chronic bronchitis

  1. a form of bronchitis characterized by excess production of sputum leading to a chronic cough and obstruction of air flow
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How To Use chronic bronchitis In A Sentence

  • COPD is a term used for a number of conditions, and results from chronic bronchitis and emphysema, two inflammatory lung diseases. Too Much Bacon is Bad for Lungs | Impact Lab
  • Dr Johnson was overweight and suffered from chronic bronchitis, gout and dropsy, as well as nervous tics and compulsive gesticulations.
  • The remedy has a particularly potent curative effect on chronic bronchitis, coughs, and asthma due to excessive phlegm.
  • Drinking less than half a cup lowered blood pressure in those with chronic bronchitis and emphysema and let them exercise for longer. The Sun
  • Doctors have warned that a regular chesty cough can be an indicator of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - the collective name for smoking-related illnesses such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
  • It focused on therapy, and chronic bronchitis and emphysema were redefined.
  • Chronic bronchitis patients purse their lips when they exhale and typically show signs of weight loss.
  • • Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes Pharmaceutical • Production of drugs, herbal products Sewage and • Waste removal, treatment plants waste disposal Chronic bronchitis Chronic obstructive lung disease Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (extrinsic allergic alveolitis) Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • He has no intention of giving these delicacies up, but wonders if this was the cause of his chronic bronchitis and emphysema rather than smoking when younger. Times, Sunday Times
  • Syrup of tar is an officinal medicine in the United States of America for chronic bronchitis, and winter cough. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
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