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  1. the branch of theology concerned with the person and attributes and deeds of Christ
  2. a religious doctrine or theory based on Jesus or Jesus' teachings

How To Use Christology In A Sentence

  • He does so brilliantly, synthesizing Thomas's doctrine of God, God's relationship to creation, the doctrine of ‘image and likeness,’ and Christology and pneumatology.
  • Paul's "sapiential" christology invites us to welcome the salvation offered by the crucified and risen Lord, the Eternal Son, who is the very wisdom and power of God. Latest Articles
  • All those elements that would end up becoming orthodox Christianity,orthodox Christology, those can be found in the Gospel of John.
  • The relation between Christology and pneumatology has been an important element of contemporary ecumenical discussion especially between eastern and western Christians.
  • Daniel, I'm not sure if I followed your point about dualism, but the Jewish Christians who produced the Pseudo-Clementine literature had a high but not Nicene Christology that was adoptionist and viewed Jesus as the legitimate son of Joseph - there's a lot of intriguing family resemblance between their views and the Gospel of John. When Did The Word Become Flesh?
  • After exploring in brief a number of classic theological topics (such as creation, Christology, pneumatology and eschatology) - topics to some of which he will return in later chapters - Clayton notes that the notion that we owe our existence to something radically different from ourselves is there whether we attribute our origin ultimately to random chance and material forces or to a divine eternal will (p.115). Archive 2009-05-01
  • It's what is your theology of Jesus Christ, that's Christology and we've already seen different ones.
  • Third, fundamental to the whole project is the sense that Christology, particularly the death and resurrection of Christ, provides the key to eschatology.
  • The Annunciation is also the most important Mariological feast of the calendar Mariology being Christology in the key of Mary, in which Mary takes the part of the New Eve and sums up in herself the obedience of all the righteous of Israel; one of its common names in English is Lady Day. Feast of the Incarnation
  • The result was to put the mystery of Mary in the context of ecclesiology and Christology, reining in the excessive expansion of Mariological speculation.
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