How To Use Cigar In A Sentence

  • He was pulling away from a couple of golfers who were smoking cigars and looked familiar.
  • While the Irish government generates a lot of noisy, self-righteous cant about the evils of cigarettes at home, it makes a pretty packet from ‘selling death’ abroad.
  • Follow up with a fine cigar from the San Andres Valley and a good cup of Soconusco cafe. A Tamal Made by Someone Else
  • Efforts by tobacco companies to stop confectioners selling candy cigarettes in packs resembling cigarette brands seem to have been minimal.
  • He noticed the Scotch on a tabouret and a cigar box near a chromium smoking stand. What Would Philip Marlowe Do
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  • I am listening to your day-tales, though I wonder that this time might be better spent mistranslating health warnings from foreign cigarettes and pasting them to a gallery wall or, perhaps, composing a biro haiku on the arch of a foot, proclaiming: Day 9: Better Spent Time
  • None of us wanted to ‘need’ cigarettes almost desperately and to feel insecure and anxious without them.
  • Cigarette smoking causes lung inflammation, which can lead to oxidative stress, emphysema, small airway fibrosis, mucus hypersecretion and progressive airflow limitation. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Everything from tobacco sacks and cigarette papers to a spare cinch and a rope, from a change of clothes to a picture of his family or his girl, from old letters and reading material to a marlinespike, was kept in it. This Calder Range
  • Ruth Hawkin was sitting at the kitchen table, a forgotten cigarette in the ashtray next to her transformed into three inches of marled grey ash. A Place of Execution
  • There's a cigarette packet thrown into the gutter.
  • Bulgarian cigarettes production and Bulgarian tobacco deliveries will depend on the market situation.
  • When was the last time you had a cigarette?
  • In fact the people that were chosen for management were usually total screwups and were dangerous around such equipment and aircraft..usually their day consisted of walking around asking the mechanics, “Are you done yet?” smoking cigarettes and generally just collecting a paycheck. Think Progress » Under Fire, ABC Yanks Official Blog of 9/11 Docudrama
  • Wear over skinny cigarette trousers with a boxy jacket. Times, Sunday Times
  • Winston is a brand of cigarette.
  • Eventually he would come up, sit down, then carefully roll himself a fat, untidy cigarette, spilling some tobacco in the process.
  • A whole battery of measures was tried in an attempt to get them to give up cigarettes.
  • The tusky but soft-hearted little brute kept nodding his round, sparsely covered head while he listened, exuding a smell of lavender-water, cigars, and gutta-percha. The Freelands
  • They were a teacher's only refuge: a place to let off steam or have a crafty cigarette between lessons. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carlo lit a cigarette, and wishing the old woman a merry "addio" left and descended the stairs. Mademoiselle of Monte Carlo
  • Their prices range from 4.20 for a single cigarette to 46 for a kilo of rice. Times, Sunday Times
  • He smoked Prince Albert tobacco in cigarettes he rolled himself.
  • He lit a cigarette and almost gagged on the smoke; nevertheless, he persisted until the tobacco calmed him. THE LAST RAVEN
  • When canals dropped the water table below the surface, and the sawgrass was cleared, the peat dried, shrank and blew away, or burnt like a cigar, smoldering for months and years, filling the sky with smoke.
  • Such "polytobacco use" includes cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, and imported products such as kreteks, which are sometimes called clove cigarettes and usually contain tobacco, cloves, and other ingredients, according to a report in the Aug. 6 issue of - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • She had a cigarette butt between her lips and a genial look on her face.
  • All cigarette tobacco is toasted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The camera captures Rico's observant nature as he gazes in envy at a mob leader's jeweled cravat, diamond pinky ring, and stock of fine cigars.
  • At that house, he would stop playing his game of solitaire over in the corner table and, cigar-smoke billowing around his massive figure, have me ask him in Yiddish -- bitte mia gelt -- "please give me some money," before peeling off a fresh ten soles bill. David Kersh: Time-travel to Peru With My Son
  • Cigarette smoking is known to affect ciliary action in the nasopharynx and respiratory tract.
  • The bed was rickety, with a thin knotty mattress; the sand-colored walls were scratched and gouged; in every corner, under everything, were fluffy dust and cigar ashes; on the tilted wash-stand was a nicked and squatty pitcher; the only chair was a grim straight object of spotty varnish; but there was an altogether splendid gilt and rose cuspidor. Main Street
  • If you're a smoker or are regularly exposed to cigarette smoke, studies show that synthetic beta carotene could increase your lung cancer risk.
  • The blackened walls from a fire that happened some four years ago reeked of cigarette smoke and mustiness.
  • I tapped ashes from my cigarette into an ashtray on the floor and decided to take her up on the offer.
  • Now the political incorrectness of lighting up has taken the war on cigarettes from the realm of everyday life to a place where the curtain seems set to fall on the art of smoking in public performances.
  • An unlit cigarette hangs from his mouth and the lighting is harsh.
  • Drummond hobbled off, returning with a cigar in his mouth and an automatic rifle in his hands.
  • I couldn't help but notice his teeth were stained a faint yellow, probably from consumption of too many cigars.
  • Help replace the energy boost you got from cigarettes by taking 2 to 3 g of chlorella, a nutrient-rich algae, daily.
  • New levies were imposed on cigarettes, wine and beer.
  • Pushers peddle drugs hidden inside cigarette boxes spread out on the sidewalk.
  • He took a white-filtered cigarette from a packet which lay on a glass-littered table beside the sun lounger.
  • He looked up at me through a miasma of cigarette smoke.
  • He had an hour-long tirade using everything from Play-doh, livestock, loose leaf paper, a sword swallower, and a Ronald Reagan mannequin smoking a marijuana cigarette in opposition to Gaga. Bil Browning: Michael Steele Trying to Recruit Lady Gaga?
  • This wasn't easy when his cigar, speech impediment and habit of walking about conspired to make him inaudible. Times, Sunday Times
  • I hated it when Dad and the pot-bellied guys cunted up the place with cigarettes and beery boy belches. Please Cuntinue...
  • Felicity Maxwell had left Lorelei's cigarettes and matches on a little table by the left arm of Lorelei 's chair. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • And it seems the obligatory pungent cigarette, clamped firmly in the corner of the mouth, is a necessary aid to concentration.
  • She poured from both into her tumbler, inhaled on her cigar, and sat there silently watching us from her malevolent little eyes. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • She took a long pull at her cigarette.
  • I went outside to nip at a cigar before the show began, and I found myself filled with vim & cheer - hey, this was going to be fun!
  • These should be just as discouraged as the cigarette packets. The Sun
  • Spread over two floors with a stairwell between, gorgeous girls in Prada, Dolce and Versace lie back on couches sipping negronis, watching dashing men in Armani smoke imported cigars over iced bourbon.
  • He means big top-hatted, cigar-chomping multinationals, but what he really means is cooks, anyone who sells food. Times, Sunday Times
  • Witnesses saw the victim chatting to a group of men and asking them for cigarette papers shortly before the accident.
  • He lit a cigarette and took a swig of the alcohol and grinned at me, a grin that was rapidly becoming a leer.
  • I idled up beside him, lighting a cigarette (my parents figured I'd be smoking anyway even if they told me not to, so they didn't really care), asking him what the problem was.
  • Behind it, when he was in session, George would swing to and fro in his green leather swivel armchair smoking a cigar.
  • The thought depressed him so much he double-parked outside a candy store on Southern Boulevard and had a cigarette.
  • Ophelia leaps about and barks, indignant at a style of hunting so contrary to her habits; and Sir Ralph, astride the stone railing, is smoking a cigar and, as usual, looking on impassively at other people's pleasure or vexation. Indiana
  • With the aid of lacker varnish and skilful painting, paper made excellent trunks, tobacco bags, cigar cases, saddles, telescope cases, the frames of microscopes; and we even saw and used excellent water-proof coats made of simple paper, which did keep out the rain, and were as supple as the best macintosh ... .. The Art of Travel Shifts and Contrivances Available in Wild Countries
  • Enemy snipers were just waiting to aim at the glow of a cigarette end. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through the open windows the heavy, damp night came miasmically floating in, the very cigarettes mildewed in my pockets. Zone Policeman 88; a close range study of the Panama canal and its workers
  • The Dynamo was accustomed to puffing his way through 40 unfiltered cigarettes a day, mainly in his office or his car, both now out of bounds.
  • If I cannot smoke cigars in Heaven, I shall not go. Mark Twain 
  • It is subject to grease and grime from the hands, occasional coffee spills, cigarette ash, dead flies and sandwich crumbs.
  • After leaving the salon, he leaned against the rail and relit his cigar.
  • The poise has a cigarette in its hand, which cigarette it has just pausingly rolled from material furnished by a number of carefully saved butts (whereof Afrique's pockets are invariably full). The Enormous Room
  • This multitool cigarette case from the Great Depression will put your pocket knife to shame. HUFFPOST HILL - Where Republicans Move Their Money
  • A pair of teenage boys were smoking cigarettes.
  • He cut down on coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced diet.
  • We heard the snipers were winning packets of cigarettes for hitting the correct number of targets. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was going with this beaut from MSNBC with Hugh on the golf course with a cigar.
  • Quite a few of them would even stub out their cigarettes so enraptured, and intimidated, would they be by the blizzard of technical virtuosity that we, today, take for granted. Debra Levine: Ballets Russes Updated: Aspen Santa Fe Ballet Turns 15
  • She turned to Jen, who had just put her cigarette out in the ashtray beside her.
  • Earl is a cigar-chomping, blue-collar megalosaurus, and he's just been canned from his job as a tree pusher for the Wesayson Development Corp. A Megalosaurus Hit?
  • She would recount how it was possible to buy anything - from meat, chocolate, cigarettes and the obligatory ‘nylons’ - from the spivs and black market racketeers.
  • A comparison of Colombian tobacco imports with US tobacco exports reveals just how many contraband cigarettes were being shipped southward from the United States.
  • But instead he sat motionless, taking long drags of a cigarette and staring at a mural of a bunch of teenagers at a party.
  • Investigators found cigarettes, a box of disposable lighters and an empty bottle of whisky in her flat, but no evidence of any electrical or gas faults.
  • M/s Merchant and Ivory's films resemble a small antique shop displaying old colonial cars, rosewood bedposts, long cotton gowns and unfiltered cigarette cases.
  • Eventually (after 14 cigarettes and two of those carbonated malt beverages) the hatred simmers down and turns into pity.
  • So, offering up a suggestion of biological causation of differences is never value-free a cigar is _never_ just a cigar and gives the supposed difference _way_ more credence than it ever deserves. Guest post by Mary Schweitzer
  • I know cigarettes cause cancer, but cancer causes cachexia, which is massive weight loss and appetite loss. Ali A. Rizvi: The Ultimate 9-Step Guide to Looking Good
  • Carla, curled up on the sofa, was smoking a cigarette and stroking her cat.
  • He immediately snapped his lighter to light her cigarette.
  • Cigarette smoking used to be commoner among affluent people.
  • Marketed as a "healthy smoking machine," this 3-in-1 gadget lights up your cigarettes then automatically "purifies" all the nasty smoke around you, all the while spraying the air with your favorite perfume. Original Signal - Transmitting Gadgets
  • This tiny, cigar-shaped area experienced its first vintage in 1895 when Scottish immigrant John Riddoch founded the Penola Fruit Colony, which later became known as the Coonawarra wine region. The Rise of Regionality
  • She pulled a joint out of her cigarette box and looked around to make sure nobody was watching.
  • The morning after the party, the whole house stank of beer and cigarettes.
  • “Poets As Bad Guy, then and now:” I like to enter small jerkwater towns/with engine roaring, then rock to a stop/and park before a group of local clowns/to make a cigarette-dangling entrance. Ron offen | 2 poems and more about… « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • Everything he likes or wants, from saccharine to cigarettes, is doomfully reported as causing cancer or cholesterol. The Business of Playing Hockey
  • A subsequent search of the vehicle uncovered an unsmoked marijuana cigarette, the spokesman said, adding that Garfunkel, 63, had been ordered to appear in court on Sept. 22.
  • Kyle and Louis, their hosts for the night, were indeed upstairs, in a paneled private room, reached after a long and disorienting trek through the interior of the club, across parqueted dining rooms, past bars and rest rooms, up two half flights of stairs that bookended a golden little cigar lounge. The Deed
  • Cigarettes make up just 20% of tobacco consumed, with most tobacco smoked through the traditional, leaf wrapped, unfiltered cigarettes (called bidis).
  • Even the smallest metallic object, whether a nail file or cigarette lighter, is immediately confiscated.
  • He said the fire was most likely to have been started by direct ignition to furniture in the room by an open flame like a match, cigarette lighter or candle.
  • What would be more exciting would be to load up our own versions of Mom — cigarette-smoking, gravel-voiced and imperfectthough she may be. I’m pretty sure I’m offended by this — or, at the least, nonplussed « Dating Jesus
  • Sharing the stage with representatives from tobacco giants, the men discussed how e-cigarettes were the future of nicotine consumption. Times, Sunday Times
  • I looked up through the smoke of my cigarette and my eye lodged for a moment upon the burning coals, and that old fancy of the crimson flag flapping from the castle tower came into my mind, and I thought of the cavalcade of red knights riding up the side of the black rock. Monday or Tuesday
  • The Rat Cutter took a few defiant puffs on his cigar.
  • US studies have suggested that the shift of long-standing smokers to low tar filter cigarettes results in the smoker inhaling more deeply and retaining smoke longer.
  • Petrol, cigarette, and alcohol prices are indexed to inflation every year - it takes immediate effect.
  • The cigarette smoke hung like a thick bluish white haze throughout the room.
  • He took a long puff of his cigar then sighed, blowing a steady stream of smoke.
  • I smoke filter - tipped cigarettes in order not to waste pipe tobacco.
  • I can see why the government and lobby groups have gone for a zero-tolerance policy on cigarettes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Improved building codes requiring smoke detectors and water sprinklers, self-extinguishing cigarettes, and overall decreased rates of smoking have probably had a much bigger impact on the number of fires and fire deaths than the flammability standard. Sarah Janssen: California's Flammability Standard Puts Children at Risk
  • There's also a cigar divan serving Cuban stogies and decorated with paintings from the Zhongnanhai leaders' compound.
  • Boing Boing reader/commenter catastrophegirl, commenting in a thread about an enraged hillbilly user of flavored chewing tobacco, points to her Flickr photoset documenting her quest to make DIY kretek (clove cigarettes). Boing Boing
  • Now in my 50's I don't want to overcommit--I do it sometimes, but it feels last night's cigarette that you rolled, and it was great, and you didn't smoke it all...but come the morning, it's about as unappetizing as complulsive over commitment! Overcommitted
  • No trace, only my cigarette smoke, hovering like a wraith, betrayed my presence by leaving the shadow of its scent as it passed through drab walls.
  • Domenico Pugliese for The Wall Street Journal The Lanesborough Hotel's custom-built walk-in humidor At the newly opened, ultra-stylish Mamilla in Jerusalem, the city's first boutique hotel, the cigar terrace is the first of its kind in the city and is indoors, as there are less strict smoking laws in Israel. Dusting Off the Stogie's Stodgy Image
  • The great church doors at the very end of the abbey were opened, and Evangelina Stiles was coming in on the hand of her father, the Stiles cigarette baron himself.
  • I smelt the familiar cigarette odour as it attacked my nostrils, and clung on tighter.
  • We smiled at each other through a grey fug of cigarette smoke.
  • He watched the smoke rise from his cigarette.
  • Imagine my disgust at having to sit in the dark with ascot-wearing pantywaists who call the movies ‘cinema’ and smoke imported cigarettes.
  • Firefighters said the man had emptied his cigarette stubs into a bin without checking if they were alight or not.
  • With his inherent love of life, he started meeting people socially again, although he abstained from alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Rufus threw his cigarette away and from behind her laid his hand lightly on Mary's bare shoulder.
  • The cost of the program is funded by an increase in cigarette taxes of 62 cents per pack. Think Progress » Who Is Randy ‘Baby Killer’ Neugebauer?
  • Revenue was also busy cracking illegal cigarette and tobacco smuggling.
  • She zipped her jeans in a fierce movement, took dark glasses, cigarettes, keys, shoes. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • In addition, government policies need to be believable; banning cigarette advertising would almost certainly cut consumption.
  • There is no ventilation system that reduces or eliminates the carcinogenic products of second-hand smoke or the sidestream smoke from cigarette smoking.
  • With his legs finally free, he climbed out of the hole, dropping cigarette ash onto the debris.
  • The law prohibits tobacconists from selling cigarettes to young men.
  • If his nervous demeanour - fiddling with his cigarette box, avoiding eye contact - rather belies his confidence with a camera, his work fortunately speaks for itself.
  • Systems of this type have been seen in beer production, cigarette manufacture, electrical appliances and soap manufacture.
  • There he relights the cigarettes and turns over to us to ask, in English, if we mind if he smokes.
  • A cigarette set the dry grass alight .
  • Ministers have decided they cannot justify some of the more draconian measures to reduce cigarette and alcohol sales during the economic downturn. Times, Sunday Times
  • The boys are dressed like dusty caballeros and the gals are decked out like the pretty señoritas on old Havana cigar boxes.
  • The smell of cigarettes can be rather obnoxious, even in the street.
  • The combination of cigarette smoking and exposure to many occupational carcinogens increases risk of cancer.
  • Its "cigar" is in fact a parasitic crustacean known as a copepod, but no one knows what the blobfish does with its comical nose. Where Wonders Await Us
  • She wears sunglasses and a babushka and smokes cigarettes through a long plastic filter that looks like a pipe stem.
  • All cigarette packets bear a warning along the lines that their contents can cause lung cancer, bronchitis and other chest diseases. How to Lower High Blood Pressure
  • Smith spends the remainder of the film chomping on cigars with an effeminate scientist.
  • As Wilshere lit her cigarette a meaty arm came around his shoulders. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Dena lit a cigarette, trying to mask her agitation.
  • March took a last draw on his cigarette and flicked it away. Times, Sunday Times
  • The history of the cigarette industry in Kudus is documented at the Museum Kretek in dioramas and various objects, such as old packs of Kudus-made cigarettes and the instruments used to produce the cigarettes.
  • Leech had a picture of "A Quiet Smoke" in _Punch_, which depicted five ladies in short wide skirts and "bloomers" in a tobacconist's shop, two smoking cigars and one a pipe, while "one of the inferior animals" behind the counter was selling tobacco. The Social History of Smoking
  • Brain regions known as the nucleus accumbens and orbitofrontal/prefrontal cortex were also activated. These regions are known to be associated with intense cocaine addiction and cigarette addiction.
  • Do you know of any discos or clubs in your area listing events under a cigarette brand name?
  • I read somewhere that a child, whose parents both smoke twenty a day, has inhaled the equivalent of eighty cigarettes worth of passive smoke in one year.
  • he smokes cigarettes
  • The door closed, and Renwick could safely stow away his cigarette case.
  • Petrol was 7 cents a litre, the express ways were fabulous with few cars and although the signs said no motorbikes the guys on the toll gates waved us through with a big smile, refused to charge us or accept the cigarettes we offered.
  • Two of the Prussians "frisked" us for our tobacco, cigarettes, knives and other valuables. The Escape of a Princess Pat Being the full account of the capture and fifteen months' imprisonment of Corporal Edwards, of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, and his final escape from Germany into Holland
  • Even the smallest metallic object, whether a nail file or cigarette lighter, is immediately confiscated.
  • Road signs become illegible through the smoke screen of charcoal burning, cigarettes smoldering in the grass.
  • An average puff of a cigarette has been estimated to contain 4 billion particles of dust.
  • His image was also featured on packets of cigarillos.
  • And the taxi driver's voiture stank of cigarettes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Simon left, glancing one more time at his discarded cigar in Jim's wastebasket.
  • The old image of snooker is of seedy, smoky, dimly-lit halls filled with sallow-complexioned men, pint in one hand, cigarette in the other as they wait their turn at the table.
  • She dying for a cigarette
  • Other than releasing oxygen in the air, money plant can also eliminate formaldehyde from the air that is commonly released by cigarette smoke and adhesives (used with wood furnishings).
  • The first time we meet Victoria, she is wretching her guts into the toilet with her mother standing above her in dishabille, smoking a cigarette into her face while threatening to throw her out of the house. Kent Haruf discusses Plainsong
  • While adverts for cigarettes have been banned for years, the gaspers still get a good press.
  • Although bubble gum and candy are also packaged to resemble snuff, chewing tobacco, pipes, and cigars, we do not know if similar evidence exists for such products or in other countries.
  • Myra lit another cigarette and inhaled deeply .
  • Around August last year I stopped using it completely and was wholly back on the cigarettes. The Sun
  • Anthony, whose job it was to act as a buffer between editorial staff and management and who always looked as though he was on the verge of a heart attack, slammed the phone down, cursed and reached for a cigarette.
  • Electronic cigarettes provide smokers with the nicotine they seek without the deadly toxins delivered by smoking tobacco. Times, Sunday Times
  • The approach has virtually ended cigarette sales to minors.
  • ‘I think knowledge is a good thing,’ she says, fruitlessly rummaging for cigarettes in a trendy looking rucksack.
  • The pose and figure design are suitably Starbuck, from the cigar chomped in her mouth to the VIPER helmet under her right arm to the gun in her left hand. Collectible Review: Little Frakkin’ Colonials Starbuck | Fandomania
  • It is illegal to sell cigarettes to children who are under age.
  • Officers discovered her locked in a cupboard under the stairs and covered in cigarette burns.
  • He took a long puff of his cigar then sighed, blowing a steady stream of smoke.
  • Five Essex Hellcats spotted a cigar-shaped Mitsubishi Betty and pounced. Whirlwind
  • He lit himself another cigar from the butt of the previous one.
  • Drug Administration has pledged to issue regulations curtailing certain types of cigarette advertising and distribution.
  • Cigarette smokers pollute the air for other people but take no account of this in deciding how much to smoke.
  • And they're just scotch-drinking, cigarette-smoking chauvinists who have to deal with this very capable female journalist, and they don't know what to do.
  • While many turn their paychecks over to their husbands, others rebel, demanding the family's few spare cents go to pencils for the kids rather than cigarettes.
  • Though my Brooklyn hometown is lousy with lovely craft beers such as Cigar City's mango-hinted Jai Alai IPA, Sixpoint's bracing Crisp lager and Firestone Walker's balanced, citrusy Union Jack IPA, there are hundreds of brews I'd sacrifice a pinkie to sip every day. Food Republic: 5 Craft Beers Worth Traveling For
  • The company received city approval to expand its cigar-marking plant to handle more production of cigarillos.
  • She was puffing on a cigarette at the time.
  • The cigar-shaped object above the galaxy duo is another member of the group.
  • There was a cigarette dangling from his mouth.
  • As expected, the Cuban cigar industry was not happy with the ruling.
  • She then turned back and a female friend leaned down, took what appeared to be a fat, hand-rolled cigarette and lit it.
  • The man drew on his cigarette and exhaled, his porcine eyes shrinking to pinpricks as they fixed themselves on Abel. AMAGANSETT
  • I stared at the cigarette the girl was waving in front of my face.
  • Photo booths are open from 6am in the morning onwards, and Experts on ‘how to fill out your visa form’ hover, ready to offer invaluable advice in exchange for a quetzal, a cigarette, a smile.
  • That same thing was usually pain; pain is where the pincers of angry lobsters meet the hot, flesh-searing ends of a burning communist cigars.
  • A peace offering," Roberts said as he handed the box of cigars to Cohen.
  • He was lying on the bed smoking a cigarette.
  • Ashwood instinctively tossed the cigarette to the ground ignoring the sizzle as it landed in a puddle at his feet.
  • She's gone over to a milder brand of cigarettes.
  • He also visited her grave accompanied by his mother, stubbed out cigarettes and swore at photographers.
  • It was smoking unfiltered cigarettes, drinking your coffee black, and thinking how bored you were.
  • Sculptors and carvers fashion teakwood goblets, cigar and jewelry boxes, and board games such as dominoes and backgammon.

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