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How To Use Childlike In A Sentence

  • By his grace, we will follow the sound of the megaphone back to childlike longings for him and for home. Christianity Today
  • His voice had suddenly taken on a childlike quality as he began talking quick and excitedly.
  • The young woman was sitting forward in her seat, a look of almost childlike curiosity on her face.
  • Old Ebbits looked at me in childlike wonder, while Zilla sneered openly at the absurdity of my question. THE WHITE MAN'S WAY
  • Her behaviour was a peculiar mixture of the sophisticated and the childlike.
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  • Few neighborhood rituals in Manhattan are more beguiling than to be present as roustabouts pump helium into the balloons that give such a childlike lift to the Macy's parade.
  • I observe Barry Diller, with his powerful, vulnerable skull that conveys the air of a Picasso, with his smile that's habitually so melancholic but which, now that I've stopped pestering him about his memories of Paramount, his tussles with Murdoch, his conversion to teleshopping, has become curiously childlike. In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part V)
  • It was merely a gauche expression of a feeling of ownership, a childlike discovery of proprietary rights where the immediate and instinctive reaction is to take the toy apart.
  • It's a word he uses a lot in his almost childlike rediscovery of happiness and contentment.
  • In his own way, though, he brought comfort to her with his childlike clarity, which gave him a philosopher's profundity.
  • Shelves and walls in Latonya's home were filled with family photographs, childlike paintings, and mimeographed school announcements.
  • It showed a large, plump man, already balding but with a pink, childlike face.
  • She'd be childlike, tempestuous and unpredictable.
  • His lyrics are always childlike and unpretentious, evoking ridiculous pictures and colourful characters.
  • The childlike behaviour of the crowd may or may not have explained the glaring lack of interest in Pakistan's brilliant batting in the afternoon. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is a very self-involved, vain, voyeuristic, childlike, power-hungry but brilliant guy.
  • The sight filled her with childlike excitement.
  • She has a childlike enthusiasm and directness.
  • Wilder captures the childlike adoration of the father and absorption in the way the world works.
  • It's a word he uses a lot in his almost childlike rediscovery of happiness and contentment.
  • A few people around me laughed and one woman leaned over to me and said, "Don't lose your childlikeness. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Buddy's gentleness was almost childlike, verging on the ridiculous -- his doting on dogs and little children, the love letters he had written to his dead wife Momi, his devotion to Stella's ashes and the green flash at sunset, his assiduous attention to his flowers. Beard
  • It is well understood that white men of that time considered the Negroid race inferior and childlike compared to whites. Jefferson on the Indians, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • She has a childlike heart that makes her silly and cute.
  • You still have that glow of childlike curiosity with the hint of adult wisdom you always had.
  • The allusion is to that of a childlike state, in which faith is absolute and without contradiction. The Paradox Of Adam And Eve « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Kristin doesn't so much sing as offer strangulated, childlike whispers that are often double-tracked.
  • Her softly rounded face looked absurdly childlike under the tall-crowned hennin, from which a wispy veil floated behind her as she moved. The Historical Nights' Entertainment First Series
  • He has no childlike heart, no love to God, who can hear his name dishonoured and be silent. The Lord's Prayer
  • The "Iliad" is beautful with all the truth, and grace and simplicity of a wonderfully childlike people while the "Æneid" is more stately and reserved. The Story of My Life
  • SAUNDERS: Well, I believe that his behavior suggests he ` s what we call a regressed or fixated pedophile, that he enters into a childlike state, except that he ` s a grown-up man and he has sexual urges. CNN Transcript Apr 21, 2005
  • Their childlike joy in leaving is probably a reflection of your own joy at your recovery.
  • She stopped for a moment, then broke out in silvery, childlike laughter.
  • Perhaps you should tap into that childlike enthusiasm and pick up painting or soccer or tickling.
  • She was frail and her childlike appearance made her innocence all the more apparent.
  • This was called a hold harmless form and it basically pointed out that if they were killed and/or injured during live-fire exercises while they were in the refuge, it would be the giddiest sort of childlike illusion for either or both of them and/or their survivors to think for even a minute about receiving compensation. Underworld
  • Daphne blurts the childlike word automatically, unthinking, and she rushes forward.
  • He still possesses the same hunger and childlike love of the game that has defined him throughout his illustrious career.
  • Lear, childlike in his petulance, denies Cordelia her dower.
  • That childish hope that the world is a good place, I retain, and I think that is childlike.
  • The man comes across as childlike and innocent, but also as his own biggest fan.
  • In that sense, both childlike speech and slangy expression operate for Wallace as kin of free indirect discourse, here disguising as prose the speech or internal monologue of the author himself, rather than that of a character's. Omer Rosen: Footnoting David Foster Wallace: Part 1
  • Can I disclaim the stereotype of Americans as living without the resonance of history, inhabiting the present with a childlike complacency, an unwitting, unreflecting arrogance?
  • He has an almost childlike zest for talking up his business and explaining how it can still be improved. Times, Sunday Times
  • He vacillates between childlike bemusement and childlike trepidation.
  • His prattling was childlike and innocent, as if he were only five years old.
  • As lovers and photographic subjects, her men become passive and childlike beneath the distorting but clarifying light of her infrared process. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Then a small, childlike hand crept into his. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a ghost story, a tragedy, a policier and a drawing room comedy: a captivating story performed with childlike unselfconsciousness.
  • Thus it suggests a volatile mix of resentment, escapism and childlike fantasy.
  • ‘He takes an almost childlike pleasure in baiting socialists, pinks, reds and other weak-minded leftists,’ laughed one source who knows him well.
  • How touchingly expressive are the succeeding lines, wrung from a heart which all the trials and temptations and buffetings of the world could not render worldly; which, amid a thousand follies and errors of the head, still retained its childlike innocence; and which, doomed to struggle on to the last amid the din and turmoil of the metropolis, had ever been cheating itself with a dream of rural quiet and seclusion: The Life of Oliver Goldsmith
  • He was childlike in his behaviour, in that there was no malice behind it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Childlike like Rose, Sarcastic like Sophia, Intellectual like Dorothy ... and I have been known to have my Blanche moments\n\u003c/div\ ",1]); D ([" mb "," \u003cspan class\u003dq\\n\u003cdiv\ \u003c/div\\n\u003cdiv\7. Volunteer Profiles (China 12-13) « Peace Corps: China
  • Before nightfall, another ranch hand, a jerkline skinner named Slim, presented the childlike Lennie with a puppy from his dog's litter.
  • Another way of saying it is that Palermo at his best remained supremely ludic and childlike in his approach to subjects and materials.
  • Great Regulars: But preserving the childlikeness, the great problem Archive 2009-04-01
  • The right-hand page shows in childlike handwriting the first lines of his poem “Pastoral”: “The little sparrows/hop ingenuously/about the pavement/quarreling.” 2009 January 28 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • Beth's face is serene and childlike in the dim light; she breathes slowly, deeply.
  • Her behaviour was a peculiar mixture of the sophisticated and the childlike.
  • I'm a firm believer in clinging to as much childlike wonder as possible. Boing Boing
  • In fact, there's a childlike quality to her when she speaks. The Sun
  • There is a childhood into which we have to grow, just as there is a childhood which we must leave behind; a childlikeness which is the highest gain of humanity, and a childishness from which but few of those who are counted the wisest among men, have freed themselves in their imagined progress towards the reality of things. David Elginbrod
  • The tone held a childlike quality while retaining the fullness and firmness of a young woman's voice.
  • There is a childlike quality to his voice as he talks with a slow drawl. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet childlikeness can evanesce like so much dry ice. The Puzzle Of Genius
  • She nodded, responding to the impish challenge, the childlike glee in his face. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Although some of the Mites were as old as fifteen, because they were called Mites, their routines were always childlike.
  • She nodded, responding to the impish challenge, the childlike glee in his face. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Lucie's attitude to it was a mixture of contempt and childlike delight.
  • He also has a slightly excitable, childlike quality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beneath Lais's brittle facade there was a childlike quality that brought out the protective instinct in him.
  • She has this amazingly bright smile, and when it comes through, there is something very innocent and childlike about her. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think I'm more exhausted than Zoe is and I'm looking forward to getting on the plane home, but it's difficult not to feel a shiver of childlike delight in the magic of it all.
  • It let him, crucially, retain a sense of childlike wonder and a love of fantasy and escapism. Times, Sunday Times
  • So all three of us had childlike excitement about the whole thing.
  • the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living.
  • Our biggest strength was the ability to do mad stuff spontaneously, in an almost childlike way.
  • Ericsen was rubbing his huge hands in childlike glee. Charley's "Coup"
  • Yellow and blue make a cheerful combination and can look elegant or childlike; also team blue with spicy reds, pinks and oranges. Times, Sunday Times
  • This reminds us of another aspect of childlikeness, the aspect of trust, which is often difficult in the face of life's troubles and in the face of a holy God who can be quite frightening himself. Movie Review: Transformers
  • While never failing duly to receive and return Hugh's rather stiff attentions, and while doing superb justice to the repast, Ramsey, with side glances from her large, unconscious eyes emotionally enriched by long auburn lashes, easily and with great zest contemplated her mother's charming complexion, so lily-white and shell pink for a Creole matron, as well as the lovely confidingness of her manner, so childlike yet so wise. Gideon's Band A Tale of the Mississippi
  • He looked over to the childlike form on his bed and felt a protective instinct so strong he almost wept.
  • There is a childlike quality to his voice as he talks with a slow drawl. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was a man without guile with a childlike spirit and spirituality, a gentle man.
  • Sinise directed and produced the film, in addition to reprising his stage role as George; Malkovich takes on the role of the childlike Lennie.
  • He had never been in a bank in his life, much less been in one on business, and he had a naive and childlike desire to walk into one of the big banks down in Oakland and fling down his indorsed check for forty dollars. Chapter 27
  • childlike trust
  • His lyrics are always childlike and unpretentious, evoking ridiculous pictures and colourful characters.
  • He is almost childlike in his inability to rein in his destructive impulse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Obomsawin relies heavily on Kasper's own letters and writings to chronicle her tale, and adopts a minimalist style very similar to Girard's, no doubt in order to better portray Hauser's childlike state of mind. Robot Reviews: Three from D&Q | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • In some ways her behaviour is quite childlike. The Sun
  • The individual in Quebec is known as the habitant, a simple creature who hath an abiding and childlike faith in God, and for this reason is regarded by the rest of the hemisphere as practically helpless. One of Canada's Assets, the Habitant
  • Her behaviour was a peculiar mixture of the sophisticated and the childlike.
  • I observed a childlike wonder in his eyes and playful laughter as he enjoyed his music.
  • And yet there's the childlike irreverence at times, the giggles, the non sequiturs, the references to such inane activities as shopping.
  • And that brings us back to that command about childlikeness. Movie Review: Transformers
  • The one indispensable preliminary was the change in man from rebelliousness to childlike trust and willingness to obey.
  • I have seen these things before and recognize a couple features - the simple, childlike head (pigtailed here) atop a womanly body.
  • childlike charm
  • There's something oddly childlike about the way you say you suffered panic attacks because of an overactive imagination or a fear of being left alone. Times, Sunday Times
  • the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living.
  • Innocence, in contrast, radiates childlike pleasure and exuberance.
  • Eve, bless her soul, was too childlike to see this.
  • Donning childlike smiles and glowing with eager anticipation, we made haste for the dining room just a few steps down the hall.
  • The audience may be lost in childlike wonder, but what about the performer? Times, Sunday Times
  • So there is that kind of unexamined, almost childlike belief that all problems can be fixed with enough investigation and investment of dollars and technology. Beyond “Death Panels”: The Right Way To Die
  • Now in his seventies, he came across as a fairly childlike character - driven by his curiosity.
  • She certainly had grown a lot, her body had grown womanly curves, and she was no longer childlike in appearance, but that of a sophisticated and strikingly beautiful young woman.
  • Do not kill”; for this is the childlike blamelessness which is proposed to us, if we would enter the kingdom of heaven. Catena Aurea - Gospel of Mark
  • Eve is constantly referred to as innocent and childlike in the first half of the film and her transformation involves a process of maturation, of becoming a more confident adult.
  • There was something childlike, something of the holy fool about him. Times, Sunday Times
  • But one cannot read Public Enemies, this lively, bracing, vibrant correspondence, without remarking the ferocious joy, the playfulness, the nose-thumbing, the childlikeness that characterize it. Marie-Laure Delorme: Provocation and Silence in Public Enemies
  • He also has a childlike innocence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most interviews mention his childlike manner, his puckishness, but that's not it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our childlike curiosity lasted much longer into adult life. The Sun
  • Target," an astonishing piece of visionary futurism from the Russian director Alexander Zeldovich, was complemented by the childlike delight that attends nearly every moment of NYT > Home Page
  • They opened with my favourite song - (Childlike faith in) Childhood's End - and continued in storming style for the entire set. Archive 2007-05-01
  • There is a childlike quality about him, as if the years caught up with him only by accident.
  • While the movie has an obviously childlike feel, it's difficult to be sure of its intended audience.
  • A gleeful, childlike look overcame her face and she bounded off towards the vending machine.
  • He invests his character's single-minded quest for meaning with a mixture of childlike earnestness and unpredictable aggression.
  • Arrogantly sure of themselves, carried away by a passion for facts, they covered with ridicule those — the seers, the poets, the childlike in heart — who, over and above the rational and knowable, caught glimpses of what was assumed to be unknowable; declaring, with a fierce and intolerant unimaginativeness, that the assertion which outstripped the evidence was not only a blunder, but a crime. The Way Home
  • There is also a childlike quality to his answers, a perpetual soft amusement in the arch of those bushy eyebrows and curl of the lip. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wizards designing Macintosh considered it an open invitation to childlike play, and judged that ability among its chief attributes.
  • One cannot read Public Enemies, this lively, bracing, vibrant correspondence, without remarking the ferocious joy, the playfulness, the nose-thumbing, the childlikeness that characterize it. Marie-Laure Delorme: Provocation and Silence in Public Enemies
  • Many adults these days do not seem at all bothered by the idea of seeming childlike - they even revel in it.
  • Yet, in her mouth, English was a new and beautiful language, softly limpid, with an audacity of phrase and tellingness of expression that conveyed subtleties and nuances as unambiguous and direct as they were unexpected from one of such childlikeness and simplicity. BY THE TURTLES OF TASMAN
  • His black frock-coat, streaked with stains of acids and sirups, was much too wide for his lean little person, and looked like a shabby old cassock; and the man spoke with a strong Polish accent which gave the childlike character to his thin voice, the lisping note and intonations of a young thing learning to speak. Pierre And Jean
  • This covers up also a good deal of business acumen, shrewdness, and secretiveness which is not so childlike and bland. The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
  • By his grace, we will follow the sound of the megaphone back to childlike longings for him and for home. Christianity Today
  • The skin on his face was dull and blotched, his eyes drained of that familiar childlike wonder. Jan Herman: Writers on Fighters
  • Far from being dour and dolorous, one of the clearest fruits of grace is a childlike joy.
  • He has put into his paintings every phase of life, and it is all so genuine and accurate, so true to reality that in his work, after five centuries, the Italian trecento still lives for us, despite the deplorable state of the frescoes, the defects of his perspective, and the childlike archaism of certain technical formulæ. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Shiva: Yes, I think Elfed Lied would be right up your alley, the childlike comes from the Japanese tradition which for the most part, even men don't have facial hair, or much facial hair, but also just the style - I think except for a few characters most of the characters were between 11-18 if that helps. Up and down, crash and burn: nightcare to job hunt to darkness
  • But Carrots 'faith in auntie and Sybil was unshaken – and his childlike confidence less susceptible of chill. "Carrots": Just a Little Boy
  • But also, confusingly and faintly disturbingly, a childlike innocence that appeals to us all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes he seemed terribly childlike. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also has a childlike innocence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yellow and blue make a cheerful combination and can look elegant or childlike; also team blue with spicy reds, pinks and oranges. Times, Sunday Times
  • I told him he needed looking after and he looked so doleful and childlike I gave him a hug. The Sun
  • There's a childlike sense of wonder and exploration to these songs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bob Leflar had a steel-trap mind, the heart of a lion, a tough will, and a childlike love of life.
  • Nevertheless, Sufiya's suppressed feelings eventually surface, and her childlike beauty gives way to beastliness.
  • They who attempted to read the prophecy with accuracy were of opinion that the prophet had intimated that had the nation, even in this its crisis, consented to take him, the prophet, as its sole physician and to obey his prescription with childlike docility, health might not only have been re-established, but a new juvenescence absolutely created. Phineas Redux
  • She expressed this in a display of childlike behaviour, demanding attention from the family and reacting with irritation or anger when she gained it. Know Your Own Mind
  • With childlike optimism, I'd pitched our tarp-tent as I would have in Colorado timber, and spindrift had squirted through every crack, coating everything with a layer of rime and soaking our sleeping bag.
  • Having attended last year's event, I can attest to its practically tactile, loving atmosphere punctuated with childlike bursts of humour.
  • Everything is so much shinier and more childlike. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a childlike quality to his voice as he talks with a slow drawl. Times, Sunday Times
  • In speech, the old-time 'shellback' was notoriously reticent -- almost inarticulate; but in song he found self-expression, and all the romance and poetry of the sea are breathed into his shanties, where simple childlike sentimentality alternates with the Rabelaisian humour of the grown man. The Shanty Book, Part I, Sailor Shanties
  • But the woman is more than normally apprehensive… her daughter has a brain injury that has left her unusually childlike, even in her mature young womanly body.
  • the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living.
  • Even the ones who looked like tomorrow's tough teenagers were evincing childlike delight.
  • Now it is this large-eyed, liberal regard of man, this grand, childlike, all-credent appreciation, which distinguishes the earlier and Scriptural literatures. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 96, October 1865
  • It must be hard to sail a boat without wonder, a pure childlike wonder at small things - the colours of shadows over mudbanks, the wings of cormorants drying on spitposts, crabs going under rocks, or simply blue, spray, and a sail full of air.
  • Aiden T is undeniably caddishly rakishly lovely, but there is something childlike and very sweet about Samuel Barnett as little Mr Millais. Desperate Romantics
  • The responsibilities of being an adult mean that we can lose our childlike sense of wonder and possibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • They speak of his feelings of almost childlike wonder. Times, Sunday Times
  • An older sister, Sophie, had died aged six months but throughout Aldiss's childhood she was held up as a paragon of childlike virtue, a moralistic ghost hovering over him.
  • Likewise, childlike behaviour can also be free, fun-loving, intuitive and happy-go-lucky.
  • In fact, he has an almost childlike admiration for art and artists. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's long been known that larger eyes in proportion to the face trigger a reaction in humans that makes us consider the face to be "cuter" - it is speculated that this is a response to neoteny, the retention of childlike characteristics even into adulthood. Raph's Website
  • Youth hit the streets with fashions that offer an overt assertion of babylike and childlike cuteness. Shock of Gray
  • I don't mean to say that he's a child or anything, but the way he carries and handles himself is very childlike.
  • It was almost childlike, but with a strong underlying sense of maturity and wisdom.
  • A touching passage, one of the piece's several trios, casts the tiny, hoydenish Julie Tice as a childlike outsider yearning to be part of a teen-dream romance.
  • The art tends to be beautiful and quite raw - it has a childlike, instinctive quality in some ways and is really technical in others.
  • While the movie has an obviously childlike feel, it's difficult to be sure of its intended audience.
  • His most enduring quality is his childlike innocence.
  • Suddenly your grown-up veneer gives way to a childlike sensitivity that causes you to feel-within minutes-wonderful happiness and acute distress.
  • The best grown-up ideas come from being silly, from dreaming, from being a childlike adult.
  • His pained expression implies childlike insecurity, his shambling unsophistication contrasting with the intensity of the competition.
  • This delightful carol, often called The Polish Carol, tells the story of the nativity in a simple, childlike manner.
  • Babydisco is an oneiric and playful introduction to club land: children take possession of a reduced-scale entirely rebuilt club with strong design, where night-club clichés meet childlike universe in a soft jewel box.
  • All the materials with which his memory is crowded become classified, orderly, harmonious, and undergo that compulsory idealization which is the result of a childlike perception, that is to say, of a perception that is keen, magical by force of ingenuousness. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 4
  • They who attempted to read the prophecy with accuracy were of opinion that the prophet had intimated that had the nation, even in this its crisis, consented to take him, the prophet, as its sole physician and to obey his prescription with childlike docility, health might not only have been reestablished, but a new juvenescence absolutely created. Phineas Redux
  • Curvaceous, decidedly feminine and womanly I would say, rather than waifish and childlike.
  • He could offer no real explanation for his childlike behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • He approaches the game with a passion and enthusiasm which can border on the childlike.
  • All but Violet, who stood amazed, slowly pushing up her Mardi Gras mask to reveal an expression of childlike wonder. Darkness Becomes Her
  • Sometimes, a songwriter's quest to uncover the extraordinary in the ordinary has a childlike aspect to it.
  • But the chords were a prelude to one of his own hymns, and he stood entranced as her sweet, childlike voice rose with the very words that he had sung. Selected Stories of Bret Harte
  • Above all, the series has a gorgeous childlike quality and is entirely voiced by children.
  • Looking back now, my trust in some sort of mythical cosmic calculation seems almost childlike in its naivety. Times, Sunday Times
  • He looked over to the childlike form on his bed and felt a protective instinct so strong he almost wept.
  • She has a childlike enthusiasm and directness.
  • You have a childlike and innocent quality, which is endearing in meaningful relationships.
  • The painting is replete with colourful animals and childlike forms, all products of Dixon's fertile imagination.
  • In this volume religious sublimity is clothed in childlike simplicity. The Mother's Book
  • Ty squeaked again, this time out of a childlike excitement and pushed Bryan down before she landed a blow across his chest and stomach.
  • Beneath Lais's brittle facade there was a childlike quality that brought out the protective instinct in him.
  • He starts scatting with unbridled, childlike joy. Times, Sunday Times

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