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How To Use Choc In A Sentence

  • Does the plain, unsugared doughy type bagel look alike surpass the overly decorated with hundreds and thousands and pumped full of sweet chemicals with optional coating of chocolate (half dipped) Tescos Express doughnut win every time? Rabbit Stew. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Think roast partridge with wild mushrooms followed by a little pot of chocolate rosemary.
  • choco-lemon's diary choco-lemon's Diaryland Diary nerves up until lunch this was a completely horrible day. it picked up when me, lindsay, and krist stopped at murray to buy a quatch. once we smoked i bowl i felt a million times better. and that scares me. Nerves
  • He's sulking in a corner somewhere because I wouldn't let him have a second bar of chocolate.
  • Ice the sides with the chocolate icing, then pipe a decorative border of chocolate icing around the top, encircling the coconut topping.
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  • Process chocolate wafers into fine crumbs in a food processor fitted with a metal blade.
  • Decorate the cake with chocolate curls.
  • Mother brought me a box of chocolates.
  • The desserts were homey and filling - the baked banana with chocolate sauce is the ultimate for those people who love that combination.
  • Why don't you share the choccies and champers with Sandy and Jules, my reneging little Petal?
  • There are chocks of assorted age and make, battered into shapeless bashies, as well as many fine #1 Friends, sunk and overcammed deep into fingercracks which refuse to give up their dead.
  • This chocolate mousse is too rich for me.
  • While awaiting maintenance arrival, Airmen Green and Helton continued patrolling the area to verify that all aircraft were chocked.
  • I'm going home tomorrow - hefting heavy sound kit that I didn't use, with bags full of chocolate bars and Swiss liqueurs to give as presents.
  • She skipped normal meals to satisfy her craving for chocolate and crisps.
  • I guess digging into a tub of chocolate ice cream will be good.
  • Chopping up the chocolate is actually one of the most important things you need to do for this recipe before mixing them into the batter. Baking Bites » Print » Chocolate Chip Angel Food Cupcakes
  • I've got a real weakness for chocolate.
  • Import a gross of king-size choccy bars to Thailand on my next visit?
  • The crowd is chock-a-block with people who like all kinds of music, and there are only very few acts that can cater for such an assorted group of people.
  • The orchestra plays Grieg and Moszkowski; a smell of chocolate is in the air; that tall, pink lieutenant over there, with his cropped head and his outstanding ears, his _backfisch_ waist and his mudscow feet -- that military gargoyle, half lout and half fop, offends the roving eye. Europe After 8:15
  • My serial Flyover City is a blog-novel, detailing the trials and tribulations of a regular guy living in a world chock-full of super heroes and villians. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » A Vast List of Storytelling Blunders
  • Purple Label sportswear is filled with chocolate-colored suede trench coats, gray pinstriped cashmere slacks, cashmere sweaters and cashmere overcoats.
  • The hill burns are torrents of water and the main river a chocolate flood.
  • Stir one third into the hot milk chocolate custard and the rest into the plain.
  • It's healthier to snack on fruit rather than chocolate.
  • A huge pear and chocolate tart which we helped down with some freshly whipped cream.
  • Other studies of potato chips and chocolate candies show drastic increases in snacking when the subject is given a larger bag of food.
  • The idea to start manufacturing their own confectionery formed when they started giving their own handmade chocolates to friends as Christmas presents.
  • The Choctaw [Footnote: Romans, p. 70, Bossu, Vol. I, p. 308.] boys made use of a cane stalk, eight or nine feet in length, from which the obstructions at the joints had been removed, much as boys use what is called a putty blower. Indian Games : an historical research
  • DURANGO, Colo. (Reuters) - Chocolate may be a comfort in troubled times but even this affordable luxury is feeling the pinch of slower economic growth in the United States.
  • Rory gets buckets of chocolate ice cream, wallows, let's her mom comfort her, cries.
  • Whether in a cup or a cone - single or double dip - and sprinkled with chocolate or rainbow jimmies, ice cream evokes happy memories.
  • I can still remember biting through the coconut-studded chocolate shell into the gloriously sticky, snow-white goo within.
  • A chock full pool of water, after blowing off silence.
  • For the chocolate soup: In a saucepan, scald the cream.
  • You know how it is when to stay feels like an eternity of misery, even with the promise of a multi-tiered orchid-bestrewn imported from the UK chocolate wedding cake? June 2005
  • Fiery red blossoms float amongst olive green leaves that are heavily mottled with chocolate and maroon.
  • Well you certainly made short work of the chocolate cake! There's none left for your dad.
  • When she asked what it was, I responded ‘Homemade marshmallows, roasted peanuts and cocoa nibs enrobed in dark chocolate’, a dark mood crossed her face.
  • Exposure to ozone causes acute changes in lung function, neutrophil infiltration, cytokine release, and potentiation of allergen-induced bronchoconstriction.
  • There's the literal, like Chocobos, Moogles and certain summons; and the less so, like a particular visual and musical aesthetic, or themes of war ethics or class struggles. Archive 2008-04-01
  • And as I love making food gifts, this sounded like a neat tool to make chocolate-dipped citrus peel, candied fruit, cookies, almond paste, or anything that will stand on those fork tines.
  • The Canadian deck crew chocked and chained the helicopter, we transferred the parts, and signaled for breakdown.
  • While whole milk is the standard prescription for hot chocolate, the idea of gilding the lily with something a little richer is an undeniably attractive one. How to make perfect hot chocolate
  • The boys move through the house, opening cupboards and shedding socks, leaving a Hansel and Gretel trail of chocolate coin foil, crumbs, used tissues and satsuma peel. Diary of a separation
  • All the hours from 8: 30 to 4: 30 were chock-full of classes for the first time in two semesters.
  • But chocolate is manufactured from the cocoa plant Theobroma cacao, which literally translates as ‘food of the gods’.
  • As we all know, the mayo in the tuna, the oil in the tofu and chocolate chips in the pudding contain enough calories and fat for an entire day.
  • Which flavor do you want - chocolate or vanilla?
  • The pounds pile on as they break for split-pea soup, munch chocolate-chip cookies, dine on shrimp and pasta.
  • As Valentine's Day approaches each year he stoutly proclaims his disdain for this "faux holiday, this commercial invention by some ad man or company created for the sake of making a few bucks, selling silly, heart-shaped cards, bouquets and chocolates. Jamie Schler: Valentine's Day Flourless Chocolate Truffle Torte
  • He looked dirty, with a ring of chocolate milk circling his mouth. HOUR OF THE HUNTER
  • I've moved on from the magnums into choccy danish territory.
  • It's an instrumental album featuring classical instrumentation, it features gorgeous packaging, and most of the song titles are either in French or chock full of commas.
  • On your next picnic, serve strawberries with a pot of honey and chopped toasted nuts or chocolate shavings.
  • Investigations showed a normal electrocardiogram and echocardiogram.
  • Trad climbers use friends, chocks, stoppers and other passive and active gear instead.
  • They are also a classic comic pair in a production that's chockablock with vivid characters: Elizabeth Reaser as Buddy's wife, Beth; Collette Wolfe as Matt's wife, Sandra; Louisa Krause as a droll motel desk clerk. Nervy 'Young Adult' Dazzles by the Book
  • Sensing trouble, Daniel shook his head and stuck his chocolate wafer into her cone.
  • Erin also made it a point to treat her sweet tooth every day with a small piece of chocolate, hard candy or licorice.
  • The advantage of the Ferry Building is also that I can get everything I need in one place: meat, charcuterie, cheese, dairy, chocolate, etc.
  • The recent availability of bittersweet chocolates coupled with our access to a global food market and unique ingredients has created an increased interest in artisanal chocolates.
  • These traditional cottages are not only chocolate-box pretty, they also provide good levels of natural insulation - but don't forget the repair and renewal costs
  • First the candy: Known as Mozart Kugeln, packed in a delightful red tin with tiny portraitures of the composer, these are deluxe confections exquisitely filled with marzipan, made from "fresh green pistachios, almonds and rich hazelnut-nougat, enrobed with delicious milk and bitter chocolates. Rozanne Gold: Tastes of the Week
  • In the early 2000s, bonbon makers bumped up the dare element by introducing hot chilis to chocolate. Hoppy Holidays: Sweet Makers Try to Tap Market for Beer Candy
  • Onchocerciasis eliminated from west Africa: Officials from the World Health Organization last week celebrated the elimination of onchocerciasis, or river blindness, as a public health threat in west Africa.
  • A plate of ripe cheeses is always available, and a dessert or two; Jenkins bakes the chocolate-almond cake and biscotti in-house.
  • This cake can also be iced: melt together 150g dark chocolate with 150 ml double cream and 25g butter.
  • I have to combat this constant desire to eat chocolate.
  • That's all right, the woman replied, Ever since I lost my teeth, all I can do is suck off the chocolate.
  • The base of the creme brulee is a chocolate custard. 2009 December | Baking Bites
  • Break up the chocolate and melt it.
  • Between one and two, the Grill is chock-full of agents power lunching on mineral water (the schmooze is boozeless in modern LA).
  • I eat less chocolate and fewer biscuits than I used to.
  • That bottle of champagne together with those chocolates will make a nice present.
  • Laura put the receiver down and made tea, opened the biscuit box and selected a chocolate gold grain. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • Not that I've any issue with gaining the odd pound or two but since I'm guzzling beer and eating chips and chocolate all the time I guess things could only get worse.
  • Regular contact with water also makes women prone to water-borne diseases such as Schistosomiasis, onchocerciasis and dracunculosis (spread by guinea worms).
  • In the social context, drugs such as caffeine, sugar and chocolate are well accepted and much enjoyed by millions worldwide.
  • The average box of chocs contains two important components. The Sun
  • The Girls' Night In package fills you full of chocolate, sweeties, popcorn and ice-cream, but if you fancy a meal it is well worth ordering from the room-service menu.
  • Another loser chocker season for you bunch of beer burping boobs. News -
  • This recipe is guaranteed to please almost anyone who likes chocolate.
  • Stir in the chocolate, then fold in the flour and semolina.
  • I like chocolates with soft centres.
  • She would recount how it was possible to buy anything - from meat, chocolate, cigarettes and the obligatory ‘nylons’ - from the spivs and black market racketeers.
  • Sprinkle chocolate on top of the cake.
  • Suite 88 is still my chocolate source of choice near the hotel, but seabream and I made it to Juliette et Chocolat (after trying and failing with redbird, cattitude, and timprov), and it is certainly worth attention. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • A street cleaner already cleans the main thoroughfares but wind eddies can blow drifts of crisp packets and chocolate wrappers into alleys and hedges, he said.
  • Without a scrap of make-up, the chocolate-box prettiness is still there: the clear turquoise eyes, creamy skin and chiselled bone structure are luminous.
  • The flavor of chocolate and malt is a winning combination in any form, but incorporating chunks of malted milk balls adds just enough of the familiar texture of those classic candies to take this ultra-creamy ice cream over the top. Bites from other Blogs | Baking Bites
  • This flight-deck director didn't understand the pilot's intentions, or he wouldn't have run out on the deck and started to chock and chain the aircraft.
  • He sported his cap while admiring the choccies, only whipping it off for the photograph outside, with the words: ‘I don't think people need to see me in a hairnet.’
  • Christine Frazier, head baker, serves up chocolate-topped confectioneries to loyal customers and newbies alike. Cupcake Happy Hour at Baltimore Cupcake Company
  • Its spores are vinaceous pink to purple brown or chocolate in the mass; they are fusiform-amygdaloid and show a certain amount of compression.
  • Patients with signs of aortic stenosis on physical examination should undergo testing, including chest x-ray, electrocardiograph and echocardiograph.
  • A chocolate face masque made with organic cocoa is simply amazing for your skin.
  • Trey kicked at it as he snitched a chocolate chip cookie from Blake's lunch.
  • Milk was the most commonly pinched item, followed by chocs, sweets and crisps. The Sun
  • There were indeed big chunks of chocolate, but the ice-cream itself was insipid and flavourless.
  • The driver chocked up the back wheels so that the car could not run down the slope.
  • They managed to buy basics such as long-life milk, cereal, chocolate and biscuits, but Paul was determined to bring his family to safety.
  • Cook 2 cups milk, 6 ounces chopped bittersweet chocolate, 3 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon cocoa powder and 1/4 teaspoon chili powder over medium-low heat, stirring, until smooth.
  • As diners savoured their delicious Chocolate marquise and sipped their coffee and tea, the ballroom's lights dimmed and the audience stilled as the evening's program began.
  • It promises to produce everything from the waft of freshly baked chocolate cookies to percolating coffee over a personal computer.
  • Labels: david bridie, my friend the chocolate cake, nigella lawson posted by Another Outspoken Female at 11: 41 AM Archive 2008-04-01
  • Abbey freely indulged in two of the huge, gooey chocolate chip cookies.
  • “Fight Club” is a critique of patriarchy like a non-fat, artificially sweetened white chocolate mocha is a critique of sugary coffee drinks. Matthew Yglesias » Fight Club
  • These little puff pastries are served on a white napkin with bowls of chocolate sauce and raspberry coulis for dipping.
  • If you're only eating a chocolate bar for lunch, you need a good square meal in the evening.
  • Some say that chocolate gives consumers delights of euphoric content, I say it does not give me that.
  • THE British Heart Foundation (BHF) has announced it has raised £9,500 towards a new echocardiograph machine for St Mary's Hospital. Latest Isle of Wight News
  • Composed by François Robert, the new release is described as a perfume- "choc", a rose scent that is oriental, spicy, soft, sensual and cordial. Archive 2007-06-01
  • After biogenesis, trichocysts migrate to the plasma membrane and are anchored to predetermined sites.
  • This type of mole gets everyone excited because it's made with chocolate, but cacao is only one ingredient in the mix of four kinds of chillies and musky spices that create its distinct and complex flavour.
  • If all else fails, you can always just eat the table decorations, since it seems that every festive table these days plays host to a generous bowl of fruit and nuts and a surfeit of chocolates.
  • My first attempt at a chocolate cake tasted horrible.
  • You can even make your own treats with a two-hour chocolatier experience. The Sun
  • Our hotel with its pleasant garden and the fine shops -- (where it seems you can still buy every fascinating thing from newest jewellery and oldest curiosities, to Amiens 'special "_roc_" chocolates) -- the long, arboured boulevards, the cobbled streets, the quaint blue and pink houses of the suburbs, and the poplar-lined walk by the Somme, all, all have the friendliest air! Everyman's Land
  • Both Bruges and Brussels boast museums where you can learn more about the history and production of chocolate.
  • Besides the chocolate candy bar, one of the most popular American snacks is the chocolate - chip cookie.
  • Satisfied, he gave a ` thumbs up " to the mechanic who then pulled out the chocks and, once more, saluted. CORMORANT
  • A chocolate dessert is a sure crowd-pleaser.
  • I had a Mars chocolate bar and my bsl dropped to 6.7 I believe. Archive 2006-08-01
  • Yet as every chocolate bar manufacturer knows, giving away a few freebies does no harm to sales.
  • Having long had this match penciled in as a win, and on the back of two stirring victories, we were chock-a-block full of confidence that our recent good record against the Hooped Affair was going to continue.
  • Organisers estimated more than 130,000 people visited Peel Park to hear dozens of free shows and sample the renowned mela food, ranging from pakoras and chana to chocolate crêpes and candyfloss.
  • When the blustering wind and swirling snow make sledding and building snowmen feel like work, ditch your icy mittens and spend the afternoon by a warm stove, sipping hot chocolate and munching on cookies.
  • Cassata cake, sometimes called cannoli cake in the U.S., combines layers of sponge cake with a chocolate - and fruit-studded filling, all covered with a thick frosting and garnished with candy or fruit. The Daily News - News
  • A few years later it's chocs away for Rovers' new regime at Wolves on Saturday.
  • It's hard to resist the lucious, velvety chocolate cascading down in a stream of utter blissful heaven.
  • Mother brought me a box of chocolates.
  • It is hard not to see the movement from heavenliness and holy place to tolchocking on the rot as a kind of decline, not progress. Stone Pastorals: Three Men on the Side of the Horses
  • Well you certainly made short work of the chocolate cake! There's none left for your dad.
  • Preceding it, ISU carillonneur Tin-shi Tam will provide music, and cookies and hot chocolate will be served.
  • My tip is to pop a couple of pieces of dark chocolate into the gravy to add extra richness.
  • In the confectionery industry today, fruit pastes appear to have been reduced to a minor role as centres for fondant, chocolates, and dragées.
  • ‘Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liqueurs in one go,’ said Truman Capote and suddenly we knew it was time to leave the feminine wiles of this ancient city with its masks and mystery.
  • The packed lunches were found to be high in fat because of crisps, chocolate bars, biscuits and the amount of butter and margarine used.
  • His hair was a chocolate brown colour with a few blonde streaks through it, spiked up slightly.
  • She leads me into Chinese sweet shops where, alongside usual offerings of chocolates and toffees, there are buckets of candied dried shrimps and sugared squid.
  • An athlete might use foods containing caffeine to increase energy levels, for example, coffee, chocolate and cola drinks.
  • She baked mouth-watering cakes, mini chocolate muffins and millionaire shortcake to keep everyone happy.
  • Try to resist the temptation to top up your blood sugar levels with chocolate and keep your diet light, choosing lightly-cooked or steamed vegetables and fish, nuts, seeds, pulses and brown rice.
  • Some people accidentally dropped their praline square into the melted chocolate, and tempting as it may be, it is not okay to fish for it with your hand.
  • Not mention, I was horribly addicted to iced mochas and hot chocolates.
  • But those mots are just the icing on what is essentially a very rich, very filling, very addictive, gooey chocolate cake of a thriller.
  • Does it appear to be a myth because other foodstuffs are preventing any noticeable beneficial change from abstaining from eating chocolate or is it all a load of cobblers?
  • First, the chocolate is a desserty addition because coffee cakes often stick with fruit - blueberries, strawberries, etc. - as a mix-in. Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake | Baking Bites
  • In fact, as the hours wore on, I found I was feeling charged and a little high with all the chocolate.
  • It's Valentine's season, which means that everywhere you look there are heart-shaped balloons, pink greeting cards and candy boxes filled with chocolate.
  • What do you want - chocolate or vanilla?
  • Time to dust off the boardies and measure the amount of winter chocolate consumption.
  • She began to pick up the chocolate pudding bowls from the table. ANASTASIA KRUPNIK (3-IN-1)
  • Easter came early for hundreds of children in hospital when football stars arrived with scores of chocolate eggs.
  • Other afters included caramelised homemade brioche, banana tatin with a rum crème brulée and orange and muscat jelly with dark chocolate ice cream - all at £4.50.
  • When investment bankers and airline stewardesses dream of chucking it all to become candy artisans, this is the chocolate they dream of making.
  • Reese's peanut butter cups, Swizzles licorice, Mounds, York Peppermint Patty, and Kit Kat bars, along with baking chocolate and ice cream toppings.
  • Kelley Stewart, a doctoral student in mechanical engineering, and Charonko are working on a project in collaboration with cardiologists William Little and Rahul Kumar from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine to improve Doppler echocardiograph and MRI diagnostics for this disease. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Re-melt the chocolate if necessary, and then drizzle over the icing.
  • Mesa table-mountains and free-standing buttes flashed by, chocolate-coloured and beige, magenta and orange.
  • Hazelnut dacquoise, a milk chocolate thin with praline, and chocolate ganache.
  • For every chocolate chip cookie, there is a manky wafer biscuit.
  • Afterwards, toast marshmallows while enjoying steaming hot chocolate or coffee.
  • Together with his wife, Danielle, he spoiled us with rib-sticking main courses such as cassoulet or rabbit pappardelle they'll cater for vegetarians or special diets if you let them know in advance, and irresistible desserts like melting chocolate pudding or affogato with homemade ice-cream. Couples ski holiday in the French Alps
  • Sprinkle the rest of the coconut on the white chocolate.
  • Bruni recounts the plethora of pork belly on the app menu ( "pork belly with kimchi in an Asian preparation" or "house-smoked pork belly with lentils") then noted the pig-plenty on the entrees list ( "a pork chop, pork ribs or a pork foot, also known as a trotter"), and even found a little piggy available for dessert ( "the house-made bacon chocolate crunch bar"). LAist
  • Alternatively, it could be argued that the chart made a dud prediction, and astrology is entertaining hokum that has as much to do with the real Jupiter as chocolate bars do with Mars.
  • There, people would meet to chat and consume hot chocolate.
  • MATTHAU: Well, I thought it was a Jewish delicatessen in Brentwood, where he was ordering fried shrimp and a chocolate frap. CNN Transcript Jun 30, 2001
  • For me it is undoubtedly Italian chocolate ice cream.
  • Objective To assess feasibility, sensitivity of transesophageal echocardiography ( TEE ) in visualizing coronary artery segments and velocity ( CFV ).
  • The cake was the real showstopper: two-tiered and dense with chocolate mousse and ganache.
  • They were literally chocolate bars (about triple the size of regular Hershey bars) filled with a thin milky-type cream. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Dip cookies in hot chocolate to a quick count of five and eat!
  • An echocardiograph (EKG) at Hackensack's Gregory M. Hirsch Center for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy would cost about $100 without insurance coverage, Tozzi estimated. Latest News
  • Last weekend, the Easter Bunny made a special stop on the North Shore with a mission to leave chocolate and other candy treats.
  • If you buy doggy chews for your pooch, you might just buy them a box of chocs (particularly if they agree to roll over and play dead).
  • Her dark, chocolate brown hair fell in bouncy ringlets and looked perfect whether Adele let it hang naturally or pinned it up.
  • I've been submerged with Guide proofreading, a semi-annual communal exercise in eyestrain and Twizzlers and chocolate-fueled mania; yesterday I couldn't stop calling everyone "enthusiasts" after reading the word one too many times. Reviews in a word
  • When cooled, cut the chocolate brownies into squares.
  • You could indulge in a special heart shaped Valentine chocolates and pick from specialty pralines including nougat mocha, walnut and caramel and coconut bounty.
  • The ice cream was covered in sauce, nuts, chocolate - the full monty.
  • Who can articulate a discomfort with the subliminally retro Betty Crocker ideals about femininity (the gyno/Easy-Bake Oven connection!) or ponder the limited entrepreneurial choices for women, even in 2010, when your mouth is full of chocolate ganache? TV Preview: What's new in 'D.C. Cupcakes'? Too little.
  • Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt it over a gentle heat.
  • They have real food, you can order a large latte without beeing sneered at, and the pain au chocolat is not the best I have had, but it is in the top three. Live through this and you won't look back
  • Thanks! n5150 chocolate lovers coffee cheesecake proview html kitchen tables and chairs bathroom kitchen supply white chocolate basketball the cover girls lyrics catering supplies edinburgh gas leafe blowers meat bathroom renovating stanley thermos coffee cup scopa african violet commercial food warmer countertop how tall was the first commercial microwave oven commercial steamer tko antique brass curtain rails teachers in demand - 2006-08-15 22: 21: 30 The Girls, The Collectors, and The Life
  • Eventually he delved into his bag and presented them with a bar of liqueur chocolate, then told them they couldn't eat it because of their religion so he was going to have to take it back and give them a plain bar…
  • As examples of my will not to send aircrew up in unairworthy jets, on one occasion I refused to remove the chocks or disconnect my headset on a running jet, despite the Sqn Ldr in the back yelling at me to do so. Police Investigate MP’s Expenses « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • New flavors include apple cinnamon crunch, chocolate raspberry supreme, strawberry yogurt and strawberry fruit crunch.
  • Even treats like pain au chocolate and brioche au sucre are not sweetened, despite their respective additions of chocolate and sugar. What is vienoisserie? | Baking Bites
  • In such patients, cardioversion should be delayed until the patient has been anticoagulated at appropriate levels INR 2.0 to 3.0 for three to four weeks or shorter term anticoagulation if screening transesophageal echocardiography has excluded atrial and atrial appendage thrombi. Sometimes I Hate Being Good
  • Prescott reports a case of what he calls fatal colic from the lodgment of a chocolate-nut in the appendix; and Noyes relates an instance of death in a man of thirty-one attributed to the presence of a raisin-seed in the vermiform appendix. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The diagnosis of brain abscess mandates other studies seeking the etiology, which may include HIV serology, sinus studies, and transesophageal echocardiogram.
  • I kicked stones as I walked along, and decided to stop off at the servo near where I live to get some chocolate or something to eat.
  • A buttery triple-layer yellow cake gets a topping of the smoothest, deep dark-chocolate ganache, with a smattering of semisweet mini chocolate chips for good measure.
  • The Google developer conference has been chock-full of announcements, but one that we are particularly excited about is a "20% time" project from software engineer, Moishe Lettvin.
  • Once we were chocked, chained and out of the jet, we saw that we had lost our left shoulder panel, and only two of 34 screws had been set and tightened.
  • Cocoa and chocolate are admissible only with the dainty, æsthetic varieties, in which fruit or some kind of sweetmeat is used. Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-Dish Dainties With Fifty Illustrations of Original Dishes

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