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How To Use Chlorate In A Sentence

  • Seems like finding a battery (and some systems are even batteryless) would be easier than trying to locate a source of percussion caps, primers, or their contents (lead azide, sodium perchlorate). Electrifying Muzzleloaders: CVA's New Electronic Ignition System
  • The latrines are primitive and are not disinfected with chlorate of lime. Work Camp 10049 GW
  • Potassium 287 acid carbonate 294 acid sulphate 294 acid sulphite 294 alum, aluminium 334 alum, chrome 384 alum, iron 352 and plant life 287 aurate 396 bromide 290 carbonate 293 chlorate 291 chloride 290 chromate 385 cyanide 293 dichromate 386 ferricyanide 352 ferrocyanide 352 hydroxide 288 hydroxide, action of halogens 289 hypochlorite 289 iodide 290 manganate 381 nitrate 291 occurrence 287 permanganate 381 preparation 288 sulphate 294 An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • Chlorate of potass -- Liquor calcii chloridi 62 92. Hydriatic treatment of Scarlet Fever in its Different Forms
  • Dr. Watson also recommends a _drink_, prepared of a drachm of _chlorate of potass_ to a pint of water, and has found great improvement from the use of a pint to a pint and a half of this solution daily. Hydriatic treatment of Scarlet Fever in its Different Forms
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  • The process of washing perchlorate out of rockets has been a source of drinking and irrigation water contamination demonstrated in and around the Colorado River and the Sacramento area.
  • Similarly, while it is known that the effects inhibitors have on the thyroid can in turn lead to adverse effects on the digestive, cardiovascular and integumentary systems, it is not yet known what effect current concentrations of perchlorate have in the body. Fate and effects of perchlorate
  • Commonly, a chlorate candle is a powder mixture of sodium chlorate, catalyst and metal fuel.
  • The suitcase contained chlorate of potash and paraffin wax, which was mixed with gelignite to form an explosive compound.
  • Phenyl-substituted cyclopentadienes are proved to form phenylated pyrylium cations in the presence of silver perchlorate by insertion of an oxygen atom into the cyclopentadiene-ring.
  • Researchers found a lot of the basic ingredients that life needs to survive, including water in the form of ice, various minerals and a salt called perchlorate that microbes on Earth use as an energy source. | news
  • Further, they have developed methods to bind such catalytic ligands to semi-solid supports which provide an appropriate reaction environment for rapid destruction of perchlorates by titanous species.
  • Melt the oxygen - chlorate, drop in some candy, and a fantastic display of fireworks will follow.
  • Any type of sugar will make a big boom on a bed of potassium chlorate, which is simply an oxidizing agent. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Gummi bear dropped into molten potassium chlorate.
  • The salt called perchlorate takes vapour from the atmosphere at night. The Sun
  • Here is a salt called chlorate of potassa, which is now made in large quantities for bleaching, and chemical and medical uses, and for pyrotechnic and other purposes. The Chemical History of a Candle
  • I predict that learning more about low-dose effects of ubiquitous chemicals (perchlorate, MTBE, trichloroethane, perfluorochemicals -- all of which have been found in municipal water supplies) will give even committed tap-water drinkers pause. Elizabeth Royte: Another Gift to the Bottled Water Industry
  • Perchlorate is the primary ingredient of solid rocket propellant that is increasingly found in soil and water.
  • For the scientifically-minded: A perchlorate molecule is an organochlorine and has the chemical formula ClO4 -, four oxygen atoms surrounding a chlorine atom.
  • It is little affected by immersion in water, unless prolonged, when the chlorate dissolves out, leaving a practical inexplosive residue. [ Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • Among the chemicals detected in 99% to 100% of the subjects were such banned substances as cancer-causing PCBs polychlorinated biphenyls and flame retardants containing polybrominated diphenyl ethers, along with organochlorine pesticides, perchlorate and phthalates, compounds found in cosmetics, detergents, vinyl floors, toys, plastic bottles and hundreds of other products. Landmark study finds 43 chemicals -- some banned -- in pregnant women
  • Some used gelatine sticks while others used a home-made explosive compound of ammonium nitrate, potassium chlorate, sulphuric acid and sugar - chemicals available over the counter in most major cities.
  • Ammonium berchlorate, NH4ClO4 -- Oxidiser Used as an oxidiser in solid rocket fuels, most notably the solid booster rockets for the Space Shuttle. Terror in Argentina
  • This week, we're finding out what happens to a gummi bear (i.e., sucrose) when it's dropped into molten potassium chlorate. Boing Boing
  • The chemical perchlorate, which is used in solid rocket and jet fuels, was recently detected in 15 powdered baby formulas, according to ABC News. Rocket fuel in baby formula?
  • I saw a chest full of mixed potassic chlorate and black oxide of manganese, with an apparatus for heating it, and producing oxygen -- a foolish thing, for additional oxygen could not alter the quantity of breathed carbonic anhydride, which is a direct narcotic poison. The Purple Cloud
  • To prepare the pure base a very concentrated solution of this pure hydrochlorate is treated with an excess of a very concentrated solution of caustic soda, and pieces of caustic potash are added, whereupon the free alkaloid separates out at first as a colorless resinous stringy mass, which, however, upon standing, turns crystalline, forming monoclinic crystals similar to tartaric acid or glycocol. Scientific American Supplement, No. 315, January 14, 1882
  • Here is a salt called chlorate of potassa, which is now made in large quantities for bleaching, and chemical and medical uses, and for pyrotechnic and other purposes. The Chemical History of a Candle
  • Continued research has produced many more types of chemical explosives than those known in Nobel's time: percholates, chlorates, ammonium nitrate-fuel oil mixtures and liquid oxygen explosives are examples.
  • Researchers in Texas have detected the chemical perchlorate in milk, crops, and a significant portion of the state's groundwater.
  • Porous cakes, or lumps of chlorate of potash, exploded violently with bisulphide of carbon, nitro-benzol, carbonic acid, sulphur, benzene, and mixtures of these substances. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • Scientists have discovered the mechanism by which a chemical known as perchlorate can collect in breast milk and cause cognitive and motor deficits in newborns. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Environmental Toxin Collects in Breast Milk
  • Sodiumfluoride, sodium fluorosilicate, sodium arsenate, sodium borate, and sodium chlorate are all used as weed or pest-killers.
  • I have some pyrotechnics in my background, and to quote George Plimpton, hearing the word “chlorate” without “per” in front of it is like hearing the word “cobra” without “dead” before it. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Gummi bear dropped into molten potassium chlorate.
  • Weigh five ounces of dry nitrate of strontia, one ounce and a half of finely-powdered sulphur, five drams of chlorate of potash, and four drams of sulphuret of antimony. Home Pastimes; or Tableaux Vivants
  • Scheele then poured sulfuric acid into one end and into the other end chlorate of potash or picric acid or some other flammable chemical. Chad Millman: Bottle Bombs: It's 1916 all over Again
  • Unlike ammonium nitrate, TNT and chlorates, C4 is a military explosive produced in the US and several other countries.
  • The propellant is a mix of aluminum, ammonium perchlorate, a polymer called polybutadiene acrylonitrile, epoxy and iron oxide poured into cylindrical steel casings 12 feet wide, almost like cake batter into pans. NYT > Home Page
  • Inorganic anions used as the model anions were sulfate, fluoride, chloride, bromide, nitrite, nitrate, chlorate, iodide, thiocyanate, and perchlorate, used as their sodium salts.
  • False negatives (no light when there should be light): arsenate, perchlorate, most heavy metals, divalent cation chelating agents (EDTA is fine in small doses so long as Mg++ is in excess). Snowed under
  • Flasks and bottles full of nitrates and sulphides and chlorates and acetone, labelled in English and Arabic, lay on dirty tables.
  • The hydrocarbon diperchlorate products have utility as detonatable sensitizers for explosives and alkylating agents.
  • The perchloric acid then neutralises the alkali ammonia forming crystals of ammonium perchlorate salt.
  • Flasks and bottles full of nitrates and sulphides and chlorates and acetone, labelled in English and Arabic, lay on dirty tables.
  • Exposure to perchlorate has been shown to reduce thyroid hormone production and inhibit the uptake of iodide, which is required for healthy function of the thyroid gland. Eyewitness News
  • The insoluble potassium perchlorate was removed by centrifugation at 500 g for 3 min.
  • Hiskey's formulation uses nitrocellulose as fuel and nitrates as oxidizer, thus avoiding perchlorates altogether. Building a Better Firework
  • Locally, the use of mouth-washes, such as chlorate of potash or black wash diluted with lime-water, the insufflation of powdered iodoform and borax with Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Melt the oxygen - potassium chlorate, drop in some candy, and a fantastic display of fireworks will follow.
  • In addition, such naturally-occurring sources of perchlorate as potash fertilizer and evaporite soils exist. Fate and effects of perchlorate
  • The suitcase contained chlorate of potash and paraffin wax, which was mixed with gelignite to form an explosive compound.
  • Potassium perchlorate is the oxidizing agent used to set off fireworks.
  • The paper is then saturated with chlorate of strontia, or chlorate of baryta, or nitrate of copper, by immersion in a warm solution of these salts (See Chemical News, vol. i., p. 36.) [back] The Forces of Matter, Delivered before a Juvenile Auditory at the Royal Institution of Great Britain during the Christmas Holidays of 1859-60
  • Thus, perchlorate ion is a stronger oxidant than chlorate ion, followed by chlorite ion and hypochlorite ion.
  • Would it be better to use purified and electrolyzed Hydrogen and Oxygen for fuel? too the perchlorates? MRO Radar Maps Extensive Subsurface Martian Ice | Universe Today
  • Prof. Filehne, of Erlangen, who has studied a large number of these pyridine and quinoline derivatives, found, moreover, that the hydrochlorate of ethyl-piperidine had a physiological action quite analogous to that of conine. Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883
  • But chlorate and sugar was brilliant. Times, Sunday Times
  • EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Gummi bear dropped into molten potassium chlorate. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Gummi bear dropped into molten potassium chlorate.
  • Many recent analytical advances address ongoing problems, including arsenic, perchlorates, and methyl tert butyl ether in soil and water supplies.
  • Ignition was effected by the flame resulting when a pad of cotton-wool impregnated with benzoline or potassium chlorate was fired by an electrically heated wire. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • Flasks and bottles full of nitrates and sulphides and chlorates and acetone, labelled in English and Arabic, lay on dirty tables.
  • Inorganic anions used as the model anions were sulfate, fluoride, chloride, bromide, nitrite, nitrate, chlorate, iodide, thiocyanate, and perchlorate, used as their sodium salts.
  • The author found that 100 grammes of a Bucholze's solution for the propagation of bacteria, charged with 0.20 g. of chinoline hydrochlorate, had remained perfectly clear and free from bacteria after standing forty-six days exposed to the air, while a similar solution, placed under the same conditions, without chinoline, had turned muddy and contained bacteria after only twelve days 'standing. Scientific American Supplement, No. 315, January 14, 1882
  • Further tests by the Phoenix lander found traces of a substance called perchlorate in the Martian soil. Signs of the Times
  • Spectrophotometric measurements carried out by us (to be published later) show conclusively that there is no dimer formation, and that in ceric perchlorate solutions in normal perchloric acid approximately 92 per cent of the ceric ion is present as the ion-pair complex Ce 4 + OH -.
  • To give one example, a red pellet could contain substances such as potassium perchlorate and strontium carbonate, besides pitch as fuel and starch as binder.
  • Simultaneously, hydrogen ions are produced, which react with the perchlorate ions making perchloric acid.
  • Highlight the performance of sodium chlorate for the future.
  • Now that same chemical called perchlorate has turned up in the food supply as well. CNN Transcript Dec 3, 2004
  • It has been identified as perchlorate, which is actually used on Earth in rocket fuel. CNN Transcript Aug 5, 2008
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Environmental Toxin Collects in Breast Milk'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Scientists have discovered the mechanism by which a chemical known as perchlorate can collect in breast milk and cause cognitive and motor deficits in newborns. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Environmental Toxin Collects in Breast Milk
  • Ammonium perchlorate (an oxidizer) accounts for 70% of the solid propellant in the shuttle's booster rockets because it generates so much gas when burning.
  • But they can't tell the difference between nitrogen and chlorate, so if there's chlorate present, they try to use that. New methods aim to keep E. coli in beef lower all year
  • Melt the oxygen - chlorate, drop in some candy, and a fantastic display of fireworks will follow.
  • Perchlorate is a waterborne contaminant left over from propellants and rocket fuels.
  • We can make sodium chlorate (or potassium chlorate) unite with iodine and chloride acid to yields iodine mono-chloride solution under acetic acid.
  • There, the poison is called perchlorate, a component of rocket fuel, which affects the growth, development and metabolism of the human body, and also is known to cause cancer. Javier Sierra: A Bitter Taste
  • Among the chemicals detected in 99% to 100% of the subjects were such banned substances as cancer-causing PCBs polychlorinated biphenyls and flame retardants containing polybrominated diphenyl ethers, along with organochlorine pesticides, perchlorate and phthalates, compounds found in cosmetics, detergents, vinyl floors, toys, plastic bottles and hundreds of other products. Landmark study finds 43 chemicals -- some banned -- in pregnant women
  • Gummi bear dropped into molten potassium chlorate. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Gummi bear dropped into molten potassium chlorate.
  • In this crucible I have mixed together just one ounce of sugar and one and one-eighth ounces of solidified oxygen, solidified by the force of chemical affinity and bound up in a white salt called chlorate of potash. Religion and Chemistry
  • Flasks and bottles full of nitrates and sulphides and chlorates and acetone, labelled in English and Arabic, lay on dirty tables.
  • But although the product of the plant - ammonium perchlorate - is used in rockets, it isn't highly explosive and doesn't burn. The Sun
  • Potassium 287 acid carbonate 294 acid sulphate 294 acid sulphite 294 alum, aluminium 334 alum, chrome 384 alum, iron 352 and plant life 287 aurate 396 bromide 290 carbonate 293 chlorate 291 chloride 290 chromate 385 cyanide 293 dichromate 386 ferricyanide 352 ferrocyanide 352 hydroxide 288 hydroxide, action of halogens 289 hypochlorite 289 iodide 290 manganate 381 nitrate 291 occurrence 287 permanganate 381 preparation 288 sulphate 294 An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • Perchlorate is the substance that has served since the 1940s as an oxidizer in solid rocket fuel for more effective propulsion for space shuttles and missiles.
  • GOLDSTEIN: Well, perchlorate inhibits your take-up of iodide, which is a form of iodine, which is necessary to make thyroid hormone. CNN Transcript Feb 24, 2005
  • The Chemicals segment manufactures, markets, and distributes industrial chemicals, principally sodium chlorate, chlorine, muriatic acid, and caustic soda.
  • Eka Chemicals in Marietta, Ga., is working to license sodium chlorate. New methods aim to keep E. coli in beef lower all year
  • Prof. Filehne, of Erlangen, who has studied a large number of these pyridine and quinoline derivatives, found, moreover, that the hydrochlorate of ethyl-piperidine had a physiological action quite analogous to that of conine. Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883
  • The part with the negative charge is called the perchlorate anion or just perchlorate. Public Health Statement for Perchlorates
  • After mixing the soil with perchlorate and heating it, they found that the gases produced were carbon dioxide and traces of chloromethane and dichloromethane - just like the gases released by the chemical reactions after the Viking landers heated the Martian soil more than three decades ago. BBC Ouch! Blog

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