How To Use choky In A Sentence
- Lana said in a choky voice, her cheeks bright with color. Herding fic
- She reached out to hold him and her voice was choky.
- So while some of this weekend was spent in air-conditioned indoors, a lot was not so I can't be 100% sure that some of the scents I tried were not being veiled by the smoky, choky air we were breathing. Fiddling while Rome burns
- His last words were lost on a choky, gasping noise as Honey felt him being ripped out of her arms as he had once before.
- Mom's voice was choky.
- Indeed, for a moment or two, she was almost frightened -- her heart beat so fast, and there was such a "choky" feeling in her throat. The Christmas Fairy and Other Stories
- Lady Burton says, “I got quite choky, and Richard ran away and locked himself up.” The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton
- They shook hands in the choky little trailer office in front of a table littered with scribbled papers, a Bakelite ashtray brimming with stubs.
- `You'd think they'd have the sense to junk the shen pai someplace else," she said in a choky little voice. A MEANS TO EVIL
- I had a strange, choky sensation, and again I coughed, dryly. The House on the Borderland