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  1. the United Kingdom's central unit for the tasking and coordination and funding of intelligence and security agencies

How To Use CIM In A Sentence

  • Some fine Specimens of lava from a partially active Volcano in the province of [gap word illegible], in the extreme north of Japan. Letter to Dr. Thomas from Young John AllenNov 19 1866
  • Among these are the best specimen of the dome-skulled chalicothere Tylocephalonyx skinneri, and type specimens of several other mammals, including rodents, oreodonts and carnivores.
  • Specimens are rarely found in one unbroken piece, and the process of reconstituting them is akin to completing a jigsaw puzzle.
  • Hematopathology – Providing complete evaluations of lymphoid and hematologic specimens. Anatomic Pathology
  • If we posit a voiceless spirant value for Uralic *x by this stage anyway, over in PFP the closest equivalent would be śexćim. Update of my "Diachrony of Pre-IE" document
  • In this case the experiment involves using a hydraulic press to crush specimen cubes of the concrete, and measuring the pressure at which the cube breaks.
  • Non argumenta, non verisimilitudines quaerimus, quibus judicium nostrum incumbat; sed ut rei extra aestimandi aleam positae, judicium ingeniumque nostrum subjicimus ... Pneumatologia
  • Certainly observant Jews remember the crusaders as evil butchers, who on their way to Jerusalem, slaughtered and massacred many thousands of Jews and decimated entire Jewish communities such as Speyer, Worms and Mayencea and of course, when they arrived in Jerusalem, put the holy Jews of the city to the sword. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • A herbarium is a collection of dried, generally mounted, plant specimens used for a number of purposes, including documenting the taxonomy of a species or like a library that contains a collection of books for reading or useful materials for common use.
  • The appropriate specimens to submit for testing include food (in the original container if it is available) or environmental specimens, stool, serum, gastric contents, or vomitus.
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