

  1. the part of the chimney that is above the roof; usually has several flues

How To Use chimneystack In A Sentence

  • The nearest grove of trees was more than a hundred yards away, beyond a small heap of stones that might have been the remnants of a tumbled chimneystack. Dragonfly in Amber
  • Before they had covered a mile the clouds suddenly opened overhead, and the crescent moon and the stars showed through and gave them enough light to make out the chimneystack of the ruined mill against the night sky. The Seventh Scroll
  • Northbound buses start their trips at Ian Macdonald and York Boulevards, then proceed: northward along Keele Street; and then westward along Steeles Avenue West to Founders Road, resuming their regular route ** westward along Steeles., from 9: 45 a.m. until 12: 15 p.m., eastbound buses operate along their regular route to Ian Macdonald Boulevard and The Chimneystack Road, then detour: eastward along The Chimneystack; southward along Keele Street; eastward along Canartic Drive; and then northward* along Petrolia Road to Steeles Avenue West, resuming their regular route ** eastward along Steeles. Transit Toronto - Weblog
  • Outside, the snow was falling steadily in feathery flakes, hiding the grime of London beneath a garment of shimmering white and transforming the commonplace houses built of brick and mortar, each capped with its ugly chimneystack, into glittering fairy palaces, crowned with silver towers and minarets. The Lamp of Fate
  • Seated on it, against no more romantic object than a blackened chimneystack over which some bumble creeper had been trained, they both pored over one book; both with attentive faces; Jenny with the sharper; Lizzie with the more perplexed. Our Mutual Friend
  • There's little left, but a chimneystack and a burned bicycle, and there was nothing anyone could do. CNN Transcript Aug 3, 2003
  • Well, tumbling down that roof Ah manages tae stick ma hand an 'leg doon on ma right side and sure enough Ah sort of slewed across the tiles that way and came tae rest against that chimneystack, bashing ma head somethin' rotten in the process. High Society
  • Far worse, following my too-brief possession of a spectacular position, was the chimneystack directly outside that completely screened any view. Michael Henry Adams: Some Great New Books!
  • The chimneystacks and sheds that once hummed with the sound of hundreds of spinning and weaving machines, now lie silent.
  • Some are distinctly organic, the bark still on the sinuous floor joist, a chimneystack of undressed stone.
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