How To Use Christian religion In A Sentence
According to the Christian religion,Jesus Christ resurrected from death.
The Christian religion is practised alongside cultural religious practices.
It is a question much disputed between the diverse sects of Christian religion, from whence the Scriptures derive their authority; which question is also propounded sometimes in other terms, as, how we know them to be the word of God, or, why we believe them to be so; and the difficulty of resolving it ariseth chiefly from the improperness of the words wherein the question itself is couched.
Leviathan, or, The matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill
Christian religion, from whence the Scriptures derive their authority; which question is also propounded sometimes in other terms, as, how we know them to be the word of God, or, why we believe them to be so; and the difficulty of resolving it ariseth chiefly from the improperness of the words wherein the question itself is couched.
Francesco Petrarch lived in the later mediaeval period in Italy, at that time the Christianity was very widespread, and many people believed in the Christian religion in Italy.
The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion. George Washington
In the Christian religion, according to the priests, the soul takes leave of the body and ascends into heaven.
* The king of the Lazi had been educated in the Christian religion; his mother was the daughter of a senator; during his youth he had served ten years a silentiary of the Byzantine palace, 87 and the arrears of an unpaid salary were a motive of attachment as well as of complaint.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
As the firmest enemy of modern ethics based upon scientific knowledge of natural laws, there stands the Christian religion, the outspring of the Jewish one, which former, resting upon the principle of the necessary subordination of woman to man, in consequence thereof energetically combats the attempts for equal rights to both sexes, and, as far as lies in its power, ever will and must combat the same.
The Woman's Bible
According to the Christian religion,Jesus Christ resurrected from death.
Oliver Cromwell, whose body they hung on their Tyburn Gallows because he had found the Christian Religion inexecutable in this country, remains to me by far the remarkablest Governor we have had here for the last five centuries or so.
Past and Present
Christmas Day-December 25-which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ,the founder of the Christian religion,is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States.
[8611] The king of the Lazi had been educated in the Christian religion; his mother was the daughter of a senator; during his youth he had served ten years a silentiary of the Byzantine palace, [87] and the arrears of an unpaid salary were a motive of attachment as well as of complaint.
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 4
The pre-Christian religion of the Fijians was both animistic and polytheistic, and included a cult of chiefly ancestors.
Christian religion; his mother was the daughter of a senator; during his youth he had served ten years a silentiary of the Byzantine palace, and the arrears of an unpaid salary were a motive of attachment as well as of complaint.
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 4
As everywhere in the Roman empire, so in Asia Minor it was the numerous Jewries in which the Christian religion found its first aderents.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
Christmas Day-December 25-which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ,the founder of the Christian religion,is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States.
The most ancient churches in Wales have circular or ovoidal churchyards -- a form essentially Celtic -- and it may well be that these sacred spots were dedicated to religious purposes in pagan times, and were appropriated by the early Christians, -- not, perhaps, without opposition on the part of the adherents of the old faith -- and consecrated to the use of the Christian religion.
Welsh Folk-Lore a Collection of the Folk-Tales and Legends of North Wales
Baptist discipline, and perversive of the Christian religion.
The First Colored Baptist Church in North America Constituted at Savannah, Georgia, January 20, A.D. 1788. With Biographical Sketches of the Pastors.
It's difficult to live up to the proinciples of the christian religion.
It is not only in the Judeo-Christian religions that this imperative sense of oneness with the rest of creation is manifest.
Now he weighs in with this startling bit of info showing that the doctrines informing the Second Vatican Council's views of non-Christian religions are, shazam, not new.
But there is a meanness and poorness in modern prudence, not only to the damage of civil government, but of religion itself; for to make a man in matter of religion, which admits not of sensible demonstration (jurare in verba magistri), engage to believe no otherwise than is believed by my lord bishop, or Goodman Presbyter is a pedantism that has made the sword to be a rod in the hands of schoolmasters; by which means, whereas the Christian religion is the furthest of any from countenancing war, there never was a war of religion but since
The Commonwealth of Oceana
Asatru and Heathenry are names for Germanic Reconstructionism, which promotes the indigenous, pre-Christian religion of the Northern Europeans.
Pagans for President! Or, at least, City Council Rep! « Dating Jesus
For it is impossible in this case, that the word Quakerism should not become synonimous with charity, as it ought to be, if Quakerism be a more than ordinary profession of the Christian religion.
A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume 3
The missionaries converted many Indians to the Christian religion.
City, a Friar Minor, an Inquisitor after matters of Faith; who, although he laboured greatly to seeme a sanctified man, and an earnest affecter of Christian Religion, (as all of them appeare to be in outward shew;) yet he was a much better Inquisitor after them that had their purses plenteously stored with money, then of such as were slenderly grounded in Faith.
The Decameron
_Ioseph of Aramathia came into Britaine and Simon Zelotes, the antiquitie of christian religion, Britaine gouerned by Lieutenants and treasurers of the Romane emperors, the exploits of Ostorius Scapula and the men of Oxfordshire, he vanquisheth the Welshmen, appeaseth the
Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (4 of 8) The Fovrth Booke Of The Historie Of England
Of course it reflects Dostoevsky's animus toward Catholicism, but it depicts the temptation to which religion, and all forms of Christian religion, not just Catholicism, are susceptible.
And the action, therefore, which Pliny denominated obstinacy, would, if it had been left to us to name it, have been called inflexible virtue, as arising out of a sense of the obligations imposed upon them by the Christian religion.
A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume 3
And for the assertion laid down, I desire that those who despise and reproach it would attempt an answer unto the ensuing arguments whereby it is confirmed, with those others which shall be insisted on in our description of the nature of the work of regeneration itself, and that upon such grounds and principles as are not destructive of Christian religion nor introductive of atheism, before they are too confident of their success.
In case it should appear that any have committed the irremissible blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, and the total apostasy from the illuminating convictive powers of the Christian religion, it should seem that they are not to be prayed for at all.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
It's a long introduction designed to establish my credibility: that I have no reason to promote religion or, since I'm Jewish, the Christian religion in particular, when I say that the atheists who pushed the Nativity scenes from the park showed the very same stiff-necked intolerance that they accuse religions of.
Frank Gruber: Akedism: For Those Who Don't Care If God Exists
The second part talks over from Norman Conquest to "The Great Charter". In the process, Feudal monarchy had sharp conflict and compromise with the power of Christian Religion.
In the Antilles, the masters, from father to son, have been professing the Christian religion ever since slavery was established there.
Contrary to the expectations of the prophets of secularism, the Christian religion continues to flourish in western societies at the end of the twentieth century.
Christians profess Christ and the Christian religion.
Their pre-Christian religion could be described as animism - the belief that everything is alive with natural or supernatural spirits.
Christian religion was preached to the Saxons there (who domineered over the Britons too much, to care for what THEY said about their religion, or anything else) by AUGUSTINE, a monk from Rome.
A Child's History of England
Oliver Cromwell, whose body they hung on their Tyburn gallows because he had found the Christian Religion inexecutable in this country, remains to me by far the remarkablest Governor we have had here for the last five centuries or so.
Past and Present Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII.
People in general are equally horrified at hearing the Christian religion doubted, and seeing it practiced. Samuel Butler
It follows that doubt in regard to the Christian religion is equivalent to its total rejection, the ground of its acceptance being necessarily in every case the authority on which it is proposed, and not, as with philosophical or scientific doctrines, its intrinsic demonstrability in detail.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
Religious scholars will recognize immediately that talk of "The Christ" or World Teacher his nothing to do with the Christian Messiah but a different chap called Maitreya or Djwahl Kuhl who, in the Christian religion has another name and who the Rolling Stones had sympathy for.
Archive 2008-02-01
People in general are equally horrified at hearing the Christian religion doubted, and seeing it practiced. Samuel Butler
Mithraism is not, in fact, a pre-Christian religion.
Carry-Over Thread
All these amendments, and several others, having been lost in Committee, the original resolution moved by Mr. Cartwright, to revest the clergy reserves in Her Majesty, for "the support of the Christian religion in this Province," was adopted by a majority of three or four.
The Story of My Life Being Reminiscences of Sixty Years' Public Service in Canada
Mere reason is insufficient to convince us of its [ the Christian religion's ] veracity ( David Hume ).
The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion. George Washington
Christian religion, make it extremely credible and knowable, but faith alone makes it believed and acknowledged, enamouring men with the beauty of its truth, and making them believe the truth of its beauty, by means of the sweetness faith pours into their wills, and the certitude which it gives to their understanding.
Treatise on the Love of God
To neutralize the risk that these philosophical positions would lead to heterodox beliefs, a decree of the Fifth Lateran Council (Apostolici regiminis, 1513) had made the immortality of the soul a dogma of the Church and had commanded all university professors of philosophy, when lecturing on doctrines that deviated from it, to make every effort to teach the truth of the Christian religion and to refute any philosophical arguments that challenged it.
Pietro Pomponazzi
Spirit of God in the testimony that he has given to Christ and his gospel, and a total apostasy from the light and convictive evidence of the truth of the Christian religion.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
These were the recognition of global diversity within the church, religious ecumenism, an emphasis on lay apostolates, and the re-definition of the relation between the Church and non-Christian religions.
He practiced astrology, calculated horoscopes for a consideration, lectured on chemistry and astronomy, blasphemed the Christian religion, published a journal of hybrid doctrines, called the Philomathean, and pretended to calculate "cheap nativities" on the transit of planets for $10 each, for all of which he obtained but slender pecuniary recompense.
Jack London's Parentage
People in general are equally horrified at hearing the Christian religion doubted, and seeing it practiced. Samuel Butler
Jesus was the founder of the Christian religion.
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are referred to as Trinity in the Christian religion.