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How To Use Chisel In A Sentence

  • Shaun Anthony Markey fled from Woolworth's store in Hereford with a battery-operated model of the chisel-jawed character, who features in the animated film Toy Story.
  • He was a cheap crook and what used to be called a chiseler. Hard Road
  • Manzo noticed the neatly trimmed goatee and mustache combination that framed Rossiter's facial features and the chiseled jaw of a man who was in peak physical condition.
  • Nature was obviously having fun here, chiselling the rocks.
  • Ten men with chiselled faces and Kalashnikovs jump out and take up positions. Times, Sunday Times
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  • His features were, in the manner of his Faerie-born race, as sharp as chiseled stone, and his ears were acutely pointed.
  • He looked like a prince with his chiseled facial features, prominent nose, full lips, and strong physique.
  • Vary the story to take in the white collar worker, the ice man let out with the coming of the frigidaire, the clerk displaced for the young graduate, vary it to include, if you will, the "chiseller" and the exploiter, but remembering that suffering, need, idleness and despair play their own part in turning the man who cannot work into the man who will not work. Canada's Problems in Relief and Assistance
  • He is chipping away at a block marble with a chisel.
  • Watch him work with that chisel and hammer. Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World: Where the Waters Are Born
  • On the other side of the path is a big stone with a chisel and hammer. Love, Medicine and Miracles
  • I carved your name in the stone with a chisel. Times, Sunday Times
  • He becomes a chiselled ladykiller in polished brogues and a sharp linen suit.
  • Although tests on chiselled stones showed that the caves have existed for at least 1,500 years, it was only about 15 months ago that they were first discovered by a local farmer, by accident.
  • Not too surprisingly, it had broad upper incisors and chisel-shaped lower incisors.
  • To make the glyphs, the ancient carvers used chisels, probably of hard, fine-grained quartzite, which they struck with hammers of stone or antler, each blow chipping out one small stone flake.
  • He chiselled a hole in the door to fit a new lock.
  • Without a scrap of make-up, the chocolate-box prettiness is still there: the clear turquoise eyes, creamy skin and chiselled bone structure are luminous.
  • He has a sturdy build with strikingly muscular hands and chiseled features.
  • I don't think this is proof that a majority of Americans are lazy chiselers, as some hard-core conservatives might suggest.
  • The sculptor chiselled the lump of marble into a fine statue.
  • Yet now and then you feel the tug, standing in front of a full-length mirror, fantasizing about cannonball shoulders and chiseled biceps.
  • Many were idle now, but some still turned, and it didn't need a hradani's ears to hear the sounds of hammers, saws, chisels, and other tools coming from the large brick buildings clustered about them.
  • Behind the plate is a chiselled cavity.
  • They were married at Chiseldon, Wiltshire, and recently celebrated their diamond wedding.
  • Martin chiselled a hole in the door for the new lock.
  • Much like a chisel, or a dagger, tools designed for one purpose tend to follow a basic model.
  • A few kilometres away from Madras city on the Coromandal coast, the boom of chisel and hammer rises in the sandy wilderness, above crashing waves and soughing winds.
  • For the hard granite a chisel with a less acute angle is employed, and flat chisel is then used to smooth out the final surfaces of the stone and for undercutting.
  • Then she would inscribe it herself, chisel out each letter with care, a lover's monument to Johannes, to mark his place, their place. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • The river has chiselled the mountain face, making it resemble a lion's paw.
  • During gnawing, as the incisors grind against each other, they wear away the softer dentine, leaving the enamel edge as the blade of a chisel.
  • Otherwise, he chiselled away, as his chums departed. The Sun
  • For roughly cutting bricks the large trowel is used; for neater work such as facings, the bolster and club-hammer; the cold chisel is for general cutting away, and for chases and holes. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • The adequate preparation is often achieved by ripping the land when the soil has good moisture, followed by chisel ploughing and the use of a fine harrow for fine seed preparation.
  • At the age of 70, famous wood and stone carver Dick Reid is hanging up his mallet and chisels at his workshop in Fishergate and calling it a day.
  • Well the problem with the minimum wage and Mr Howard is that Mr Howard is the chief chiseller.
  • They sit and chisel the stone to size.
  • Lacking the special wrenches required to remove the bolts that held the wings on, the dockworkers had employed cold chisels on the bolt heads.
  • Chisel shares, semi-and full duckfoot and sweep shares are commonly found in practice. 1. Labour productivity and distribution
  • If so, chop through them with a small cold chisel.
  • A burin was a flaked rock tool with a chisel-like edge probably used to remove flesh from bone. Top headlines
  • Garfield's visceral acting and Shaw and Rossen's forceful screenplay compel us, perhaps against our will, to accept Jacob Goff as an amoral, compassionless chiseler.
  • Doctors also claimed to have used a hammer and chisel to cut bone. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is chipping away at a block marble with a chisel.
  • I carve stone with every tool I can grasp, from hammers and chisels, pneumatic tools, diamond grinders and cutters, even diamond chain saws.
  • Those eyes were deep pools of cocoa brown and set over well chiseled cheekbones and a straight aquiline nose that was shadowed by a ghost of a goatee.
  • He is chipping away at a block marble with a chisel.
  • We're not trying to chisel them out of Anzac Day and Christmas Day and Public Holidays.
  • Perforated hardboard hung on the wall behind or near a workbench gives you a great way to store saws, chisels and the like, because it's so easy to rearrange the various hooks and holders.
  • Nope, when you go to the gym you're thinking bigger biceps, chiseled chest, tighter abs.
  • A pair of deep, flat-bottomed holes have been chiseled out of the red clay of eastern Georgia in the U.S., like twin sports arenas from the pre-Columbian era. Southern Co's Nuclear Gambit
  • A few weeks ago, in an effort to cut my 2.5-mile treadmill run to under 30 minutes, I popped in "Vision Quest," the 1985 film about a high-school wrestler who comes of age while pursuing a single-minded obsession to get on the mat with the state's chiseled-from-stone champion grappler. Don't You Forget About Them
  • He used a hammer and chisel to chip away at the wall.
  • That first day there had been a choice of doors off the lobby; an indecipherable squiggle chiselled into the brass plate hung by each.
  • Amongst a life-size model of a woman dressed in a 'stars-and-stripes' burka, human hearts half buried in sand and children chiseling away at an edible depiction of the crucified Jesus, is the creator of all the aforementioned works: iconic artist and graffiti pioneer Nick Walker. Constantin Bjerke: In Gods We Trust (Video)
  • Although tests on chiselled stones showed that the caves have existed for at least 1,500 years, it was only about 15 months ago that they were first discovered by a local farmer, by accident.
  • The forensic anthropologist from the POW/MIA Accounting group who helped chisel the veteran out of the glacier was expected to arrive at the morgue late Thursday afternoon, when he and the coroner's staff would decide the extent of examination that should take place there. Remains Returned List WWII
  • The rear features tall, prominent and chiselled tail-light clusters. The Sun
  • Stepping back so to avoid being hit with the door, she nearly fell off the landing, the chiselled stone railing the only thing between her and certain death.
  • Squatting amidst the logs by the entrance to the hall where the show is on, Suresh Bhat from Ahmedabad is the craftsman engrossed in chiselling these logs into things of beauty.
  • They would also have used tools such as planes, axes, adzes, draw knives, wedges, knives, chisels, hammers, mallets, awls, gouges, and spoon augers (a type of drill).
  • This last memorial has a notable sculpture, a heroic Cretan woman raising her hammer to chisel the names of the dead.
  • And of course, they all had chiseled facial features, too.
  • Way back in the early days of the last century it was chiselled into shape in Pairc Mor Wood or Garrdha Chill.
  • Effective erosion control is often achieved on flatter slopes by using a chisel plow, disk, or field cultivator instead of the moldboard plow.
  • Then it was placed before the court to decide who should support the little chiseller, or the Scandinavian equivalent.
  • Steel, balls, stock for bolts, making composition of deoxidation for chisels and punches forging of give it a chance heat treatment of high speed making The Working of Steel Annealing, Heat Treating and Hardening of Carbon and Alloy Steel
  • While at Arthur Leek, he used his skills as a tool-maker to forge the hammers and chisels he still uses today.
  • On our job the pay rate for new construction was significantly higher than for repairs, so the company chiseled us by classifying everything as repairs.
  • He is married with four children, one of whom, Zoe, has picked up the educational torch and is now a teacher in Chiseldon.
  • Its skin is smooth and looks like carved stone, but graceful, not angular and chiseled like a statue.
  • See yourself picking up hammer and chisel. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • Freshly chiseled ornaments stand proudly next to the corroded precursors that served as models, testimony to the endless repair, the incessant renewal of the church.
  • Sure as I am that there’s a condo of sorts waiting down at the cemetery with my name chiseled on the mailbox. Blood Lite II: Overbite
  • If the sofa doesn't fit, get out your mallet and chisel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fact that they are middle-aged men - the lines on their faces as chiseled as their biceps, triceps and pectorals - adds to the curiosity the images elicit.
  • He was lean, but toned and had a strong face of chiseled features.
  • But unlike the scrappy miners who used picks and shovels to chisel away at the massive, underground pocket of silver and gold known as the Comstock Lode, the company's plans are for open pit mining. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • After a short while, in fact several times a day, he has to resharpen the chisels on a rotary grinding wheel he's acquired.
  • He was lean, but toned and had a strong face of chiseled features.
  • Excluded from the small tool category are hafted bifaces, hoes/adzes, large, ovate disk scrapers, chert hammerstones, larger chisels, wedges, and large bifacial knives/scrapers.
  • We ignored the distractions and chiseled away at the rocks before us at alarming speed, all fearful that the chaos would catch up with us.
  • I have to type this with one hand because in the other is my son, his blue-grey-green-brown eyes covered with gluey sleep cack, his chiseled jaw riddled with baby acne.
  • She gazed upon those chiseled granite features, the sharp angle of his jaw, the stubborn chin, the hooded eyes whose flinty gaze could penetrate with spearlike precision. Earl of Durkness
  • Hammers, wedges, chisels, drawknives and planes with saws only occasionally being used.
  • `You climbed up there in the dark of night with a cold chisel and carved a petroglyph, to make a mockery of his avocation. HOMELAND AND OTHER STORIES
  • “Do you mean to say, Madame, that you really think those chisellings and screws are forty years old?” Uncle Silas
  • The shadows on his face accentuated his chiselled cheekbones and chin, and his uncombed hair hung over his face.
  • Manuscripts on sheepskin or parchment were easier to create and read than chiseled stone tablets, but still could be read only by one person in one place at a time.
  • But it's a lot more fun to watch than attack it with a hammer and chisel. Times, Sunday Times
  • They chiseled me out of my money
  • If he's not going to challenge the established economics of sport, he is determined to chisel away at the physics. Times, Sunday Times
  • You get the same flawless, chiselled features you see on screen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then he put the bent bradawl next to them, and the sharpened chisel. Persuader
  • Camille used a hammer and chisel to carve out a figure from the marble.
  • He won't allow anyone to chisel in on his profits.
  • With a hammer and chisel, more like. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clearly Ricky Swallow is very handy with a chisel.
  • Armies of gilded statuettes of saintly figures adorned little notches in the chiselled stone walls and framed iconographic pictures hung from any spaces which weren't already occupied.
  • I wasn't looking at a pair of small-time operators chiselling a few grand on a dodgy land deal. KICK BACK
  • Vince said it had taken a watchmaker 18 months to chisel the pattern out of a cardboard-thin slice of rare earth magnet.
  • He was not pale like the rest, for he was not afraid of the chiseller, and the generous flush of a righteous indignation mounted to his calm face. Marzio's Crucifix and Zoroaster
  • If the latter holes are made square or triangular (base uppermost), and the metal is cut with a cold chisel so as to leave the side nearest the edge unsevered, the parts may be turned up to form supports for the barrel. Things To Make
  • A method in the design of a measure and control system of commutator Chiseling Machine is introduced based on laser contrast scanner and embedded numerical control device.
  • Do you think you can chisel me out of a fortune and then prance over here and try me on like a secondhand suit?
  • Don Dickson, professor of nematology at the University of Florida, has been working with a new 15-inch para-chisel, which is set at a 45-degree angle.
  • When reglazing, remove all old glazing compound from the window sash with a putty knife, chisel, or large screwdriver.
  • With his deep-set green eyes, and perfect chiseled features, Manda wasn't surprised why most girls in campus thought of him devilishly handsome.
  • This will answer for a chisel.
  • When he joined the Confederacy, he was entitled to have his name chiseled off, the traitor. More about the history and name of Cabin John Bridge
  • The diesinker had to translate a drawing – it might be for a candlestick in the form of a Corinthian column – into three dimensions, in reverse, chiseling it into hard steel and then smoothing it with emery cloth. Amid the jumble, the story of Britain's age of silver
  • When he stopped, he pulled out a chisel and a hammer and began to chip away at the rock. Christianity Today
  • He was finally able to transform his underdefined body into an incredible shredded physique, complete with chiseled abs.
  • His features were, in the manner of his Faerie-born race, as sharp as chiseled stone, and his ears were acutely pointed.
  • It was an almost unreasonably handsome face, the sharp chiseled cheekbones and slightly aquiline nose lending it an air of aristocracy she had not expected to find in a small Virginia town in the middle of nowhere.
  • With Stonehenge, it looks like other human lithic monuments, sculpted (with chisel marks perhaps), but long before humans existed. After thoughts on Barr
  • Doctors also claimed to have used a hammer and chisel to cut bone. Times, Sunday Times
  • The aisles and nave of the church are connected by arches which are held up by 18 imposing stone pillars made from well chiselled limestone.
  • The ‘rock’ was actually a real rock, but chiseled on the inside to make it almost hollow.
  • Now, in-your-face religious conservatives want the phrase chiseled in front of us at court, at work and in our kids' schools. Roy Speckhardt: The Resolution For 'In God We Trust'
  • Watch him work with that chisel and hammer. Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World: Where the Waters Are Born
  • With his strongly chiselled features, apart from their eyes and hair, the twins looked almost nothing alike.
  • And she looked great in them, her soft, flabbiness gone and replaced by a chiseled musculature he wasn't at all used to. Curb Appeal
  • But it's a lot more fun to watch than attack it with a hammer and chisel. Times, Sunday Times
  • His tools included a chisel, knife, saw, and a piece of iron.
  • This type of leather craft involves hand tools like a chisel and hammer to create intricate designs.
  • Then he chips and chisels the block, carving out the small figurines.
  • Arrows and barbed harpoons were placed near the right leg; milling stones, awls, chisels, knives, and other offerings were set to the left of the body.
  • The two men stepped out of the showers simultaneously and cinched towels at their athletically chiseled waists. Larger Than Lyfe
  • In turn this material is transformed into horticultural tools such as slashers, axes, jembes (local digging tools) and other tools and items such as chisels, bicycle carriers and kitchen utensils.
  • So I'm pig-headedly refusing to take out my chisel and chip away at any slight imperfections.
  • Fine masonry, without mortar or cutting chisel, they builded to withstand the ocean surge. CHAPTER X
  • Found the dip in the rock and wrapped the chisel and the bradawl in the rag and left them there. Persuader
  • If the sofa doesn't fit, get out your mallet and chisel. Times, Sunday Times
  • To make the cut, use a brick chisel and a hand-drilling hammer (small sledge) to score a cut line all around the block.
  • And I, the son and grandson of Indiana architects, seize this opportunity to suggest a feature which I hope will be included in the completed structure, words to be chiseled into the capstone over the main entrance.
  • None of them, however, was able to touch Daru-brahman for as soon as they started, their chisels broke and fell to pieces.
  • Chip out the plaster with a steel chisel.
  • They showed Long, primping and preening in flimsy muscle shirts that hugged every ripple in the fifty-seven year-old's startlingly chiseled physique. Zandile Blay: Bishop Eddie Long: A Wolf in Chic Clothing?
  • Some whisper amongst themselves that once you strip away the ‘gees this kid's bonza with a chisel,’ you're not left with much.
  • He used chainsaws and hand chisels during the work.
  • Our had the exclusive scoop on the chiseling chopper story. Howard Fineman: Local News Is Everyone's (Good) Business
  • Arrows and barbed harpoons were placed near the right leg; milling stones, awls, chisels, knives, and other offerings were set to the left of the body.
  • The atmosphere inside the courtroom stood in contrast to the noisy scene outside the building where demonstrators protested beneath the chiselled marble inscription Equal Justice Under Law.
  • Gods, goddesses and animals made in rosewood are examples of chiselled beauty.
  • Alongside skulls, bones and fruit he singles out careworn possessions, like a lone battered trainer or an acoustic guitar, and painstakingly chisels them in whole or in part in pale limewood. The Guardian World News
  • He and many in Congress tried to chisel New Yorkers out of money from day one.
  • That chiseling sound you hear in the world next door is the slow whittling away of the last vestiges of the logocentric tradition.
  • It led to the birth of the jumper a slender iron rod with a chisel-end forged by the mine smiths.
  • Gods, goddesses and animals made in rosewood are examples of chiselled beauty.
  • Using the chisel elevator, the surgeon elevates the inner perichondrium from the underlying cartilage in all directions.
  • The titian-haired lady of the finely-chiselled features detects the Scottish accent and confides that husband number one had been a Scot, a member of the aristocracy.
  • When he stopped, he pulled out a chisel and a hammer and began to chip away at the rock. Christianity Today
  • Then, I saw that upon the crest of the diadem was a single great diamond wonderfully chiselled to represent a bat with outspread wings, the device upon the banners of the mystic realm. The Great White Queen A Tale of Treasure and Treason
  • Failing that, use a hacksaw or hammer and cold chisel to cut through it.
  • The added work of chiseling mortises and cutting tenons for the joined stretcher, rather than setting a turned stretcher into drilled holes, seems to suggest a decorative aspiration rather than a structural need.
  • His chiselled face has lost its hard edge and he suddenly looks older than his 57 years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Excluded from the small tool category are hafted bifaces, hoes/adzes, large, ovate disk scrapers, chert hammerstones, larger chisels, wedges, and large bifacial knives/scrapers.
  • He chiseled that rock into the figure of a woman.
  • Use a sharp chisel or utility knife to enlarge the mortise in the direction that you need to move the plate.
  • His features were chiseled, his strong, taut jawline only serving to accent his lips further.
  • The atmosphere inside the courtroom stood in contrast to the noisy scene outside the building where demonstrators protested beneath the chiselled marble inscription Equal Justice Under Law.
  • Just to prove you can't keep a good hack down, the lads and lasses of the press have been chiselling away at the stars, seeking the real exclusives.
  • Themes from Indian mythology were chiselled on stone.
  • Grant responds with a story about the time he found every missing bit of jewelry he'd ever given his ex hanging around the neck of the chiseled rock god she'd been cheating on him with.
  • 'I charge you, when you next look on your father's monument, to respect the name chiselled there. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • The dome, built of chiselled, rectangular granite stones and 110 feet tall, stands as an imposing structure.
  • It is often a long and difficult job to get some of the Algae; with their tender connections unsevered from the hard rock, which must be chipped away with the chisel, and often with the blows of the hammer deadened by being struck under water. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 47, September, 1861
  • Remember, if you to try to chisel me here I'm gonna slice you up.
  • He picked up a bar of gold in his hands and, turning it over, discovered a tiny crown chiseled into one of the corners.
  • And here's a secret: Unlike hammers and chisels, writing tools never have to be returned.
  • As I began chiselling away at the mound in front of me I realized that this was pretty hopeless.
  • He's handsome, with chiselled good looks and hypnotic blue eyes that make Mel Gibson's pale by comparison.
  • The local schoolchildren played their parts with relish on Friday as they chiseled away at podlike structures that seem to have all-purpose uses in this strange production, conceived by Mr. Gergiev and the set designer George Tsypin. The Kirov ‘Ring’: Young Local Talent - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • Sure enough it did, this time with a definite double strike, as if someone where hammering in a bolt or striking a chisel.
  • Small blocks of tissue, including cambium and the adjacent phloem and xylem, were cut with a sharp knife and a chisel from the stem of a single specimen of K. pictus that was growing on the campus of Hokkaido University.
  • Martin chiselled a hole in the door for the new lock.
  • The aisles and nave of the church are connected by arches which are held up by 18 imposing stone pillars made from well chiselled limestone.
  • He chiselled a hole in the door to fit a new lock.
  • See yourself picking up hammer and chisel. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • She still has nicely tanned skin, chiseled facial features and a tough, determined look.
  • A pod auger requires a starting hole which usually is made with a gouge or chisel.
  • Finally, passion for the art of the muzzleloader led him back to the workbench, where his files, chisels, hammers, gravers and bits transform wood and metal into classic firearms of America's earlier times.
  • Armies of gilded statuettes of saintly figures adorned little notches in the chiselled stone walls and framed iconographic pictures hung from any spaces which weren't already occupied.
  • Ionic and Corinthian monuments, however, as well as minor works such as steles, altars, etc., were richly adorned with carved mouldings and friezes, festoons, acroteria, and other embellishments executed with the chisel. A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
  • 'They have ripped it full chisel, they are off licketty-split, they have slid, they have made tracks, they have mizzled -- they have absquatulated and clipped it; _abiit, evasit, crupit_! The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • Carvers' chisels differ from carpentry chisels in the way they are sharpened.
  • Many were idle now, but some still turned, and it didn't need a good ears to hear the sounds of hammers, saws, chisels, and other tools coming from the large brick buildings clustered about them.
  • a finely chiseled nose
  • If the sofa doesn't fit, get out your mallet and chisel. Times, Sunday Times
  • For those planning to show off that washboard stomach and flaunt those abs this summer, ice tea is definitely good news, says Shardul Sinha, Director of Chisel Fitness Centre in Bangalore.
  • This hypothesis well explains why even the same cave has different patterns of calving and different chisel marks.
  • Separate sections of barrelhead with chisel, inserts strips of flagging between sections, and hammer them together to enlarge barrelhead to fit croze of barrel.
  • Well the problem with the minimum wage and Mr Howard is that Mr Howard is the chief chiseller.
  • Where land meets sea in the north, the power of the ocean has chiselled undercuts, caves and fissures into the limestone cliff.
  • Traditional tantos were double-ground and he offers his knives with this grind as well as the asymmetrical chisel grind so popular on tactical knives today.
  • I carved your name in the stone with a chisel. Times, Sunday Times
  • See yourself picking up hammer and chisel. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • On the south side, a large acanthus medallion sprouts amid a field of stone rosettes, as delicate as on the day they were first chiseled. Temple of the 'Bride of the Desert'

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