How To Use Chivalrous In A Sentence

  • Like Flaubert, Daudet was a syphilitic, boasting unchivalrously that he'd caught the disease from ‘a lady from the top drawer’.
  • He was an elf of great bearing, every bit the chivalrous knight and mentor.
  • This is very similar to the detailed, ornate, velvety and yet touchingly naive backdrops of those medieval scenes, that can be glimpsed through narrow windows in front of which wimpled ladies exchange devotional books with chivalrous gentlemen. Archive 2008-06-01
  • This is not to imply that Hydrogen Guy was being unchivalrous, letting Helium Girl handle all the hard work of mopping the parking lot with a pair of muscled thugs.
  • Men are better judges of that than women; but for high, chivalrous spirit, for true principle and nobility, and what I call downright worth, I don't think you will easily find her superior. The Eustace Diamonds
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  • He could remember being told great stories about the chivalrous knights in his grandfather's time, those whom had fought with honour, discipline and great skill.
  • [228] This chivalrous gentleman, well known as the personification of integrity and honour, had resided many years in the Islands and spoke Tagálog fluently. The Philippine Islands
  • Ever since I was a wee lad of five, it's been imprinted on my brain to be chivalrous and gentlemanly.
  • He was generous, courteous and chivalrous.
  • Changes in war, government, and economy made the chivalrous, aristocratic knight obsolete and the Renaissance made classical literature more popular.
  • Crevecoeur, still laughing at the chivalrous inamorato. Quentin Durward
  • A chivalrous chap, Randall gives the girl a shoulder to cry on, although Hopkirk feels that his corporeal colleague is being perhaps a little too attentive.
  • The real Turpin it seems was just as different, an unattractive, unchivalrous and brutal thief who raped and murdered.
  • Had a wonderful time, thanks to a generous, patient and chivalrous companion.
  • Undoubtedly the behaviour of the sergeant was unchivalrous and unbecoming of the office he occupies.
  • A favourite theme with the company was the want of soldiers or generals at the North, and the impossibility that a set of mechanics and tradesmen, who knew only how to make money and keep it, should be able in chivalrous and gentlemanly exercises to cope with the Southern cavaliers, who were accustomed to sword and pistol and the use of them from their youth up. Daisy in the Field
  • They also tend to describe themselves as 'reliable', 'chivalrous' and 'bighearted'. Times, Sunday Times
  • I would rather this tongue should wither than that I should unchivalrously permit it to deviate one straw's breadth from the truth in order to attain a selfish purpose. Barbara Blomberg — Volume 10
  • Surely only the most chivalrous knight would stand forth boldly, without armor, without the element of surprise, trusting only in his virtue and nobility to protect him!
  • As well expect him to forget that chivalrous manner of his, bewitcher of the veriest stranger. The Romance of a Pro-Consul
  • So, on behalf of our unchivalrous chav: apologies to the American chanteuse.
  • In fact, he was renowned for spending more times in the air than being at home sorting domestic problems, which he unchivalrously has now handed over to his successor.
  • He responded with some deeply unchivalrous remarks about her age.
  • Pamphlets were circulated to rouse the enthusiasm of the nation, by depicting the wrongs of a young and beautiful queen, so unchivalrously assailed by bearded monarchs in overwhelming combination. The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power
  • Oh, so now you're some sort of chivalrous guy again?
  • Americans have largely ignored the tell-all books by unchivalrous butlers, bodyguards, and companions.
  • King Arthur, and the chivalrous train who shed their blood to redeem the holy sepulchre from the hands of the infidels. Chapter 2
  • The western ideal of chivalrous behaviour in warriors, now extensive to all soldiers, continues to be honoured centuries after the disappearance of the armoured knight.
  • At all costs I had to avoid any comment which she might feel was unchivalrous. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Sir Henry Lee, however, appears to have devoted his life to these chivalrous pageantries rather from a quixotical imagination than with any serious views of ambition or interest. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth
  • unchivalrously, the husbands who had to provide such innocent indulgences eventually began to count the costs
  • Only Richard Burton, her first lover, seems like the chivalrous romantic ideal.
  • `I think it was an extremely chivalrous attempt to keep hidden something she knew Amanda was ashamed of. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • In that famous clash in Flanders in 1745, aristocratic officers from both the British and French armies strolled between the lines of musketeers, chivalrously inviting the other side to fire first.
  • Unsurprisingly, Mr Manners took to blundering into my flat at 3.30 am in a most unchivalrous manner: blind drunk, ranting that his mother didn't love him.
  • He went on more cheerfully, telling himself unchivalrously that he had got Mary V's goat, all right. Skyrider
  • It turns out Wilson wasn't a disinterested nonparticipant, a kindly and even chivalrous guy who was just trying to help out the ladies. Susan Kim: Menopause: Marketing Fear
  • Notwithstanding that only a few men yearn to be compleat gentlemen - to live chivalrously - the yearning is a constant, from one millennium to the next.
  • In the quest for equality, many now demonize chivalrous acts as chauvinistic, which is quite sad. Hellboy II (2008)
  • He reported rumors that they suffered artillery attacks with chains and railroad iron, projectiles he thought distinctly unchivalrous.
  • He was handsome, upright and chivalrous.
  • Prejean, whom Somerby unchivalrously describes as "an insignificant 21-year-old," competed as Miss California in the Miss USA beauty pageant. In Defense of Keith Olbermann
  • Feeling that ordinary language is insufficient to convey his _courteous_ and _chivalrous_ sentiments, he ransacks natural history in search of a sublime metaphor: his triumphant success he records in this beautifully expressed sentence -- "The dilating power of the anaconda and the gizzard of the cassowary are the highest objects of his ambition. Lands of the Slave and the Free Cuba, the United States, and Canada
  • There was one seat left which was taken, rather unchivalrously, by Russell, leaving Meg on the floor at his feet.
  • Susanna now again belonged to me in another, truer, and more real way than I had ever dreamt of or suspected, as I comprehended that everything that could be called chivalrous sacrifice on my side only lay lower than our love, was even simply an unworthy offence to it. The Visionary Pictures From Nordland
  • I'll bear no less than my husband, and he is so chivalrous I doubt that I'll bear as much.
  • A chivalrous guy who is tall, dark and handsome (yes, the good old TDH) stands tall in his social circle.
  • Ramsay responded with unchivalrous remarks about Maschler's age, but she nonetheless has given his new venture a rave review.
  • It seemed to him as if he had gained some favour in the eyes of the chivalrous monarch, who till now had not seemed to distinguish him among the crowds of brave men whom his renown had assembled under his banner, and Sir Kenneth little recked that the display of royal regard consisted in placing him upon a post so perilous. The Talisman
  • Randolph that "a rose of his chaplet was fallen," the phrase attesting the King's love of chivalrous romance. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 07
  • The rhetoric of Knighthood located individual Knights of Columbus within an unbroken lineage of valiant Christian knights, and specifically valorized the Catholic component of chivalrous manhood.
  • Many think the highlight of the festival is the knights reenacting the most chivalrous sport of the era: jousting.
  • He was chivalrous in his treatment of women, but absolutely void of sexual desire.
  • Chris was a very chivalrous guy and one of the nicest guys I had ever met.
  • Not that Loki didn't like girls or anything, he just went about his ways as a chivalrous knight in shining armor would, staring at them from a distance.
  • The boys continued the unchivalrous behavior as they left Lyn only the welfare line to stand in as Sunny took third.
  • The formal gesture, chivalrous and yet intimidating, was like a bucket of cold water thrown over Constance's confidence.
  • Indeed, the ballad of "Flodden" says he came for it; but the valiant and chivalrous king would give him no reward but that which he said every traitor deserved -- a rope. Northumberland Yesterday and To-day
  • Are the odds so impossibly great that Ashley Todd just randomly played the card that got countless Black men lynched across this country on many times the mere word of a complainant, or ... the perception of someone standing in chivalrous stead for a complainant? Miss Ashley and Her Chifferobe...Busted.
  • My attorney general, like my governor, is in a kind of popgun war against the Northern Aggression, which threatens to cast our chivalrous way of life to the wind by expanding our health care. Top Stories
  • Wow, you really are the most chivalrous gentleman I've ever met.
  • She couldn't help but be charmed by his chivalrous attitude, even if it was too late and grossly misplaced. T2©: RISING STORM
  • While Digger men might have found this version of earth-mother femininity alluring from a distance, they would have recoiled from Gaskin's suggestion that "men are supposed to be really chivalrous and ... knightly and help [ 'ladies'] ... to do that. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • Then, you become even more gallant and chivalrous in order to appease them before they revolt.
  • All the same, I was surprised to see Mark behave so unchivalrously. Farthing
  • In one dream world he stood, surrounded by either semi conscious or woefully unchivalrous government officers in a smoky, gutted building.
  • Now that I know him and he's my husband, he's so chivalrous.
  • This noble, chivalrous gesture must have seemed like sacrilege or blasphemy to them, and they were probably afraid of the spirits of the dead.
  • I'm not a big royal fan by any manner or means, I just dislike unchivalrous acts more.
  • From Quixote we derived the word quixotic, meaning extravagantly chivalrous and romantically idealistic. Impossible Dream
  • Small wonder if their son grew up with a taste for chivalrous pursuits, warlike deeds and sometimes foolhardy enterprise.
  • He would never be so unchivalrous, but I didn't get the impression he had chosen the timing.
  • Had a wonderful time, thanks to a generous, patient and chivalrous companion.
  • I did instruct our servers to scavenge the sacristy at Chislehurst for some nice things to take away, but the vigilance of the Chislehurst team was such that we only managed to sneak away a corporal forgotten inside our burse and I chivalrously returned it this morning. Archive 2009-06-01
  • It has come to such a pass in this so-called chivalrous country that sensitive women will submit to almost any wrong rather than seek redress in our courts of law, where they are liable to be subjected to studied insult by unconscionable shysters. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 10
  • He actually hadn't given any direct indication that he was being anything other than chivalrous and gentlemanly.
  • Possibly some of the boys who behaved so unchivalrously toward her helped right manfully to conquer us of the South into the views they now entertain. Our Brother in Black: His Freedom and His Future
  • And chivalrous men become burdened by feelings of guilt and shame when they hear stories of husbands who beat up their wives.
  • Moreover, David's Castle, we are told, was where he and his chivalrous companions honed their martial skills: they are knights of yore, as imagined by a Romantic artist.
  • It is often debated whether there was a real distinction, in later medieval England, between the culture of the expanded aristocracy of gentlefolk and that of the higher, traditional, chivalrous aristocracy.
  • In fact chivalry has been defined as the interpenetration of Christianity into the practice of arms: the chivalrous knight of the Middle Ages was not only a brave and skilful fighter, ready whenever occasion arose to reveal his prowess on the field of battle, but also he stood for utter chastity, for a high standard of honor, for the protection of the defenseless and the weak, and for mercy and humanity to a vanquished foe. Chivalry in the British Empire
  • She thought that the knights and their chivalrous code had already gone extinct in Europe and from the rest of the world.
  • He opposed violence against women, because it was unchivalrous toward what he called the ‘weaker sex’.
  • Hillary is d'une certain âge and not so well-favored, so it would be an unchivalrous and an unkind thing to say, but it would have scored a hit on an opponent's vulnerable point. Never Yet Melted
  • Nathan pulled Melanie's chair out for her and she blushed forgetting how dining with a chivalrous man felt like.
  • Common folk also exhibited chivalrous conduct, though in less glamorous ways.
  • And you ask why chivalrous men are a dying breed?
  • As for chivalrous men, well, if you really want your man to adhere to the courtly standards of medieval Europe, you'd better be prepared for rotting teeth and rampant body odour.
  • The archduke was a man of high-soaring ideas, chivalrous, brave even to the point of audacity, full of expedients and never daunted by failure, but he was deficient in stability of character, and always hampered throughout his life by lack of funds. History of Holland
  • The sword and the mail made him look downright medieval, like some chivalrous knight.
  • The Romantics therefore studied the Middle Ages, the Christian civilization par excellence, with its Gothic cathedrals, chivalrous knights, and popular faith.
  • Other ballads generally portray him as a victim and romantic hero, and embody the legends of his gentlemanly conduct and chivalrous deeds.
  • That man worried him; he was too chivalrous for his own good, too careless for his chivalry.
  • Myoga stood once more, stepping over to the two where he bowed, taking Epoxie's hand in his and kissing it like a chivalrous gentleman.
  • Arthur unites the disorganized tribes of Britain into a kingdom ruled by chivalrous, noble knights.
  • Arranged in formation on a bulletin board or wall, these knights in shining armor make an impressive display of brave and chivalrous warriors ready to defend the honor of any art room or hallway!
  • However, the sassy, unchivalrous character built over the long years of struggle seems to have weakened the DPP's ability to adapt to its new role as a ruling party.
  • When I doctored your foot?" he finished, rather unchivalrously, chuckling in his delight at her pretty discomfiture. Flower of the North
  • Chinese chivalrous swordsmen essentially differed from the western knight spirit in the Middle Ages.
  • Being the chivalrous idiot that I am, I kept pushing the person in front up, and the inevitable happened.
  • Major Benjy as well crossed her mind; she gloried in it, for he had not only caused her to deceive herself about the early hours on alternate nights, but by his infamous willingness to back up Captain Puffin's bargain, he had shown himself imperviously waterproof to all chivalrous impulses. Miss Mapp
  • Also, the duellist in barely saluting his opponent and attacking with two weapons acted unchivalrously.
  • I would be afraid to be alone in the countryside, though they say he is very chivalrous. THE GOLDEN LION
  • Anybody could see what was obligatory on the representative of Arthur; he was bound to be chivalrous, that is, to be European. The Crimes of England
  • Then, somewhat unchivalrously, he shoved the candelabra into her grasp and muttered, Here. Pirates
  • He greeted Jili with a hug, Ben with a noogie, and Cyn with a chivalrous kiss on the back of her hand. Parents Behaving Badly
  • Even the chivalrous Harry the Eighth could not escape the trickish spirit of the age. The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 3
  • Only Richard Burton, her first lover, seems like the chivalrous romantic ideal.
  • This vessel contained upwards of a hundred valiant warriors, several of them of knightly order, who had all night toiled at the humble labours of the oar, and now in the morning applied their chivalrous hands to the arblast and to the bow, which were in general accounted the weapons of persons of a lower rank. Count Robert of Paris
  • The reflection of the property on novel is to eliminate the bullies and help the down-trodden chivalrously.
  • ‘Wu xia’ means chivalrous combat, and ‘pian’ means film.
  • He is showy in appearance, brave, daring, attentive to females, and, above all, chivalrous, that is, inclined to show disinterested courtesy to the weaker sex, as we have just seen. Primitive Love and Love-Stories
  • Bena, being "chivalrous" -- ass-kissing, actually -- started in about how I shouldn't be acting "like this" and cursing in front of a "woman. Thomas Paine's Corner
  • That doesn't means you can't be brave, strong and chivalrous.
  • In martial-arts films, audiences like to identify with chivalrous knights, swordsmen, or heroic fighters of the past - but only if their values and wisecracks are tuned to the modern world.
  • Louis Mountbatten, the Commander, ordered the enemy crew, who had all safely abandoned ship, to be brought on board in chivalrous recognition of their treatment of the foundered Greeks. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Obama Effect” Spurs Record Number of Nobel Peace Prize Nominations
  • Meanwhile, colleges were expanding the elective system and allowing the substitution of modern for classical languages, developments which Babbitt unchivalrously blames on the rising numbers of female undergraduates.
  • They also tend to describe themselves as 'reliable', 'chivalrous' and 'bighearted'. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fights that killed Mercutio, Tybalt and Paris were short and brutal, Romeo's part in them reduced to swift and unchivalrous dagger thrusts.
  • A tour of the Hermitage today includes the thrilling rags-to-riches story of a gallant frontiersman, chivalrous romantic, and political reformer.
  • What would the chivalrous Robert E. Lee, beau ideal of Southern military manhood, think of 22-year-old Southern officers and gentlemen bellowing at and bullyragging 17-year-old girls?
  • His son appeared as ‘this most gallant man and chivalrous prince’ who, at his death in 1376, a year before Edward III himself died, ‘was deeply mourned for his noble qualities’.
  • Incredible as it may seem to readers of the historian, the poeticule has actually contrived so far to transfigure by dint of disfiguring him that this most noble and pathetic scene in all the annals of chivalry, when passed through the alembic of his incompetence, appears in a garb of transforming verse under a guise at once weak and wordy, coarse and unchivalrous. A Study of Shakespeare
  • A tone of romantic and chivalrous gallantry (which, however, was often disgraced by unbounded license) characterized the intercourse between the sexes; and the language of knight errantry was yet used, and its observances followed, though the pure spirit of honourable love and benevolent enterprise which it inculcates had ceased to qualify and atone for its extravagances. Quentin Durward
  • He was the most handsome and chivalrous knight in the kingdom and one day taught his white crow how to speak the language of humans.
  • Henry was a chivalrous man at heart, and he loved the chance to save me.
  • Tore, who it was previously thought was always a gentleman, did the unchivalrous thing and prevailed on count back over that Finnish Femme Fatale, Tarja Kankianen.
  • Were you planning to escort me to my chambers, or have all your chivalrous faculties been reft from you?
  • The formal gesture, chivalrous and yet intimidating, was like a bucket of cold water thrown over Constance's confidence.
  • When a 60-year-old woman becomes entangled in her hurdles, it seems somehow unchivalrous to watch.
  • His destiny, he believed, was to be a great historical novelist chronicling chivalrous knights and glorious deeds, and from that viewpoint Holmes was a liability, and his popularity exasperating.
  • He gave the green belt back to Gawain, and said that he did so for him to remember, and for other chivalrous men to know his adventure at the green chapel.
  • The frontier lands became an area where chivalrous knights could show their prowess and their achievements be recorded in ballads.
  • He saw his way to do noble service in the cause of womanhood, and that by following the path of mere common sense -- all sentimental and so-called chivalrous humbug cast aside, all exaggerated new conceptions simply disregarded. Our Friend the Charlatan
  • She held out her hand and James let out a relieved sigh as he practically danced over and pulled a cornily chivalrous move by kissing her knuckles.

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