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How To Use Chipmunk In A Sentence

  • Female chipmunks are in estrus for 1 day a year in late April or early May.
  • Does that mean that a man is a better machine for running than a quail, or a chipmunk or mouse?
  • He smells every starling and chipmunk and fox, every lichen and fern and touch-me-not bursting up through dead leaves on his trail. Moving Among Them
  • This little bucktoothed chipmunk is still pissed because his team lost the cold war. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Congrats to the Obama Administration…
  • That chosen for chipmunks is a compromise between the speeds reported for foraging chipmunks and migrating lemmings.
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  • When I see a headline about “designer mice “, I stop reading and amuse myself picturing mice with top hats and canes perfoming “Puttin’ on the Ritz” in chipmunk-like falsettos. IN ODDER NEWS: Conceptual Crack Not Involving Tom Sizemore’s Rear End | Best Week Ever
  • The Rodentia also includes beavers, muskrats, porcupines, woodchucks, chipmunks, squirrels, prairie dogs, marmots, chinchillas, voles, lemmings, and many others.
  • And most important, the trees are homes for small animals like squirrels and chipmunks, and birds like owls and robins.
  • The raccoons made it through the long winter as their nightly raids on our bird feeders attest, and we all know that nothing gets the best of the squirrels and chipmunks!
  • Photo taken in fall 2007. Chipmunk co - worker's backyard. My favorite chipmunk picture.
  • She poked along with her cane, scanning the grass for chipmunk holes.
  • In between, I check back on the chipmunk, which is now expiring sadly on the downstairs rug. College Presidents Pen Admissions Essays
  • Gerhard's jaw muscles were as bunched as a chipmunk 's cheeks. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • For that, the stock comparison would be to chipmunks, animated or natural, but that would be a calumniation of our chipmunk brethren.
  • She plots Six's graphs and statistics while playing Seven's sleep video in double time, watching the patterns and listening to him do his somniloquy in a high-pitched Chipmunk voice. Intersomnolence
  • Besides the northern water shrew and the pika, Brown found the ermine, the Uinta chipmunk, the yellowbelly marmot, the bushytail woodrat, and nine other species of small mammals on mountaintops within the Great Basin. The Song of The Dodo
  • For example, chipmunks and white-footed mice in an agricultural landscape used wooded fencerows to travel between forest patches.
  • The Rodentia also includes beavers, muskrats, porcupines, woodchucks, chipmunks, squirrels, prairie dogs, marmots, chinchillas, voles, lemmings, and many others.
  • Four resplendent Siberian chipmunks with their pouched cheeks and striped fur are wanted dead or alive after fleeing from an enclosure in southern England, a newspaper reported yesterday.
  • He personally has freeze-dried weasels, deer, chipmunks, squirrels, guinea pigs, chinchillas, ferrets, and more.
  • By sheer luck, no chipmunks or groundhogs have yet found it.
  • Fifty-one species of mammals find refuge in the Katun Nature Preserve including brown bears, chipmunks, ermines, lynxes, minks, musk-deer, sables, Siberian mountain goats, Siberian weasels, and squirrels.
  • Gigi looked at me with her exophthalmic eyes, eyes that seemed to beg, "Get me out of this dress and let me chase a rabbit, a squirrel, a chipmunk, anything! Humane Society benefit brings out the tails, tutus and cuff links
  • I think a chipmunk is the happiest, cheerfulest thing I know. The Camp Fire Girls in the Woods, or Bessie King's First Council Fire
  • They are the common shrew, the Altaic mole, the fox, the bear, the glutton, the sable, the weasel, the ermine, the Siberian weasel, the otter, the musk-deer, the maral, the roe, the elk, the squirrel, the chipmunk, the common dark and red field-vole, the Altaic, the Altaic pika.
  • A small chipmunk was first to approach Joshua; he was no longer than Joshua's index finger, and no wider than his thumbnail.
  • From the Indian languages come chipmunk, mackinaw (a bush jacket), moose, muskeg (boggy, mossy land), muskrat.
  • Ms. Coelho, who not only can wax poetic about the female epiphytic cycad in the Botanical Garden's New World Lowland Rainforest exhibit or the incendiary Capsicum chinense peppers in the Edible Garden area but who also spars gamely with chipmunks on her own property, in Putnam Valley couldn't have been more generous with her time or patient with my level of horticultural idiocy. Growing Tomatoes With a Pro
  • The first time I saw this animal, the closest name I had for it was a bandicoot before I learned it is actually a chipmunk.
  • When a bird or other animal, in this case chipmunks, discovers food, the rest get some kind of vibes or signal and mysteriously show up. Eagle Lake, Klamath Falls and Crater Lake.
  • If you were a school kid in the 60's, chances are you spent at least one Christmas lisping along with Alvin and the Chipmunks.
  • Another reason owners go the testing route is to uncover possible explanations for behaviors that might be inherited, such as herding people and other pets or rooting around in chipmunk or mole holes. DNA tests sniff out mutts' breeding
  • The garden also offers another type of healing that is not physical, but spiritual, which is perhaps the greatest harvest of all: A hard day spent quietly weeding provides an opportunity to pull out weedy thoughts so productive ones can flourish; a morning spent sitting quietly and watching chipmunks and woodpeckers do their business can teach us about the joyfulness of work. Maria Rodale: A Harvest of Healing
  • Nat aimed the gun at a chipmunk that was sitting on a rock nearby, he shot the gun at it and the chipmunk fell to the ground.
  • Silent Poem backroad leafmold stonewall chipmunk underbrush grapevine woodchuck shadblow woodsmoke cowbarn honeysuckle woodpile sawhorse bucksaw outhouse wellsweep backdoor flagstone bulkhead buttermilk candlestick ragrug firedog brownbread hilltop outcrop cowbell buttercup whetstone thunderstorm pitchfork steeplebush gristmill millstone cornmeal waterwheel watercress buckwheat firefly jewelweed gravestone groundpine windbreak bedrock weathercock snowfall starlight cockcrow Marching (100x15)
  • There are lots of birds, chipmunks, red squirrels, snakes and there was even a tree frog at our site.
  • He unrolled a color poster. On the right was a "before" picture—a blowup of a baseball card showing me as a young player, a large wad of chewing tobacco bulging chipmunk—fashion in my left cheek.
  • For example, yellow pine chipmunks and deer mice pilfer each other's cached seeds under wet conditions.
  • So it's been a long day at the trade show: the crowds, the life-sized chipmunks, the spokesmodels in skimpy little dresses.
  • Pulled stitches, torn fabric, a hole courtesy of a Utah chipmunk, the 1980s vintage pack below was dumpster bound.
  • The wide-girthed tree crowns our modest backyard, an earth-bound shelter for suburban fauna, scrappy squirrels, toothsome chipmunks and commonplace feathered friends. Charlotte Safavi: Handling Death with Kid Gloves
  • The squirrels and the chipmunks frolicked in the interlacing tree branches that budded with new life.
  • Smaller mammals include Columbia ground squirrel, flying squirrel, marten, redtail chipmunk, and bushytail woodrat. Northern Rocky Mountain Forest-Steppe - Coniferous Forest - Alpine Meadow Province (Bailey)
  • Small indigenous birds, such as titmice, chipmunks, pipits and squinches, are constantly seen in coveys or even bevies just now. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 159, November 24, 1920
  • Small rodents, such as hamsters, squirrels, chipmunks, mice, and rabbits, do not typically carry rabies.
  • `There was once a chipmunk named Terry who was having trouble getting his library card renewed--- ' THE CRASH OF HENNINGTON
  • So, if one wants to avoid a (potentially) awkward social interaction (to say nothing of a spoken cliche), one should avoid the expression — or develop a quaint alternative, such as, "Let's just call a chipmunk a chipmunk, shall we? Archive 2004-08-01
  • Now the eight chipmunks and the two degus - a South American long tailed rodent that looks like a gerbil but is as big as a guinea pig - are being cared for by the RSPCA.
  • Every boy and girl loves the little fairy, airy striped chipmunk, half squirrel, half spermophile. The Story of My Boyhood and Youth
  • They prey chiefly on chipmunks and other rodents.
  • The naturalist says they are mostly torpid; yet evidently that little pocket-faced depredator, the chipmunk, was not carrying buckwheat for so many days to his hole for nothing; -- was he anticipating a state of torpidity, or the demands of a very active appetite? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 101, March, 1866
  • Birds and chipmunks feel right at home in this miniature oasis amid the dry chaparral of the Santa Cruz Mountains.
  • No subject was ever used more than once in the experiments; the total number of subjects involved was 30 chipmunks and 30 deer mice.
  • This last includes chipmunks, gophers, marmots, and prairie dogs.
  • He had about a million marshmallows in his mouth now and he looked like a big puffed-up chipmunk.
  • Appearances were put in by eastern chipmunks, gray squirrels, a rabbit and our new resident woodchuck.
  • Small rodents, such as hamsters, squirrels, chipmunks, mice, and rabbits, do not typically carry rabies.
  • He caught chipmunks whose cheek pouches were so stuffed with lodgepole pine seeds that not one more would fit.
  • Many chipmunks and tree squirrels also exhibit a mating chase during breeding.
  • The pikas and water shrews and chipmunks and woodrats weren’t so vagile and adventurous as reptiles and birds often are. The Song of The Dodo
  • Alex was leaning forward into the window in front of him like a cat watching a chipmunk, except that the chipmunk was the size of a city block. The Whale Warriors
  • But I'm sprier than a chipmunk, save a touch of the lumbago, Rhymes of a Red Cross Man
  • The raccoons made it through the long winter as their nightly raids on our bird feeders attest, and we all know that nothing gets the best of the squirrels and chipmunks!
  • The Rodentia also includes beavers, muskrats, porcupines, woodchucks, chipmunks, squirrels, prairie dogs, marmots, chinchillas, voles, lemmings, and many others.
  • To keep squirrels, chipmunks and moles away, add human hair from your hairdresser or bloodmeal to the planting hole when planting.
  • Bohol is also home to a tiny, endangered primate called the tarsier -- about the size of a chipmunk -- that hangs out in a jungle preserve where a guide will point out the long-fingered creatures wrapped around stalks of bamboo. Bohol
  • Thank the hallowed shrine of chipmunk heaven that I shaved my legs this morning.
  • Faintly, though not frequently, a riffle of doubt perturbs Krugman's chipmunk paeans to the Clinton Age.
  • Even though we're on the edge of a major city, our yard is populated by a variety of mice, moles, squirrels, chipmunks and opossums.
  • She turns them all on so she can listen to the crazy chorus of crescendoing cacophony; it's a distressing dissonance like chattering chipmunks and chirping canaries conversing. Nancy Ruhling: Astoria Characters: The Saw Lady
  • Small mammals, rats, field and house mice, rabbits, pocket gophers, chipmunks and squirrels make up 80-85 percent of their diet.
  • In the second-class picture, her hair was a mess and her new front teeth made her look like a chipmunk. ANASTASIA KRUPNIK (3-IN-1)
  • Photo taken in fall 2007. Chipmunk in co - worker's backyard. We fed him almond and peanuts.
  • They're cute in their own squirrelly chipmunkish way.
  • In contrast to the morose, mumbly heroine of Precious, Sidibe's own personality got to shine as she collected her trophy: that of a cheerful, chipmunk-voiced young woman whose Hollywood dreams are coming true. 'Precious' dominates Spirit Awards with 5 prizes
  • The sweet nut within the acorns is coveted by songbirds, ground birds, small mammals like squirrels and chipmunks, and even deer.
  • Chipmunks, like other ground squirrels, eat seeds and acorns of woody plants, nuts, grains, and fruit.
  • As for the tune, it's exactly what you'd expect from Madlib production with the Chipmunks-style vocals from the Quasimoto. Music (For Robots): January 2005 Archives
  • He caught chipmunks whose cheek pouches were so stuffed with lodgepole pine seeds that not one more would fit.
  • In chipmunks, with internal cheek pouches, losses can amount to 60% of the preformed and metabolic water available from the seeds harvested.
  • This little bucktoothed chipmunk is still pissed because his team lost the cold war. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Congrats to the Obama Administration…
  • Don't let them fall to the ground, the chipmunks, birds and other critters love them, and usually eat them as fast as they fall.
  • The chipmunk-like appearance of people infected with mumps is how mumps got its name. MMR: Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine
  • Even though we're on the edge of a major city, our yard is populated by a variety of mice, moles, squirrels, chipmunks and opossums.
  • Hawks circle above in search of mice, chipmunks, voles, and rabbits, which have less cover in which to hide.
  • When he smiled, which was often, his fat cheeks bunched up under his deep-set hazel eyes, giving him the appearance of a happy chipmunk.
  • Female chipmunks are in estrus for 1 day a year in late April or early May.
  • In between, I check on the chipmunk, which is now expiring sadly on the downstairs rug, "Ms. Spar wrote, later adding:" The chipmunk has died. Holding College Chiefs to Their Words
  • Nothing was happening until a chipmunk poked his head through the flowers, looked at me, and dove back under.
  • ) There was the time I rushed outside just in time to stop Pooch from catching a chipmunk he was about to pounce on. MY BABYSITTER HAS FANGS
  • Squirrels and chipmunks move through the forest in a similar fashion.
  • In the hotel's 11-acre palm-fringed ground mynah birds chatter, chipmunks dart about and the rhythmic crashing of the ocean waves harmonises the languid days.
  • When the chipmunk was done, she rifled through the husks in Myra's palm one last time, then zoomed back to the rock wall faster than Myra's eye could follow. MORE FROM GINNY BATES: ALLIE AND MARGIE
  • The Rodentia also includes beavers, muskrats, porcupines, woodchucks, chipmunks, squirrels, prairie dogs, marmots, chinchillas, voles, lemmings, and many others.
  • Near the window where Spirit stood watching out, Kahlan called the chipmunk again. Men Don't Leave Me
  • He personally has freeze-dried weasels, deer, chipmunks, squirrels, guinea pigs, chinchillas, ferrets, and more.
  • He caught chipmunks whose cheek pouches were so stuffed with lodgepole pine seeds that not one more would fit.
  • Once the chipmunk had retreated, the dominant chickaree took over the piles of cones beneath the white pine and guarded his treasure vigilantly.
  • By sheer luck, no chipmunks or groundhogs have yet found it.
  • At the small animal shed, which is home to lambs, goats, rabbits, chinchillas, as well as chipmunks, rats, mice and polecats, youngsters are encouraged to stroke and pet the animals.
  • For example, resident chipmunks in an agricultural landscape used wooded fencerows as habitat, while transient chipmunks used fencerows to travel between forest patches.
  • Letter 9 I get out your photo with the chipmunk face and kiss it.
  • The sweet nut within the acorns is coveted by songbirds, ground birds, small mammals like squirrels and chipmunks, and even deer.
  • Shortly after arriving, she had rescued a tiny chipmunk, which had fallen out of a tree; improvised an incubator; and lovingly nursed it with milk administered with an eyedropper. A Covert Affair
  • At area theaters 75 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE SQUEAKQUEL, PG David Seville's chipmunk wards Alvin, Simon and Theodore return in the sequel to sing in three-part harmony, along with the Chipmunks 'female counterparts, the Chipettes. stories
  • Bobby peered into those pale, penetrating eyes, sort of shrugged and gave her a feeble chipmunk smile.
  • Silent Poem backroad leafmold stonewall chipmunk underbrush grapevine woodchuck shadblow woodsmoke cowbarn honeysuckle woodpile sawhorse bucksaw outhouse wellsweep backdoor flagstone bulkhead buttermilk candlestick ragrug firedog brownbread hilltop outcrop cowbell buttercup whetstone thunderstorm pitchfork steeplebush gristmill millstone cornmeal waterwheel watercress buckwheat firefly jewelweed gravestone groundpine windbreak bedrock weathercock snowfall starlight cockcrow Archive 2008-02-01
  • Small rodents, such as hamsters, squirrels, chipmunks, mice, and rabbits, do not typically carry rabies.
  • Silent Poem backroad leafmold stonewall chipmunk underbrush grapevine woodchuck shadblow woodsmoke cowbarn honeysuckle woodpile sawhorse bucksaw outhouse wellsweep backdoor flagstone bulkhead buttermilk candlestick ragrug firedog brownbread hilltop outcrop cowbell buttercup whetstone thunderstorm pitchfork steeplebush gristmill millstone cornmeal waterwheel watercress buckwheat firefly jewelweed gravestone groundpine windbreak bedrock weathercock snowfall starlight cockcrow Marching (100x15)
  • I've seen squirrels without ears, and chipmunks with very short tails, and mice with beaky wee stabmarks in their chests!
  • Even though we're on the edge of a major city, our yard is populated by a variety of mice, moles, squirrels, chipmunks and opossums.
  • We also get to see Eileen practicing her tattooing technique on an orange, and a man and a woman walk around pretending to be ‘the wind’ by puffing their cheeks out, chipmunk style.
  • There were chipmunks and squirrels fussing, rabbits hopping and jumping, and even an owl hooting softly.

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