How To Use Chump In A Sentence

  • I am inclined to think, old boy, that there is a good deal of what they call the chump about me. Old Ebenezer
  • And in a way I want to make my language as mimetic as possible, as sensual as possible, so that you can feel the treetops, taste the lamb chump chops, and hear the wind and the sound of the surf beating on the beach.
  • Pluralists have even tried to adapt Schumpeter's account, but have neglected his strong elitist account of input politics.
  • The limitations of party competition Schumpeter's redefinition of democracy as a method has been extremely influential.
  • BROWN: That's Hank Paulson's deputy there being called a chump by a member of Congress. CNN Transcript Nov 14, 2008
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  • But why do successful people allow voyeurs to poke around their personal lives in the certain knowledge that they will end up looking chumps?
  • There were so many loopholes and shelters that only the chumps got that big of a bite taken out of their pockets - hench the alternative minimum tax was created. Matthew Yglesias » The Case for More Tax Brackets
  • The sea cows went on schlooping and grazing, and chumping in the weed and Kotick asked them questions in every language that he had picked up in his travels; and the Sea People talk nearly as many languages as human beings. The Jungle Book.
  • Here, Schumpeter provides a brilliant and pertinent explanation of the mechanism whereby non-banks can become creators of ‘circulating medium’ and credit.
  • It is then that, stripped for a brief moment of our armour of complacency and self-esteem, we see ourselves as we are -- frightful chumps in a world where nothing goes right; a grey world in which, hoping to click, we merely get the raspberry; where, animated by the best intentions, we nevertheless succeed in perpetrating the scaliest bloomers and landing our loved ones neck-deep in the gumbo. Jill the Reckless
  • The attention to culinary detail has already won the head chef national renown for a menu which includes chump of lamb with fondant potato, wild mushrooms and lentil jus, and vegetarian polenta, mushroom and artichoke ragout.
  • The concept was revived in the early 20th century by economists Joseph Schumpeter and Frank Knight.
  • For the _cordon-bleu_ hoped that the lion would exhibit disapproval of the paint and powder by chumping off the offending head, and that would have been frightfully thrilling. Our Stage and Its Critics By "E.F.S." of "The Westminster Gazette"
  • Chump: To chew or make a chewing movement.
  • Among the English classics will be steak and kidney pudding, lamb chump chops, topside of beef, bangers and mash, and fish, chips and peas.
  • But as the Times reports today, the silly chumps now realise this might not have been too clever.
  • The average guy who buys a mutual fund is not an investor at all; he's a chump, a patsy, a schmuck.
  • Well! I guess I'll turn in and get to sleep before those fool engines start chump-chumping under my pillow. The Shadow of the East
  • We all know that sort of transaction: the squabbling, and gobbling, and popping of champagne; the smell of musk and lobster-salad; the dowagers chumping away at plates of raised pie; the young lassies nibbling at little titbits, which the dexterous young gentlemen procure. Mrs. Perkins's Ball
  • The chump of lamb and Scottish sirloin are commendable, and there is a wide range of vegetarian options.
  • But in the eyes of the media anyway, they are either champs or chumps, depending on their current performance.
  • Among the English classics will be steak and kidney pudding, lamb chump chops, topside of beef, bangers and mash, and fish, chips and peas.
  • Sometimes I feel like a chump driving a car, especially in a big city with decent public transport.
  • Caz grinded across the whole wall and ollied into the bank, nailing a photo chump in the process.
  • After a family feud led him to sacrifice his brother Chumpol as education minister in 1998, Banharn ran the portfolio through a proxy.
  • a chump of the evums, upshoot of picnic or stupor out of sopor, Cave of Kids or Hyma-nian Glattstoneburg, denary, danery, donnery, Finnegans Wake
  • ‘Hey,’ they hiss at us now, ‘I got mine, you get yours - adios chump.’
  • Chump, deceased, in amorous mood, had praised her management of the fan once, when breath was in him: "'Martha,' says he, winkin 'a sort of' mavourneen 'at me, ye know --' Martha! with a fan in your hand, if ye're not a black-eyed beauty of a Spaniard, ye little devil of Seville! 'says he. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • How the hell did this chump ever make it as an actor?
  • One consequence Schumpeter foresaw is that most people would just grow tired of the ideological facade that every individual can make it to the top. Matthew Yglesias » An Influential Idea I Didn’t Get in a Book
  • I thought the karma he got by repeatedly getting chumped off by Obama, was deliciously deserved for the disdain he held for Bush; who always seemed to hold our allies with great respect. On being called a bigot and/or racist
  • Chump, deceased, in amorous mood, had praised her management of the fan once, when breath was in him: "'Martha," says he, winkin 'a sort of' mavourneen 'at me, ye know --' Martha! with a fan in your hand, if ye're not a black-eyed beauty of a Spaniard, ye little devil of Seville! 'says he. Sandra Belloni — Volume 3
  • Thanks for your loyalty and hard work - adios chumps.
  • It's left mostly to the actors to bring the premise to life, recreating the piffling small talk, self-congratulation and unease that are the chump change of real-life social intercourse.
  • Add the remaining olive oil to the tin and then add the lamb chumps.
  • Being the poor chump who now lives in their former premises, I suspect that this won't be the last I hear of all this.
  • So too was a chunky lamb chump chop with flageolet beans, skins still intact, but gloriously floury within, all mixed up with creamy goats' cheese and surrounded by rich brown rosemary gravy.
  • The price of prenatal care, information, and support is chump change compared to the potential cost of not offering it (in a too-common scenario: a preterm birth that could have been prevented with earlier, routine care delivers a tiny, critically ill premie requiring months of NICU care, followed by a lifetime of care for any disabilities or chronic health problems caused by that too-early birth). Heidi Murkoff: Begin Health Care Before the Beginning
  • Instantly all were chumping almonds, and the icy atmosphere thawed into summer. The Jolliest School of All
  • It has happened in spades on the Baja and Yucatan peninsulas where foreigners, mostly Americans, have bragged publicly about acquiring beach front properties in places like Tulum and Ensenada for what they considered chump change forcing the locals into federal housing or dismal swamps or the barest of hillside ghettos while inducing a backbreaking increase in their cost of living. Safety in lakeside
  • This is a bold and dynamic role Kaufman has written for himself: the hero as chump, and chump as hero, hunched miserably over his typewriter.
  • Place each chump, skin-side down and roast for 10-12 minutes until just tender but still slightly pink in the middle.
  • I was actually called a chump for becoming a department chair. Archive 2008-07-01
  • In two starts, this seventh-rounder from UCLA has recorded ten tackles, three INTs, one fumble recover, three special teams tackles and three passes defended (they called it "defensed" but that ain't fucking English, chumps). I Dislike Your Favorite Team
  • That's why the killer bounce-and-rebound in Mario is a thousand times more satisfying than bottom-stomping baddies in a dozen other platformers, and why slicing enemies into chunks in Ninja Gaiden, screaming down out of the sky, dragon sword glinting in the neon and cherry blossom, is just more effective and exhilarating than chopping up chumps in other fighting games. Eurogamer
  • Pluralists have even tried to adapt Schumpeter's account, but have neglected his strong elitist account of input politics.
  • Joseph Schumpeter was an obsessive scholar who spent his spare moments riding thoroughbreds, collecting mistresses and, on the odd occasion, taking part in orgies.
  • Schumpeter derived from this analysis a lasting bias in favor of big business.
  • What's remarkable is that I had colleagues that actually characterized this chump as a ‘scientist’.
  • Without luck, even the most prepared, determined and talented athlete threatens to become something for which only boxers have, thus far, coined a phrase: a champ in the gym, a chump in the ring.
  • Ward grunted a word that sounded like "dam-chump. The Ranch at the Wolverine
  • Among the English classics will be steak and kidney pudding, lamb chump chops, topside of beef, bangers and mash, and fish, chips and peas.
  • William says that Charles says he only made a noise like this "-- there was a faint sound of small chumping teeth:" And he's the man that's staying at the Inn, and the stairs were too narrow to carry him up, William says; and if his knee was put out he won't be able to walk without a stick for a long time. The Patrician
  • If you choose to read this replacing the word chump with that word, then you are of course free to do so, but be warned - you may offend yourself. The Guardian World News
  • But he made it sound like I'm just some chump who doesn't know how to play.
  • I see see friends sipping on some Manischewitz wine, chumping down some apples and honey, while watching a glowing matzoh ball travel down a pole in Times Square. Jon Chattman: Live from New York, It's L'Shanah Tova
  • Schumpeter predicted that as capitalist economies evolved, innovation would become routinized in large organizations, obviating the need for individual entrepreneurs.
  • He brings in chump change bagging at a nearby store and to reduce costs he lives with his adult daughter. Forced Out-Stephen Frey « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • Because your blessed leaders have played your xenophobia like a xylophone, your cheap flaghumping nationism like the banjo you play before the barndance at your family renuion, and you for total chumps. Think Progress » 26.
  • I just do not understand how you can defen Obama against so called racial insensitivity from dumpsters when it was Biden being chumped. "I don’t know whether it was an attempt to diminish what I had done in '88, or to say Barack is all style and no substance."
  • In other words, so much more wealth shot upward in the last twenty years that $100 millionnow isalmost viewed aschump changein comparisonto the new top gains. OpEdNews - Diary: The Widening Gap In America's Two Tiered Society
  • Roast chump of Cumbrian Fellbred Lamb is served sliced on pesto mash and a ratatouille jus.
  • Nowadays, even over-rated chumps are earning close to six figures every single week.
  • The real sex revolution is to have high standards and a mutual respect for the real folks in the Game and lets run out all the snitches, busters, chumps, suckers and lames who are ranking it. Cautionary Words from a Nevada brothel survivor::but still a sex worker activist « Bound, Not Gagged
  • There is a fine line between being Churchill and being a chump, and we'll let history decide who you are.
  • Anyone who plays along with her aggrievement is delusional or a chump. Maybe Palin doesn't mind being 'stalked' by McGinniss
  • This guy appears on BBC news and explains economics to chumps like you and me.
  • It is an unalterable truth of presidential politics that the story line is never fixed and yesterday's chump is often tomorrow's champion.
  • A founding editor who doesn't look around for good ideas to pinch is a chump, and there are familiar elements in both mags.
  • How about chump chops?” said the phrasemonger with an air of inspiration. The History of Mr. Polly
  • What makes this particularly sickening is the amount of money Juilliard needs to continue the program as it has been for some 20 years: $400,000, which is chump change in the philanthropical world. For Want of a Nail
  • He, meanwhile, conveys an unexpectedly dignified sobriety as the supposedly happily married chump with whom she fatally dallies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among the English classics will be steak and kidney pudding, lamb chump chops, topside of beef, bangers and mash, and fish, chips and peas.
  • Pareto's 1901 essay "The Rise and Fall of Elites," conveys two themes to which Schumpeter would return time and time again: the inevitability of elites, and the importance of nonrational and nonlogical drives in explaining social action. Jerry Muller on Schumpeter, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The authors would first like to thank Richard Swedberg, who provided the impulse to the present work, and continued to be a great source of inspiration on Schumpeter.
  • These employees (like "cosmopolis") --- who by just plain “bad luck of the draw” find themselves in this particular targeted civil service classifications --- have now been "politicized" by the Mayor in the campaign, and are now easily demonized in the public eye (as Chump Change comments would attest) as the Mayor and Council look to address very severe, real budget deficits over the next few years. City Light Employees Plan to Unionize « PubliCola
  • Pure competition, as Schumpeter sees it, exists only in open markets for fungible commodity products.
  • Just to make sure they knew he meant business the chump fired off a few rounds randomly to scare the shocked onlookers into submission.
  • Chump, deceased, in amorous mood, had praised her management of the fan once, when breath was in him: "'Martha,' says he, winkin 'a sort of' mavourneen 'at me, ye know --' Martha! with a fan in your hand, if ye're not a black-eyed beauty of a Spaniard, ye little devil of Sandra Belloni — Complete
  • The Big Man, although a bit miffed that I'd bagged the prawns, opted for roast fig and prosciutto salad with pecorino and mizuna, and then the chump of lamb with colcanon and thyme jus.
  • Romney was talking about "creative destruction," a term popularized by Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter to describe how economies evolve to replace old technologies and spur the creation of new ones. -- Top News
  • Some people might say Herman's a chump who deserves whatever ill treatment he gets, but he is clearly the more sympathetic figure in the film.
  • Imagine being the resident sex symbol of the street, and your only prospects are those chumps?
  • The more He gets chumped out saying, "That depends on what the definition of is is," the worse He looks. Networking Group Opposing FISA Cave On Obama's Web Site Grows And Grows
  • Actually Bruce it was two assertions that Peabrain got chumped for. Think Progress » President Bush is “ticked off big-time”
  • The average guy who buys a mutual fund is not an investor at all; he's a chump, a patsy, a schmuck.
  • Give everybody a present and drop this chump, all right?
  • Suffice it to say that all the Apple Crisp got served, I got fourteen votes for "Best Dessert" but got chumped by a guy who'd been coming for ten years with his very good Banana Pudding (he got 55 votes - twice as many as anyone else in the room), and I discovered that black people love Apple Crisp. Witness The Anal Retentiveness Of One Man!
  • And if the Democrats are bad at one thing, it's noticing that they're constantly getting chumped into fighting with the Republicans over Republican talking points. Here's The Final Breakdown On The House Iraq Vote
  • For lamb, try chump chops, shoulder, knuckle or neck; for pork, leg, belly, spare-rib chops or bacon knuckles are good.
  • She rounds off her perfect day by signing autographs for complete chumps who feel like they know her.
  • Insectoid ads infesting every surface of your life - and don't be a chump, start advertising yourself now using brain-boring hallucinations right now! get ahead of the curve! How Do You Get Your News? | Lifehacker Australia
  • Joseph Alois Schumpeter thought the innovation is not only the motive of the social economic development but also the source of economic period.
  • You were severely chumped, my friend, and you know it. A Note from Russ Buchanan to his Old Chum Max Baucus
  • Ugh. If the king hadn't left the sack of gold there, are we to think the peasant is a chump? No Good Deed
  • Even if he did fight chumps his whole career the knockout ratio is crazy high.
  • Of late he has been throwing hissy fits and chumping about the web declaring himself the heavyweight champion of all blogging and brilliance. Archive 2008-03-01
  • ‘Hey,’ they hiss at us now, ‘I got mine, you get yours - adios chump.’
  • You really think that these chumps can outdo me?
  • The sea cows went on schlooping and grazing and chumping in the weed, and Kotick asked them questions in every language that he had picked up in his travels; and the Sea People talk nearly as many languages as human beings. The Jungle Book
  • In Schumpeter's scheme therefore the self-destruction of capitalism as a system is inherent in its success.
  • All the characters are unflinchingly presented as if lit by fluorescents, which somehow suits the story's Manichean division of Sharks & Chumps.
  • Sounds impressive, until you realize that it simply means the worker's job is contingent on the daily mood of the big boss, who can dump them without reason or recourse: adios chump.
  • Stockbrokers, politicians and company chairmen hanker after retail investors for the same, simple reason: they think they are chumps.
  • American soldiers called the U.S. government “Uncle Chump from over the Hump” and referred to Chiang Kai-shek as “Chancre Jack.” The Last Empress
  • Because any compilation would show just how regularly you get chumped for weak assertions, distortions, and just plain lies. Think Progress » GM Hires Fox News Mouthpiece Sean Hannity As Spokesman
  • The waiters grab Styrofoam cups of water before setting off with the main course, braised chump of lamb.
  • Jenny Sanford is looking moire and more like a chump each day. Jenny Sanford on her husband: 'The ball is in his court'
  • The voices of early evening had settled down to one soothing hum whose deepest note was the steady chumping of the bullocks above their chopped straw, and whose highest was the tinkle of a Bengali dancing-girl's sitar. Kim
  • In Schumpeter's original explanation, entrepreneurship was seen as the motor of innovation.
  • I chumped out a bit and showed the kiddos a 20 minute movie about growing a flower. Fleur de Jelly Belly
  • Unfortunately, Charlie is an absolute chump who thinks giving asylum-seekers a lift from France is a reasonable way to make a buck.
  • An example: Write the word "chump" in cursive but leave the semicircle of the "p" open so it doesn't touch the p's tail. The Mind of a Master Brain Teaser
  • The attention to culinary detail has already won the head chef Tony Singh national renown for a menu which includes chump of lamb with fondant potato, wild mushrooms and lentil jus, and vegetarian polenta, mushroom and artichoke ragout.
  • Thus he learnt, that while Mr. Pole was advancing toward the three grouped ladies, on the day of Mr.. Chump's arrival, he called Arabella by name, and Arabella went forward alone, and was engaged in conversation by Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • It's left mostly to the actors to bring the premise to life, recreating the piffling small talk, self-congratulation and unease that are the chump change of real-life social intercourse.
  • Don't think you will get re-elected by voting present spineless commander in chump, Obummie Will Obama's war become his Vietnam?
  • Delicious too was a chunky lamb chump chop with flageolet beans, skins still intact, but gloriously floury within, all mixed up with creamy goats' cheese and surrounded by rich brown rosemary gravy.
  • Among the English classics will be steak and kidney pudding, lamb chump chops, topside of beef, bangers and mash, and fish, chips and peas.
  • Schumpeter baptized three of the four cycles by naming them after their discoverers.
  • What an argument -- whether a chump is a thug or not. Jerk of the Year (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • a chump of the evums, upshoot of picnic or stupor out of sopor, Cave of Kids or Hyma-nian Glattstoneburg, denary, danery, donnery, Finnegans Wake
  • All of that combined is what Microsoft's DC team calls chump-change -- they plunked down $8.8 million in 2006. Robert Schlesinger: Google v. Micrsosoft: The K Street Factor
  • But as years passed, ghouls like Tenner left me feeling chumped. Pondering Death Row
  • It is an unalterable truth of presidential politics that the story line is never fixed and yesterday's chump is often tomorrow's champion.

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