How To Use Chirp In A Sentence
A series of enervating campus visits is marked by interchangeably chirpy undergraduate tour guides united by their ability to walk backward while extolling the school's a capella groups and reassuring parents about the high priority placed on security.
A Craving for Acceptance
The melodious chirps, chirrups, tweets, twitters and warbling notes from the winged visitors blend well with the incessant hum, buzz and drone of innumerable insects, to produce the effect of being inside a vast forest.
The melodious chirps, chirrups, tweets, twitters and warbling notes from the winged visitors blend well with the incessant hum, buzz and drone of innumerable insects, to produce the effect of being inside a vast forest.
The other great thing is that you wake next day in the chirpiest possible form.
Times, Sunday Times
Not classy but certainly felt chirpier the next morning.
Times, Sunday Times

But my parents weren't quite so chirpy.
Times, Sunday Times
Elongated roars and fragments of voices gave a sense of atmospheric portent, while syncopated pings, clicks and chirps added a desultory counterpoint.
The autumn birds were singing; the autumn flowers were blooming; yellow golden rod and scarlet sumach glowed in the corners of the fences; locusts chirped in treetops; grasshoppers stridulated in the meadows, one or two of them making more noise than a whole drove of cattle lying peacefully chewing their cud beneath an umbrageous elm and lifting up their great, tranquil, blinking eyes to the morning sun.
The Redemption of David Corson
There it was, finally, complete with the slate-gray lighting, blaring hippish soundtrack and chirpy “greeters” — Britney, Mariah, Amber, Becky, Megan, you know the type — just inside the double doors, anxious as all get-out to welcome you to your next dining experience.
Lil Patty Grows Up : Patricia Smith : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
The springtime calling of frogs had given way to the chirping of crickets and the distant barks of rutting roe deer.
‘We take credit cards,’ chirped the tall curly brunette - the weaker of the two - who was quickly silenced by a withering glance.
This intentional manipulation by the author, perhaps already let the readers nebulously perceive a remote Utopia upon seeing the chirping swallows.
Tots fell silent; birds stopped chirping; you could hear hearts beating amid the chattering teeth.
Then I go to the scanner, I'm waiting for it to chirp, "Welcome to Wal-Mart!" but it sits silently (much more fashiony to be silent, non?) and I scan my code and then it shoots out a receipt that flies to the floor and I have to scurry around on the floor to find it.
Cator Sparks: Bibhu Mohapatra Spring 2011 (PHOTOS, POLL)
Night birds had started to sing, and crickets to chirp in the grass, as though conspiring to celebrate this reunion.
Now the silence settled over the garden was thick and heavy, a stark contrast to the chirping and tweeting he was so accustomed to.
Everything that lived or grew, was oppressed by the glare; except the lizard, passing swiftly over rough stone walls, and the cicala, chirping his dry hot chirp, like a rattle.
Little Dorrit
In his aspect there was a certain dryness, and, altogether, his vivacity, his ceaselessness, and a kind of equability of tone in his voice, reminded me of what Homer says concerning the old men around Priam, above the gate of Troy, how they "chirped like cicalas on a summer day.
Adventures Among Books
She strained her ears, but all she heard was the chirping of the birds and the buzzing song of the grasshoppers.
The normally chipper, chirpy Minister of Finance, who gets a bit lippy in the Chamber, did not have an answer to that one.
Valerie heard sounds of the forest, the chirping of birds and the tinkling of water from a nearby spring.
Fellow Republicans let the meeting begin .... chirp – chirp – chirp ...
Gingrich to call on Republicans to offer new vision
Buhner jokes how he used to hear crickets chirp from the upper decks of the Kingdome and the sound of a toilet flushing in the 300-level. - M's enjoy newfound happiness
She was gazing out the window, as if listening to the birds chirp.
Say there is a really high end chirping sound that one person is doing, someone else might counter it with a really bassy tone.
‘That's just behind the bakery where your grandma used to get her morning rolls,’ she'll chirp, as the guy you've never seen before is revealed as having been the baddie all along.
‘I believe in Christ too,’ a red-headed woman chirped in.
Crickets chirped, owls hooted, and cicadas caterwauled in screechy harmony.
‘Time to go, Cheri,’ Mrs Barnes chirped in brisk tones.
May there be some clear little stream just behind you, laughing along its idle way; -- some chirping birds, singing their roundelay -- some buzzing flies -- you will then be lulled into doziness.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 266, July 28, 1827
The second Catholic woman chirps, ‘Well, my son is a Bishop.’
The chirps of the small garden birds sounded distant.
Birds chirped, fish jumped, foxes barked, trees and flowers were ablaze with color.
A moment later, the intercom chirped and a deeply gruff voice spoke from the speaker.
The quiet settled in like a warm blanket, no birds sang, no crickets chirped.
Taking a walk in the woods while the birds chirp and sing, lounging on the beach listening to the waves roll in and out along the shore… I could go on and on.
Sooner than you realize, birds will start chirping and there will be greenery all around.
He shivers in brumal blasts, and hungry he chirps before your door.
Welsh Folk-Lore a Collection of the Folk-Tales and Legends of North Wales
It's got some double-bass, some mandolin, a steel-stringed acoustic guitar, a birdie chirping, and a little drummer boy towards the end.
Usually Mr. Glinner found forests to be alive with activity; chirping crickets, hooting owls, hunting mountain lions, and hungry bears.
I was expecting to hear waves, wind, drops of water, a few puffins chirping away, perhaps even some crashing sounds as ice falls into the sea.
We were stopped in our tracks as wave after wave of fieldfares with a soft chirping twittering glided out of tall silver birch trees and on to patches of pasture.
Plymouth Argyle's manager, Peter Reid, has struggled to maintain his characteristic chirpiness at the crisis-hit club.
Silence is the new Plymouth sound at shell-shocked Home Park | Jeremy Alexander
Birds were singing, insects were chirping, and people could be heard talking in their homes.
There was not a breath of wind; the sunlight shone down on the bare hillside; the loud chirp of the grasshoppers was the only sound.
The Hill of Dreams
Cue audio: sounds of crickets chirping while the girls stare blankly at the camera and at each other.
I noticed, suddenly, that the insects had stopped chirping.
The only sound was the soft crackle of flames and crickets chirping in the field.
‘I believe in Christ too,’ a red-headed woman chirped in.
Speed entertains with the frolicsome and playful musical antics delivered through ‘good-humored’ chirpy lyrics and hip-shaking thrusting musical impact.
Boosted by the weak pound, export orders are surging and manufacturers are chirpier.
Times, Sunday Times
I could hear the birds chirping and the leaves rustling in the wind.
After the hectic activity during daytime, the area is virtually deserted by dusk with the chirping of crickets casting an eerie spell on the setting.
Wen mah hubcat wuz mah boifrend, him hadda alarm clok dat sownded liek birds chirpin.
The call of the wild… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
Late that night, after everyone had retired, I sat up in bed, listening to the chirps of the night creatures.
He has always carried the cares of the world with chirpiness.
Silence is the new Plymouth sound at shell-shocked Home Park | Jeremy Alexander
While the Kinshaya envoy, Patriarch Radrigi, remained conspicuously mute, the Gorn, Tholian, and Breen diplomats filled the room with a discordant olio of hisses, chirps and clicks, and electronic warbles.
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
his quick wit and chirpy humor
‘We've offered to improve the road, but the Navy won't let us,’ he shouted above the chirping of tiny frogs and the thwack of thick tropic brush against the windows.
A single chirp is a short series of sound pulses followed by silence.
At one point Washington chirped, ‘I hear that they only get, like, three hours of sunlight in the winter!’
Well-known for his ready smile and chirpiness, Brian, from Lymington, said: ‘We are a very close-knit team and we try to make things fun for obvious reasons.’
Dr. Xia loved birds and had a bird garden, and every morning, whatever the weather, he did qigong, a form of the slow, graceful Chinse exercises often called tai chi, while he listened to the birds singing and chirping.
Twenty-four hours later, after what he termed "chirpy Blackburn fans" responded in kind, he decided to quit the social networking site, although the decision is thought to owe more to abuse his outspoken wife, Emma, has received in recent weeks.
Blackburn justify Steve Kean's optimism with defeat of Bolton
I woke up feeling wrung out, while Sandy seemed a lot chirpier.
A House in Fez
The birding world is buzzing (or more aptly, chirping) with the news announced yesterday that a new species of bird, the spectacled flowerpecker, may have been found in - Articles related to Tiger tourism and tiger conservation are Varty's mission at South Africa's Tiger Canyons (Part 2)
The birds chirped happily and the horses whinnied freely.
looking bright and well and chirpy
The ambient temperature in Celsius is roughly equal to the number of cricket chirps in 8 seconds plus 5.
It was the mysterious, evil forest, a charnel house of silence, wherein naught moved save strange tiny birds -- the strangeness of them making the mystery more profound, for they flitted on noiseless wings, emitting neither song nor chirp, and they were mottled with morbid colours, having all the seeming of orchids, flying blossoms of sickness and decay.
Chapter 25
Tern rubbed his neck as though he had hurt it in the fall, made a little consoling noise like a chirp to himself, and glanced at her curiously.
A bird the color of rye bread chirped as it winged by and out into the distance until it became a mere dot in the sky.
She had lived in the city too long, Emma thought, and open windows and wild, chirping night songs had made her delirious.
While the next Great Backyard Bird Count is ten months away, now is a fine time for novices to get outside and figure out the source of all those jubilant chirps, tweets, and whistles that fill the spring air.
The chirpy gurgles of my child takes away all the unhappiness at the end of a hard day's work.
Now days when I put on the muffs in predawn darkness suddenly can hear crickets chirp and distant turkeys gobble.
A Savage Attack on Scopes
Estrella yawned a little, and closed her eyes, listening silently to the serene sound of birds chirping and the small insects of summer buzzing.
The only sounds were crickets chirping and the sound of cars driving around on other streets.
His monotonous chirp sounded precisely like the shooting noise in Space Invaders.
The boys said they "chirped" her to the point that she removed it.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
'E was weak as a kid and chirpy as a sparrer, and only cursin' becos 'e was out of things for the rest of the war.
Mud and Khaki Sketches from Flanders and France
And the fluttering, chirping gentlemen are rubbing their hands in amaze and wondering why they did not do it long ago, it was so very, very simple.
These Bones shall Rise Again - Essay by Jack London
Michael Phelps!" someone chirped from a nearby stall.
Eric Fehr's 6,000-calorie diet
It's a rather chirpy little guitar-pop song with a melody that is strangely reminiscent of the Postman Pat theme tune.
You don't have to waste your breath chirping at guys or in scrums. - Ducks winning battle for minds
His pictures have an appeal beyond the visual, conjuring up the almost tropical heat, the lush green of hedgerows starred with flowers, the scent of fresh grass and the choral chirping of insects.
In New York City, her outrage was as commonplace as a bluejay chirping in Central Park.
A Kettle of Vultures
She ignored my first comment, but to the second, she chirped, ‘No, you smell like putrid tuna.’
Thus, on the one hand, I'm a chirpy optimist, blessed with an uncommon degree of good fortune, who can never quite believe his luck.
The little ones awoke with the birds bright and chirpy.
Some crickets were chirping quietly and a few gusts of wind would rush past us every now and then.
The crackle and lick of the flames accompanies the chirping crickets and rustling leaves that surround him.
Why go for a titchy little upstart with a tiny little brain who can chirp a few notes when you can have a full, two sided conversation with a beautiful, handsome, glossy black raven?
Happy birds chirped and tweeted, and a deer just barely out of sight grazed peacefully.
Young, chirpy faces to greet me when I finally made it to Raynes Park.
I flashed him a smile as I chirped, "Totally!"
‘Good evening, ma'am,’ the plump elevator attendant chirped.
I was makin 'her a cup o' tea one day, and the kittle was bubblin 'and singin', and she begun to laugh, and says she, 'Jane, do you hear that sparrer chirpin' in the peach tree there by the window? '
Aunt Jane of Kentucky
Driving in her car to the chirpy strains of Buddy Holly's "Every day seems a little longer", her ghost-eyed stare keeps us locked in her nightmare.
Here on basic up bring forth having pertinency steer down chirp measure, keeping motorcycle ride speeding up noise marked reduce.
When a World Bank team visited Novosibirsk as part of project supervision, Stepanova, a chirpy 46-year old carefully attired against the autumn chill, was alive and well.
The bigger trees were swaying easily in the cool breeze, their leaves making a gentle swooshing sound that would mix with the voices of small birds chirping back and forth to one another.
I've hidden it as best I can when I've stayed at his place, or when we've been away together, but his chirpiness drives me nuts, and there's no way I could keep up the façade full-time.
She hear nothing but the chirps and whirr of insect.
While woodchucks tend to be pretty silent, their cousins are quite vocal and emit loud piercing whistles or chirps at the slightest provocation.
He could hear the sound of the birds chirping as they flew by, the flow of the nearby river and the wind blowing against the trees above them.
We are immediately greeted by the lively sounds of early birds chirping while the inviting aromas coming from the main attraction, the charcoal grill, easily flip my hunger switch.
The forest around them was busy with the sounds of chirping birds and the soft breeze of the wind.
The birds were chirping and singing gaily as they came in.
Twenty minutes later I saw him looking all spruced up, chirpy and chipper sporting a gold earring in front of me at the Sainsbury check-out.
And that sickly-sweet music with birds chirping, water babbling, and the rush of wheat fields in the wind seemed brain numbing.
The actress is chirpy and loose as blowzy broad Dolores in a show that proves you can do worse than taking in a crass melodrama.
Disappearing into the grey mist through a small door with iron staples, she soon reissued thence with a hencoop, and, seating herself on the steps of the doorway, and setting the coop on her knees, took between her two large palms some fluttering, chirping, downy, golden chicks, and raised them to her ruddy lips and cheeks with a murmur of:
Through Russia
Ironically, in contrast, beaten Lee Walker was chirpy, smiley and full of beans.
Something chirped, a bird, but the sound was distant, faded.
There are chirps and squeals and squawks and song.
‘That looks sick, dude,’ Luke chirps, snapping his goggles into place.
There's a state-of-the art tripod burner (made somewhere like Norway, where they know about these things) and an armoury of long-handled implements for the boy scout in your life and – and I'm my mother's daughter on this – there's everything the fussiest glamper could demand: a wood-burning outdoor shower (it takes 45 minutes to heat up – but, hey, what's the rush?); organic products; and compost loo cabins with chirpy (and possibly unnecessary) instructions.
My romantic break… in a horsebox
He has dubbed the chirpy little hy-line brown chicken "Drumstick" on account of her unexplained extra limbs. | Top Stories
They nod eagerly, cheeping and chirping, “Yes-yes-yes!”
DETROIT (AP) -- A frustrated Sidney Crosby took a whack at Kirk Maltby's skate as Game 1 ended, tired of what he called the nonstop chirping by the Red Wings forward.
BallHype - Top Sports News, Videos, and Blogs
On the second track, there is actually what appears to be a loop of a bird-like electronic chirping.
‘Good morning, Aaron,’ Mary chirped happily, holding an armful of fresh bed linens.
Before Caelyn even had time to roll her eyes, Lalitha came up to them with a chirpy smile.
He let me know I'd woken him up with a little chirp, then once I'd settled down, he emitted another kitty peep.
This is probably the chirpiest suggestion for doing things in reverse you'll find in a while, and the lovingly choreographed video makes you believe that after all Sodom must have been a really cool place to hang out.
Sweetness In Reverse
From high in the gumbo-limbo a cardinal chirped, and a mile away out on the sound a fast boat cruised past.
Jonathan began to trill quietly, chirping and twittering at intervals and growing steadily louder.
“Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey,” the fey chirped as she strolled into the room, looking rested and relaxed.
Dreams of a Dark Warrior
And, golf courses boast the greenest greens, sandiest traps, chirpiest exotic birds, and live water hazards, crocodiles!
Puerto Vallarta: where the art of life thrives!
Tots fell silent; birds stopped chirping; you could hear hearts beating amid the chattering teeth.
Poor Puttel, after gazing wistfully out of the window at the gaunt city cats skulking about the yard, would retire to the rug, and curl herself up as if all hope of finding congenial society had failed; while little Nick would sing till he vibrated on his perch, without receiving any response except an inquisitive chirp from the pert sparrows, who seemed to twit him with his captivity.
An Old-Fashioned Girl
I want you to think for a moment about the liveliest, most chirpy person you know.
Wednesday dawned with me jumping out of bed bright and chirpy.
The sounds of merry birds chirping and horses neighing pleasantly awoke Nyerel.
Customers had no idea that the chirpy pensioner who served them with soap and a smile was so wealthy.
The chirp and tweet of the feathery creatures greet one as one nears this market beyond Laad Bazar.
But still worse is it for that poor thrush, or lintie, or robin, or warbler-wren, if he flutters in his bosom when he spies that cat, and sets up his feathers, and begins to hop about, making a sad little chirp to his mate, and appealing to the sky to protect him and his family.
She heard the late birds chirp, the crickets whistle, the stray dogs howl.
They disliked the bodeful chirp of the bat, the screech of the owl.
The Life of Sir Richard Burton
Where normal street tyres would be screaming in protest, approaching the very high limit of adhesion in a bend produces chirping noises from the Cup tyres.
The poem swung in majestic rhythm to the cool tumult of interstellar conflict, to the onset of starry hosts, to the impact of cold suns and the flaming up of nebular in the darkened void; and through it all, unceasing and faint, like a silver shuttle, ran the frail, piping voice of man, a querulous chirp amid the screaming of planets and the crash of systems.
Chapter 35
He said it was," Babs interjected, but not with any real chirpiness.
Animal Planet's 'Hillbilly Handfishin' ': Using the old noodle
He has, not least, his own extraordinary personal resilience, his chirpy self-belief and optimism.
‘The territorial calls produced by the males are short buzzes, trills, chirps and combinations of clicks,’ said French as she demonstrated.
Listening to monkeys howling and birds chirping is much more pleasant than car horns honking and tires screeching.
Wolfram Blog : Work in the Land of Lakes and Volcanoes (Trabajo en la Tierra de Lagos y Volcanes)
Terry had chirped, ‘He talks to me and everything!’
There is a lot of dialogue to sift through, and since the characters just speak a chirpy brand of gibberish, you'll be doing a good bit of reading.
CNET Australia
Bashti, who had lived so long that he was a philosopher who minded pain little and the loss of a finger less, chuckled and chirped his satisfaction and pride of achievement in the outcome, while his three old wives, who lived only at the nod of his head, fawned under him on the floor in the abjectness of servile congratulation and worship.
The warm summer air whipped through Chris' open window blowing with it the sounds of crickets chirping.
Elongated roars and fragments of voices gave a sense of atmospheric portent, while syncopated pings, clicks and chirps added a desultory counterpoint.
When they pulled away, Roxanne was back to her usual chirpy self and smiling broadly.
A new method of the chirped-pulse spectrum shaping is put forward in this paper based on the above course.
Birds were chirping happily as the bright rays of the sun touched and caressed her skin.
Michelle arrives home slightly hung-over from the night before but still characteristically bright and chirpy.
Is there a human voice, a voice that is the voice of man as the chirp is the voice of the cricket or the bray is the voice of the donkey?
They're chirming and chirping like as many sparrows.
A Son of Hagar A Romance of Our Time
We always awoke to the sound of a cock crowing or a bird chirping and when we looked outside, we saw nature in all of her morning glory!
Yes, sir," chirped "Al-f-u-r-d," "we was out to your house but you weren't at home.
Watch Yourself Go By
Here discourse is always already reduced to silence, the dumbness of a chirp, the murmur of a coo.
I noticed a couple of other robins watching her from their seat on the birch tree, but none seemed to chirp out orders, directions or instructions on what she should do next.
Without the car's rumblings, it was dead quiet with the exception of a few cricket chirps.
While Ski was redialing Sally Buckland, he heard his call waiting chirp.
Tough Customer
The music of James Lucas, a 20-year-old from Bristol, chirps, chimes, buzzes and brims with otherworldly eeriness.
Amid the gurgling of pine sap and slow flexing of the trees can be heard a stream of chirps: the calls of pinyon engraver beetles.
Beetle Mania
Perhaps on Ian Curtis' replacement gravestone they can engrave the title of a chirpier song, maybe Shaddup You Face or The Cheeky Song Touch My Bum.
SLACKERJACK – Throw A Tantrum At The Rockstar Hotel
the birds were chirping in the bushes
Crickets chirped and birds squawked as they settled in for the night.
While it was a good place to work and people were generally respectful, there was an eerie stillness and a certain kind of silence to the set that felt like a breezeless summer day, and while there were no insects, there were no birds chirping either.
Unbearable Lightness
Linger on the outdoor terrace over mouth-watering creamy gelati for dessert, looking out on a dreamily lit lagoon with chirping frogs.
To Catch a View in Monaco
‘We can take you there, if you want,’ the little girl chirped, ‘for a price.’
She was such a chirpy little thing.
Times, Sunday Times
Birds were chirping, flitting from one twig to another.
In tonight's Parks episode (NBC, 8:30/7:30c), Leslie's promotional tour for said book lands her on public radio — a satirical spin courtesy of guest Dan Castellaneta (moonlighting from his suddenly contentious Simpsons gig) — and then on Pawnee Today, where the town's chirpiest cheerleader experiences a bit of an identity crisis, courtesy of "Gotcha!" host Joan Calamezzo (the hilarious Mo Gaffney).
Matt's Guide to Thursday TV: Parks By the Book, Grey's Guys Step Up, and More!
I'm continuing with the list even though everyone seems to have abandoned me and left me with the sound of crickets chirping.
You might happen upon a bevy of larks, chirping or singing together.
‘The audience will have to move from spot to spot, to watch the scenes enacted in different parts of the compound,’ the children chirp in glee.
A little while after my sulking, Darren comes into my room, all ecstatic and chirpy.
Crosby coming up zeros on the score sheet, and Pens are down 2-0 to Red Wings _ again Scoreless Crosby being frustrated again by WingsDETROIT - A frustrated Sidney Crosby took a whack at Kirk Maltby's skate as Game 1 ended, tired of what he called the nonstop chirping by the Red Wings forward.
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The sparrows chirp outside the window every morning.
After food and a swallow of water I felt positively chirpy.
Another morning, bright and clear in every direction, birds chirped and sung in the trees, but none flew this day.
The box chirped as it opened to reveal a small program disc which Xavier calmly palmed into his pocket.
Near the end of the film, there's a scene that has the sound of crickets chirping on the soundtrack, indicating it's taking place at night.
The robin, revelling in detail, chirping platitudinously, is Polonius to the life.
The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
Menacing clouds of reverberating discord give way to toy piano chimes synchronized with chirping melodica, booming bass drum, and mournfully wheezing harmonium, all oddly juxtaposed with Steinke's warm guitar melodies.
Bill Bush: Distinct of a Decade and Definitive of an Era: This Artweek.LA (June 27-July 3)
The prepubescent network hostess, a kind of chirpy pre-teen Palestinian Rachel Maddow introduces Assud to the loyal viewership.
Qanta Ahmed, MD: The Adventures of Itamar Marcus and the Hamas Bunny: Palestine at Play
Twenty minutes later I saw him looking all spruced up, chirpy and chipper sporting a gold earring in front of me at the Sainsbury check-out.
The sparrows chirp outside the window every morning.
At that point I began to hear birds chirping over the explosive sound of the firing range, I looked around in confusion, and then was awakened suddenly.
Or how about the faint chirp prodding you to invent an ugly doll with a hankering for tickles?
His stony gaze fixed upon the war-wagon; the chirps and squawks of the meadow birds and the cries of the avians of prey were overwhelmed by the grinding of the trail-wheels.
‘What me and Mr Romanov speak about has nothing to do with you,’ said Rix when this was mentioned, his wearing chirpiness vanishing at the hint of being asked something demanding.
The crickets chirped faster and louder.
This was going to be a playful, chirpy piece about my first long-term (long-term in the neoteric sense, so a year) relationship with a woman.
Clouds of oxpeckers chirp above the buffalo, while cattle egrets, a series of white splashes, rise and fall at their feet.
Yes, I have," he responded, but without any real chirpiness.
Professional dieter Kirstie Alley, Steelers' star Hines Ward top new 'Dancing' lineup
The only sounds were bugs thrumming in the grasses above and birds chirping even higher up.
The crickets chirped, and the owls hooted, praising natures majesty.
The sounds of morning birds singing and chirping cheerfully could be heard all around.