How To Use Cia In A Sentence

  • When the new foods that came from the Americas - peppers, summer squash and especially tomatoes - took hold in the region, a number of closely related dishes were born, including what we call ratatouille - and a man from La Mancha calls pisto, an Ikarian Greek calls soufiko and a Turk calls turlu. NYT > Home Page
  • In my view his confrontational, gladiatorial style has been a major contributor to the widespread disdain of the British public for politicians generally. Times, Sunday Times
  • These observations will provide a valuable supplement to the simultaneous records of other expeditions, especially the British in McMurdo Sound and the German in Weddell Sea, above all as regards the hypsometer observations (for the determination of altitude) on sledge journeys. The South Pole~ Remarks on the Meteorological Observations at Framheim
  • People in no way adhere to regular social conventions online. Times, Sunday Times
  • He specialized in moonlit and winter scenes, usually including a sheet of water and sometimes also involving the light of a fire, and he also painted sunsets and views at dawn or twilight.
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  • Dom recognized a master tactician when he saw one. SOMEDAY MY PRINCE
  • The bombardment of the GPO had fascinated MacMurrough: the annunciatory puffs of smoke and the flames that roared to greet them; then the crashing gun’s report, the shell’s eruption—an illogical sequence, effect before cause, an object lesson in the madness of war. At Swim, Two Boys
  • The captain's armband must have special powers because he's been brilliant. Times, Sunday Times
  • For centuries, scholars have squabbled over the design of the ship, which was crucial to defeating the Persians in the Battle of Salamis in 480 B.C., part of a wider war that included the fight at Thermopylae dramatized in the film "300. Epic Struggle: Fans Fight to Revive an Oar-Powered Greek Warship
  • A specially designed speculum is used to help direct the injection into the G-spot, with effects lasting around four months. G Marks The Spot
  • It is by these special touches that the author infuses the books with the spirit of humanity, without which a fantasy becomes an empty fancy.
  • Have a cosmic awareness, an interest in ecology, environment, vegetarianism, or are very socially conscious.
  • With the Senate gearing up for an all-consuming battle over judicial nominations, Congress has no time to waste.
  • Of all types of commercially based American music, jazz is the one that has most consistently fostered musical artistry on a high level.
  • Consumers get incredibly upset when dieticians and researchers backtrack on previous findings, proclaiming that products once deemed healthy are now in question.
  • Sony Pictures Animation has a full slate of films including the mouth-watering 3D comedy Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, which opened as the #1 movie in North America on September 18, Hotel Transylvania, now in pre-production and, in association with Columbia Pictures, The Smurfs, now in production. Anton Yelchin and Fred Armisen Join The Smurfs | /Film
  • So it's a little more than passing strange that Mr. Brooks clucks about Mr. Obama's "über-partisan budget" when, given the last few weeks of shrieking and wailing from the Republicans about socialism and communism, he's been the voice of moderation in the room. Moderately Shocked
  • It's that last part Buckley is singing about, but he probably should have considered penning a few lines to himself regarding the "musician gone too soon" part.
  • Butterflies enjoy the daisy family too, and there are a few that they especially love. Times, Sunday Times
  • Siva's devotees are forbidden to use drugs of abuse, such as cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, barbiturates, psychedelics and marijuana, unless prescribed by a licensed physician.
  • The term "strategic" came up again earlier this year, when Ontario's provincial government set up a committee to debate a proposed merger between London Stock Exchange Group PLC and TMX Group Inc., operator of Canada's flagship Toronto Stock Exchange. Canada Turns Wary Eye to Foreign Bids
  • The space left by evaporation is called the ullage, while the liquid lost is sometimes called the ‘angels' share’ and is particularly financially significant in the production of older cognac and Armagnac.
  • Although I have finally been given a small piece of work to do (nothing crucial, generous deadline), I'm finding it hard to apply myself after such a long period of enforced inactivity.
  • Some groups consistently face discrimination: age is one mode of socially structured disadvantage.
  • Nursing commissioned officer ( NNCO ) is a special necessary colony. Educate to NNCO is a new thing.
  • The striker was criticised by fans after voicing concerns about the club 's financial plight. The Sun
  • Flakes with concavities exhibiting steep, unifacial retouch were used to whittle or plane wood, and flakes displaying spurs were used to incise bone or antler.
  • The 27 models on display in Washington, supplemented by paintings, drawings, sculpture and medallions, show the products of a rising social structure and new technique.
  • He will remain affiliated with the firm as a special associate director.
  • Use of a University-owned mobile telephone and mobile telephone airtime service is intended for official University business.
  • a rising young politician
  • Roderick Little, a University of Michigan biostatistician, will become associate director for statistical methodology and standards at the Census Bureau beginning in September. Robert Groves Names Roderick Little, U Of Mich. Statistician, To New Census Post
  • The film also stars Jared Leto as Alexander's special boyhood chum, Rosario Dawson as his sex-starved wife, Angelina Jolie as his nagging mother and Val Kilmer as his abusive father.
  • For him, cruelty was a legitimate and necessary procedure, almost a profession of faith, and European artists showed him how to excruciate a tame local reality.
  • The building is dark brick topped by pinky-coloured concrete block walls, white plastic-looking fascia board, black plastic guttering and an artificial slate roof.
  • Associate members do not have the right to vote.
  • May each hour be a happy one on this special day.Love is always my gift to you for today and every day.
  • Plans include occasional stops at Central Terminal, which saw its last passenger train in 1979, and special excursions through the region to destinations such as Niagara Falls, Medina, Jamestown and even Cleveland. The Buffalo News: Home
  • The ICR would have the authority to annul laws or dismiss public officials to uphold the Kosovo settlement.
  • The social transition has gone wrong: it is majoritarian absolutism.
  • This viewpoint is of great significance as a guideline for the rapid development of socialist economy.
  • ‘Behind the scenes there are still a number of points that deserve attention,’ the unidentified official said, according to the semi-official Central News Agency.
  • Critics argue it was only Lottery money and government cash that prevented the Games from being a financial disaster.
  • And on the need for contempt powers, he recounted how officials at times refused to obey the orders.
  • I think the argument of race as a cause of criminality like Walter brings up is somewhat off-point - The reason why those racial divides in criminality show up is mainly because those lines go together with education - or rather: the lack of good education. Can a Godless Society be a
  • This came after scores of pro-Uribe legislators and other officials were indicted on conspiracy charges involving so-called demobilized paramilitaries. Council on Hemispheric Affairs
  • · The tailstock quill is brought into working position (Fig. 14) whereby special attention must be given to quill cleanliness. 3. Preparations for thread cutting by dies and taps
  • Despite their superficial similarity, submersion of minorities in English-only programs in the USA and Canadian immersion programs are different and they lead to different results.
  • You need financial security and the support of a loving partner to cope with those demands. The Sun
  • Coined by Colorado physician Dr. Steven Bratman, the term orthorexia applies to people who obsess over eating healthy food. Lead Stories from AOL
  • Their support was greatly appreciated and all within the club are grateful for their help and co-operation.
  • I'll transmit the letter by special messenger.
  • Sed vt bonis et cordatis omnibus, etiam extraneis, satisfaciam qui maledicentiam istam Germanicam lecturi vel audituri sunt, aut olim audierint, ne et hi nos meritò calumniam tantam sustinere credant: Tum etiam vt alios qui istis virulentis rhythmis A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • Airline officials are calling the attack a suicide attempt.
  • Hassan in frequently going to sleep in one town, to awake in another far distant, but without the benighted Oriental's surprise at the transfer, the afrit who performed this prodigy being a steam-engine, and the magician it obeyed the human mind. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • Over Fate of Georgia, Provinces With Russian forces appearing to hunker down in Georgia, U.S. and European officials now face a pricklier challenge: Moscow's insistence that it has the right to help break up the country. U.S.-Russia Relations Turn Cold
  • It had been always understood, by watchful politicians, that the Repeal agitation slumbered only until the reinstalment of a Conservative administration. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 334, August 1843
  • Sjogren's syndrome "targets and destroys over time the exocrine glands responsible for tear production and saliva -- and is characterized by dryness of the mouth and eyes," said Dr. Michael Belmont, an associate professor of medicine in the division of rheumatology at NYU Langone Medical Center and medical director for Hospital for Joint Diseases. Why Sjogren's syndrome caused Williams to quit U.S. open
  • But after three consecutive nights of camping out I'd had enough, especially since the last had been spent near Verdun in Le Foret du Mort Homme, which translates as Dead Man's Forest.
  • He visited a specialist yesterday to find out whether he requires surgery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Competition between siblings for resources is widespread in the broods of altricial birds.
  • The field is still popularly associated more with tents than texts: stones, bones, and potsherds.
  • Curiously, for a politician who made much of the fact that what happened in the rest of the world was not always Washington's concern, diplomacy has been the keynote of his first months in office.
  • The attitude toward immigrants and racial minorities in this country is disgusting.
  • It had begun the seventies with the declared intention of contributing 0.7 percent of the gross national product in official aid.
  • If you're partial to poultry, the Nostos Special is a good bet at $7.95 for a grilled half chicken and $14.95 for a whole one.
  • That provides a powerful financial incentive for banks to supply more credit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The social networking giant has admitted excluding views of less than three seconds from its figures. Times, Sunday Times
  • She probably didn't appreciate that the master was without jurisdiction to make that order since her predecessor had obtained it.
  • Crucial is currently quoting as below, with a ten per cent discount for orders taken online.
  • Kij: Nice to see Dream-Quest receive such prominence with that fantastic Gervasio Gallardo cover, inseparable from the contents thanks to childhood associations very similar to yours. MIND MELD: Books That Hold Special Places in Our Hearts and On Our Shelves
  • A country which once conquered the commercial world now fails to make the most of the global market place.
  • Qiao Gong Fang Gems is a professional supplier of high-quality jewelry gemstones in Wuzhou which famous known as "the capital of artificial gem in the world".
  • Egg-laying adults are especially active during bloom, a time period when insecticides should not be applied.
  • I'd like to have something special planned that will keep them occupied and outside in the garden as much as possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • But what of the emails, text messages and other private communications between government officials which aren't published online -- will Twitter and Facebook help "democratize" that information as well? Is Social Media Helping or Hurting California Politics?
  • The term aesthetics was coined in the eighteenth century by the German philosopher Alexander Baumgarten from the Greek word aisthetikos meaning “perceptive, especially by feeling”. MARKETING AESTHETICS
  • Severe paruresis in school aged children can also lead to complete school refusal by the child, as well as more pervasive anxiety that can spread into other areas of life, such as social anxiety or even panic attacks. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • Furthermore, in order to assess the special disability and whether there has been unconscionable conduct, it is essential to also examine the actual actions of those against whom that conduct is impugned.
  • The depth and rate of breathing are controlled by special centres in the brain, which influence the nerves that cause contraction and relaxation of the muscles of respiration.
  • The government is proposing tougher punishments for officials convicted of corruption.
  • I'm sure she's flouting loads of official and unofficial tube etiquette in one fell swoop here.
  • And this is the cause that disputes with such persons are generally fruitless, especially as immixed with that intemporancy of reviling other men wherein they exceed; for if that be a way either of learning or teaching of the truth, it is what the Scripture hath not instructed us in. Pneumatologia
  • They spent many hours searching in commercial databases, looking for abstracts and full-text articles.
  • State officials retained considerable economic control and allowed uneconomic factories and mines to continue operating.
  • And this also involves, crucially, the identification of areas where there are disagreements between agencies over objectives or methods.
  • She is a professionally qualified social worker.
  • The imbalance in the number of girls and boys of marriageable age is not the only cause of these social changes, and it will not persist for long.
  • The family is the one place that should be a guarantee of safety to its members, especially its most vulnerable members, and this legislation goes part-way towards trying to define that and to defend that right.
  • In Chinas modernization drive, the misunderstanding on "Middlebrow" is not beneficial to the understanding and the promotion of the core ideology of Chinas traditional culture.
  • Hence, the aim of the analysis of attitudes was to reveal the hidden patterns typically sedimented in particular social and cultural contexts.
  • Such a man or woman is slave to his or her social position and wealth.
  • I am sure his daughter in ice-bound Toronto appreciates a diary that provides useful information like when Vesak Day is.
  • Graduate students specialize in a particular field of study.
  • In children, especially, this E. coli variant can cause diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis, and hemolytic uremic syndrome.
  • There have been monumental social and demographic changes in the country.
  • Physicians and hospitals fear the practice could unfairly penalize practitioners and say there's no way to benchmark quality accurately.
  • Surely you appreciate that for those who regularly attack Israel and its suporters, “Likud” is a label fraught with negative implications that have nothing to do with the political realities within Israel. The Volokh Conspiracy » Human Rights Watch Update
  • It should also be noted that there are no contact-period materials from the Johnson site and that the only historic materials recovered date to the nineteenth century and did not occur in the provenances associated with the figurines.
  • The genus Barclaya is very seldom seen in association with Cryptocoryne species.
  • by lawful/legal means. Lawful tends to be used in technical or literary contexts. The same is true of the opposites, unlawful and illegal, but illegal is used especially about criminal activities. Legal also means 'connected with the law':the US legal system.
  • Union officials privately acknowledge that Phoenix's achilles heel has always been the difficulties it would face raising the necessary finance.
  • This species is also closely associated with colonies of various seabirds and marine mammals; it feeds among birds and seals and has been considered a commensal of those colonial animals.
  • Literature is no longer "bookish" -- but practical, social, propagandist. Studies in Early Victorian Literature
  • This is not by any means the only instance of financial incompetence on the part of our various Scottish ancestors, nor indeed of the tendency to resort to violence, and those patterns offer surprisingly little reassurance from the genetic standpoint. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The news is not yet official.
  • It was a day for the children who were special in some way and also for their loving parents who showered them with constant attention and unbounded affection.
  • At the other end of the social scale were the king and a tiny group of powerful men, all of them rentiers who lived in style on the revenues of their great estates.
  • Of course, you would expect it to be damp in those parts of the Highlands which the Camanachd Association holds as its fiefdom and indeed shinty has suffered in recent weeks with matches being cancelled due to unplayable pitches.
  • Many specialized institutions now equal the university in repute.
  • We are trialling it for commercial growing for the first time in this country.
  • So if the squid is associated with females and vaginae, and Doctor Manhattan is associated with penises, Watchmen Ending Changed? | /Film
  • Other specialties have undergone relative declines such as orthopedics safer cars and fewer smashed bones. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Another Idea
  • Galicians specialize in trencherman food: suckling pig, grilled skate, pulpy octopus speckled with sea salt and paprika.
  • Whenever I go to London I feel like a provincial.
  • Something of an all-star outfit, each band member is an accomplished musician with an impressive r sum and enormous talent.
  • They are accused of hatching a decade-long plot to keep wholesale oil prices artificially high. The Sun
  • He was still very young, especially by Drow standards, but his smile had given way to an expression of restraint, and his little arms and legs had grown long and thick.
  • Carry out detailed market research before committing financial and staff resources to new products or services.
  • Of course the appendix has always been subject to inflammation, just as it is now, but in former years the disease we call appendicitis bore various names, depending upon the diagnostic skill of the attending physician. Appendicitis
  • By contrast, when Procter & Gamble, the makers of Olestra, asked the FDA for permission to add its artificial fat substitute to potato chips, the controversial product was evaluated under food-additive laws.
  • The relationship between a woman and her clinician should be built on trust, and the benefits and the risks of a procedure such as an episiotomy must be openly discussed to ensure truly informed consent.
  • Pediatricians are once again extremely busy this winter as patients with asthma symptoms - the most common disease among children - are crowding into respiratory clinics.
  • There is also a small genus of orchids, called coralroots, that obtains the majority of its nutrition from a mycorrhizal association with soil fungi.
  • You need to see a specialist.
  • In his relations with his commercial agent a principal must act dutifully and in good faith.
  • The truth is, there is a certain diet which emaciates men more than any possible degree of abstinence; though I do not remember to have seen any caution against it, either in Cheney, Arbuthnot, or in any other modern writer or regimen. The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon
  • During this period, the Ontario Board of Censors was known to be the most liberal of all the provincial boards, and O.J. Silverthorne was the most respected film censor in Canada.
  • To believe that Obama is a socialist merely assumes his continued commitment to a world he has long described as his lodestar. Radical-In-Chief
  • Relations with the regulatory agencies are coordinated by the Chief Financial Officer.
  • The livestock scheme is run on commercial lines rather than donations. Times, Sunday Times
  • To make room reservation, please use the attached Form to qualify for special room rate.
  • Since it is implausibe that readers would need to disbelieve their supension of disbelief -- we all know going in that our suspension of disbelief is artificial -- it must be the second kind of "information" that needs to be combatted. Saying Something
  • Yes , sure. This line of products is fragrance - free. We have facial mask, moisturizing lotion and eye - cream.
  • If the Indonesian judiciary really can be influenced by political heavies, this is one occasion when I hope such influence is exerted.
  • These people write reasonable, well-balanced letters, disclaim any belief in racialism, and back up everything they say with copious instances. As I Please
  • He's not the first politician to be caught with his pants down, and he won't be the last.
  • The officials and diplomats spoke anonymously because of the delicacy of the negotiations on what tack to take on Iran.
  • Politicians, academics and campaigners today routinely frame public issues in emotional terms.
  • Conseco has no investment bankers, legal counsel, commercial bankers, or consultants doing business with the company on its board, nor are there any interlocking directorates.
  • Americans are sociable and gregarious
  • Officially, Carter resigned, but everyone knows he was fired.
  • The battle against racial discrimination is not over.
  • The blue and red boxes indicate the amino acid changes associated with the andromonoecious phenotype in melon and cucumber, respectively. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In the first instance your child will be seen by an ear, nose and throat specialist.
  • He fenced and boxed, but also played the cello, drew and had a deep appreciation of painting. PERDITA: The Life of Mary Robinson
  • Modern processors have a special hardware facility, the Performance Monitor Unit (PMU), to collect the events related with the operations in the processor.
  • Faced with difficulties from recalcitrant landowners and political opponents, the scheme eventually necessitated financial rescue by the king himself.
  • Like other police forces, Wiltshire constabulary is not setting up a special squad or unit to deal with possible hunting law infringements.
  • I'm personally offended both by the error on the Times website and by your association of me with what you call the intentional slander of US marines. Rightwing Spin That Haditha Massacre Never Occurred
  • The only cloud on the immediate horizon is raising a mortgage - especially if you are a first time buyer.
  • The racial discrimination issue is a political hot potato.
  • They thought he had escaped through a specially constructed tunnel.
  • They are happening in a system that's constantly working to full capacity, massively understaffed and unable to cope with the impact of cuts to social care. Times, Sunday Times
  • Denim is identified as an "American cotton textile where the diagonal warp is a striped hickory cloth that was once associated with railroadmen's overalls, in which blue or black contrasting undyed white threads form the woven pattern. My God George Will is a bigger fashion snob than me! - dfi
  • The excruciating embarrassment of finding one's personal peccadillos exposed to public scrutiny makes kiss-and-tell the perfect vengeance-fodder.
  • And so we found an association between this opacity at the back of the lens and short-sightedness, or myopia.
  • He will pull out something special today because this is a huge game and there is so much on the line here for the Wallabies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company said stockholders will be asked to approve the bid at a special meeting in late March.
  • C was probably a combined cooling and dressing-room, with a seat in its alcove; D, the tepidarium; E, the caldarium; and F, a specially hot room or sudatorium.
  • The artificial DNA might be applied to a future extra cellular genetic system with information storage and amplifiable abilities. Artificial DNA Created
  • Big Brother will now know every financial tidbit about you, every ATM withdrawl, account deposit, creditcard charge, what you bought .... Senate's Wall Street bill in homestretch
  • Since when did the US become an official plutocracy?
  • In summary, the research to date provides few definitive guidelines for the clinician.
  • It also provides a condensed primer to some of the issues at stake in American avant-garde cinema, which, partly because of its historical opposition to the dictates of commercial mainstream moviemaking and partly because it resists commodification unlike, say, abstract painting, oppositional cinema doesn't rack up big sales at Sotheby's, has been relegated to the status of museum pieces and festival marginalia. NYT > Home Page
  • In some quarters the touching belief that financial services companies will reward loyalty persists. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was some discussion about the relationship between official and unofficial action.
  • Else Lynes had also brought along her active class to perform a display item before a most appreciative audience.
  • In fact, little by little the term necromancy lost its strict meaning and was applied to all forms of black art, becoming closely associated with alchemy, witchcraft, and magic. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • And like at school, the headmaster and his associates want to make sure everyone is on best behaviour.
  • Two of its products containing artificial eggs are on sale in the US. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, all sorts of things that at one time or another were considered tests for artificial intelligence — playing chess, doing integrals, doing autonomous control — have been cracked in algorithmic ways. Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
  • That takes me right back - I used to have a special bagna cauda set, like a mini-fondue set. Two Recipes for Bagna Càuda (Δύο Συνταγές για Μπάνια Καούντα)
  • Pathology, Inc. specializes in women's health diagnostic testing services, with expertise in gynecologic pathology, genitourinary pathology, gastrointestinal pathology, dermatopathology, hematopathology and cytopathology. Business Wire Travel News
  • He must face the prospect of financial ruin.
  • For example, utter the words: "A house is my fire," and observe the comparative duration of time in the pronunciation of each word, the comparative stress, and the relative pitch (e.g. of _a_ and _fire_). The Principles of English Versification
  • Murder, rape, road rage, dacoities and rampant acts of terrorism have become an everyday affair in all the provincial capitals including the federal capital. Whether A Dictator Or Democrat: Please Explain
  • The Atherton Gardens estate has presented endemic problems for social planning since its development.
  • He then accused the powers that be of failing to appreciate younger people's culture.
  • We never answer questions about special forces, but do not take that as an answer indicating an affirmative.
  • Again, close liaison between obstetrician, midwife, general practitioner, cardiologist, and neonatologist is vital.
  • Named Tecumseh after the Shawnee leader, he was rechristened William in a Catholic ceremony at age 9, after he was informally adopted by a prominent Ohio politician when his father died.
  • Thus basal primates might have used ethanol plumes to locate ripening fruits as well as associated fauna.
  • But it was the introduction of the breathalyser in 1967 that really thrust her into the public's consciousness, especially as she herself was a non-driver.
  • -- _Social status the measure of financial status_. The Fertility of the Unfit
  • But researchers have had mixed success in recreating the original experiments showing both that sirtuins can extend life, and that they can be "activated" by a substance called resveratrol, which is currently found in anti-aging creams and under investigation for ailments associated with old age. Reuters: Press Release
  • By the term contracted foot, otherwise known as hoof-bound, is indicated a condition in which the foot, more especially the posterior half of it, is, or becomes, narrower from side to side than is normal. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • He loves me and appreciates my finer points - especially the fact that I don't make him dress like me in a black turtleneck and coordinating cable-knit sweater for a holiday portrait.
  • They brought in an outside specialist to install the computer system.
  • Theyspecialize in very low-priced products.
  • Superficially, the rationale of the style would seem to be its conjuncture of sensitivity and showmanship.
  • His interest in public affairs, especially in social questions, was keener.
  • No magic numbers, fancy formulas or special percentages of carbs, fats and proteins are necessary to reap the benefits of a smart lower-carb diet.
  • BDC is currently conducting a Phase two placebo-controlled proof of concept study with the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor, etanercept, epidurally administered to a minimum of 40 patients with sciatica. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • They claim the vermin-annoyers show no consistent success or, sometimes, no success at all. They're not approved for use by commercial pest-control companies because not enough is known about potential side effects.
  • All democratic associations or groups were outlawed. Paul VI - The First Modern Pope
  • Tourism has also accelerated immigration to Panajachel and furthered a gradual diversification in its social composition.
  • Family dislocation has obvious social and emotional costs, especially for the children who lose a parent and often a source of income.
  • These works have subsequently become the most widely performed and appreciated in the Boyce repertoire.
  • A critical specialization in the locomotor spectrum for aquatic animals is buoyancy.

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