How To Use Churchman In A Sentence

  • We may be different branches of the seven golden candlesticks, varying and diversified in outward form and workmanship; but let us combine in "showing forth the praises of Him" who recognizes, as the one true "churchmanship," fidelity in shining for His glory "as lights in the world. The Mind of Jesus
  • I suppose I do miss my life as a senior churchman, but not very often. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The flip-top packet in common use today was invented in America in the 1920s, but, oddly enough didn't make it across the Atlantic until the late 1950s, when Churchman's No.1 cigarettes were the first to feature the new-style packet.
  • : One of the more confounding aspects to the current crisis is the repeating confusion of traditional terms of "churchmanship" for the current divisions of theology. Stand Firm
  • As churchman, he upheld ecclesiastical discipline in Italy and Dalmatia, maintained authority in the vicariate of Illyricum, restructured the dioceses of his dwindling patriarchate, and laboured to convert Jews and pagan rustics.
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  • We had previously travelled with a different kind of churchman, to whom we were especially commended - Harrison, Mrs. Burton, 1843-1920. Recollections Grave and Gay
  • Or perhaps the remark was a mere evasion, a way of saying politely to a prominent churchman that Africans desperately need to end the culture of impunity.
  • churchmanship" was pretty much what I imbibed from the people around me. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • This massive biography describes the rise to power of the last great English churchman to preside over the King's government.
  • Daddy was a churchman whose churchmanship was recognized and honored by those who really knew him.
  • Alderman Constantine, a High Churchman, indignant at being passed over by a junior in the contest for the mayoralty, brought the matter before the Council Board, and produced an old by-law by which aldermen, according to their ancientry, were required to keep their mayoralty. The Journal to Stella
  • He was a high churchman for whom the sacrament of holy communion was the supreme moment of worship.
  • The churchman is the only true and final judge on his own doctrine, and we neither know nor care to know the facts; but we are as good judges as he of the feeling, and we are at full liberty to feel that such a Last Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres
  • Churchmanship only wondered contemptuously at Dissent as a foolish habit that clung greatly to families in the grocery and chandlering lines, though not incompatible with prosperous wholesale dealing. George Eliot; a Critical Study of Her Life, Writings & Philosophy
  • The Commons has voted by 321 to 204 to allow licensed fox hunting in England and Wales, provided that the fox is witnessed at all times by a Protestant and a Catholic churchman.
  • The son of strict Plymouth Brethren, he was most perceptive, able to discern the salient points of lectures in his concise notes, written on the back of a Churchman's cigarette packet.
  • She established a chapel and school for the slaves, and her account of the success of her plans gained her the title of "Filia Ecclesiae" from the "Churchman. Southern Literature From 1579-1895 A comprehensive review, with copious extracts and criticisms for the use of schools and the general reader
  • A lifelong churchman, Bishop Timothy decided at the age of 12 that he wanted to become a priest, and he always loved poetry and writing verse.
  • He slung it out in vigorous quotations from his pulpit, point blank at the unreality, and formalism, and pharisaism, and love of this present evil world, which too often underlies the most precise "churchmanship" and the most punctual church-going. To My Younger Brethren Chapters on Pastoral Life and Work
  • That's a very irresponsible attitude for a senior churchman to adopt! ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • I'm not a churchman any more, your Grace, so I don't automatically obey those who outrank me now. THE TREASURED ONE
  • They would say that being an archpriest of a major basilica is an important job, you need a senior churchman to do it.
  • He was an early Christian Churchman who reportedly helped young lovers.
  • I suppose I do miss my life as a senior churchman, but not very often. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • A worthy churchman more addicted to hunting than to academics.
  • As for our Mr Westray, your Mr Westray, I should say now, "and she assumed that expression of archness which is considered appropriate to such occasions," I am sure he is a sound Churchman. The Nebuly Coat
  • _false doctrine, heresy and schism_: false doctrine is the thought; heresy, the plan; and schism, the action -- of a Churchman against the The Prayer Book Explained
  • They would say that being an archpriest of a major basilica is an important job, you need a senior churchman to do it.
  • He was a high churchman for whom the sacrament of holy communion was the supreme moment of worship.
  • Good night to you, Sir Churchman; I'm in nae swither whether I would change places wi 'ye the night, but weemen are daft craturs, poor things, and I've had my day. The McBrides A Romance of Arran
  • The league at Florence had suggested getting a priest to attack Galileo but was reprimanded by a churchman, perhaps the Archbishop of Florence, at whose home they had met.
  • In churchmanship he moved in the early 1840s from less than wholehearted defence of civil establishments of religion to vehement voluntaryism and opposition to state aid to all churches.
  • He withstood the intrusion upon the Honiton corporation by the high churchman Sir Thomas Putt.
  • Burnett to restrain the roving eyes of the congregation and make gallants better attend to their devotions; all these, in addition to the memorial slabs and tablets, and weeping angels over cinereal urns, tend to give the church that air of ugliness and comfort which the modern churchman detests. She and I, Volume 1
  • St. Ignatius was the first churchman to talk about the church's role in marriage (and he did so in a couple of passing comments). Douglas Kmiec comes out against Proposition 8...
  • I'm not a churchman any more, your Grace, so I don't automatically obey those who outrank me now. THE TREASURED ONE
  • For that kind of churchman, conventionally engineered progress is just a matter of time. Cloudy Outlook
  • A great churchman, Hincmar, Archbishop of Rheims, was the deviser of the new arrangement.
  • Rev. John Kao received Senior Churchman Award from Centre for Mentorship and Theological Reflection.
  • But they knew well, that the churchman was a far cunninger, as well as a more learned, man than themselves. Hereward, the Last of the English
  • A 9th century churchman called Rimbert - later archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen – was planning to leave on a missionary journey to the northern reaches of Scandinavia. August 4th, 2009
  • That's a very irresponsible attitude for a senior churchman to adopt! ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Certes, we can say none otherwise than that the king's magnificence was a virtue, whilst that of the churchman was a miracle, inasmuch as the clergy are all exceeding niggardly, nay, far more so than women, and sworn enemies of all manner of liberality; and albeit all men naturally hunger after vengeance for affronts received, we see churchmen, for all they preach patience and especially commend the remission of offences, pursue it more eagerly than other folk. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • This performance he called a mortification of his frame; but when this sly churchman slipped up and put on his capote again, his thin visage bore the same gratified lines which may be seen on the face of a child making mud pies. Old Kaskaskia
  • They are ail regarded with the barely tolérant air of the "churchman" of ail âges. De la philosophie de la nature
  • Protestantism sat at ease, unmindful of schisms, careless of proselytism: Dissent was an inheritance along with a superior pew and a business connection; and Churchmanship only wondered contemptuously at Dissent as a foolish habit that clung greatly to families in the grocery and chandlering lines, though not incompatible with prosperous wholesale dealing. XII. Mr. and Mrs. Glegg at Home. Book I—Boy and Girl
  • But as Tutu defied his years to dance with the Soweto Gospel Choir, half an hour's drive away, another churchman had just completed a month-long hunger strike. Desmond Tutu's dreams for Cape Town fade as informal apartheid grips the city
  • Moreover, one can raise no objection when a churchman expresses his concern regarding the material well-being of families and suggests that morally licit methods of improving it should be pursued.
  • That famous churchman Arnold of Rugby put a stamp upon independent education which helped to produce this consequence.
  • As a churchman, he was accused of meddling in politics.
  • In support of the latter, he quotes Richard Hooker -- no radical, but a "profoundly traditional" churchman: "Where the lawe doth give dominion, who doubteth that the King who receiveth it is under the lawe? OpEdNews - OpEdNews.Com Progressive, Tough Liberal News and Opinion

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