How To Use Chop up In A Sentence
The tiller will break up the ground and get it ready for planting, chop up any debris, and help mix in fertilizer and compost.
Chop up some cucumber and carrots or serve with nachos for a healthy treat.
The Sun
As soon attempt to slice water with a sword, or chop up the sea.
First, she licks the knife she has been using to chop up the fruit, her lizard tongue running up and down the dull blade.
Chop up apple and carrot and let them munch away.
The Sun

Almost all of the sharks we fish for are listed in the book, and even if you're no longer allowed to chop up the odd pilot-whale or two for chum, you'll still find something of value and fascination here.
Put the butter into a stewpan, put in the chops and brown them quickly; take out, chop up the apple and onion, and fry that too.
The Art of Living in Australia
Chop up the onion into small pieces.
Worse, their concern for readers accustomed to short Dick-and-Jane sentences and political cliché has often led them to chop up Herodotus 'long, marvelously organized paratactic clauses, scramble his sentences, omit his oral-style repetitions altogether, pepper his text with unmarked explanatory glosses, and turn his concrete phraseology into a series of bland bureaucratic abstractions.
The Great Marathon Man
Then I slice the white part of a scallion very, very thinly, chop a serrano or two, chop up some cilantro, add some cubed tomato and then quite a bit of lemon juice.
Guacamole, my way | Homesick Texan
First, cut up all the veggies -- carrots, green beans, onions, broccoli and whatever else looks stir-fryable -- and chop up the tofu into little cubes.
You damn well better believe that there is research going on in animal models †"what does she expect, that scientists should mutagenize human mothers and chop up baby brains for this work? â€" and countries like France and Germany and England and Canada and China and India and others are all respected participants in these efforts.
Preemptive Karma
Wear long sleeves because short sleeves chop up the body line.
Chop up three firm tomatoes.
Chop up apple and carrot and let them munch away.
The Sun
Chop up apple and carrot and let them munch away.
The Sun
As soon attempt to slice water with a sword, or chop up the sea.
I chop up whatever fruits and vegetables I have available and make a delicious salad including my favourite garbanzo beans and mangoes.
Chop up a dozen or so mushrooms and lightly fry in wok.
Can you chop up some carrots for me?
It's shocking to chop up a bundle of asparagus for soup but the results are sublime.
Times, Sunday Times
Chop up the cores of five or six stalks of lemon grass and put them in a blender with a tumblerful of spirits, blend thoroughly.
First, chop up two large onions. Next, fry them until they are golden brown.
If you were to chop up some salad vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, carrot, radish, onion) and stir in some yogurt and cumin to make a raita, the combination of stuffed paratha and raita is both filling and nutritious!
Archive 2007-03-01
I do not like to chop up onions. That makes me cry.
You've got to chop up the pork before you stew it.
Scientists have now found that an enzyme produced by immune cells called neutrophils can chop up flagellin, the main protein in these tails.
Peel and slice lotus root and turnip. Chop up chicken, roast duck and roast pork separately.
You damn well better believe that there is research going on in animal models - what does she expect, that scientists should mutagenize human mothers and chop up baby brains for this work?
Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
Chop up the onion into small pieces.
Alternatively, chop up small, blend and strain the juice from the pulp.
Times, Sunday Times
Bacteria use the enzyme, called subtilisin, as a sort of food processor: After producing it internally, they release the enzyme into the soil, where it uses a minuscule "blade" to chop up proteins into digestible pieces.
California schools began to sink 20 years ago when the same nimrods who now want to chop up L.A. brought us Proposition 13, thinking money is better spent on kitchen remodeling than on public education.
Corrections officials throughout the country have long suspected that some inmates were either using the pills to get loaded, or "cheeking" them in order to later sell them to other prisoners to chop up and snort.
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‘With the first album, we were just hanging out and we would loop samples, chop up breakbeats and sing over them,’ Murr says.
All we have to do is chop up some onion, cloves, celery, leeks, artichokes, and throw in a few fava beans.
Alternatively, chop up small, blend and strain the juice from the pulp.
Times, Sunday Times
His nurse must chop up his food and spoon-feed him.
I chop up whatever fruits and vegetables I have available and make a delicious salad including my favourite garbanzo beans and mangoes.
The able-bodied had to saw up old railway sleepers and then chop up the pieces for sale as firewood.
Sometimes they will chop up the young onions, leaves, bulb and all, into this "cush," as they call it.
The old plantation : how we lived in great house and cabin before the war,