How To Use Childless In A Sentence

  • The Roman satirists savagely expose the fawning homage heaped upon the childless rich.
  • Frederick, a bisexual misanthrope in a childless, political marriage, was a lapsed Calvinist who held all religions in contempt.
  • One is a stay-at-home mom who lives in the house where she grew up, while the other is a thrice-married, childless woman of the world.
  • The woman was childless, and her "sentiments of piety and honorability" guaranteed "a favorable future" to the girl she hoped to receive.
  • in some societies a childless woman is rejected by her tribesmen
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  • The men I spoke to genuinely thought they'd completed their families then divorce hit and they hooked up with childless women. Times, Sunday Times
  • Faced with the reality of being alone for the first time she talked openly and honestly with John about her feelings: her disgust with herself, her fear of failing at her job, her growing conviction that her childlessness was a punishment, and the frequent wish that she could simply die and put an end to her misery. Alcohol and The Addictive Brain
  • That was her reward of childless matrimony, as the appreciation of her humors was his. The Readjustment
  • Supposing Blair is correct, and parents do espy special, precious things that childless adults never can, it would still be reassuring to know that these are not outweighed by the associated burdens of exhaustion, continual interruption and prime ministerial anxiety about how to blag a first-class education without going private. Surely Dave and Nick have got better things to do? | Catherine Bennett
  • Women who choose to remain childless are free to compete as men do but their femininity is suspect and it, rightly, pisses them off. It’s My Motherhood, And I’ll Celebrate It If I Want To | Her Bad Mother
  • If you were unmarried or childless, or sometimes simply owned a cat, you were regarded with suspicion. Times, Sunday Times
  • He did not “see his seed, ” nor “prolong his days, ” since he died childless; and we will not permit the word “seed” to be spiritualized on this occasion, for the word “seed” in the Old Testament, means nothing else, than literally “children, ” which it is not pretended he ever had; and how could he “prolong his days, ” when he was cut off in his 33d year. The Grounds of Christianity Examined by Comparing The New Testament with the Old
  • We explicitly rejected the emancipation of the middle-class "career woman" who was forced to remain childless. The Past is Before Us - feminism in action since the 1960s
  • Now 41, she finds herself single and childless. Times, Sunday Times
  • He left her a childless widow at the age of eighteen.
  • And in Delia's there will reverberate till death that wail of a fierce and childless woman -- that last cry of nature in one who had defied nature -- of womanhood in one who had renounced the ways of womanhood: "_the child -- the child_! Delia Blanchflower
  • As I was a single, childless young male, I was not told just how serious my condition was.
  • One of the things that goes hand-in-hand with childlessness is high levels of education, says D'Vera Cohn of Pew Research Center, who co-authored a report on childlessness last year. White women more likely to be childless, Census says
  • Maybe consider cultivating people who are childless, or… you might give some thought to conquering this phobia with professional help.
  • Even more marked differences in childlessness by race and ethnicity are reflected among women who have never married. White women more likely to be childless, Census says
  • To be childless was to forfeit a future, to go unremembered.
  • We are now a childless couple in midlife. Christianity Today
  • Yes, parents are probably better people to go to for advice on parenting than childless theoreticians.
  • By marrying successively two second cousins, who were themselves heiresses of the same grocery business, he consolidated his fortune to the benefit of his collection, since both marriages were childless.
  • Are you young, single, childless and looking to climb on to the property ladder? Times, Sunday Times
  • Similarly, childless couples should not have to pay out. Times, Sunday Times
  • In another exegetic expansion, after twenty childless years, Isaac took Rebekah to Mount Moriah, to the place of the Binding, and he prayed for her, that she become pregnant, and God answered him (Pirkei de-Rabbi Eliezer, ed. Higger, chap. 31). Rebekah: Midrash and Aggadah.
  • For them, a childless marriage is considered a great misfortune.
  • Inpart it was a response to the needs of childless white couples for whom white infants were no longer available for adoption.
  • Women who choose to remain childless are free to compete as men do but their femininity is suspect and it, rightly, pisses them off. It’s My Motherhood, And I’ll Celebrate It If I Want To | Her Bad Mother
  • I picked up the Sunday paper that weekend and saw a double-page spread full of interviews with the childless couples who had written to the woman in desperation.
  • However, yesterday she gave a strong indication she still considered herself a chance, rejecting claims that a single, childless woman was unelectable.
  • Was it because she was childless, and travelling graveward? Tales of the Chesapeake
  • In this system, childless women may raise a niece or nephew and grandparents may exercise parental control over a grandchild.
  • But the reality is that women face a multitude of problems when deciding if and when to have a family, despite the prospect of a childless future glaring at them from newspaper headlines.
  • So if a woman desires a career on an equal footing with her brothers, she should choose to remain childless? Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the fact that she was childless, she held an important place on the island.
  • Another form of Hebrew marriage was the so-called levirate type (from the Lat. levir, i.e. brother-in-law), i.e. the marriage between a widow, whose husband had died childless, and her brother-in-law. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • According to the National Marriage Project, the incidence of childlessness is growing across the socioeconomic scale. Forbes? YOU SUCK. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • Many childless couples adopt children.
  • This method has enabled many childless women to conceive.
  • The typical family may remain childless and consist only of a man and a woman.
  • Despite most of us being husbandless and childless with still fledging careers, it seems that single moms and working women are not the only ones guilty of skimping on sleep. Jasmeet Sidhu: The Young and the Sleepless
  • I heartily disagree about that disconnect between parents and childless people.
  • Matthew gives the legal pedigree through Solomon down to Joseph; Luke the real pedigree, from Mary, the real parent, through Nathan, brother of Solomon, upwards (Lu 3: 31). no man of his seed ... upon the throne -- This explains the sense in which "childless" is used. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Plot summary: a childless and infertile couple are digging in the garden and find a tree stump that looks like a baby.
  • These female spirits linger near the places where, in life, they met untimely and inauspicious deaths or died childless.
  • No single parents, no divorcees, no childless couples are welcome in this coalition.
  • Nearby, childless couples seek prayers and potions for fertility.
  • I wish I had some insight into the boobies/belly situation, but I'm childless and experienceless. How To Feed A Baby And Not Lose Consciousness Trying
  • A childless woman was regarded as an aberration, almost a social outcast.
  • The aunt and uncle took the little girl, who loved them, back into their childless home, and in motoring through another Province, left the child for a few days in another aunt's home, because there were children there. Canada's Problems in Relief and Assistance
  • It frees up Jewish women to be lifestyle hardcore feminist lesbians, childless careerists, eager concubines to alpha male minorities, or being early-on coed relationless, BJ artists to any goy that hooks up and springs for a nice night out. Rush Limbaugh accuses Obama of tearing his words out of their original parody context to stir up racial fears.
  • When a childless man discovers he has a terminal illness, he asks a female friend to help him become a father. The Sun
  • And just that morning, we had buried a childless woman who had lived 86 years without ever owning a car.
  • Childless, the youngest of three, with a hubby who also has no kids and very few relatives … I confront the queasiest geezer questions: Who will make decisions for me? Undefined
  • Barrie himself was childless, his own joyless marriage to Mary Ansell, a beautiful actress, ending in public ignominy when his wife had an affair.
  • Waugh revised this ending for the 1965 recension of the three works, and decided that Guy and his new wife Domenica should be childless.
  • Bryce, if you're so all-fired hot about people not being childless, carry them yourself.
  • How then, I ask you, are childless marriages any less of a nonfulfillment (whether or not by choice) of this most primary function of the "blessed partnership" that is "the cornerstone of all things American"? A Simple Challenge
  • The men I spoke to genuinely thought they'd completed their families then divorce hit and they hooked up with childless women. Times, Sunday Times
  • She resigns herself to remaining childless. The Sun
  • I spent large chunks of time unraveling relationships in a place where friends were called brothers, father was a term of respect, not necessarily an indication of paternity, and women with five daughters were described as childless. Spellbound
  • The A-frame was so small that only an unmarried person or a childless couple would tolerate it. TIES THAT BIND
  • The couple are childless - but instead they have a little terrier called Rose. The Sun
  • If you had died then -- _died childless_ -- I should have thanked God day and night. The Lamp of Fate
  • Jechonias may then have contracted a levirate marriage with the widow of the childless Neri, and begotten Salathiel, who was therefore the leviratical son of Neri. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • The house was emptier than ever, half-depeopled by death and guilt, and the burden that fell back upon Judith's shoulders was the heavier by two childless widows for whom she must make provision. The Rose Rent
  • Under the terms of this treaty each agreed that the other would inherit his kingdom should he die childless. 1066: and the Hidden History of the Bayeux Tapestry
  • A growing number of women are choosing to remain childless, or “childfree.” Mother May I? « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • The prospect of having to be childless added to her depression.
  • I found a number of books that focused on "childlessness" and being "childfree," but most of them focused only on women's experiences. Excerpt: Families of Two by Laura Carroll
  • Central to this paradise is a little girl, Magalena, with whom the childless pianist forms a fusional bond. Karin Badt: Paris is No Paradise: Benoit Jacquot's "Villa Amalia" with Isabelle Huppert
  • She is single, childless, and approaching middle age. The Times Literary Supplement
  • My children are in the unusual position of having only one cousin - on the other side of the globe - and a bevy of doting, but nevertheless, childless aunts and uncles.
  • The only way to avoid all this angst is to remain childless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fathers are also less positive about their relationships than are childless men. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women who ask for the help of a zaddik are usually childless, have difficulty giving birth, seek salvation from the zaddik through their husbands, or are agunot. Hasidic Hebrew Fiction: Portrayal of Women.
  • Well, your discussion of childbirth and raising a child only confirms my decision to remain childless, I must say! Misconceptions « Tales from the Reading Room
  • But she is childless and single. The Sun
  • The threshold for childless couples under pensionable age was 57 percent above income support levels.
  • Diamond's book will help scare bright and impressionable young people into childlessness, which is turning out to be a much worse problem for civilization than the deforestation that scares Diamond. Easterbrook vs. Diamond
  • You need these people to be your friends - your childless buddies will drop you like hot coals when the baby is born.
  • In other words, independents were neither more nor less likely than the affiliated to be childless, currently employed, or working in a non-manual occupation.
  • Long, who became palsgrave (1195-1211); in 1211 he resigned it to his son Henry the Younger, who d. childless (1214). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Supposing Blair is correct, and parents do espy special, precious things that childless adults never can, it would still be reassuring to know that these are not outweighed by the associated burdens of exhaustion, continual interruption and prime ministerial anxiety about how to blag a first-class education without going private. Surely Dave and Nick have got better things to do? | Catherine Bennett
  • The finding could lead to new screening tests and treatment for childless couples. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the other extreme, women still childless at 32 were more likely to be from a professional background.
  • Ah! I have nae male lineage, and I should bear with one I have made childless, though you are aware the blood-wit was made up to your ain satisfaction by assythment, and that I have since expedited letters of slains. Waverley
  • I wish I had some insight into the boobies/belly situation, but I’m childless and experienceless. How To Feed A Baby And Not Lose Consciousness Trying | Her Bad Mother
  • Certainly the best works and of greatest merit for the public have proceeded from the unmarried or childless men, which both in affection and means have married and endowed the public…. Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
  • Childless and twice married, the chairwoman of the Christian Democratic Union often comes off as reserved and self-effacing.
  • At six years old, I was adopted by a childless immigrant couple living in upstate New York, a Irish stone mason-carpenter and his wife.
  • Women who make partner are disproportionately unmarried or divorced, and childless.
  • It was on the outskirts of the village and belonged to an elderly, childless couple.
  • Zavos says his ultimate aim is merely to produce ‘a technology that can give an infertile and childless couple the right to have a child.’
  • There are small families and big, extended families, multigenerational families and childless families.
  • I was trying to convince myself that I wanted to remain childless, as so many people I know are forgoing children by choice. The Powerful Equation of Love
  • The typical family may remain childless and consist only of a man and a woman.
  • Smokers and childless women are known to go through the menopause at a younger age than other women.
  • There is a tendency to stereotype childless women as being hard and career-orientated.
  • After much soul searching and having determined the husband was infertile, the childless couple decided to try artificial insemination.
  • These different levels of adoption allow grandparents or childless siblings to maintain multigenerational domestic units.
  • All the above she has done while remaining childless, which she does not appear to regret in the slightest. Times, Sunday Times
  • The niece's son was the main beneficiary of the childless George's estate.
  • Shemaiah was angry at Jeremiah's advice to the captives to see to the building up of their families in Babylon, that they might be increased and not diminished, and therefore justly is he written childless there. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • He was a short, energetic man, modest in his tastes and happily married, though childless.
  • She decided to pass him on to an uncle and aunt who were childless. Times, Sunday Times
  • A childless couple with a weekly income of 217 would be on the poverty line. Times, Sunday Times
  • I agree that she is wrong to associate feminism in total as culprit to 'childlessness'. Oh, Rebecca, Rebecca: Forgive Your Mother Already!
  • The non-smoking section was made up of an amalgamation of typical middle Tennessee -- a middle aged woman in capris, with a Coach bag and fine highlights; an interior designer meeting with a client; two young couples: one with two adorable little boys dressed in madras pants and polo shirts with the collar up, the other childless, faces pinched at the noise. The Great Character Co-opt
  • What emerges from this confusing and laborious biography is an incomplete portrait of a complex, childless woman who shaped the way we think and look. Times, Sunday Times
  • It turns out that both childed and childless couples experience declines in marital happiness--it's just that the sudden stress of having a baby can bring it on in one fell swoop instead of gradually. Before you get your dander up
  • Childless, her condition provided my earliest impression of the fragility of life.
  • As a result, powerful men of high status throughout human history attained very high reproductive success, leaving a large number of offspring legitimate and otherwise, while countless poor men died mateless and childless. Ten Politically Incorrect Truths About Human Nature | Impact Lab
  • A woman who chooses to remain childless is no less of a woman than one who chooses motherhood. Tick Tock that Biological Clock - Feministing
  • Thus a childless couple would pay 350 pengös of income tax for every 100 pengös paid by a husband and wife of the same income with five children.
  • At the other extreme, women still childless at 32 were more likely to be from a professional background.
  • The typical family may remain childless and consist only of a man and a woman.
  • And here we must extend the term childless marriages to cover households in which the children have grown up and gone their own way, leaving the parents alone together: a point at which many worthy couples discover for the first time that they have long since lost interest in one another, and have been united only by a common interest in their children. Getting Married
  • Perhaps surprisingly, in view of her childless marriages and rackety life, Kar seems to have been fond of children, and produced some lively family groups, in which all participants seem happily and messily engaged. Portraits of the artists
  • There has been a low rumble from deep within the community about the rights of the childless.
  • They are widowed, or have never married, and are generally childless.
  • Our proposal multiplies benefits as the number of children increases, and provides additional benefits to childless taxpayers.
  • I call it "childlessness" or one of -- one of the costs that is -- that are so high in this country. CNN Transcript - Sunday Morning News: What is the Price of Motherhood? - February 18, 2001
  • Initially, the medieval alchemists' tiny homunculi were regarded as a benign cure for childlessness. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It is based on a fairy tale about a childless couple who adopt a tree stump that looks like a baby.
  • In my world, being single and childless is seen as a bit of a failure. Times, Sunday Times
  • thirtysomething" -- new mother Hope is at a business dinner and everyone, including her childless best friend is ignoring her. Popular Posts Across MetaFilter
  • We don't need some snot-nosed childless know-it-all telling us how to raise our kids.
  • At the other extreme, women still childless at 32 were more likely to be from a professional background.
  • Single and childless, she runs a design studio in Manchester. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you did not like pictures of cuddly teddies and pussycats when you were carefree and childless, there is no good reason for you to like them now.
  • The childless-by-choice generation are a world away from the image of weepy Bridget Jones characters.
  • The phone calls were fewer, the visits were fewer; the friendship, all told, was left to languish in the dustheap of obligations from my previous, childless life. Around The Corner, I Had A Friend | Her Bad Mother
  • The idea of courtship, of osculatory processes, of marrying and giving in marriage, made this elderly virgin chafe and fume, she never having, at any period of her life, indulged in any such ideas or practices, and being angry against them, as childless wives will sometimes be angry and testy against matrons with their prattle about their nurseries. The Newcomes
  • They are widowed, or have never married, and are generally childless.
  • Fathers are also less positive about their relationships than are childless men. Times, Sunday Times
  • Childless men, especially those with a broken marriage, were more likely to be ambitious, highly educated professionals.
  • But if she was childless, the next of kin of her husband must beget one son by her; he did not _marry_ her, and his connection with her _ceased on the birth of a son_. On The Structure of Greek Tribal Society: An Essay
  • The fact that it was childless was cited as one reason for its collapse.
  • 'Well,' said Lady Camper, 'a veteran General of Brigade is as good a crutch as a childless old grannam can have. ' Case of General Ople
  • Infertility was a deeply distressing problem and childless couples would go to great lengths to raise money to fund treatment, he said.
  • The men I spoke to genuinely thought they'd completed their families then divorce hit and they hooked up with childless women. Times, Sunday Times
  • But both prefer the mirror to any sexual object, and both remain childless, barren of natural humanity.
  • Others, upon consideration, are secure and still satisfied with their earlier choice to remain childless, or what many in that category prefer to call child-free. The Full Feed from
  • In Act Two the barren Lady Kix, lamenting her childless and unfruitful state, is overhead by Touchwood Senior.
  • She might be out of patience with Sara's "contrariness," but she spoiled and petted her for all that, for the girl was the very core of her childless heart. Further Chronicles of Avonlea
  • I am 43, single and childless. Times, Sunday Times
  • For these were the rewards of the old Covenant; and nothing then was feared so much as widowhood, childlessness, untimely mournings, to be visited with famine, to have their affairs go on unprosperously. NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
  • Alone among the usurpers of the 15th century, he was fortunate to have slain his childless predecessor in battle.
  • The play is set in the sea-side boarding housekept by a childless couple.

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