How To Use churchyard In A Sentence
- The Corbridge pele, built of reused Roman stonework, lies on the edge of the churchyard and was the vicar's house.
- “Prospered, quotha!” said the mercer; “why, you remember Cumnor Place, the old mansion-house beside the churchyard?” Kenilworth
- Today, on the Sunday closest to what used to be called Armistice Day, thousands will gather around war memorials, in country churchyards and civic centres to remember the dead of armed conflicts since 1914.
- These latter included wills, churches and churchyards, religious obligations, tithes, marriage, slander, and sorcery.
- In recent decades, the Severn has been steadily undercutting the riverside churchyard at Newnham.
- A few more yards due south of that, hard by the western approach to the Limehouse Link, there's a little park, perhaps an ex-churchyard to go with the ex-rectory.
- My photo below shows the rebuilt anchorage on the east wall in the peaceful churchyard surrounded by the bustle of the city centre.
- From its famous open pulpit in the old hospital churchyard many an inflammatory sermon had been preached. THE HERBALIST: Nicholas Culpeper Rebel Physician
- In daily use for more than 300 years, the landmark rises from the churchyard in Allouville-Bellefosse.
- This ended the controversy and at last the Sutton villagers were able to be buried in their own churchyard.