How To Use Childbed In A Sentence
Is there any real evidence that women in childbed were more prone to the nightmare, though?
He worries for his sister, now the last member of his immediate family left in France, and is forever urging her to visit, although having just risen from childbed, she cannot.
Exit the Actress
To such as lie in childbed ob suppressam purgationem; but to nuns and more ancient maids, and some barren women for the causes abovesaid, 'tis more familiar, crebrius his quam reliquis accidit, inquit Rodericus, the rest are not altogether excluded.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Charlotte in childbed; it has turned to a royal daughter whose death meets no divine design, only "inscrutable decrees.
Scepticism and Its Costs: Hemans's Reading of Byron
Semmelweis noticed that at the doctor-staffed clinic, about 10% of the women died of something called childbed fever.
Archive 2010-03-01
To these belong Bright's disease, which very often turns into pulmonary consumption, greensickness or chlorosis, anaemia, continued febrile diseases, severe chronic suppuration, chronic catarrh of the stomach, frequent pregnancies, childbed diseases.
Prof. Koch's Method to Cure Tuberculosis Popularly Treated
When Francesca was in childbed after Rosemary and Arthur were born, she was so ill as to never be quite sure of what was going on around her.
For many, service to Christ constituted the only creditable alternative to matrimony and childbed.
Childbirth fever (This is also called childbed fever, postpartum infection, or puerperal infection.)
Chapter 33
The finest hospitals lost one out of six young mothers to the scourge of ‘childbed fever.’
His late wife, "pretty Mrs. Frescheville," had died in childbed on May 22nd, 1653.
Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple (1652-54)
It occurs to me... my mother lay down twice in childbed for the House of Chalion.
Mathilde was still in childbed, of course, having been delivered safely of a girl on the morning after the storm.
He afterwards says (p. 280) that Galla died in childbed; and intimates, that the affliction of her husband was extreme but short.] 112 Lycopolis is the modern
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
In the 1840s, Ignaz Semmelweiss's lonely battle to get the medical establishment to accept that doctors were spreading childbed fever from mother to mother cost him his job and his sanity though his prickly personality didn't help.
Is That Scientific Heretic a Genius—or a Loon?
Such was the devastation of puerperal, or childbed, fever, which stormed European and American maternity wards for over a century.
One must be able to think back the way to unknown places … and to partings long foreseen, to days of childhood … and to parents … to days on the sea … to nights of travel … and one must have memories of many nights of love, no two alike … and the screams of women in childbed … one must have sat by the dying, one must have sat by the dead in a room with open windows ….
Rainer maria rilke | the notebooks of malte laurids brigge « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
He himself had been born after the Restoration, only to have his mother die, as hers had, in childbed.
She died – probably in childbed – in November of next year (1654), and was buried at Petworth with her infant son.
Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple (1652-54)
The belief in fairies was universal, and their power was specially dreaded in the case of women in childbed and of unbaptised infants.