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How To Use Choir In A Sentence

  • To supplement his income, he taught private voice lessons in his home and sang in a church choir.
  • The music promises to be superb:James MacMillan has been commissioned to write two pieces: one for choir, organ, brass and timps, the other for choir a cappella. Archive 2009-05-01
  • I played the organ on Sunday at First Presbytenan and rehearsed the choir on Thursday nights.
  • At a time when they were still singing soupy Victorian hymns in churches, this choir performed relatively modem music.
  • This led to some confusion about whether or not the men of the choir would intone the chant again.
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  • When the Ministers have said the Gloria at the altar, they go to sit in the sanctuary until the choir has finished singing.
  • He soon became our church organist and also helped with the church choir.
  • At some time in their lives, they've played the piano, flute, clarinet, violin and cello and sung in choirs.
  • He sings in the church choir.
  • The Largo is done broadly and is less nostalgic than tragic; some suspect intonation from the wind choir reduces the music's power somewhat.
  • Like most people, I will always think of Aled Jones as a cherubic 10-year-old choirboy.
  • The society is currently looking for tenors basses, altos and sopranos to join the adult choir.
  • Another tomb of interest (and of which we will speak in extenso in the next instalment of this series) is the tomb of the Pope Clement II, the only pope to be buried north of the Alps. The statue, sculpted by the same (unknown) sculptor as the Horseman, was originally the slab of the tomb, which remains on the west choir, behind the cathedra: Catholic Bamberg: The Cathedral
  • The former choirboy entered while studying Spanish on a gap year in the capital Santiago and now gets mobbed in the streets there. The Sun
  • It is zeal for the salvation of souls which makes the prelateship desired, if you will believe the ambitious man; which makes the monk, who is destined for the choir, run hither and thither, as the restless soul himself will tell you; which causes all those censures and murmurings against the prelates of the Treatise on the Love of God
  • There are various classes of Secular Abbots; some have both jurisdiction and the right to use the pontifical insignia; others have only the abbatical dignity without either jurisdiction or the right to pontificalia; while yet another class holds in certain cathedral churches the first dignity and the privilege of precedence in choir and in assemblies, by reason of some suppressed or destroyed conventual church now become the cathedral. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Bob was a good cook, sang bass in the local choir, and was commodore of the Avon Sailing Club.
  • Her hair covered with a mouchoir.
  • The only smoke that will fill their meeting rooms will be the smoke of incense and, offstage, choirs of maidens will sing sweet and low. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both share the wooden oriel projecting onto the choir, with a private entrance to the rear and a small door leading into the choir aisle.
  • I was feeling the exhaustion keenly - but not enough to make a complete ass of myself during choir, which inched by like a violist playing Paganini caprices.
  • This is the school's choir group with Jack Merridew, the choirmaster, in lead.
  • Driven by hysterical choirs and crashing percussion, the Latin liturgy is indeed rather scary.
  • It was a great moment near the end of the colloquium when it became clear that the three-choir polyphonic complexity scheduled for the last motet was not really viable. 250 Sing Liszt's Ave Maris Stella
  • On those occasions the CHAzn presents a veritable concert of liturgical selections, often with a choir to assist him.
  • The beautiful sounds of the Welsh Male Voice Choir of South Africa will drift across the lake's waters, while the Meropa Basadi group will play carols on marimbas and drums, giving the occasion a memorable African feel.
  • My wife has joined a choir and become obsessed with choral singing. Times, Sunday Times
  • He sang in the choir, was a talented musician and a keen sportsman.
  • It is wrong for him to cense the choir, if there be no clergy in quire. Archive 2008-01-01
  • The church choir is singing tonight.
  • She is bound to the rules and the choir, but not to the private recitation of the Divine Office; she can take part in chapters, except in those in which others are admitted to vows; she cannot be elected superior, mother-vicaress, mistress of novices, assistant, counsellor, or treasurer. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • The choir is central, both to the film and to life at this chronically underfunded orphanage. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he joined the choir at age 8 ½, singing treble, he was told that he would never be more than a chorister. The King of the Lyric Basses
  • Eighty cathedral and choral foundation choirs have agreed to sing at least two of the anthems each in a year-long celebration of services. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although it was initially expected to fetch €3m-plus at auction, the one-time choirgirl is believed to have paid closer to €2m for it.
  • When you need that Mike Pinder string sound for your Moody Blues sound-alike or that Kraftwerk human choir thing, dial up the M-Tron!
  • Music was provided on organ by Mrs. Mary Deering accompanied by St. Kevin's choir.
  • The Choir of Clare College, Cambridge, sing with subtlety as well as grace, in a CD well worth investigating.
  • I had been invited to sing in a church choir by my friend, the organist's daughter.
  • It is the intense hunger for soul food, soulful music, spirited dance, and wild, ecstatic, celebrative praise, whether it be voiced by the ghosts of former African slaves on Congo Square or by the choirs of old-time Black Churches, or the bands backing Second Line dancers, or the street music in dialogue with window shoppers and feast-ready patrons. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • These skills had been honed during the late 1950s and early 60s at Cambridge, which he entered from the choir school at Southwell Minster in his home county of Nottinghamshire, where he was born the son of a collier and a teacher.
  • He sang in choirs, played at balls and weddings and baptisms, made "arrangements" for anybody who would employ him, and in short drudged very much as Wagner did at the outset of his tempestuous career. Joseph Haydn
  • Carter has composed several large-scale works for choir, soloists and orchestra, including the Benedicite, which has been widely performed on both sides of the Atlantic and in the Antipodes.
  • He started out as a boy treble and later, after his voice broke, joined Ontario's provincial youth choir.
  • The Choir will be accepting new members, and all interested choristers are encouraged to apply.
  • A praise singer blessed the constitution as the first to prepare the country for development before a Guguletu choir sang renditions of "Shosholoza" and other freedom songs until the members of the CA appeared on the steps of Parliament. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • This nuns 'choir was in existence by the beginning of the fourteenth century, but may have been built along with the rest of the nave and may have been accessible by stairs near the chapterhouse in the west range of the cloister. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • I was told last night by one of our choirmen about the agnostic dyslexic insomniac, who lays awake at night wondering if there's a dog…
  • While they may not have been such strict barricades as has often been supposed, choir screens were highly potent in their role as mystifying enclosures.
  • He can and must use the prelatial dress, as in the Roman Curia, to wit: rochet over the purple soutane with purple mantelletta, in his attendance in the cathedral, where he has precedence over all other canons and dignitaries, as to choir stall and functions. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • For the rest, I recall a gaunt Baptist in wood, said to be by Donatello, on one of the altars to the left of the choir; and the bronze Baptist in the Baptistery, less realistic, by Sansovino; the pretty figures of A Wanderer in Venice
  • Unlike previous years, when songs of different composers were sung, this time the choir chose to render the songs of only one composer, those of Sir John Stainer's.
  • His facial features can shift in a twitch from the innocent blankness of a choirboy during the sermon to the frantic grimaces of an axe-wielding berserker.
  • In 1827 Mendelssohn and Devrient assembled a small choir in the family's Berlin home to try out some of the Passion's choruses.
  • Although their view was no longer as obscured by the bulk of the screen, laypeople were still prohibited, this time by an openwork iron grille, from entering the sacred precinct of the choir.
  • It was the manner of singing psalms antiphonally, that is alternately by two choirs, to which we are accustomed, that had already been introduced at Antioch in the time of the Patriarch The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Ken Clarke was so close to the action that when the choirboys did their descant, it looked as though it was coming from him, and he had a surprisingly high, sweet voice. Royal wedding guest list: perplexing – and where was naughty Uncle Gary?
  • And the clerestory windows of the choir, glazed with large standing figures, are virtually intact.
  • The Latin word cancellus was commonly used for the low screen which marked the separation of the presbyterium and choir from the rest of the church. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • He looks like a choirboy and plays with a dreamy certainty, winding up his big, extended forehand to crunch winners with abandon. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Talmud witnesses to the careful organization of the Temple choir, and as the first Christians worshipped with the Jews, we find them from the first using the psalmodic solo with congregational refrain, and from the fourth century psalmody in alternating chorus, both possibly based on Jewish practice. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Blackwell has degrees in physics and in divinity, and practical musical experience in directing a church choir.
  • Spatially, the traditional location of the one was in the chancel or choir of the church, and the other was indeed beyond space, in eternity, which implies the transcendence of both time and space.
  • An unidentified woman clutches a mouchoir while writing a sentimental family letter.
  • Out of towering brown churches came the blithe music of anthems from the choirs.
  • With this in-your-face romping composition, Alpinestars's dirty electro flirts with raw electric guitars and angelic choirboys.
  • Classes for youth eight years and up include fiddle, band, handbells, drumdancing, guitar, choir, songs and games.
  • I've celebrated Mass with the Catholics and served as a choir director and cantor.
  • But the charm was the entrance of the abbey, where we were received by the dean and chapter in rich robes, the choir and almsmen bearing torches; the whole abbey so illuminated, that one saw it to greater advantage than by {81} day; the tombs, long aisles, and fretted roof, all appearing distinctly, and with the happiest _chiaroscuro_. A Book of English Prose Part II, Arranged for Secondary and High Schools
  • At the premiere Handel gave an organ extemporisation on the fugal subject taken up by the choir.
  • The choir she had sung in so often sang Lean On Me after the responsorial psalm.
  • Particularly and precisely imagined are a diverse range of choral works, none finer than his extensive output for male voice choirs. Times, Sunday Times
  • You are to hear a voice that puts to silence all others, as the trumpet the flute, as the cicala the bee, as the choir the tuning-fork. Works of Lucian of Samosata — Volume 03
  • It supports a concert choir, a concert band and an orchestra.
  • The celestial choirs will sing and the world will be perfect'. The Sun
  • You get no assistance from robes, choirs, lofty pulpits and religious furniture designed to give you status.
  • Mom, I just thanked Newforest, too, but I suspect that you are back in this comments box ... sniffing around for more "misplaced" flowers to add to your bouquet (after several ended up in the mouchoir-pouchoir box). Pot - French Word-A-Day
  • The Choir Director and Piano Accompanist are experienced volunteer musicians and lead this enthusiastic Christian fellowship to perform outstanding and inspiring music.
  • The choir stalls were moved from the chancel to their present position in the nave in 1961 to make room for the bishop's throne and canon's stalls.
  • Sun Rings is a piece composed by Terry Riley for string quartet and a 60-voice choir, and part of it comes from the whistlers recorded by NASA's explorations into space.
  • (antiphone) or from the adjective antiphonos, and that it signified a chant by alternate choirs. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Baboons barked an alarm and thereafter bulbuls, warblers, shrikes, robins and other feathered choirs begun to sing.
  • Choirs" is so obviously in apposition with "boughs" in the line above ( "Upon those boughs which shake against the cold") that I wonder how anyone could think to take it otherwise than "I am now an old man who not so very long ago was much like a blossoming tree in whose boughs birds warbled sweetly. Letters to the Editor
  • In the past two years, I have worked on a Welsh hill farm in lambing season, joined a male choir and competed at the National Eisteddfod, learned to row a coracle, been down one of the last Welsh coal mines, sent my middle-aged body out to train with Cardiff rugby players half my age. My quest to be more Welsh
  • The choir sang for processionals and recessionals and during church services.
  • A bass drumhead carries bold circled lettering that reads: ‘Smith Jubilee Choir, Band and Orchestra, Season 1899-1900.’
  • The choir stalls were moved from the chancel to their present position in the nave in 1961 to make room for the bishop's throne and canon's stalls.
  • The splendid choir stalls with well-carved misereres are of this dating.
  • She sings in the church choir.
  • I was blown away by the beauty and majesty of the ensemble choir, who only got together for the first time some three days earlier.
  • Boys who can sing like that are worth their weight in gold to the choir.
  • I entered just as the choir practice reached a triumphant crescendo. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unto me desirous to melodize the choir of apostles, through their intercessions, grant, O Christ, as God, a ray of the All-holy Spirit and the light of Thy wisdom. The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
  • The aumbry on the north side in the south choir aisle has been glazed, and is utilised as a cupboard to hold some curiosities. The Cathedral Church of Peterborough A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
  • I sighed and settled down in the choir loft for the next boring forty-five minutes.
  • We could hear the lusty singing of the church choir.
  • You get no assistance from robes, choirs, lofty pulpits and religious furniture designed to give you status.
  • In unison, as a hundred languages choired below them, the imaginary stars and planets lifted into the higher regions of air, sputtering and fading as they caught a sudden wind and scattered, in a babble of fire and voices, over the bay of Istar. The Dark Queen
  • The Istanbul Antiphonal is a large, secular Hungarian antiphonary of 303 folios in choirbook format, written in the diocese of Esztergom around 1360.
  • The side altar of the right choir pillar is the altar of the Fourteen Holy Helpers (the famous Shrine of the Fourteen Holy Helpers - Vierzehnheiligen - is on the opposite Banz on the other side of the Main valley, can actually be seen from Banz and will be the subject of a subsequent instalment of this series) flanked by statues of Saints Dorothee and Margaret. Catholic Bamberg: Banz Abbey
  • A trio of choristers have proved good things come in threes after chalking up a collective 210 years' service in their church's choir.
  • Unlike other funerals of known ANC leaders which are dominated by freedom songs, a church choir sang hymns for the activist.
  • Then we begin stripping the altar and the entire chancel while the choir and the congregation chant Psalm 22 antiphonally.
  • The dung only penetrated as far as my upper thigh as we struck up the devastated hillside towards Meall a' Choire Leith.
  • Weekly programs include exercise classes, mall walking, noon meals, choir and orchestra practices, harmonica band practice, bridge, whist, cribbage and table games.
  • The choir and orchestra will be joined by four young soloists - soprano Rebecca Outram, contralto Alexandra Gibson, tenor David Brown and bass James Gower.
  • At the end of each Improperium is sung the "Trisagion", Sanctus Deus, Sanctus fortis, Sanctus Immortalis, miserere nobis, by one choir in Greek and by another in Latin. More Rare Images: Good Friday with Pius XI in the Sistine Chapel
  • The June light, now approaching the middle hours of the day, and radiant with sunshine, fell in long golden shafts across the body of the choir and into the ranks of the brothers and obedientiaries opposite, gilding half a face here and throwing its other half into exaggerated shade, there causing dazzled eyes in a blanched face to blink away the brightness. The Rose Rent
  • Friday, April 27, 2007 9:48:00 PM choirgirl said... One Bright Star (1B*) Reignited
  • Reply i agree with choire regarding irony, i have to admit that it's very difficult to put aside, but i am getting better at it : On Being An American - Anil Dash
  • Although he was easily intimidated by the other boys, especially by Jack, he did not lack the self-confidence to protest or speak out against the indignities from the boys as the shy former choirboy Simon did.
  • The monophonic chants exhibit considerable variety, both in the alternation of participants – priest, readers, cantor, soloists and choir – and, particularly, in musical, texture: the delivery of text on a single pitch, then more ornamental recitation patterns – formulas specific to the beginning, middle and end of a phrase – and finally actual melodies. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The Tenors answer "In quo salus" and the whole choir "Venite adoremus" when all prostrate themselves except the celebrant who, advancing to the Gospel side of the altar uncovers the right arm of the Cross, repeating in a louder voice "Ecce lignum crucis," the choir responding as before. More Rare Images: Good Friday with Pius XI in the Sistine Chapel
  • Easier than asking - as you sat in the social media choir stalls nodding at agreeable voices - what the hell you missed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gray, a former Harrogate choirboy and more recently a regular churchgoer in Newcastle, posed as a priest to rob the woman in her own home.
  • The will of the college's founder, Henry VI, specified steps and stated that the high altar should be raised three feet above the choir floor.
  • The sounds of the organ and the choir used to mesmerize the faithful in those days.
  • She did a lot of knitting and sewing, volunteered in her church, and sang in the choir.
  • Instead of singing the proper Verse intended for the choir, many musicians prefer to concentrate their preparation on a choral anthem.
  • But as a gifted trainer and conductor of choirs, he devoted most effort to the medium of choral music, which he regarded as his natural territory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some regularly compose new music for their choirs.
  • It has developed into a full flute choir incorporating the entire flute range from piccolo to bass.
  • Today, its exquisite towering antique stained glass windows are broken and covered in layers of dust, its walls are cracked and peeling and the weak wooden balcony cannot support a choir anymore.
  • However, it doesn't match any of the new surplices that have been bought, which go down to about knee level, so I'll not be allowed to wear it in future - at least, not when I'm singing with the rest of my choir.
  • Preaching to the choir is a legitimate enterprise. Apologetics
  • The grief was intense, was really sharp, but the joy was like a high soprano voice rising above the choir. Times, Sunday Times
  • The balcony in the sanctuary was shaped like a horseshoe and extended on both sides to the choir loft at the front.
  • Next, send them out on to the ice floes of the frozen Baltic and get them to shout - in choral unison - at a stranded 10,000-ton ice breaking vessel, and you have got something called Mieskuoro Huutaja (Men's Choir Shouters) ... a new art form, and it is taking parts of the world by arctic storm. Boing Boing: February 1, 2004 - February 7, 2004 Archives
  • Neither at St. Katharinenthal nor at Unterlinden do we know the exact location of such a room, but generally these activities took place in the west range of the cloister, furthest from the choir and chapterhouse. 108 The Sister-Books make reference to the werkhaus, werkhuss, or werkgaden. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • The choir will cover traditional music, pop, and gospel music.
  • Addie sets his bowl on the table then moves about the apartment, his arms and legs and odors wafting like ribbons in the air, dancing cavatina to our choir bites of frosted oats and yellow moons, orange stars, green clovers. Chinchillas in the Air
  • I will corrupt the organist, bribe the choir, double-bank the preacher in advance, and we will all have a rousing time. The Wedge of Gold
  • We had a choir director intent on unlearning our juvenile inflections.
  • In a way he had this choirboy look. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in Victorian times it suffered a slow demise, as barrel organs and harmoniums replaced the bands, and a surpliced choir in the chancel tended to supersede the old gallery singers, bringing a return to conventional art music.
  • Stevens began life as a choirboy and as a Christian, but his work is all about replacing Christian theology with poetry.
  • The concert ended with a Mass by Bellini in which the organist, choir and soloists gave a magnificent performance.
  • Using boy choristers from the present together with previous choir members such as James Bowman and James Gilchrist gives a completeness to this recording.
  • The mass choir thrilled the jam-packed crowd with a medley of folk songs and theatrical dramatizations.
  • The story is told through acting, song, dance and drama, with visual projections, choirs, bands and performance artists all adding to the madness.
  • Countless local churchgoers also knew him as their regular organist and choirmaster.
  • Pass above the steep buttresses to the summit then descend the Sron a’ Gharbh Choire Bhig back to your starting point.
  • His figure may be seen -- as near an approach to a portrait of this great worker as we have -- among the bas-reliefs on the beautiful choir-screen in St. Michael's Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
  • Currently, The Grace Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys is comprised of 14 choirmen and 30 choristers.
  • One chant is sung by an African choir. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the meantime, I'm walking around very gingerly, like an aging cowboy or particularly fresh-faced choirboy, because the soles of my feet ache.
  • Then finally when I was senior in high school I joined a gospel choir.
  • Mr. Smith (also a choirman) owned the Clewer Nursery Gardens in Surly Hall Road (now Maidenhead Rd.) and was responsible for the grave-digging and churchyard upkeep.
  • I was an angelic choirboy, so it must have been my fault. Times, Sunday Times
  • You're no use in the choir you can't sing a note!
  • And all of these families are the ones who buy the concert tickets, support the performing organizations and sing in their church choirs.
  • She had been asked to mime in the choir during performances so wasn't confident about singing but we didn't care.
  • Music will play a key part in the celebrations as the church boasts an excellent choir and a magnificent organ.
  • By his own account, his nephew is no choirboy, he has had his run-ins with the law - at least two court cases are pending.
  • The Cathedral will provide a very suitable venue for a concert by the Kilkenny Gospel Choir.
  • We can imagine the four-part mass being sung, variably, by a choir made up of women sopranos, with male altos, tenors and basses or women sopranos, women altos and male tenors and basses or even by an all male group.
  • He is a former flautist and choirboy who read music at college. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even the police could be seen tapping their feet along to Gareth's unmistakable voice, which developed from his years as a chorister in Bradford Cathedral choir.
  • The tract is direct psalmody — the singing of successive verses of a psalm without refrain, and it is sung in alternation by two halves of the choir. What We Learn from Music
  • Many Castilian-trained musicians worked in the papal choir in Rome, and in the royal chapels of Spain and Italy.
  • Among the members of the Association are friends and supporters of the Choir, past and present choristers and choirmen.
  • A gay men's choir which performs hits by Neil Young and Radiohead has landed a lucrative record deal with the label behind Lady GaGa. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Maybe you right, my frien's settin 'down by de do', an 'my frien's leanin' 'gins' de choir banisters, an 'I ain' gwine say no mo '. Moriah's Mourning and Other Half-Hour Sketches
  • The concert happened to be performed by an old acquaintance of mine, who I used to know many moons ago, when we were both angelic little trebles in local parish church choir.
  • His mother, who sang in a church choir, hoped he would become a concert pianist and taught him his scales almost before he could talk. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the evening I went to the City Temple, where I listened to an intellectual Easter sermon, by the Rev.R. J. Campbell, on the triumph of Christianity, and heard the uniformed choir artistically sing doxologies to the risen Christ. Chapter XXIV
  • There were so many choir wannabes that they filled the choir platform, the stalls and the circle seats - and outnumbered the audience confined to the upper galleries.
  • There was a fine performance by the boys' choir, Boni Pueri, whose five part final chorus is characterised by richly scored orchestral music combined with traditional fugal writing.
  • That need not matter; find a choir that learns by rote or teaches its music comprehensively. Times, Sunday Times
  • The games will take place over eight days, whereafter the athletes will travel to Cape Town to participate in cultural activities like choir festivals and costume parties.
  • Disturbed by his superior's methods, Mathieu sees potential in the imps and forms a school choir.
  • He is another choirboy and another follower to Jack.
  • The audience was treated to a wonderful evening of music and song presented by the school's bands and choirs.
  • Unlike them, I grew up in God's own garden, a shadowy and solemn rainforest cathedral choired by birds of paradise and guarded by poisonous vines, stink bugs, and death adders. Undefined
  • At the Cistercian female house of Weinhausen in Saxony a very elaborate decoration program survives. 12 The church of the male Dominican convent in Constance, located closer to the female Dominican houses of the Upper Rhine, contained friezes and medallions. 13 Most choir spaces seem to have been decorated, but unfortunately few survive in their thirteenth - and fourteenth-century state. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • The choir, made up of more than 100 children from four north Manchester primary schools in ankle socks and pigtails and cardies, sing sweetly, if not with the soaring transcendence of the 1929 recording, but their big moment – a re-creation of the occasion when the nymphs and shepherds were triumphantly hymned – is muffled: it needs to stand on its own pinnacle, away from the beguiling story of late love. That Day We Sang; The Crash of the Elysium; The Village Bike – review
  • There was possibly a sense that in comparison to the magnificent new transepts and nave the choir itself, once so widely acclaimed, was no longer splendid enough.
  • Weekly choir practices take place in the parish church every Wednesday night at 8.00 pm.
  • Between the lozenge-shaped shafts of the choir arches, the worm-riddled parclose screens dripped sawdust in little heaps. The White Wolf and Other Fireside Tales
  • Here's what I mean: in spite of being well within reasonable range for a decent SATB choir, "Epiphany" is simultaneously too high and too low to get into hymnals. Archive 2009-01-01
  • The result was that the choir sight-read through the entire piece of music, and then performed it.
  • Mouchoirs were produced in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to commemorate notable and royal events.
  • Singing without a conductor, the choir 's tuning and rapport are impeccable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later she joined the choir, becoming head choirgirl.
  • But I usually insist that it has some tune, and that the main performer isn't some overgrown choirboy with a twatty face covered in craters.
  • At 48-years-old, the choirgirl with self-described "crazy hair" would have been forgiven for thinking the window of opportunity had passed on her dream of becoming a professional singer. David Meredith: Susan Boyle's 'Dream' Provides a Wake up Call to the Music Industry
  • The choir will be performing the Hallelujah Chorus at the concert.
  • From here a footpath runs north, through a narrow defile between Meall na h-Aodainn Moire and Creag Bhreac past Loch a'Choire and up steep slopes to the summit ridge.
  • The majority of works formerly in the collection of Robert Lehman represents one of the most spectacular types of illuminated manuscripts (and a specialty of Italian artists) - the oversized choir books, known as antiphonaries and graduals, that contain the sung parts of the mass.
  • Not only does the choir provide a vocal education, and a subsequent platform for performance, there is also an important focus on the comprehension of music notation and theory.
  • That indeed she was crying, and was reaching now into her reticule for a mouchoir. At Swim, Two Boys
  • The opera suffers from the smallness of its choir and its instrumentalist troupe.
  • The choir's repertoire includes sacred and secular music ranging from the 16th century to the present day and in a wide range of musical styles and languages.
  • The composer first occurs during 1476/7, as a lay clerk of the choir of Holy Trinity collegiate church, Arundel.
  • The choir sing both of these in a natural and unforced manner.
  • A NEW YORK choirboy has been arrested for sexually abusing an ageing Roman Catholic priest.
  • I was vested in riassa, epitrachelion, and phelonian (in other words: long black robe, decorative stole and sort of a liturgical cape); I'm saying the words: "By the sprinkling of this Holy Water, may every evil action and demon be put to flight …" and the choir and parishioners are chanting the Theophany hymn. ORTHODIXIE ... Southern, Orthodox, Convert, Etc.
  • From my reading of 19th and early 20th century Catholic classics, this piece might have been a choir pick for a cathedral in preconciliar days. Rheinberger's Gloria from the Mass in E-Flat
  • The men of the choir are the serenaders and the police officers; more time should have been devoted to blending their sound.
  • Hannah assumed her position in front of the choir, and looked over at Mr. Wyden with wide-eyed fear.

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