
chlorophyll a

  1. a blue-black plant pigment having a blue-green alcohol solution; found in all higher plants

How To Use chlorophyll a In A Sentence

  • Thylakoids, containing chlorophyll and other accessory pigments, are in stacks called granum (grana, plural) Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Remove both chlorophyll and the yellow pigment xanthophyll and the variegation is white.
  • The dorsiventral thallus is constructed on the same plan throughout the group, and shows a lower region composed of cells containing little chlorophyll and an upper stratum specialized for assimilation and transpiration. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Unwanted algae are distinguishable by their chlorophyll and carotenoid compounds.
  • While Epifagus and Orobanche totally lack chlorophyll and therefore photosynthetic ability, there are some genera of parasitic plants that appear to be in the process of losing the ability to photosynthesize.
  • In the two short years before the outbreak of the first World War he was able with a team of collaborators to round off his investigations into chlorophyll and, in connexion with that, to complete some work on haemoglobin and, in rapid succession, to carry out his studies of anthocyanes, the colouring matter of flowers and fruits. Richard Willstätter - Biography
  • As light and temperatures drop, the leaves stop making chlorophyll and it breaks down, revealing the colours underneath.
  • In higher plants, the pathways of chlorophyll and haem biosynthesis are tightly regulated at an early step.
  • Mushrooms do not have chlorophyll and cannot photosynthesize in the way that green plants do, to produce food.
  • Greens are full of chlorophyll and one of the best healing foods we can eat raw.
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