How To Use Chromatic scale In A Sentence

  • At the climax of the third chant, she so subdivides her forces that eventually, all twelve tones of the chromatic scale are encompassed.
  • The unusual numbers in Archytas 'chromatic tetrachord do correspond to a chromatic scale in use in Archytas' day. Archytas
  • Both of these pitch standards define what are called ‘equal tempered chromatic scales.’
  • As Hanon's The Virtuoso Pianist exercises strengthen the fingers through varying linear progressions, Jazz Chord Hanon moves sequentially through diatonic and chromatic scales and progressions from three through five voices.
  • These creations are marked by a precious detail, are rich in chromatic scale, accented by embroidery, hand-painted floral designs, and unique beaded fabrics reminiscent of Drecoll's.
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  • I tried to envisage changing the traditional pentatonic scale to a 12-tone chromatic scale.
  • Her diminuendo is the non plus ultra that can be heard; her portamento wonderfully fine; her chromatic scales, especially toward the upper part of her voice, unrivalled. Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
  • Inconveniently for composers, birds don't limit themselves to the chromatic scale, or to the confines of a straightforward metrical scheme.
  • Since, however, we have (from the standpoint of the piano keyboard) five pairs of tones [19] which are enharmonically the same, it may readily be seen that the chromatic scale might be notated in all sorts of fashions, and this is in fact the real status of the matter, there being no one method uniformly agreed upon by composers. Music Notation and Terminology
  • The later introduction of valves extended the versatility of brass instruments to cover the full chromatic scale.
  • Owing to man's degeneration or fall, on your Earth, he has lost all receptibility to the more refined vibratory tones of the chromatic scale. The Planet Mars and Its Inhabitants, a psychic revelation
  • It was at this time that he divided the scale into 43 microtones - there are 12 semitone intervals in a traditional chromatic scale - and began inventing instruments that could play his new microtonal music.
  • a chromatic scale
  • The chromatic scale includes five additional notes - the sharps and flats (black keys of a piano).
  • Ex. 4 shows an octave of the chromatic scale beginning on C, notated in sharps ascending and flats descending.
  • Below is the chromatic scale, both ascending and descending.
  • When the holes are placed at proportioned intervals, a simple chromatic scale can be produced.
  • * Trombone: A powerful brass instrument of the trumpet family, the only wind instrument possessing a complete chromatic scale enharmonically true, like the human voice or the violin, and hence very valuable in the orchestra. God's Trombones Seven Negro Sermons in Verse
  • Von Bulow makes this statement: "As the peculiar fingering adopted by Chopin for chromatic scales in thirds appears to us to render their performance in legatissimo utterly unattainable on our modern instruments, we have exchanged it, where necessary, for the older method of Hummel. Chopin : the Man and His Music
  • Within the realm of the image, the two ends of the chromatic scale stand out via the characters' insistence on evoking black and white animals, especially the zebra.
  • Goethe argued that when the three primary colors were combined their unity contained the whole chromatic scale.

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