How To Use Cichlid In A Sentence
The cichlids have evolved an astonishing array of forms in Africa.
When the lake level rose, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the hills became islands, ranges of hills became archipelagoes, and the process of speciation took off among the cichlids that live in shallow water, known locally as Mbuna.
Each year since 1960, more than 35 tropical American species of fishes, including catfishes, characins, electric fishes, killifishes, and cichlids, have been newly described and named.
This hybrid cichlid has various anatomical deformities , one of the most obvious, and also deadly, deformities is its mouth, which only has very narrow vertical opening.
A few freshwater fishes may occur in the least saline parts of the estuary (for example garpike, ropefishes and cichlids).
Many cichlids brood the eggs in the mouth and, although rare, the free-swimming young of some species also rush into the parent's mouth for protection.
Some "living fossils" such as ginkgo trees, coelacanth fish and tuatara reptiles appear virtually the same today as their ancestors, which co-existed with the dinosaurs 100m years ago, while in the African Great Lakes thousands of new species of cichlid fish have appeared within the past
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One form of aggressive behavior is dominance hierarchies, which are found in many groups (e.g. catfishes, minnows, cods, ricefishes, topminnows, cichlids, wrasses, blennies, and boxfishes).
Amazingly, from 5,000 to 50,000 males may congregate during lekking, which occurs over a long breeding season in some cichlids.
Each year since 1960, more than 35 tropical American species of fishes, including catfishes, characins, electric fishes, killifishes, and cichlids, have been newly described and named.
This represents such a large degree of “cryptic” diversity that one prominent researcher described the family as Africa's “cichlid fish of the skies.
Tilapia cichlids can establish a strong population in a very short time span if the conditions are right.
This 'making' of new species is known as allopatric speciation and similar patterns are seen with cichlids in the great lakes of Africa.
Practical Fishkeeping
In addition to the normal spectrum perceived by most vertebrates, several shallow-water species are able to see ultraviolet light; others, such as anchovies, cyprinids, salmonids and cichlids, can even detect polarized light.
Cichlids follow a typical developmental pattern but some species brood the eggs in the mouth while developing.
Fish breeders regularly add disinfectants, including methylene blue, acriflavine, hydrogen peroxide and chloramine-t to batches of eggs - particularly those of egg-depositing species, such as cichlids - in an attempt to prevent the broods becoming infected by pathogenic fungi.
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German researchers have studied cichlids living in tiny volcano-crater lakes in Cameroon, West Africa.
In addition to the normal spectrum perceived by most vertebrates, several shallow-water species are able to see ultraviolet light; others, such as anchovies, cyprinids, salmonids and cichlids, can even detect polarized light!
(A) Relative SWS1 (ultraviolet) opsin expression is higher among Lake Malawi cichlids foraging on phytoplankton, zooplankton, and epilithic algae (phylogenetic ANOVA).
PLoS Biology: New Articles
It included many living groups: stingrays, lungfish, pirarucu, piranha, goliath catfishes, some electric fishes, and cichlids.
For MHC sampling, degenerate PCR primers were designed from an alignment of guppy, topminnow, cichlid, and bass Mhc class II B sequences found in GenBank.
The male fish then chases and attacks other male cichlid fish in an attempt to dominate and defend his territory.
Drag to Playlist hujeta/rocket/silver/characin gar, senegal bichir, acei cichlids in my planted tank my 55 gallon planted tank is home to a characin gar, senegal bichir, 16 acei cichlids, a few chinese algae eaters and a juvenile rainbow shark. - Business News
Today, scientists can offer a real-life glimpse of this developmental bifurcation by pointing to vertebrates, such as zebrafish, that retain pharyngeal teeth only; others, such as mouse and human, that have oral teeth only; and a subset, including cichlids, that thrives with both.
Cichlids are mainly found in the lowland, freshwater areas of tropical and subtropical regions.
Drag to Playlist hujeta/rocket/silver/characin gar, senegal bichir, acei cichlids in my planted tank my 55 gallon planted tank is home to a characin gar, senegal bichir, 16 acei cichlids, a few chinese algae eaters and a juvenile rainbow shark. - Business News
This stream contains a diverse community of fishes, including the piscivorous cichlid fish, Petenia splendida.
These streams are occupied on the south slope by a subset of the fish that characterize freshwater rivers in the Orinoco Basin in Venezuela, including cichlids and characins.
A wide spectrum of characoid, gymnotoid and siluroid families, cichlids, and poeciliids are especially well represented.
As in other island hotspots, there are two distinct groups of freshwater fishes in the Caribbean: on smaller and younger islands, most fish are species that are widespread in marine waters but also enter freshwater to some degree, while on the larger and older islands of the Greater Antilles, there are several groups that occupy inland waters, including gars, killifishes, silversides and cichlids.
Biological diversity in the Caribbean Islands
A breeding pair will chose a site for spawning and defend it with typical cichlid aggression.
What could the problem have been? Water chemistry is excellent in my 4' community tank housing Tetras and Dwarf Cichlids.
As in other island hotspots, there are two distinct groups of freshwater fishes in the Caribbean: on smaller and younger islands, most fish are species that are widespread in marine waters but also enter freshwater to some degree, while on the larger and older islands of the Greater Antilles, there are several groups that occupy inland waters, including gars, killifishes, silversides and cichlids.
Biological diversity in the Caribbean Islands
Cichlids also employ polyandry, in which females mate with several males.
Next, we use field data for cichlid species with adult unicuspid, bicuspid, and tricuspid teeth.
These include the angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare), the discus fish (Symphsodon aequifasciata sp.), hundreds of cichlids such as in the genus Cichlasoma, assorted characins (family Anostomidae) such as tetras in the genera Hemigrammus and Hyphessobrycon and the famous neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi), and many small catfish (families Aspredinidae, Corydoradinae, Doradidae, and Loricariidae).
Iquitos varzea
Cichlids inhabit fresh waters, and many species are endemic to isolated lake environments.
Midas cichlids have biparental care; both father and mother fish watch over the fry.
P. parae females prefer red and yellow males at first sight, but so do cichlids, their main predator.
Ars Technica
A breeding pair will chose a site for spawning and defend it with typical cichlid aggression.
Discus: Belongs to cichlid of tropical fish, but divided in one as per its unique shape.
Many feeding behaviors found in cichlids are unique among freshwater fishes.
Examples include the oscar, Jack Dempsey, jewelfish, convict cichlid, Midas cichlid, and spotted tilapia; and livebearers, such as swordtails, platies and mollies, and armored catfishes.
Blue acara cichlids and guppies were obtained from a local aquarium fish supplier and were therefore of unknown origin.