

  1. collective term for the outer parts of a flower consisting of the calyx and corolla and enclosing the stamens and pistils
  2. a short mantle or cape fastened at the shoulder; worn by men in ancient Greece

How To Use chlamys In A Sentence

  • Socrates says he felt when the chlamys blew aside and showed him the limbs of Charmides? Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • David is shown as a young, beardless figure with short, dark hair, clad in a purple chlamys, fastened at the shoulder (though no fibula is represented), beneath which a white and golden yellow garment can be seen.
  • Greek men tended to travel light, with only a pouch slung over their shoulder containing a single change of clothes - a short cape or chlamys; some cooking utensils; and a woollen blanket for bedding.
  • David wears the adult dress of a Byzantine courtier, consisting of an ankle-length chlamys and a long-sleeved tunic.
  • Reticulochlamys zinsmeisteri is easily distinguished from R. borjasensis n. sp., mainly because R. borjasensis has strongly inequivalve shells, with prominent plicae sculptured with scaly riblets.
  • Hermes stands behind Athena at the far right of the scene, and he wears petasos, chlamys, and winged shoes, and carries his kerykeion.
  • The event attracted an audience of thousands from the city and the provinces and involved nineteen thousand player-combatants navigating the twelve-mile-long lake in two teams of fifty ships a side.61 One of those present in the wooden viewing stands that day was the great Roman writer Pliny the Elder, who described the dazzling sight of Agrippina dressed in a golden chlamys, a Greek version of the Roman military cape that her husband was wearing. Caesars’ Wives
  • I nodded as I turned my back and finished stripping out of the suit and slipped the chlamys over my head.
  • David is shown as a young, beardless figure with short, dark hair, clad in a purple chlamys, fastened at the shoulder (though no fibula is represented), beneath which a white and golden yellow garment can be seen.
  • The paludamentum, a military style of garment reminiscent of the chlamys that Agrippina Minor once scandalously wore in public, had previously been reserved for the wardrobe of emperors. Caesars’ Wives
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