How To Use Chromatism In A Sentence
Sex of each chick at six weeks of age was recorded, when sexual plumage dichromatism became unambiguous.
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Rational Review
There are three types of anomalous trichromatism named according to which photopigment is affected: Protanomalous trichromatism, Deuteranomalous trichromatism and Tritanomalous trichromatism.
And the mere fact that the problem of achromatism was solved by "the mind of a sagacious optician inquiring how this matter was managed in the eye," no more proves that
A Candid Examination of Theism
The genetic cause has been determined for several color vision defects, achromatopsia (the loss of all color vision), blue monochromatism, protanopia, deuteranopia, and enhanced S-cone syndrome.
I am at present engaged on the theory of the achromatic object-glass, with regard to spherical chromatism -- a subject upon which, I believe, nearly all our text-books are silent, but one nevertheless of vital importance to the optician.
Men of Invention and Industry
In no case did we find a significant interaction between sexual dichromatism and year.
More importantly. both suggest that certain bodies can be and are ‘wrong’ and in need of normalization; neither skin lighteners or weightloss product ads draw attention to the fact that chromatism and sizism, respectively, are serious and systematic forms of social prejudice, but instead locate the source and solution of the ‘problem’ in individuals and their bodies and practices.
Position and brightness are two generally useful clues, as well as the slight differences that may be perceived even with severe anomalous trichromatism.
Lumière in which the colours were produced with perfect ortho-chromatism.
Gabriel Lippmann - Biography
A long list of indictments might indeed be brought against the eye -- its opacity, its want of symmetry, its lack of achromatism, its partial blindness.
Six Lectures on Light Delivered In The United States In 1872-1873
This increase is due in part to the diffraction of the telescope, to imperfect achromatism or spherical aberration of the objective, to irregular grinding of the glass, and especially to variations in the refraction of the air, which produce an oscillation of the image around a mean position.
Lectures on Stellar Statistics
As the diameter of the lens was so small in comparison with its focal length, its want of achromatism was inappreciable.
Experimental Determination of the Velocity of Light Made at the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis
Fernandez and Morris conclude that trichromatism evolved for ecological rather than social reasons, such as the detection of edible leaves and/or fruits.
Disclose according to Mr Li, chromatism of color of bedroom floor tile is bigger, pattern is messy, shoddy.
We note that, in the model, sex and year effects showed the same patterns of difference as in previous analyses (results not shown): sexual dichromatism in UV reflectance and blue chroma seem independent of age in the barn swallow.
One of the most conspicuous ornamental traits in avian sexual dichromatism is carotenoid-based plumage coloration.
What calls the chromatism of ceramic tile?
Since it's dark and cold outside for most of the year, the smorgasbord itself must be an attempt to offset tedium, angst, and monochromatism.
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Extrapair paternity has been reported to be strongly positively associated with sexual dichromatism.
Collection of the goldfinches took place when plumage dichromatism between males and females is subtle.
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Rational Review
This partiality, monochromatism and bias could have been found in the Slovak press before 1989," he stated.
Slovak Spectator
There is a different spherochromatism after the two systems secondary spectrum , spherical aberration and somatic aberration.
[*] The power which the eye possesses of adaptation to near and distant objects, combining the uses of the microscope and the telescope, and the capacity of self-adjustment, preserving always a perfect achromatism and freedom from spherical aberration, have never been reached in nearly the same degree by art.
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You can from our bethe of carib chromatism ethanediol of a verisimilar illogicality dare moneran with a anthology or you can godwit your own burrow barcarole loire by cyclopedia an evaluator of chigoe arrogator and pyrotechnics deuteromycota.
Rational Review
Very occasionally a person lacks all color-receptors and is completely color-blind, a condition called achromatism (ay-kroh'muh-tiz-um; "no color" G).
The Human Brain
Suppression of local colour, study of reflections by means of complementary colours and division of tones by the process of touches of pure, juxtaposed colours -- these are the essential principles of _chromatism_ (for this word should be used instead of the very vague term "Impressionism").
The French Impressionists (1860-1900)
Half of the people with anomalous trichromatism can make precise color matches (but not as precisely as those with normal color vision) and are said to have a simple anomaly, while the other half cannot and are said to have an extreme anomaly.
Obama's election offers a unique opportunity to highlight French politics's striking monochromatism.
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[331] The principle of achromatism was discovered (by
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Disclose according to Mr Li, chromatism of color of bedroom floor tile is bigger, pattern is messy, shoddy.
Then came the mutation of trichromatism, which enabled us to see fruit - cherries, say - more easily against a variegated leafy background.
Although this peculiar disharmony in the dispersive powers of the two glasses, crown and flint, was discovered almost immediately after achromatism was invented, it was only recently that the first successful attempts were made to produce different glasses, which, possessing the other requirements for achromatic objectives, would produce coincident spectra, or nearer so than the ordinary crown and flint glass do.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 561, October 2, 1886
True achromatism cannot be obtained with ordinary flint and crown-glass; and although in lenses of "Jena glass," outstanding colour is reduced to about one-sixth its usual amount, their term of service is fatally abridged by rapid deterioration.
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Cameras dish outs most people more select and legion chromatism than individuals buy out with traditional lettering. New Blogs and RSS Feeds
Protanopia, deuteranopia and tritanopia are all types of dichromatism.
Color changing or metachromatism or metachrosis is common in chordates and in vertebrates such as fish, amphibians and in some types of lizards.
Thus examined, the departure of the eye from achromatism appears very gross indeed.] [Footnote 7: Both in foliage and in flowers there are striking differences of absorption.
Six Lectures on Light Delivered In The United States In 1872-1873