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How To Use Chronological In A Sentence

  • It is important not to confuse the sociological meaning of age with the notion of chronological age, the length of time a person has been alive. Sociology
  • Report provides a chronological account of Mexican military involvement in disbanding student protests in Mexico City during the week of July 29. Tlatelolco massacre - the secret archives
  • Conversely, the extrinsic properties of artifacts can provide chronological information that seriation cannot.
  • The poems come to us across a great chronological and cultural divide, and the reader is reminded of this fact by the occasional archaic word and by the unusual compounding, both of which impart a faintly disorienting tone.
  • Here is a rough chronological list of the members of the Dialectical school.
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  • Similarly, if we operate in reverse chronological order (i.e. from t=4 to t=1), the left shift will result in a multiplication by two.
  • Moore's approach is chronological with interpretation of important events and personalities based upon her study of the Zambelli records.
  • Much effort went into the establishment of regional chronological systems, and the description of the development of culture in each area.
  • He generally relates the story in chronological fashion, but, like many storytellers, he often stops to present tangential information about a new character or situation.
  • The remaining six groups clustered approximately in chronological order.
  • And third, the nature of the chronological and psychological passage from youth to adulthood has changed in extraordinary ways.
  • With longer, healthier life expectancy, a working life condition seems fairer than just using chronological age. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another important result of dendrochronological dating of large samples of subfossil wood is the ability to calculate the relative abundance of Siberian spruce in forest stands of the area, which is an index or proxy for the degree of continentality of the climate. Climate change and forest distribution in the Arctic
  • Add five years to your chronological age to see how your brain is ticking along. The Sun
  • The outfits for each show arrive packed in plastic and are usually arranged in chronological order on the rails.
  • order the photos chronologically
  • Penberthy's initial decision to put the poems in chronological sequence of composition established a solid reference point, a relatively easy plan to conceive and a very hard one to carry out.
  • The telexes and letters had been filed in chronological order. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • The events are presented in chronological order of occurrence.
  • The article describes the chronological sequence of events.
  • The loosely chronological but thematic hang is designed to emphasise the continuities and contiguities of the underlying concepts. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I said in response to the earlier question, we give our priority according to the chronological date on which the petitions were received, not the number of people who signed them.
  • It follows a chronological script, interspersing documentary footage with the acted narrative.
  • Mostly chronological, the action lurches suddenly forwards or backwards as the mood takes it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though the arrangement seems at first to be a chronological one, dating from the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s, the grouping is actually methodological.
  • All the current dendrochronological verification tests except the CE statistic are described in Fritts 1976, which uses the term Reduction of Error RE. Bürger and "Skill" « Climate Audit
  • What would it mean if there was a close matching between the dendrochronological work and the uncorrected temperature record? The Dendroclimatologists are Angry « Climate Audit
  • And this, which I call a geographical and a chronological account, is the only account we have. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 10 (of 12)
  • There's very little sense of time and continuity throughout the film, making for one that's a little confusing chronologically.
  • By comparing the texts chronologically and dialectally, the introduction and integration of words can be tracked. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Carefully annotated and extensively glossed, it has a chronological table of Ancient Iranian Rulers, a select bibliography, and an index running to 25 pages.
  • A4M believes that the disabilities associated with normal aging are caused by physiological dysfunction which in many cases is ameliorable to medical treatment, such that the human life span can be increased, and the quality of one's life improved as one grows chronologically older. - Articles related to TV food advertisements promote imbalanced diets
  • These and other insights into a distinguished writer 's life are reason enough to read this chronological autobiography. Times, Sunday Times
  • The reading age of prelingually deaf is sometimes below that of their chronological age. A Maiden's Grave
  • And a health age older than our chronological age also means we have a higher chance of dying too soon. The Sun
  • A 148-year dendrochronological sequence has been established from measuring tree rings, running from AD 425 to 573.
  • Typically, it is a Web site with frequent, dated entries listed in reverse chronological order.
  • But chronological posteriority is neither necessary nor sufficient for intellectual modernity. The Times Literary Supplement
  • McAdams's story proceeds mostly as a chronological narrative of events on the island, from the earliest planning of the facility to its eventual closure at the end of the war.
  • To get around the limits of the WordPress search functions, without replacing it with a search engine search form, the Search Everything WordPress Plugin expands the search results to include comments and Pages, though currently it also returns only chronological results, from most recent to oldest posts. Understanding and Fixing WordPress Search « Lorelle on WordPress
  • Carbon dating provides the archaeologist with a basic chronological framework.
  • Schoolcraft presented perhaps the earliest example of a dendrochronological approach to dating a set of garden beds for a site in the Grand River Valley of western Michigan.
  • Our aim was to study the chronological relationship between different tomb types in the region.
  • The spatial and chronological evolution of the Canary Islands' volcanism is due to eastward progression of the slow-moving African plate over a mantle plume.
  • It is now known that psychological age correlates more closely to biological age than chronological age.
  • The boomers can't put off for any longer the fact that - chronologically - they are approaching middle age.
  • Rogers adopts a strictly chronological approach, which makes his book an engaging, inviting read.
  • This, however, requires experience with dendrochronological samplings and chronology development. Another Inch at Sciencemag « Climate Audit
  • In chronological terms, Paviland is early in the European series of burials and is actually the earliest with a firm radiocarbon date measured directly on human bone.
  • We treat ‘breakfast’ as a relative rather than chronological term around here and apply it to the first meal of the day, whenever that might occur.
  • He establishes a traditional chronological framework, using life events and building projects to explore the nature of Corb's creative process.
  • The organization of Heyd's book blends both chronological and thematic approaches, with thematic mainsprings taking precedence.
  • Although it charts the development of ideas in Van Gogh's ouevre, the show is not organised strictly chronologically, but by theme.
  • Much more is also needed towards the building of a full chronological sequence of the main wares and vessel types.
  • Gifted children often achieve language competency at an earlier age than their chronological age-mates.
  • Lloyd Williams, who is curating the exhibition, added that the paintings, many of which represented women in the painter's life, would be arranged in chronological order.
  • Beyond its chronological breadth and the relative novelty of its subject, this book has much to recommend it.
  • Given the scientific and mathematical works of Descartes and Galileo, but no chronological information, one might suppose the authors were students of Oresme. March 25th, 2009
  • In most cases, the messages drop into destination mailboxes in chronological order.
  • Its narrative web is undercut by chronological and scenic disruptions and juxtapositions that deliberately frustrate any attempt to fix a unilinear sequence of events, a rigid structure that encloses the story like a frame around a landscape painting. The Story of an African Farm
  • Crikey has a wonderful cartoonist, and here is a chronological rundown of the toons enjoyed by subscribers in the daily email sealed sections from September 2001 to the present.
  • Using paleomagnetic and geochronological data from the drilled basalts, this project attempts to answer the question of whether the deep Hawaiian and Louisville mantle plumes, the two longest-lived primary hotspot systems in the Pacific, have moved in concert or independently. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Furthermore, a mostly chronological account, while sensible, sometimes works against dramatic storytelling.
  • However, all that is preceded by a chapter by the editor setting out chronologically the events of the cases.
  • By adopting relatively broad geographical and chronological frameworks, Dyer's book raises a number of issues that beg for further study.
  • The book's unchronological approach makes it complicated, but that does not matter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do they do it all at once, or in chronological order, or just as it seems to emerge?
  • His editing is edgy, often favoring jump cuts and non-chronological constructions of scenes, for example intercutting glimpses of a fight with the conversation that preceded it.
  • There are annotated cartularies where the various documents are arranged in chronological order for the reign of the abbot or prince during which the events took place. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Your biological age can be different from your chronological age.
  • Did you write it in chronological order, or did you keep shifting back and forth between the Korean War period in the early 1950s, New York in the 1980s, and China in the 1930s, as you do in the book? Chang-rae Lee - An interview with author
  • I wish the exhibition had been arranged chronologically instead of by theme ( "Landscape Painting as a Science" or "The Rhythm of the Working Hand"): It would have been thrilling to follow the transition from gorgeous anecdotalist to roughhewn mystic. Give a Painter His Due: Inness Deserves Top Honors
  • The exhibition is organized in chronological order based on the date of purchase for each item, in three aisles.
  • he is chronologically older
  • Much effort went into the establishment of regional chronological systems, and the description of the development of culture in each area.
  • You tape all Buffy episodes, then retape them so they're in chronological order. I want a doll, just so I can name it Miss Edith
  • Finally, employing this chronological and geographical framework, Mosk surveys Japan's modern industrial and urban history in general.
  • Our own geochronological studies suggest the infill is nearly 2 million years old. Early Homo erectus Tools in China
  • Carbon dating provides the archaeologist with a basic chronological framework.
  • Mostly chronological, the action lurches suddenly forwards or backwards as the mood takes it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The story is the chronological succession of events that serve as the foundation or the building blocks of the narrative.
  • We've found it less difficult to learn the chronological table of the Chinese dynasties in chronological order.
  • “Likewise, radiochemists could be entrained into pseudo-scientific debate because of all the massive and magnificent geochronological data that have been gathered over the last few decades.” MBH Responses to Barton Letters « Climate Audit
  • I have a chronological date, dating back 40 years ago, from the 1960s and 1970s, to when that party, in 1991 went through this thing and did nothing.
  • If possible, we will date calcites reflecting important tectonic activity by means of U-Th and/or U-Pb dating techniques in order to determine a geochronological evolution of the changing stress fields and the absolute timing of important fault activities. Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Seismological Studies Report 2
  • The paintings are exhibited in chronological sequence.
  • It seems premature, because the paedobaptism is not matching up chronologically with the faith of the believer, and the two are meant to correspond. The Scriptorium Daily: Middlebrow
  • Inflammation of bursae and thecae may be classified on a chronological basis with propriety because the duration of such affections, in many cases, materially modifies the result. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • This chronological gazetteer is divided by county and lists the 151 locations of the distinct forms of Morris dancing in the South Midlands before 1900, quoting sources from books, newspaper articles and unpublished diaries. Books -- Morris Dance, Gypsies
  • The same ranging of, or variability in, Piagetian developmental levels is found at any chronological age group.
  • We chose to do our dendrochronological work with pitch pine and Virginia pine to increase our chances of detecting site differences at the two slope positions.
  • Geochronological and geochemical data for the volcanic complex demonstrating Late Pleistocene eruptive activity were reported by Lohnert and Worner et al..
  • Growing old chronologically does not mean a person cannot engage in physical activities. Sociology
  • He follows the Prologue with a tale told backwards, in reverse chronological order.
  • Blackbird House is a chronological series of stories, all set in the same weatherboarded farmhouse on the Cape, built by a fisherman trying to escape the sea.
  • He traces the technological development of the fighter and its employment in combat, relying heavily on a chronological presentation of vignettes about famous aces and their machines.
  • Finally, one turned and Julian Keats found himself looking at letters, yellowing bundles of them, all in chronological order.
  • In other words, the Sapphic lyric refuses the chronological unfolding of time and instead endlessly repeats the activity of looking back to the past even as it predicts its own future rewriting.
  • To this end he drew up, in chronological order, a kind of catena of the historical texts on which the tradition rested. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • It's also a very cleverly put together compilation, sequencing the songs for maximum impact rather than chronological accuracy.
  • A chronological history is, however, difficult to present because of the lack of concern of the ancient Indians to chronology and historical perspective.
  • I observed that the septaria and larger masses of shale which the bed contains, bear, on roughly-polished surfaces, in the line of their larger axes, the mysterious groovings and scratchings of this period, -- marks which I have never yet known to fail in their chronological evidence. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • his chronological age was 71 years
  • Brian C. Denton, the chief public defender in Prince George's, said. the youth is chronologically, emotionally, developmentally, and neurologically a 14-year-old, with a 14-year old's lack of judgment and impulse control. 14-year-old to be tried as an adult
  • Sultex reports the L 5500's chronologically controlled, freely programmable starting mark preventer helps ensure faultless fabric quality.
  • The title of this improbable vade mecum — a sternly selective, mostly chronological survey of some two dozen canonical philosophers and their core precepts — is a fair question (even if bathetically asked). Cover to Cover
  • Here's the list I've come up with (in chronological order): Talk, talk talk, talk, talk...
  • The plot moves chronologically with no tricks of time or setting.
  • Carrow also suggests that, for children scoring below their chronological age equivalent, the separate subtests can provide useful qualitative information.
  • For purposes of simplicity and coherence, we tell this story as a chronological account constructed in terms of our toolkit ideas.
  • Subsidiarity does not imply the need to follow a chronological sequence in addressing a claim.
  • I said that that factor alone doomed the “science” of dendrochronological temperature reconstruction using the current methods. Ring Widths and Temperature #1 « Climate Audit
  • The proximity, both geographically and chronologically, of such similar structural arrangements is, clearly, very significant.
  • The chronological sequence gives the book an element of structure.
  • Remarkably DWJ06 make the same point: thus we have the remarkable situation of two dendrochronological studies published in the same week, making completely opposite claims about the correlation of bristlecones and foxtails to gridcell temperature. D'Arrigo et al. on Bristlecone Calibration « Climate Audit
  • The shape of the book and its unchronological approach make it complicated, but that does not matter. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the chronological sequence begins with David, himself an embodiment of contradictions—an ardent enemy of the ancienne régime who sided with the extremists and was imprisoned for his association with Robespierre during the Terror, he became, essentially, Napoleon's court painter. Drawn to Revolution
  • Matter and energy cannot precede themselves or preexist themselves either physically or chronologically. Spark: Atheist Morality | Mind on Fire
  • The classes used in seriation are chronological types, also called ‘historical’ or ‘temporal’ types.
  • Radiocarbon is the most widely used geochronological tool in the earth sciences for the late Quaternary the last 50,000 years. Deep-sea Corals May Be Oldest Living Marine Organism | Impact Lab
  • It is important not to confuse the sociological meaning of age with the notion of chronological age, the length of time a person has been alive. Sociology
  • This argument is pursued by many at large, as that which affordeth a great variety of historical and chronological observations; and it hath been so scanned and improved that nothing but the giving of it a new dress remains for present or future diligence. Pneumatologia
  • Picasa organises your photo collection in chronological order and then, from a single screen, provides easily browsable thumbnails of all your albums.
  • Yet can we really turn back time and be - not just look - younger than our chronological age? Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the relationship between cellular and organismic age is not well understood, chronological age is inversely correlated with telomere length in adults across all age groups.
  • She'll have friends of all ages, and most of them will forget what her chronological age is in the pleasure of contact with her. Get the Best out of the Rest of Your Life
  • As historians are apt to do, symphonic classical music is chronologically subdivided in an effort to differentiate the dominant style utilized at that time.
  • The twenty-five years 'bishopric is chronologically impossible, as it would make Peter, at the interview with Paul at Antioch, to have been then for some years bishop of Rome! Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Few, however, have linked dendrochronological methods to the archaeological record to document native impacts on pre-European settlement vegetation.
  • The show has been arranged in thematic clusters that are also loosely chronological. Times, Sunday Times
  • The second is an "encyclopaedic" register that presents, in chronological order, sixty projects made from 1988 to 2008: each work is described in profiles, images complementary to those seen in the first part, with a bibliography and reference texts. Dezeen
  • The broadly chronological approach reveals a number of stages in her development as an artist.
  • Here's a digest, in reverse chronological order, of some of the big stories I missed while on vacation during the last two weeks.
  • The narrative of the exhibition is broadly chronological, overlaid with a thematic approach.
  • In spite of that admonition, Fichman's book is not a conventional, chronological biography.
  • Little, a history professor, is good at chronological exposition and boasts a hefty bibliography.
  • The remaining imitations, &c., known to me I shall place roughly in chronological order, premising that I fear the list must be very incomplete, and that I have met with very few except in The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • There has never been a time more conscious of chronological age than our own.
  • The chronological sequence gives the book an element of structure.
  • The collection is organized sonically rather than chronologically, which makes for a more coherent listening experience, but kind of tells the story out of order as a result.
  • She could have delved deeper into Huxley's life and times, skipped some of the diary dates and jumped beyond the strictly chronological limits.
  • In my last year's paper I showed that chronologically the diagnosis of dyslalia mounted step by step from a material external affair, up through the nerves until we came to the basal ganglia. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • The organization of the volume is accordingly not thematic but, as far as possible, chronological, by the dates of the philosopher discussed.
  • The summer school lasted for a week, and this gave the foreign visitors a rare opportunity to see the whole of the Escorial systematically and in chronological order, which is not a feat that can be accomplished even in a single day. Archive 2009-05-01
  • A bad credit remortgage praiseworthily i pluralisation avarice the glottochronological resistor and for your wedge i polyglot obnoxiously of the radioactively ones. Rational Review
  • Each of these chapters has been designed and written as a specific entity following a ritual combining chronological and thematic approaches.
  • A chronological list allows cooperating alumni and faculty to peruse for friends and compadres in their era.
  • By and large, the album is ordered chronologically and, to an extent, along thematic lines: the property and homes, family pictures, and work scenes.
  • glottochronological studies
  • Entitled That's Life, the book has been written to no orthodox chronological order or set pattern.
  • Kala's book is not straight chronological biography.
  • The letters are presented in chronological order with accompanying annotations coming within endnotes.
  • The bulk of the former consists of a blow-by-blow account of every event and action in Mendelssohn's life and every one of his compositions, published and unpublished, life and works forming a continuous chronological sequence.
  • It is true that he recognizes the scene as an event in his life, and to this degree acknowledges the chronological link with his past self.
  • I am just trying to ascertain - you are advancing a sort of tight chronological argument based on dates.
  • postings on a blog are usually in chronological order
  • Age determination is an inexact science and the margin of error can sometimes be as much as 5 years either side. Assessments of age measure maturity, not chronological age.
  • Complete chronological list of 31 references in the Argus newspaper (Melbourne) to “Pavlova” or “pavlova” as the name for a “new season” color, together with all accompanying named colors or shades, 1926 – 28: The definitive Pavlova color spectrum
  • Events are covered chronologically and supplemented by clips from over 120 films, contemporary interviews, archival footage, and film out-takes.
  • Starting in 1993, the label plans to re-release all the Smiths albums on compact disc in chronological sequence.
  • They are neat, legible, easily handled and can be filed in chronological order. 2.
  • The sample is far too small to suggest that these data have a chronological significance, but the results are technologically significant.
  • Yet can we really turn back time and be - not just look - younger than our chronological age? Times, Sunday Times
  • Even in the private collections of the early centuries, in which the series of conciliary canons were merely brought together in more or less chronological order, a constant tendency towards unification is noticeable. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • The article describes the chronological sequence of events.
  • See how your heart is ageing compared with your chronological age at nhs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term baroque seems, however, most acceptable if we have in mind a general European movement whose conven - tions and literary style can be described concretely and whose chronological limits can be fixed narrowly, as from the last decades of the sixteenth century to the middle of the eighteenth century in a few countries. BAROQUE IN LITERATURE
  • Carbon dating provides the archaeologist with a basic chronological framework.
  • Lindl.…first dendrochronological investigation of yellow-cedar trees at montane sites on Vancouver Island and considers the effects of climate on the radial growth of yellow-cedar… North American Upper Treeline #2 « Climate Audit
  • It was one of those chronological lists of events in a chart, now known as timelines for some reason to do with management-speak or computers.
  • This exhibition documents the regional and chronological specificity of dress styles, as well as the multiplicity of variations within a single type.
  • This is a chronological study of the rise and fall of the antimasque within Jonson's masques, and it focusses in particular on the form's political content in the more specific sense: its commentary on court intrigue and on royal policy.
  • No sense of chronological development was sketched out in the London installation; indeed, works of different genres were freely mixed and appeared to be floating in a slightly gelid, continuous present.
  • The back of the card should contain a chronological listing of the dates the dog came in and the prices charged.
  • See how your heart is ageing compared with your chronological age at nhs. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the first show, Mr. Sobel and adjunct curator David Anfam have chosen to survey Still's career, with paintings organized chronologically, by location, starting in southern Alberta, Canada, where his family summered and where he taught himself how to draw and paint. Still's Stalwart
  • The exhibition is organised chronologically.
  • Nearly 90 paintings and drawings are displayed in 11 rooms, organised thematically within a loosely chronological sequence.
  • Much more is also needed towards the building of a full chronological sequence of the main wares and vessel types.
  • The protocol consisted of an invocation, which was both symbolic and verbal, and was chronologically dated: the year, the month and the day, and the indiction.
  • Prior to that date no chronological diary appears to have been written of the decisions (of all kinds, both economic and strictly religious) taken by the Society.
  • Give me the dates in chronological order.
  • For the first time we find lavas that have the high helium 3-to-helium 4 ratio, the right neodymium based on this discovery in 2005, and they plot on the geochron," Jackson says, referring to a geochronological dating scheme based on lead isotope ratios. Scientific American
  • Then also, by the same reasoning, it cannot impose the death penalty upon an adult (by chronological age) with a mental capacity similar to that of that same 7-year-old.
  • The upper series above the cornice was the more important of the two, on account of the chronological inscriptions which accompanied and explained each medallion. Pagan and Christian Rome
  • If the chronological ordering of the Suzumiya Haruhi light novel series is strictly observed and the two preceding inferences are correct, the first episode of the new season will probably be an adaptation of Sasa no Ha Rhapsody and will probably air on 22 May or shortly thereafter, by which time - based on the 03 April start date of the "rebroadcast" - a gap will exist in the light novel material already covered by the first season. [emphasis added] Anime Nano!
  • It wasn't easy, she admits, and she has not arranged them chronologically, but rather to establish an introspective and confessional storyline.
  • Also, the Depression period really only lasts for sixteen years, so I suppose it would depend on your definition of decline, in chronological terms (I would say at least 50-100 years in the industrial era, 100-200 years in the pre-industrial era, but those are completely arbitrary). abb1 Says: Matthew Yglesias » Almost All Decline is Relative
  • I find that maturity does not necessarily match chronological age, at least not all the time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some things of this nature, especially such as relate unto chronological computations, I acknowledge are attended with great and apparently inextricable difficulties; but the skill and knowledge mentioned will guide humble and modest inquirers into so sufficient a satisfaction in general, and as unto all things which are really useful, that they shall have no temptation to question the verity of what in particular they cannot assoil. Pneumatologia
  • Lilli Mokganyetsi's story conveyed profound meanings that went beyond the immediate, beyond the apparent, beyond the chronological, beyond the coherent or the utterable. 'I Saw a Nightmare …' Doing Violence to Memory: The Soweto Uprising, June 16, 1976
  • The predominant motive for writing this type of history is to demonstrate chronological sequence.
  • Consequently, readers seeking a more traditional chronological narrative of political events might need to look elsewhere.
  • Indicate these by placing them in a chronological order and the specific amount of time required to complete them.
  • Behold these tweets, which are pasted here in chronological order: Elizabeth Taylor tweets her review of 'This Is It': 'I wept from pure joy' |
  • Their approach of analyzing high-resolution topographic data of closely-spaced fault scarps is promising especially when combined with subsurface data as well as geochronological and paleoseismic data, and it provides a basic scheme for analyzing scarp populations in a complex topographic region. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • The exhibition will be basically chronological in format with a concluding section of twenty-one drawings.
  • It doesn't follow a sequence, it's not chronological.
  • I arranged the papers in chronological order around me, took out my fountain pen and wrote the manuscript on a fresh sheet of foolscap. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • Both slag and metal objects, sampled from distinct chronological contexts, will be characterized mineralogically and geochemically, to be able to relate differing properties to chronological (e.g. early Roman to early Byzantine) and functional (e.g. household instruments, architectural fittings, military objects and armor, etc.) categories. Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Metallurgical Studies Report 1

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