How To Use Christian theology In A Sentence
- And his micro - history of Christian theology is inaccurate in places.
- Origen, the founder of Greek Christian theology and biblical science, followed Clement as head of the school.
- A true Christian theology must reject any dualism of soul and body, spirit and world.
- Tillich analyzes people"s ontological anxiety as well as its times" characteristics from the angle of Christian theology, and explores the nature and origin of modernists" existence dilemma.
- His system of thought had a profound influence on Christian theology and Western philosophy.
- Crumb has never, to my knowledge, stated any intent to "satirize" or "scandalize" Christian theology in his rendering of Genesis, but merely to depict what he found there. "My problem was, how am I going to draw God?"
- From the point of view of Christian theology, the martyrs are foot soldiers in the battle of the powers and principalities against the body of Christ.
- As in Christian theology, Plotinus believed in a tripartite of divinities, these being the One, the Intellect and the Soul.
- Magnus Striet of Freiburg University, also in Germany, defends Kant's influence on modern Christian theology, and denies that Kant's idea of the autonomy of the individual is the 'arbitrariness' which Benedict rejects. Other reactions to the Pope's Regensburg address
- A related argument in this regard is that only John's Gospel portrays Jesus as claiming to be God; and since it is later than the Synoptics, the claims are the result of an evolution in Christian theology.