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Church of Ireland

  1. autonomous branch of the Church of England in Ireland

How To Use Church of Ireland In A Sentence

  • The census also noted a reverse in the long-term decline in the Church of Ireland, Presbyterian and Methodist faiths, with sizeable increases witnesses across the board.
  • The first major policy he introduced, in 1869, was the Irish Church Act, which disestablished and disendowed the Church of Ireland.
  • When the Church of Ireland was disestablished in 1870, the Cathedral Chapter found itself totally disendowed and without funds.
  • The chapter on his grandfather is a delight; he was a Church of Ireland canon, who believed not only in a God of love but a God of anger and was also a regular correspondent to the Irish Times, and a voluminous diarist.
  • Lord Stanhope, in his "History of England from the Peace of Utrecht," writes as if the Irish clergymen -- the clergymen, that is, of the Established Church of Ireland -- might have accomplished wonders in the way of converting the Irish peasantry to Protestantism if they only could have preached and controverted in the Irish language. A History of the Four Georges, Volume II (of 4)
  • DMus: In recognition of his contribution to the Church of Ireland and bringing church music to the forefront of community life in Northern Ireland. Archbishop of Canterbury awards Lambeth Degrees
  • Open to all parishioners, this annual meeting is the local level of the exercise of synodical government within the Church of Ireland.
  • Ensuring that Father's Day wasn't purely a male celebration, three women were also ordained deacons by the Church of Ireland.
  • Local Gardaí received a complaint from the local Church of Ireland rector on February 6 that many graves had been damaged by what appeared to be a mechanical digger.
  • The Liberal government sought to suppress some of the bishoprics of the Church of Ireland to divert the money derived from these sees elsewhere.
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