How To Use Chutzpa In A Sentence

  • BERNARD KALB, HOST: Molly, since we're practicing bilinguality, let me go from chutzpah to maven. CNN Transcript - Reliable Sources: The Real Al Gore and George Bush: Is the Press Getting the Full Story or Falling for the Image? - March 25, 2000
  • But the thing that really bugs me about Cheney's quote (again, he said, regarding torture, that: "The fact of the matter is the Justice Department reviewed all those allegations several years ago.") is that in using the Justice Department as justification, he brings to mind the old story used to define the Yiddish word chutzpah: Someone who kills his parents and then throws himself on the mercy of the court as an orphan. Mitchell Bard: Hypocrisy Alert: Cheney Relies on the Objectivity of the Justice Department to Defend Torture
  • You can't help but admire the sheer chutzpah of the man. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chutzpah and discipline more than muscle built the Empire on the subcontinent.
  • You have to admire their chutzpah. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The group's sheer chutzpah is so persuasive you're entertained all the way.
  • I refused, humiliated and ashamed that I even had the chutzpah to belay Bean, let alone allow him to fall on my watch. Adrian Margaret Brune: Patagonia Climber Bean Bowers: 1973-2011, He Always Picked Himself -- And Others -- Up Again
  • The fêted Worcester quartet's latest is a triumph of loose-limbed chutzpah: breezy, funky rock'n'roll to brighten the shortening days. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Beach Boys Buddy Holly Electric Light Orchestra symphony serenades your bravado with the blissed out chutzpah it requires to rise above the jellyfish and octopi unfazed. Dream World Ideations
  • This college has the sheer chutzpah to name their graduate school after Cambridge!
  • Econ nerds who find that galling and even to use a technical term chutzpadik may enjoy this little news item, also from Konczal. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Debit Card Sharps: The Fight Over Wall Street's 'Invisible Tax'
  • I was immediately struck by the chutzpah of Sullivan's statement -- both because of its erroneousness and because he had the audacity to make it. David Kaufman: Co-Opted: Marriage Equality's Civil Rights Rip-Off
  • He had energy, pizzazz, chutzpah. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is impossible not to admire the chutzpah. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had the chutzpah to take homely Texas-Southern favorites and bring them out of the closet, culinarily speaking.
  • A certain uncompromising chutzpah saw us remain in the top 10 all season - usually in the top five and often in the top two. Times, Sunday Times
  • Please spare us any more of your bad manners, chutzpah, irony and hypocrisy!
  • And the resolution to this scene is exquisite in its chutzpah and farcical bad taste.
  • For future reference Mick, it's chutzpah, like a particularly catarrhal pronunciation of the Premier League team Tottenham Chutzpah – whose pre-season friendly against Orlando Pirates, incidentally, on ESPN was yet another distraction from the cricket. Tendulkar or Talksport: July's ultimate Test | Martin Kelner
  • What it lacks in status and history, however, Croydon more than makes up for in sheer chutzpah, at least if its charismatic mayor is anything to go by.
  • He's the kind of a guy who would put a lampshade on his head and dance the fandango if he thought it would make one person smile, and it takes a similar kind of Texas chutzpah to get up on the stage at the Carlyle, in front of debutantes and dowagers sporting enough jewelry to exceed the gross national product of Madagascar, and sing "Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Jubilant and Jazzy for the Holidays
  • But bravo for having the sort of artistic chutzpah to inject New Zealand's art scene with some shameless vitality.
  • He takes the cake for chutzpah!
  • Here I use it again, not only to warm up a soupy Mediterranean vegetable stew with chickpeas and fennel, but also to add a little chutzpah to the fish.
  • It is as hypocritical, as chutzpadik, as his essay is absurd. The Australian | News |
  • Her chutzpah paid off and, after the wrap party, she headed for London and started applying for jobs as a producer.
  • There is plenty of such colourful metaphor in this book - it is one of the consolations as one contemplates the astonishing greed, vanity, chutzpah and arrogance of the CEO.
  • Their courage and chutzpah turned a local story into an international media phenomenon and inspired millions of women worldwide.
  • Even by the cynical standards of our dishonest political system, this is world-class chutzpah.
  • For libertarians — who CONSTANTLY complain about government intervention — now to complain about government for failing to intervene is the very picture of chutzpah. The Volokh Conspiracy » Bruce Bartlett’s Attack on Libertarianism
  • Only the dingbats at Haaretz would have the chutzpah to suggest that the IAEA is even mildly confused about the type and grade of Uranium residues found at the Syrian site, if any. ‘jump the gun’
  • Problem is, Polsky doesn't have the chutzpah to go through with it - and he's a putz.
  • Over the past few years it has come to be widely used in informal contexts to mean ` spirits, chutzpah, guts, courage '; what Brits used to call spunk a generation ago. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XI No 1
  • I quite liked that: it takes chutzpah. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hamlet in Esperanto, did you ever hear of such chutzpah? What Happened to the Baby?
  • The company was a true meritocracy where a guy with a bit of chutzpah, a common touch and a love of money could go a long way.
  • Right off the bat, 28-year-old Jazzmobile competition winner Brianna Thomas shatters three of my commandments: She scats to excess; she sings "Skylark" probably the most overdone song in recent memory; and she has the chutzpah to compose her own songs. Prodigies, Mentors and Legends
  • To back his Aesopian premise he also suggests that Stella Rimington was merely rambling on and apparently she doesn't understand the 'the genuine threat that new forms of terrorism pose' which kind of left me wondering whether the chutzpah of this man has an end. I knew it was too good to be true.
  • Not a lot of men on this planet look good in lime green, but you've got to admire the his chutzpah.
  • His reputation, along with luck and chutzpah, helped him get unique access to Ames.
  • Nevertheless, I'll respond to the substance of your comments even though I find it chutzpadik for you to bring up the Holocaust (when it's half of my family that was turned into soap and lampshades). - Comments
  • That takes a certain chutzpah. Times, Sunday Times
  • When this newspaper first denounced Mr Berlusconi, many Italian businesspeople replied that only his roguish, entrepreneurial chutzpah offered any chance to modernise the economy.
  • It takes a lot of chutzpah to accept and admit one's weaknesses, if talkativeness is one.
  • The ex-politician's chutzpah has not been diminished by his incarceration.
  • His interborough education between Brooklyn Technical High School and the School of Visual Arts turned him into what can only be described as “an artist with chutzpah.” STARSHIP SPOTTER
  • Sam can't even muster the chutzpah to blast back at a heckler with the bile we know he can spit, instead muttering some lame babble.
  • Like the target audience, this film is young, dumb, and full of chutzpah.
  • Perhaps it was not a case of misguided chutzpah after all.
  • Anyone who has the chutzpah to try to write a book that spans the last two billion years of our history needs a lot of help. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • I particularly enjoyed Jagger's contribution, doing the voice almost as well as Phil Cornwell used to do it in Stella Street, although I should have thought a lyric interpreter like Jagger might have made a better fist of pronouncing the Yiddish word chutzpah. Tendulkar or Talksport: July's ultimate Test | Martin Kelner
  • The Government's chutzpah takes the breath away. Times, Sunday Times
  • What admirers say Messier's greatest asset is what's known in Hollywood as chutzpah.
  • But the verb kvell, which exactly expresses that emotion, is already (like other Yiddish loanwords, such as chutzpah, meshugga and nosh) to be found in the Supplement to the Oxford-English Dictionary. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XI No 3
  • It's there to grab people's attention with the sheer salty chutzpah of its breadlessness. In Palinode's Palace
  • Big, brash and full of chutzpah, this modern metropolis has a style and an ambience all of its own. Times, Sunday Times
  • Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Chutzpah in reciprocal space: Chutzpah in reciprocal space
  • The author may not have much of an argument, but you've got to admit he's got chutzpah.
  • Anyone who has the chutzpah to try to write a book that spans the last two billion years of our history needs a lot of help. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • Michele Bachman's failing attempt to pronounce the word "chutzpah" correctly last week was nothing short of ignorant. Rabbi Jason Miller: Michele Bachmann's Choot-spa Moment
  • The action keeps on coming, making up for some poor digital effects with good choreography and plenty of chutzpah.
  • Tempting though it may be to view the cozy quaintness of Ann and Abby through rose-tinted glasses, advice columnists have always been known for downright chutzpah.
  • Still, it takes chutzpah to present history on the box. Times, Sunday Times
  • I admire their audacity, but their chutzpah and sense of priorities scare me. Times, Sunday Times
  • It plays like a classic-era western, but one with added firepower and actorly chutzpah. Times, Sunday Times
  • It wins with a dominating defense and flawless special teams, timing and chutzpah.
  • Investors are not sure whether to be appalled by the questionable judgment or to admire his chutzpah in shrugging this off. Times, Sunday Times
  • The chutzpadik manner in which Google has gone about this is breathtaking, and indeed what they have done so far is, in my opinion, already infringing, that is the copying of the books even without making them available. B2fxxx
  • And people I trust tell me I practically invented the word "chutzpah. Dovid Efune: Israel Without Rupert Murdoch
  • Charmed by his chutzpah and mile-wide smile, she gave him her number.
  • But chutzpah seems to be an indispensable part of the country's diplomatic culture.
  • And this is the person who has the chutzpah to call bluebell an "asshole. Obama to Andrew Cuomo: Zing?
  • I give him five stars for sheer chutzpah. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though Santa Anna never again regained power, he was capable of one more massive act of chutzpah. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna (1794–1876): master of chutzpah
  • I always thought we had elected a chutzpadik head of state or should that be government. The Australian | News |
  • Ruby was so successful because she was brilliant, very hard working, and had a lot of chutzpah.
  • His conference speech last year was breathtaking in its chutzpah and ill-concealed ambition.
  • However, many Yiddish words have entered mainstream English, mainly, but not exclusively, in the United States - "shlep" (to carry or drag a load), "chutzpah" (audacity), "kvetch" (to whine, complain), "nebbish" (a simpleton, a weakling) being just a few. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • And people I trust tell me I practically invented the word chutzpah. Dovid Efune: Top 10 Non-Jews Positively Influencing The Jewish Future
  • But it takes genuine chutzpah to flog high-end handbags for as much as 18,000. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gaga's voice is solid and, when she played the piano and sang on Saturday Night Live, she gave off a whiff of Laura Nyro, another Italian-American singer-songwriter, one who had genuine talent but lacked the exhibitionistic chutzpah and media-manipulation skills that Gaga has. Marshall Fine: Annals of the Overrated: Lady Gaga and The Tree of Life
  • It was hard not to admire his chutzpah. KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
  • It wins with a dominating defense and flawless special teams, timing and chutzpah.
  • The idea of healing and transformation is entering the American vocabulary and will, we believe, eventually become part of the American dictionary, as frequently used as words like tsuris and chutzpah.
  • The Chutzpah Coalition lawyer, Jim Jochum of Jochum, Shore & Trossevim had the lack of insight to say that. Leo W. Gerard: Chutzpah and cheaters partner to keep American tire workers unemployed
  • There is an old story used to illustrate the meaning of the Yiddish word chutzpah (roughly translated as "nerve" or "gall"): A man kills his parents, and then throws himself on the mercy of the court as an orphan. Mitchell Bard: McCain's Claims of "Change" in His Acceptance Speech Are New Standard for Chutzpah
  • It takes some chutzpah to sue your bosses for that, no? Times, Sunday Times
  • She laughs, radiant in her self-satisfaction, shielded by a hard hide and chutzpa from charges of vulgarity, greed or egomania.
  • Teenage girls have passione and verve and the chutzpah to do anything and wear anything they want.
  • It takes a lot of chutzpah to denounce the unhealthy influence of campaign contributions at the exact moment you are eviscerating the spirit of our campaign laws.
  • It took a lot of chutzpah to quit your job like that.
  • What a hat full of horsefeathers; what a hoary hunk of chutzpah; what a grotesque, galloping glob of gall this guy is!
  • What a hat full of horsefeathers; what a hoary hunk of chutzpah; what a grotesque, galloping glob of gall this guy is!
  • But the thing that really bugs me about Cheney's quote (again, he said, regarding torture, that: "The fact of the matter is the Justice Department reviewed all those allegations several years ago.") is that in using the Justice Department as justification, he brings to mind the old story used to define the Yiddish word chutzpah: Someone who kills his parents and then throws himself on the mercy of the court as an orphan. Mitchell Bard: Hypocrisy Alert: Cheney Relies on the Objectivity of the Justice Department to Defend Torture
  • This intellectual curiosity and literary chutzpah is impressive. Times, Sunday Times
  • It takes enormous chutzpah to write, direct and mount your own show, and to do such a thing at the age of 14 is no small feat.
  • The Cynical Dragon calls it 'chutzpah'; I'd just call it 'waffle'. Archive 2008-08-01
  • To get onstage, all you needed was chutzpah and moxie.
  • If there is one person I admire and love for chutzpah, her sex appeal is Kumar the Cross Dresser ..there is none like her , and I dont even know how to contact her ...,this is Kumar the make up artist with his sister ..and me definitely not her brother ha ha ha ha ha Archive 2009-08-01
  • Both play with expression, chutzpah, cleverness and subtlety and do so unchangingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has some merit as a display of chutzpah, but that is it.
  • It is so outrageous that one has to admire his chutzpah. Times, Sunday Times
  • Money, clout, and chutzpah are still the most securely qualified institutions of authority.
  • Their sheer chutzpah turned what should have been a local story into an international media phenomenon - and sparked a Hollywood film starring the cream of British luvviedom.
  • The Byre Theatre returned with a proposal to demolish the building and start again and was awarded £3.4m for its chutzpah.
  • His was a lifetime spent on the borderline between chutzpah and hubris.
  • Yet to place oneself in the same sentence as two literary giants requires a certain chutzpah. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea, communicated in these ads, that America is no place for a proper Jew, and that a Jew who is concerned about the Jewish future should live in Israel, is archaic, and also chutzpadik, if you don't mind me resorting to the vernacular," Mr. Goldberg said. NYT > Global Home
  • Indeed no party has the kind of rumbustious everyman with the chutzpah to carry it off. Eye on Britain
  • I wrote earlier this month that McCain's claims of being an agent of change, when he was at the heart of everything that needed changing, was the ultimate example of the Yiddish word chutzpah (nerve). Mitchell Bard: It's Time for the "Deregulators" Like McCain to Step Aside and Shut Up

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