How To Use Church member In A Sentence
Across the Western world, church membership has hit an all-time low over the past 10 years.
Many churches and church members have succumbed to one of these scams.
Christianity Today
On the other hand, every pastor affirmed that if church members or new recruits are known to have AIDS they will be supported and treated well within the church.
Until church members complete a sewer system, they have been forbidden to use their newly hewn bomb shelters.
About 100 church members joined the bishop of Mississippi here for about an hour-long service here.
Excommunication also remained out of the question because much of the Church membership stood in awe of these exploits.
What precisely does make church members feel their pastor is accessible?
Christianity Today
So they asked for and expected handouts from their fellow church members.
Christianity Today
The New York law confers a right of inspection only on persons who have been church members for the six months preceding their request for inspection.
Christianity Today
For two months church members fed people porridge and noodles twice a day and made up makeshift beds from the pews.
Times, Sunday Times
What precisely does make church members feel their pastor is accessible?
Christianity Today
For two months church members fed people porridge and noodles twice a day and made up makeshift beds from the pews.
Times, Sunday Times
So they asked for and expected handouts from their fellow church members.
Christianity Today
Rare, indeed, is the Harlem citizen, from the most circumspect church member to the most shiftless adolescent, who does not have a long tale to tell of police incompetence, injustice, or brutality.
We encourage church members to participate the bible study, praying and love feast on Friday night.
Now the church members, and Mpani's co-treasurer, Zameka Dikeni, say that the priest paid for the lavish wedding party and lobola out of church funds.
Temples are closed on Sundays and open only to church members considered worthy - a designation achieved through tithe paying and a faithful adherence to the standards of conduct expected by the church.
He had no need of letters of recommendation - church members with radically changed lives were his testimonial.
For two months church members fed people porridge and noodles twice a day and made up makeshift beds from the pews.
Times, Sunday Times
So he threw open the gates and welcomed all baptized persons into full church membership.
To abandon covenant church membership is to lose an opportunity to shepherd souls.
Christianity Today
Contact the following government authorities, and request the funds from Pastor Bike's bank account be returned immediately and the persecution of house church members cease.
They were avid square-dancers, often do-si-doing with fellow church members.
As Ahlstrom observed, religious vitality was marked not merely by increasing attendance, but by the institutional commitment embodied in church membership that burgeoned from 49 percent of the adult population in 1940 to 69 percent in 1960.
American Grace
Of critical importance, Du Bois wrote, is his financial success, his efforts to increase church membership, and his personal popularity.
American Grace
When it came time to add a garage to the tiny manse, Art, who at that time was not a church member, although later he and Nathalie joined, offered to build it and to teach me how - and we did it together.
If you are a church member, how do you know that your tithes and offerings are being used wisely?
I like to hire good Church members, but sometimes they backslide.
I'm not an older lady (34) and so my butt is not sagging yet, but these pants emphasized the roundness and fullness of my posterior; something that only my husband should know about, and not the church members standing behind me!
Home Living
What precisely does make church members feel their pastor is accessible?
Christianity Today
Neither preachers nor church members should be ashamed of God's sovereign purpose.
The church insurance policy contained an endorsement extending coverage to church members.
Christianity Today
Gao told one church member who had been detained in a raid. "But I warn you that if you are too timid to confront their barbaric behavior, you will be completely defeated.
Here is the stuff of revivalism, holiness movements, tight church membership requirements and, taken to extremes, exclusive cults.
Huszagh is among church members advocating the reinstitution of women deaconesses in Orthodoxy.
What do older ministers and church members need to be reminded of?
Christianity Today
Temples are closed on Sundays and open only to church members considered worthy — a designation achieved through tithe paying and a faithful adherence to the standards of conduct expected by the church.
Mormon church marks global growth, new temples
Between 1765 and 1774, these early Virginia Baptists made active church members out of numerous unchurched people, something that the Anglican establishment had failed to do.
These tactics resulted in massive declines in church memberships and dramatic increases in atheists and non-believers.
The New York law confers a right of inspection only on persons who have been church members for the six months preceding their request for inspection.
Christianity Today
It did not require baptism by immersion as a prerequisite for church membership.
You haue so tentered the king's qualliffications as in making him only who paieth ten shillings to a single rate to be of competent estate, that when the king shall be enformed, as the trueth is, that not one church member in an hundred payes so much & yt in a toune of an hundred inhabitants, scarse three such men are to be found, wee feare that the king will rather finde himself deluded than satisfied by your late act.
The Land We Live In The Story of Our Country
Reflecting the general demography of African Americans at that time, women comprised the majority of the church membership from the beginning.
This morning, church members will begin what they call a rededication and reconsecration.
CNN Transcript Aug 3, 2008
More than three times as much was gathered as the campaign cost, and pastors and church members everywhere testified that the meetings were resultful in spiritual uplift and blessing, as well as in stimulating interest and greatly increased gifts.
The American Missionary — Volume 50, No. 05, May, 1896
On the one hand we have a motley crue of Railstone fanatics who attempt to get the tomb opened; on the other hand we have the guardians of the vault, local church members who are opposed to this very idea as well as councillors who are planning a new water reservoir at the very spot.
WITCHFINDER: MARK OF THE BEAST by Brian Ball (Mayflower 1976)
I like to hire good Church members, but sometimes they backslide.
The Beachy Head chaplaincy team, made up of local church members, patrols the cliff area and operates an on-call rota to offer counselling. - Frontpage RSS Feed
Many churches and church members have succumbed to one of these scams.
Christianity Today
The church insurance policy contained an endorsement extending coverage to church members.
Christianity Today
They really seem to understand that you would think differently from a typical church member.
The church insurance policy contained an endorsement extending coverage to church members.
Christianity Today
Church members are more aware of volunteer opportunities, and vacant positions are being filled.
A church member once accused me of bibliolatry.
Therefore, to church members the Book of Mormon is not fiction, not pseudepigrapha, not literary embellishment, not a parable or an allegory, but a book about real people who lived in ancient times.
If you are a church member, how do you know that your tithes and offerings are being used wisely?
committed church members
A middle-aged woman in a red suit adorned with a plastic button proclaiming “Jesus Loves Me!” offers a twenty-page service bulletin with a glossy purple and gold cover, and greets her fellow church members with a shouted “Welcome!” as she sways and claps to the music.
American Grace
The new charismatic fellowships have warm fellowship and regenerate church membership.
One of our church member's ex-husband recently died.
His strategy was to mobilize church members by distributing circulars at mass.
Methodist minister the Rev Ruth Parry said church members were elated that the planning wrangle, which had been rumbling on for many years, was finally over.
This phase of religious intensification began in the late 1950s and early 1960s when church membership began to grow across all denominations.
Therefore the pope suggested the ancestor place church member committee prepares the world youth date activity.
Of critical importance, Du Bois wrote, is his financial success, his efforts to increase church membership, and his personal popularity.
American Grace
The New York law confers a right of inspection only on persons who have been church members for the six months preceding their request for inspection.
Christianity Today
At least this interpretation was how several pastors and ordinary church members understood the situation.
True sanctity serves as a goad and a promise, but is not a requirement for church membership.
It exploits the good intentions and generosity of Church members whose Sunday offerings are used in this selfish and disproportionate way.
What do older ministers and church members need to be reminded of?
Christianity Today
During his time there the church membership grew from thirty-eight to well over a hundred.
Many church members have photographic equipment to take pictures and shoot video.
Next hour, church members will begin what they call a rededication and reconsecration.
CNN Transcript Aug 3, 2008
But though he's a church member and what they call a philanthropist, I hardly thought he'd stoop to hirin 'this done.
Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise, Volume I
They view the minority who are still church members as hypocrites or antiquarian oddities; or misguided worshippers of an illusion.
Proponents say the program can directly involve middle-class church members in the lives and struggles of the poor.
The Estonian Evangelical Christians Free Church did not require baptism by immersion as a prerequisite for church membership.
Owing to the loss of the church records for some years after 1698, Mr. Burleigh is unable to trace when this James Cook left Ednam to “better himself,” but he would take with him a “testificate of church membership” which might possibly, but not probably, still exist.
The Life of Captain James Cook
Given that the church was a state church, the view was that one could not make a purely religious act such as baptism a requirement for church membership.
I like to hire good Church members, but sometimes they backslide.
We have had only one complaint about the letter, and that was not from a church member but from a relative.
In the face of voluntary church membership, ministers engineered revivals to recruit congregants.
Just a few days ago, he didn't offer a ride to a teenage church member who missed his school bus.
Gao told one church member who had been detained in a raid. "But I warn you that if you are too timid to confront their barbaric behavior, you will be completely defeated.
The church members co-opted individuals from similar backgrounds to replenish the congregation
Most pastors provide counseling to church members as well as persons having no direct connection with the church.
Christianity Today
For two months church members fed people porridge and noodles twice a day and made up makeshift beds from the pews.
Times, Sunday Times