How To Use Chilean In A Sentence

  • The Chilean had first served for the match in the 10th game of the decider.
  • For Chilean architects, this is the challenge of a lifetime—to preserve history and to build sensibly.
  • Chilean reds don't hide their charms either. Times, Sunday Times
  • When asked whether the Chilean had shed the excess pounds he gained after his injury, he joked that all that worried him was the player's haircut.
  • He is a complete outcross, with a blend of Chilean, Thoroughbred News |
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  • A prize draw aimed at compulsive spendthrifts has been run by a Chilean bank.
  • ``The special today is poached Chilean sea bass in a cilantro sauce, served with endive salad and garlic-mushroom couscous. SILENT JOE
  • Having coaled, Luce left Otranto behind, and with Glasgow and Monmouth steamed north up the Chilean coast. Castles of Steel
  • Every Chilean winery worth its salt now has a highly priced single estate cuvée, or icon wine.
  • Tens of thousands of Chileans fled the brutal repression 60,000 in just the first three years of the fascist regime.
  • They did the deal with Dubois, and Blaine, the current tranny road train driver, and a new Chilean mechanic, to give them the ability to ambush this particular trip, aided by their heavily armed cybernetically enhanced hybrid kangaroo warriors. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: On the Oodnadatta - Alastair Reynolds
  • The Chilean is confident that it will prove the catalyst to more success. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Chilean pine strawberry's fruits were sometimes as large as small apples. The Sun
  • Chilean President Sebastian Piñera owns a 300,000-acre private nature preserve on Chiloe Island. U.S. Millionaire Cultivates South American Park Plan
  • Last year, the company stopped selling seven other species on the Greenpeace red list including Atlantic cod, Chilean sea bass and orange roughy, says Jeff Lyons , Costco's senior vice president of fresh foods. The Slippery Business of Picking Fish
  • The Chilean's eyes popped from his head as he struggled furiously to tear away the steel-sinewed hand that had stopped off his breath. "Terrors Unseen" by Harl Vincent, part 8
  • The fishermen were catching Patagonian toothfish, sold under the name Chilean sea bass, south of New Zealand "and the squid was eating a hooked toothfish when it was hauled from the deep," Anderton said. Archive 2007-02-01
  • The Chilean departed to a standing ovation at his old club, but from the wrong fans and for all the wrong reasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only way to get here in the old days was aboard a Chilean naval vessel. Times, Sunday Times
  • But she recoiled in horror when the poisonous Chilean rose spider wriggled into life. The Sun
  • So why did the Chilean miners not turn on each other? Times, Sunday Times
  • In March 2004, the Royal Netherlands Navy signed a contract for the transfer of two M-Class frigates to the Chilean Navy.
  • Ramon took a table on the terrace overlooking the valley floor and ordered a bottle of chilled Chilean chardonnay. BLACK EAGLES
  • The Chilean experience shows that this obstacle, though daunting, is not insuperable.
  • These days, it is questions like these that Chileans are having to ask themselves.
  • Minestrone with garlic bread bruschetta, buffalo mozzarella pizza, and homemade cannelloni would be followed by a selection of main courses including Chilean sea bass, tiger prawns, and rosemary spring chicken.
  • Violeta Went to Heaven Chile-Argentina-Brazil/World Dramatic; Director: Andrés Wood; Screenwriter: Eliseo Altunaga; Producer: Patricio Pereira This film tells the story of famed Chilean singer and folklorist Violeta Parra, tracing her evolution from impoverished child to international sensation and Chile's national hero, while capturing the swirling intensity of her inner contradictions, fallibilities and passions. S.J. Main: Latino Themed Movies Take the Spotlight at Sundance Film Festival: Mosquita y Mari
  • This outstanding wine has long been the standard by which great Chilean Cabernet is measured. Overcoming the
  • Chilean reds don't hide their charms either. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Chilean Student Confederation announced plans for mass rallies across the country this Thursday in an escalation of the struggle.
  • The rain shadow on the leeward side of the Chilean Coast Range and the Andes, as well as a coastal inversion layer created by the cold offshore Humboldt Current, keep this over 20 million-year-old desert 50 times drier than California's Death Valley. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • If, however, not a soul has come across your plum paste, your Himalayan red rice or your Chilean boletes, you win.
  • On that day the Chilean military, led by General Pinochet, overthrew the elected president, Salvador Allende.
  • The Chilean common brown tarantula has provided the source for a novel painkiller, a new way to block cardiac arrhythmias, and insights into how ion channels are gated.
  • Made by the Chilean outpost of the famous French firm, Baron Philippe de Rothschild, this bottling is loaded with plummy fruit flavors accented with a whiff of green peppercorns. Wine Blogging Wednesday
  • BEIJING — China joined the world in breathless coverage of the Chilean mine rescue, but when a gas blast killed 21 Chinese miners and trapped 16 Saturday, the national TV evening news didn't say a word. China Coal Mine Explosion Kills 20, Traps More Than 30
  • The Atlanta Fish Market restaurant has a similarly long problem menu: Maine wolffish (slow growing, avoid), “Peruvian seabass” (the same thing as Chilean sea bass and from just as far south), and Georges Bank cod (avoid). Terms of Endangerment
  • Many Chileans almost glorify the country's physical isolation, as they consider it a key factor in allowing the creation of a homogeneous society.
  • Among them are Chilean nitrate, rock phosphate, greensand, and sulfate of potash magnesia.
  • The Chilean artist, who works in Mexico City, offered small framed stitched objects that painstakingly replicate fragments of his own clothing.
  • Australian, American, and Chilean winemakers work in steady, hot climates that produce regular harvests and consistent wines.
  • A team of Chilean inventors has invented a lock formed from the frame of the bicycle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just munched my way through a fantastic casserole and half a bottle of really-very-good Chilean Merlot.
  • Mixing by diffusion would take practically forever, so most of the mixing is via deep sea currents which then upwell various places, such as along the Chilean coast and downwell in places like the arctic ocean. KTH, Stockholm Conference « Climate Audit
  • There is Chilean sea bass steamed in parchment a French word on the menu and wands of asparagus, disposable cameras like so many breeding robotic crabs and a trick using South African coins, arguments over an "upset" boxing match, a pair of shoes whose owner cannot be found, and a child who wants her to see him pee. Archive 2006-09-03
  • We traveled by flota (large bus) and trufi (very small micro bus) to the village of Sajama, which lies in the shadow of the Chilean border in the Department of Oruro. Nevado Sajama « Wanderings
  • Net investments in American depositary receipts of Chilean companies almost tripled in December to $72.5 million from $25.5 million in November, according to Banchile Inversiones estimates. --
  • Can chefs serve swordfish, bluefin tuna or Chilean seabass in good conscience?
  • Chilean president Michelle Bachelet 'dithered' on Chile earthquake - Articles related to CAPITAL CULTURE: Obama tackles boys club image
  • Agence France-Presse/Getty Images Trapped Chilean miners 'letters suggest their ordeal is changing them. Writing Home, 'New' Miners Emerge
  • Tracey, Stephen, Timothy and Kevin landed in the bottom, and although Stephen's bacon-wrapped Chilean seabass effort was universally panned (Waxman called it "inedible") and horribly executed, Tracey went home for her over-fenneled, sloppy, poorly-cooked italian sausage 'sliders' that Jonathan Waxman claimed his son could make, and that Colicchio said would be insulting to Italians, and therefore himself. Top Chef DC Finale: Who Will Be Named Top Chef?
  • Onto an ashy beach we debark, just 50 yards from the remains of a Chilean base destroyed by a volcanic eruption in the late 1960's. Richard Bangs: Mind Sex with Strangers
  • We are doing a special promotion of Chilean wines.
  • Gusto offers a range of pastas, including rigatoni with mascarpone, lemon and Parma ham (370 rubles, $12.50), and entrees, from the chicken cutlet alla Milanese (390 rubles, $13) to the Chilean sea bass (1,250 rubles, The St. Petersburg Times
  • After finally loading up the ship with enough equipment to haul in a school of Chilean sea bass we set sail.
  • The Chilean company said that production for this year would be at the lower end of its original forecast. Times, Sunday Times
  • It took more than four weeks for the container to reach Iquique, a Chilean port about 150 miles south of Arica.
  • A team of Chilean inventors has invented a lock formed from the frame of the bicycle. Times, Sunday Times
  • German foreigners, the few Jews, and Chilean peasants coexist in a space hemmed in by borders which my prose opens and closes to mark the diversity of voices that populate this region.
  • After her final patrol Portland began her long passage home in August, and she headed first for Punta Arenas in Chile, where a team of Chilean naval officers embarked for the transit of the Patagonian Canals to Valparaiso.
  • According to the cable obtained by the website WikiLeaks, U.S. officials reported that Israel worked with the Chilean government to monitor what it called "unusual activity" by Iran's envoy to Santiago. WikiLeaks: Israel, Chile Spied on Iranian Activity in Latin America
  • But she recoiled in horror when the poisonous Chilean rose spider wriggled into life. The Sun
  • In Chilean slang, "mina" also means woman, a translation similar to English's The Seattle Times
  • There are 17,000 tons of cargo in the Chilean port of Arica that cannot be transported because the railroad between Arica and La Paz has been paralyzed.
  • The street'll be chocker with porkers and mazzers and the cries of "waiter another bottle of that charming Chilean Malbec when you've a second ..." will fill the sky. Road to Perdition
  • Such a system of social inequity/iniquity is unthinkable to any sensitive person -- which is why I was glad that my Chilean ancestors left South America when they did. Blue-Eyed Reconquistadores Watch
  • But for unspoke reasons, such contributions have always gone unacknowledge - Althussers influence on "America in Decline" is virtually unknown. (and there are other such unpaid debts: the acknowledgement of Chilean Maoist Jorge Palacious 'influence on "Conquer the World," the situating of Avakian's "solid core with a lot of elasticity" is an attempt to undermine and triangulate differences with Prachanda Path, and so on.) Kasama
  • When the 2010 Chilean tsunami arrived in California, people in Santa Monica Beach were mesmerized by the rapid withdrawal of the shoreline and went out to gawk at stranded marine life.
  • They used the immediacy of the show to throw in a number of hyper-topical jokes from Bret Farve to Chilean miners (too soon?), the show also included just about the only actual skit from the show within the show, TGS, they ever allowed, taking a poke at Fox News. Roger Catlin: Review: 30 Rock Plays Like a Long SNL Sketch
  • Some Chileans are so poor that they can only afford one substantial meal a day.
  • It has also reminded me vividly of my schooldays, when the intellectual horizon of Chilean adolescents had more than a sliver reserved for paradox, mystery and ambiguity.
  • The Chilean Winter Rainfall-Valdivian Forests Hotspot represents the crossroads of two major floristic and faunistic regions: the Neotropical and ancient Gondwanan provinces. Biological diversity in the Chilean winter rainfall-valdivian forests
  • But for the time being they are displaying the toughness and calm typical of Chilean miners. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I certainly wasn't going to complain, especially when he retreated to the "prop range," the Botanic Garden greenhouse where hundreds of species were growing—the BBG boasts 1,600 species—to retrieve some Chilean sphagnum moss. Where Expertise Blooms
  • A large evergreen shrub that grows to to 20 ft or more, the Chilean fire bush has narrow lanceolate leaves, up to 6in long.
  • We are just now seeing on dribs and drabs of info about the Chilean wine industry because the first problem and immediate focus is on resuce and survival. Chilean earthquake: wineries, barrels, bottles damaged or demolished | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • On September 11, 1973 the Chilean armed forces attacked La Moneda, the presidential palace in the centre of Santiago.
  • The rescue of the Chilean miners was a vindication of collective hope over adversity. Times, Sunday Times
  • While it is true that Stalinism played a major role in the Chilean defeat, it is impossible to analyze it in isolation from the role of the centrists and revisionists who played the role of willing and unwilling accomplices to Stalinism.
  • He's a big shot in Chilean politics.
  • The Chilean hotshot has scored 18 goals in half a season. The Sun
  • Lido Place was named Chile's Horse of the Year after winning the Chilean Triple Crown in 2001.
  • The sooner the better, " the Chilean coach said when asked when he wanted the club to conclude it's business.
  • The term therein fixed for effecting the exchange of ratifications having elapsed, the convention falls unless the time be extended by amendment, which I am endeavoring to bring about, with the friendly concurrence of the Chilean Government. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • In a forgotten warehouse, 500 telex machines were discovered which had been bought by the previous Chilean government but left unused because nobody knew what to do with them.
  • But a campaign to save the 50ft tree, also known as a Chilean Pine, has been launched by residents, who insist the prickly foliage is not likely to present the same risk of spreading infectious diseases as a discarded syringe. Archive 2008-05-01
  • But she recoiled in horror when the poisonous Chilean rose spider wriggled into life. The Sun
  • The lodge owners have bought a private ranch bordering the park where we are taken for a traditional Chilean barbecue or asado at the Quincho, a custom-built barbecue house.
  • The opera retains much of the film's dialogue while adding love music for Neruda and his wife, Matilde (Cristina Gallardo-Domas, who is Chilean, looking and sounding exquisite); a buffo-style tenor duet for Neruda and the simple postman Mario (Charles Castronovo), who gradually comes to worship him; and a couple of Neruda's poems, which make perfect arias. Domingo's tenor lifts respectable, but too literal, 'Il Postino' by Daniel Catán
  • -- Pearsonomys annectans Patterson, 1992, a semi-fossorial Chilean murid. Archive 2006-03-01
  • D'Escoto said that "the United States has been in the business of the deionisation of people from (for) ever," but had "canonised" former Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos, former Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza and former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. Undefined
  • You graced our suite with the sweet smell of beautiful flowers and Chilean wine.
  • For mains, we have chargrilled tenderloin and Chilean sea bass.
  • IT was heartwarming to see the trapped Chilean miners being rescued. The Sun
  • Chilean Merlot was melting through my veins, dissolving my innards. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • The most restrictive measures include so-called "interline" agreements with other airlines interested in operating three key routes, quitting one of the two global alliances LAN and TAM are part of, and opening the domestic market to non-Chilean carriers, analysts say. Reuters: Press Release
  • Now, twenty-eight years later, thanks to a decision by a Chilean appeals court, he exits the public stage still beyond the reach of the law.
  • Violeta Went to Heaven Chile-Argentina-Brazil/World Dramatic; Director: Andrés Wood; Screenwriter: Eliseo Altunaga; Producer: Patricio Pereira This film tells the story of famed Chilean singer and folklorist Violeta Parra, tracing her evolution from impoverished child to international sensation and Chile's national hero, while capturing the swirling intensity of her inner contradictions, fallibilities and passions. S.J. Main: Latino Themed Movies Take the Spotlight at Sundance Film Festival: Mosquita y Mari
  • Add to that team two cameramen, Sharp, a Billabong rep, me, and a half-dozen Chilean journalists and gofers - and you had one long caravan anytime the surfers set out to look for waves.
  • The Chilean has been under pressure after a disappointing season but five straight wins has seen his team clinch second place. The Sun
  • Can chefs serve swordfish, bluefin tuna or Chilean seabass in good conscience?
  • Chilean engineers had been sinking holes all over the site in the hope of finding the missing miners. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Chilean has been under pressure after a disappointing season but five straight wins has seen his team clinch second place. The Sun
  • ``The special today is poached Chilean sea bass in a cilantro sauce, served with endive salad and garlic-mushroom couscous. SILENT JOE
  • The Chilean has been under pressure after a disappointing season but five straight wins has seen his team clinch second place. The Sun
  • Raised in a Catholic family of regular churchgoers, Hilgenbrinck played soccer at Clemson and hooked on with the Chilean first division after he went unpicked in the 2004 MLS draft.
  • Few Chilean Americans have been active in the military, but this will change as more native-born children grow up.
  • He's a Chilean hero, cruelly held here for more than a year, in squalor, against his will, while mentally weak and physically unfit.
  • This place is the gateway to the high Andes and the Chilean border.
  • Yet it was Allende's government that betrayed the Chilean working class and delivered it into the hands of the military junta.
  • Peruvian-Chilean relations have been generally good of late and Peruvian officials including Defense Minister Luis Alberto Otarola avoided the word "espionage" when questioned by reporters about the arrests of Serain and Pizarro. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • Chileans are generally not attracted to the casualness and, what some consider to be sloppiness, of dress in the United States.
  • Also Tuesday, U.S. S.cretary of S.ate Hillary Clinton arrived in the country on a previously scheduled visit to Latin America, meeting briefly with Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, now in her final days in office, and President-elect S.bastián Piñera. Chile Aid Arrives, Amid Criticism
  • Preserved by the bone-dry Atacama Desert and an elaborate deathbed treatment, the oldest mummies in the world have gone on display in the Chilean capital, Santiago.
  • We started with liver and port terrine, a salad with goat cheese and fresh fruit, and Chilean empenadas with salsa.
  • In just over a decade, sales of Chilean wine have increased from a measly 14,000 cases a year in 1990 to 820,000 cases a year last year.
  • It will certainly be interesting to see where and how the Chilean deploys his impending arrival. Times, Sunday Times
  • Appointed a Chilean consul, Neruda went first to Barcelona and then to Madrid in 1935.
  • But it's a frankfurter served up Chilean-style, and that means a liberal topping of chopped tomatoes, guacamole and mayonnaise.
  • So Zucker has brought a competing offer to the table; a three-member team from the Caravan of Death, a Chilean Army death squad that dates back to the early 1970s, has offered to put Watkins under round-the-clock surveillance for $250 a day, with a bonus of 10% of any overdue condo fees collected. Condos Dumping Lawyers for Paramilitary Death Squads
  • Despite donations and the promise of book and movie deals, most of the 33 Chilean miners trapped more than two months have returned to lives of struggle in improvised homes, often in gang-ridden neighborhoods lacking basic services. Chile Miners Return For Mass Near Rescue Site
  • At Sandor's, they found Tuscan white truffle tortelloni with aged asiago and white truffle milk and Chilean sea bass marinated in ginger and sake.
  • Once that is complete, a commando from the Chilean navy will be lowered into the mine to evaluate the miners 'health and divide them into three groups: the able, the weak, the most able. Chile miners' rescue is imminent, say experts
  • Remember, you can learn more about ALMA, the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, an up-and-coming radio telescope high in the Chilean Andes that will probe astrochemistry like never before, from their website, Richard Drumm's 365DoA podcast, or my first URSI update. Archive 2009-02-13
  • Brushing past the massive leaves of Chilean gunnera offers a glimpse of how land plants evolved through time. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • A Chilean Merlot or a decent Beaujolais is the best partner for liver, tongue, sausage and ham.
  • But it's a frankfurter served up Chilean-style, and that means a liberal topping of chopped tomatoes, guacamole and mayonnaise.
  • Chilean sea bass in a sauce of mirin, soy, ginger juice, lavender honey, and safflower oil is accompanied by Sandor's take on the classic brandade.
  • In the colder areas with high rainfall of the south western most parts of the ecoregion a characteristic vegetation specially termed Magellanic moorland or Magellanic tundra extends through the Chilean archipielago to 48ºS. Magellanic subpolar forests
  • Chilean-born Marco Claveria (vocals, tres, guiro, acoustic guitar) was introduced into the mix, then trombonist J.C. Jones was replaced with the duelling brass of Jim and Craig Brenan.
  • September 1973, he avers, was the result of ‘the devastating collapse of the Chilean economy’ and ‘Chile's increasing polarized political environment’.
  • IT was heartwarming to see the trapped Chilean miners being rescued. The Sun
  • It will certainly be interesting to see where and how the Chilean deploys his impending arrival. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chilean reds don't hide their charms either. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is worth noting the similarities and differences between the Early Cretaceous rifted continental margin evolution of the West Peruvian Trough and the contemporaneous evolution of this Chilean Coastal Range segment.
  • This is not a battle by youth or Chilean society, said Camila Vallejo, a Chilean student leader who has become a key figure in that country's protests, and who this week travelled to Europe to forge alliances with protest movements there. Occupy movement: from local action to a global howl of protest
  • Following a formal request yesterday from the Chilean Ambassador, the Australian Government has decided on an initial contribution of $1 million in emergency assistance in response to the massive earthquake that struck south of Santiago de Chile on 27 February. Australian assistance to Chile
  • The wines from these countries speak our language (yes, even Chilean labels don't say Chateau Lamazelle de Figeac Brown Cantenac Lafite), they are open and furiously fruity, gluggable and yet serious, and they are not expensive. Life and style |
  • Chilean looks a snip at 11million. The Sun
  • Where does Chilean sea bass come from? Times, Sunday Times
  • Chilean President Ricardo Lagos, while claiming to support the right to protest, ordered the mobilization of the ‘carabineros.’
  • A team of Chilean inventors has invented a lock formed from the frame of the bicycle. Times, Sunday Times
  • But she recoiled in horror when the poisonous Chilean rose spider wriggled into life. The Sun
  • If, however, not a soul has come across your plum paste, your Himalayan red rice or your Chilean boletes, you win.
  • Try this Chilean young to enjoy rich, plummy fruit jostling with a dash of coal tar. Times, Sunday Times
  • At their best, Chilean wines are unctuously juicy and intense, with bags of exotic ripe fruit.
  • From the time when a French winegrower was imported to improve the wine, Chileans have used European methods to make wine and have won prizes for their specialties.
  • Corn lends sweetness to the pie, but merk é n — a "Chilean paprika" made from a blend of spices and hot peppers — adds a kick. Saucing Up the Ordinary
  • Someone mentioned it earlier, but I have always pined for the restructuring of the West Coast into the state of Cascadia – that is all of the land west of the Cascades, which would run, Chilean fashion, from the Washington/British Columbia border to the Bay Area. Matthew Yglesias » Imagine If
  • Chilean engineers had been sinking holes all over the site in the hope of finding the missing miners. Times, Sunday Times
  • A team of Chilean inventors has invented a lock formed from the frame of the bicycle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chilean volcanoes
  • Introduced weeds such as gorse (Ulex europaeus), Chilean guava (Ugni molinae), and marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) are all problematic as well. Chatham Island temperate forests
  • Where is the intellectual and chill Mr. Barack Spock in this Chilean miner/Hieronymus Bosch hell the President himself described over our lunch? Phil Bronstein: Obama's Barbara Boxer Fundraiser Failed to Rev My Engine
  • The Chilean miner said that production for this year would be at the lower end of its original forecast. Times, Sunday Times
  • In some Chilean varieties, the ears are much larger than their North American cousins.
  • Taking a break between scenes, Carmína Riego, the actress who plays Señora Galindo, says that her big-haired, flouncy character is an exaggerated version of Chilean female coquettishness.
  • Do Chilean quinoas actually require long days or are they day-neutral (produce in any daylength)? 3: Staple crops
  • The iShares JPMorgan USD Emerging Markets Bond ETF holds debt denominated in U.S. dollars, while Market Vectors Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond is a basket of government securities issued in Brazilian reis, Chilean pesos, Russian rubles and so on. The Debt Crisis: If Treasury Bonds Aren't Safe, What Is?
  • The right, the economic elite, and the Catholic church were three powerful institutions in Chilean society at that time.
  • THE trapped Chilean miners have vowed to wait at the surface until the last man is rescued. The Sun
  • So if you say "Canadian" or "Cuban" or "Chilean," everybody knows what you mean, but there isn't really a good single term to indicate that the obvious cultural difference between Daniel and Courtney is that she is not latina. Author-friends, Meet Lyn Miller-Lachmann
  • And he did, collecting plants from across the globe: rare azaleas, tall eucryphias with leaves like perfumed confetti, a flowering Chilean fire tree planted to celebrate his Golden Jubilee in 1945.
  • She and Patricio Lanfranco, a Chilean filmmaker and news producer who did occasional work for "The NewsHour," spent years tracking the judge and what he called his descent into "the abyss" of the country's past, continuing on despite considerable challenges raising the funds that went for, among other things, acquiring the expensive archival footage that the duPont judges found compelling. TVBizwire
  • He's a big shot in Chilean politics.
  • BEIJING mdash; China joined the world in breathless coverage of the Chilean mine rescue, but when a gas blast killed 21 Chinese miners and trapped ... China Coal Mine Explosion Kills 20, Traps More Than 30
  • The term therein fixed for effecting the exchange of ratifications having elapsed, the convention falls unless the time be extended by amendment, which I am endeavoring to bring about, with the friendly concurrence of the Chilean State of the Union Address
  • I was one up on the panellists in that I've managed to grow a Chilean Flame Tree embothrium in our garden. Spring in the Garden.
  • The urgent trade shifted surprisingly to Chilean deserts nearby, where deposits of caliche, a crude mineral conglomerate of salts, including nitrates, had been laid down during the late Tertiary and Quaternary eras.

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