an ecosystem dependent on a participatory reciprocity.
  • A feeling which had most definitely not been reciprocated, she realised as she recalled with clarity the forbidding set of his shoulders as he had stridden away. Consultant Care
  • The crosshead of the reciprocating air pump is guided by a Peaucellier linkage shown at the center. Kinematics of Mechanisms from the Time of Watt
  • Anita had a reciprocal arrangement with her brother-each would take care of the other's children if the need arose.
  • Because the taxa are not reciprocally monophyletic, we cannot date the actual speciation event.
  • The application of bi - screw pump (instead of former steam reciprocating pump) in the spray wax deoiling unit shows that such pump runs reliably and good economic benefit is also gained.
  • Many airlines of course have reciprocal agreements with others, broadening the chances of a comfortable sit-down or some undistracted work.
  • 'The best theories owe their appeal to the fact that they acknowledge and seek to elucidate the reciprocal relationship of action and structure'. Discuss.
  • Australia has reciprocal arrangements with the UK but only for emergency treatment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anstataux konstante batali inter si, elsxiri la patrujon unuj al la aliaj, perforte altrudi al si reciproke siajn lingvojn kaj morojn, ili vivos inter si pace kaj frate, en plena interkonsento ili laboros sur la tero, sur kiu ili vivas, kaj kontraux tiuj krudaj fortoj de la naturo, kiuj ilin cxiujn egale atakas. The Esperanto Teacher A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians
  • It knows how to respond to the "diablerie" of the abysses with a reciprocal gesture. The Complex Vision
  • But it also puns between two reciprocal ideas central to Marxist aesthetics. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Feat" brand FS series reciprocating rotary spray cleaning machine is mainly used for large-scale metal cast iron machine parts, especially after the degreasing process to clean metal chips.
  • Members also have access to a portfolio of 200 luxury properties through reciprocal agreements with other organisations. Times, Sunday Times
  • The phrase refers to intangible economic resources of trust and reciprocity, which inhere in social relationships and, it is argued, ground successful transitions to modernity.
  • When the new drug also had no impact, Askenasy was switched to a third drug: ciprofloxacin, a fluoroquinolone that has been on the market since the late 1980s. SUPERBUG
  • Table I shows the concordance between the children's Nominated Friends, Reciprocated Friends, and Corroborated Friends.
  • We first analyzed the instantaneous motions of 3 TPT parallel manipulator at initial configuration, after translation along Z axis, and when there are two configurations, by reciprocal screw.
  • Washington woman is behind bars after allegedly attempting to behead her sleeping husband with a reciprocating saw.
  • Each side reacts to the actions of the other in a continuing escalation of reciprocal acts.
  • Thus the first fundamental principle of the gift economy is a return or reciprocity.
  • Non-reciprocal grooming will be directed primarily to high-ranking females.
  • We see him through Tatiana's eyes, reciprocating her love.
  • Arbuscular mycorrhiza was the reciprocal symbiont of AM fungi and plant root that was widely distributed in each ecosystem.
  • The synthesis of the imagination in apprehension would only present to us each of these perceptions as present in the subject when the other is not present, and contrariwise; but would not show that the objects are coexistent, that is to say, that, if the one exists, the other also exists in the same time, and that this is necessarily so, in order that the perceptions may be capable of following each other reciprocally. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • They make us believe that they reciprocate our loyalty and friendship.
  • That includes antibiotics in the tetracycline family for example, demeclocycline, oxytetracycline or tetracycline, and drugs such as ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin, but not ofloxacin. The Seattle Times
  • I think I have sufficiently stressed the two elements that I have tried to present today, in this new and fundamental logical argument—non-reciprocity and the twist in the return.
  • More important, she highlights the inextricable relationship of the conditions of reciprocity to the meaning of one's subjectivity.
  • We still have their reciprocal tables going up to the reciprocals of numbers up to several billion.
  • Trust becomes increasingly anchored in reciprocal self-interest rather than culture as countries modernise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reciprocating with their other hands, she guided an easy, slow sway into her hands.
  • Driving pressure (also known as power) is determined by the displacement of the reciprocating pumps or diaphragms.
  • Agreements on trade, economic, industrial and technical cooperation, on avoiding double taxation, reciprocal protection and promotion of investment were signed in 1994.
  • I explained to him that I needed to turn around and fly a reciprocal course to re-establish communication with a soldier in distress.
  • If romantic interest is reciprocated, young men and young women will visit surreptitiously at night under the cover of darkness.
  • New Englanders despised New Yorkers who reciprocated the sentiment, and neither felt much affinity for the patrician Virginians or the farmers of the Carolinas and Georgia.
  • It is important to educate the young to establish good reciprocal relationship with others, cultivate the spirit of collectivism and advance their all-around development.
  • He considers himself polite, honest and caring but claims he doesn't get the reciprocal civility he deserves. Times, Sunday Times
  • What to listen to: the reciprocal arrangement is that passengers choose the music. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reciprocity is an ultimate truth of the universe.
  • A steam locomotive, for example, is a machine that converts the reciprocating motion of a piston into the rotation of its driving wheels.
  • the reciprocal ratio of a:b is b:a
  • He offered her a conspiratorial smile that she didn't reciprocate. CHAMELEON
  • For the latter Professor Aitken would ask for members of the class to give him numbers for which he would then write down the reciprocal, the square root, the cube root or other appropriate expression.
  • ‘The caucuses should respect committee decisions, in line with the principles of professionalism and reciprocity,’ he said.
  • One popular but now outdated theory is that the brain has three parts: the reptilian brain, which includes the structures and functions we share with reptiles such as territoriality; the paleomammalian brain, a group of related structures that manages social emotions and behaviors like nurturing or reciprocity in all mammals; and the neocortex, which manages evaluation and reasoning in the most complex mammals, especially humans. Valerie Tarico: God's Emotions: What Are Emotions Anyway? (Part 4)
  • There is value in sharing without expecting reciprocity, but if you do that with a moocher, there's really no value to either side.
  • Australia has a reciprocal arrangement with Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because she then realized that her husband was madly in love with another woman, and that his love was reciprocated.
  • The concept of "free riding" emphasizes the fact that traditional offline institutions expect and require reciprocation from the majority of their members for their continued existence. Boing Boing
  • What! You expected reciprocity from the obamasiah? Cheeseburger Gothic » Anyone been following the build up to next falklands war?
  • Most have reciprocal arrangements with other universities. Times, Sunday Times
  • And he hopes that the surprise move to open up UK media franchises to American companies means that the UK government is close to getting a reciprocal agreement from the US.
  • The old man bowed, a gesture which was reciprocated by both newcomers.
  • Con questo atto si desidera consolidare le reciproche relazioni di fiducia e intensificare e dare stabilità ai rapporti della Fraternità San Pio X con questa Sede Apostolica. Archive 2009-01-01
  • It uses a swash plate design that imparts reciprocating motion via the inclination of a faceplate on a shaft relative to the axis of rotation.
  • Dicentrics were classified as complete reciprocal dicentrics and incomplete dicentrics.
  • He defined the curvature of a circle as the reciprocal of its radius.
  • The reciprocal agreement was that the burial would take place in the country of the majority of victims. The Times Literary Supplement
  • All this love Kissinger spent on journalists did not go unreciprocated, as we now learn from the transcripts of his telephone conversations his secretaries and aides made in secret for Kissinger while listening in on another phone.
  • Welcome to negotiate and purchase, reciprocity benefit, the friendship of intercommunication , pot strength cooperates, value shares.
  • The other way in which a disposition to help can evolve requires that episodes of helping behavior are part of a longer term reciprocal strategy in which the organism that is the beneficiary of helping behavior is disposed to help its benefactor on some subsequent occasion. Hanging
  • In an ideal relationship of trust, self-revelation should be reciprocal.
  • In a bilateral system comprising a network of reciprocal relationships the entity against which claims are made is evident.
  • Younger children favor expiatory punishment; older children favor punishment by reciprocity.
  • It is possible to think of a number of ways in which reciprocity might sustain medical altruism.
  • [/url]At granting cipro whomso was dehiscent yep cipro spoon shaped underneath sidesplittingly cipro shoe tie like was benthoscope y shaped for sydney cipro for lgv can you take xanax with cipro risperdal to invega dosing risperdal masking tardive dyskinesia
  • Some cultures permit a reciprocal hug to signal welcome on arrival, and again on departure to signal appreciation of the visit.
  • A approximate method, which is spectral index method, was applied to analysis the nonreciprocal phase shifts of magneto-optic rib waveguide.
  • Ciprofloxacin is largely excreted as an unchanged substance and elimination is predominantly via the kidneys.
  • There is open access to undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as reciprocal facilities in Science and Social Science departments.
  • That she did not reciprocate Alain's depth of feeling was further proof of her own shoddiness. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • Each long term intravenous cipro of vaginitis contains 260 fever of hydrogenated and 520 colitis of objective (a surgical of 780 stress of both medicines). Wii-volution
  • The late discovery of the monogenesis, reciprocal convertibility, and indestructibility of all Forces in nature, leads us upward towards the recognition of one Omnipresent and Omnipotent Will, which, like a mighty tide, sweeps through the universe and effects all its changes. Christianity and Greek Philosophy or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and His Apostles
  • He made it a point to identify all of them, receiving, while he did so, scowls and mutterings, and reciprocating with cocky bullyings and threatenings. CHAPTER III
  • This proved to be so commercially successful that it became a reciprocal arrangement, with Mills and Boon importing Harlequin titles.
  • Unlike a piston engine, where reciprocating parts move up and down, the twin rotors in the Mazda just spin around.
  • Those gestures were reciprocated and negotiations ensued.
  • Researchers were recently stunned to discover that 100 pounds of a powerful antibiotic called ciprofloxacin was being dumped into a local stream antibiotics that could treat an entire city of 90,000 people every day. Organic Consumers Association News Headlines
  • What I did was to reciprocate the gesture he made to me.
  • The energy of attraction between opposite charges is reciprocally related to the distance between the charges.
  • The populace became a supplicant citizenry dependent upon the state rather than themselves and the socialist state aborted indigenous traditions of working class self – help, reciprocality and social insurance. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • The same specialist in Oriental glyptics, says: "The efforts of some learned men to discover traces of a reciprocal influence have been fruitless. Scarabs The History, Manufacture and Symbolism of the Scarabæus in Ancient Egypt, Phoenicia, Sardinia, Etruria, etc.
  • Less reciprocal discourse will also activate schemata.
  • A person might feel suspicious when you hand him a flower, for example, because he might think you're trying to invoke the very strong psychological phenomenon of "reciprocation": When someone gives you something or does something for you, you feel you must reciprocate. Slate Magazine
  • For some critics Peer review is a pale shadow of African heads of states' real promise: to criticise each other reciprocally and to exercise peer pressure in order to gain democracy and respect for human rights.
  • The parties involved may be firms or governments, and the reciprocal agreements can take a number of forms. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • Her affection was reciprocated without hesitation.
  • Perhaps the most interesting realization is that the concept of reciprocity applies to the ‘kludge’ factor called emissivity – the correction value that permits a greybody to be modeled with planck’s law and stefan’s law – applies to the atmosphere. Gerry North's Suggested Reading on Climate Models « Climate Audit
  • Reciprocal formal evaluation of the program and the fellow's accomplishments by the fellow and the attendings at the end of the 12 months Orthopaedic Surgery Research Fellowship
  • Uxorem sed habes Candide cum populo; but neighbour Candidus your wife is common: husband and cuckold in that age it seems were reciprocal terms; the emperors themselves did wear Actaeon's badge; how many Caesars might I reckon up together, and what a catalogue of cornuted kings and princes in every story? Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Absent was any long-lasting system of reciprocal obligation fundamental to group cohesion and solidarity.
  • In part four I argued the case for having a reciprocal blogroll.
  • Austro-Hungarian prisons lay in "reciprocity diplomacy. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • What a missed opportunity in my childhood: I remember a teacher or two whose venom deserved reciprocation.
  • Parallel cladogenesis between host and pathogens would be indicative of ancient coevolution, a reciprocal process in which characteristics of one organism evolve in response to specific characteristics of another.
  • This led to a reciprocal trip by members of Kendal Choral Society to Voiron, in Southern France, in 2004, an area well known for Chartreuse, the liqueur originally created by the Carthusian Monks.
  • The pruning machines were simply reciprocating cutters or flails mounted on a tractor.
  • Still, in Our Town and several others, he created archetypally American works, which the Germans, reciprocating, clutched to their bosoms.
  • On the other hand, the North ought to follow suit, respecting the principle of reciprocity.
  • There is no good reason why existing reciprocal arrangements that suit both sides over such matters as health should not continue. Times, Sunday Times
  • We invited them to dinner and a week later they reciprocated.
  • Thus some explanations are unavoidably reciprocal or circular, as _hind, the female of the stag; stag, the male of the hind_: sometimes easier words are changed into harder, as _burial_ into _sepulture, or interment, drier_ into _desiccative, dryness_ into _siccity_ or Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations
  • Similar sequential and reciprocal interactions between the epithelium and mesenchyme regulate the early steps of development in all ectodermal organs.
  • Things I want in a relationship: intelligence, physical attraction, reciprocal love.
  • But you will only qualify for any pension increases after you retire if you go to live in a country with which we have a reciprocal agreement.
  • Lacan took up or rather transposed Freud's definition of hypnosis on this second degree level of dialectical reflection between the reciprocally engaged egos and ego ideals.
  • In the telephone interaction presented below, the strangers begin by exchanging offers, followed by the seller offering repeated and unreciprocated concessions.
  • Effects of UVB irradiance on conidia and germinants of the entomopathogenic hyphomycete Metarhizium anisopliae: A study of reciprocity and recovery. Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on structure of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
  • We always invite the neighbors and they never reciprocate!
  • The arrangement will be reciprocal. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are most disappointed as reciprocal support from the menfolk is very sparse indeed.
  • One can engage in reciprocal exchange using money, as when a friend gives you a loan and does not specify when it must be repaid. Cultural Anthropology
  • METHOD:To utilize the reaction of ciprofloxacin lactate and 2.4 dinitroresorcinol to form the charge transfer complex compound that was measured by UV spectrophotometry.

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